~ We Have Entered the Exciting Month of June~ Transit Here we come~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 06/01/2012 - 10:34


Greetings Love Beings, Welcome to the Exciting Energy Events of June. Yesterday many of us worked dilegently at balancing the Feminine Energy for Our Upcoming Transit. It was Intersting. However, we did accomplsih task, and will be Well Prepared for the Transit Energy event of the Feminine Balance. We Love You, We will Have More about this In Our Upcoming Update. Love The Earth Allies

Best Of UFO Sightings Of May 2012, AFO


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prayer requests


If one of you has a list, I would be glad to link into it.


Anyways..here is mine.


1) There is another out this way. As glad as my time serving alongside him has been, I must depart ways with him and head back to the Federation and its ways and councils and worlds. He, however, may be joining some of you on many levels and places with the work yet to finish here. He is well known and although I dont specifically mention his name for obvious security reasons, many of you know about him. He is the reason I brought up the SEAL thing the other day.


(Please dont let me catch anyone disrecpecting them...I do not take lightly to this.Not one bit.)


He will be staying until the end. He is not doing well. Continued infection is setting in and he needs some help. The doctors here we are told to use as veterans are a joke.Last i heard he was heading for another clinic or hospital. This was some weeks ago.


I need to speak with him, I only had a brief moment a short time ago and he was half dazed due to oral surgery. I know how that can be. Ive been there many times. We need to go over a few topics, he has some of my hardware I can now use if some can finish finding me a place to stay.

Im still in waiting game.


2)  Im more in question as to why she is apart from me right now. Mayhaps a change in personal image is in order..you will see what i mean in a second.


This is deeply personal to me.This is one I care for deeply.


The second entity Ive deeply cared for (mascot, if some of you will), is not with me. She has some issues she needs help with and I am concerned about her. Heidi needs to come back to me.I was most happy in care of her and only wanted the best for her, I think she saw that.


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Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~29~12 The Release of the Golden Energy


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Renate Hechenberger – The Ascension Process – Explained Again…



Renate Hechenberger – The Ascension Process – Explained Again… – 31 May 2012

Ascension is about the bringing of layers of light, the force existing within the levels of our spiritual bodies (our Multidimensional God Selves) by descending these layers into matter and anchoring them into the physical plane of reality. Simultaneously, Ascension is a shift in energetic frequency patterns held in a dimensional space which, when absorbed and activated into the layers of the planetary and human bio-energetic field, activates its DNA template instruction set. This catalyzes a chain of events that creates a complete transformation and transmutation of various patterns and programs held in the energetic templates of the Human Soul’s journey within a cycle of evolutionary time. When activated, these patterns begin to shift, re-emerge and clear from the layers of experiences coded into every cell and memory pattern held as an energetic vibration within the bodies.


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The sum of all thoughts: Awareness creates!


Uploaded 30 May 2012 by


Dear Ascension Pioneers!

Know that it’s awareness that creates our reality, not just our thoughts. This is the sum of all our thoughts, beliefs and core patterns, which are not just that of the conscious, but that which lies in our subconscious, which is the realm of the hidden. This time between the two eclipses is the most powerful one for revealing to us the hidden and unknown, for us embracing the shadow and see what still lies there, waiting to us to permeate it with Light. So take advantage of this energy, for we are within immense spiritual growth now!

Within Divine Love, Polona



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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~31~12 The Very Successful Lightfilled May! ~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~31~12



Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ The Very Successful Lightfilled May! ~


Photo Taken By Earth Ally Will Harader Golden Kitty Cat Downloading Kitty Cat Energy Codes from Lyria for Humanity's Awakening. The Gotcha Pose~




Greetings Love Beings,



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Believing,believability,belief systems, are all egoic conditioned mind reactive unconscious deluded disidentification from the soul, living in identification with the conditioned unconscious reactive controlling superior,condescending ego mind. This activity of continually looking into these specific thought forms within , and words from others, as a support system to keep the conditioned ego mind’s control mechanism of needing conflict to stay in tact ,is the reason for all war. Not just war in the generalized sense of the word where two or more nations come together and use guns and bombs and spy drones to kill one another. I’m speaking of the war that takes place everywhere including the warzones that are found in the media’s talk about war. This kind of war I speak of, is the war in which the ego needs for it to stay in tact, yet what those who identify completely with the conditioned ego mind, is that they currently fail to realize that no matter how much they identify with the conditioned ego mind’s reactivity that keeps it in conflict with all life, including the soul within, is that this will not stop the being within everyone, from continually learning,growing and expanding from their experience of being.

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UFO Report: sightings update May 2012


UFO Report: sightings update May 2012


Laveno Mombello (VA) Italy: hundreds report to have seen up to 8 colored spheres hoovering over the lake, as their movement was going both up and down and left and right, all "usual" explanation is cut off.


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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 1 June 2012



Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 1 June 2012

This year you have come a long way in such a short time, and our allies have progressed to the point where their efforts are about to pay off. At times it has been a precarious journey, as the more successful you have been in anchoring the Light upon the Earth, the more the dark Ones have been determined to halt your progress. Yet you have risen to the challenge, and the possibility of you being stopped before you have reached your goal has passed. It is therefore plain sailing from hereon, as our plan unfolds and almost everything is in place for the final thrust. Timing as always is the biggest factor at present, and when we get the signal to go ahead matters will move forward very quickly.


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Heavenletter #4207 The Truth of Your Own Heart


Heavenletter #4207 The Truth of Your Own Heart, June 1, 2012 

God said: 

There are times when you have to stand up for yourself. And I am yourSelf. There is a difference between ego and yourself, Myself within you. There are times when you have to stand up to the Truth of you. Do not let anyone or anything dissuade you from the Truth of your own heart.

There have been times when you let Yourself down. You downplay Yourself. You give over Yourself in order to win favor. You think there is some kind of reward for you. You listen to the logic of the world. And you sacrifice your truth for another's truth or convenience.


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Earthrise is here on May 31st, 2012.


May 31st, 2012 We are so close for the big event we all have been waiting for. Keep your Light shining and don't let distractions get you off course. Stay in the positive, not the negative. The ego will fall. Be the Light for the many who will awaken once the big event happens. Earthrise is here.


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Breath Of Terra Host Teresa, Proudly Presents... Twin Flames.




➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢

Breath Of Terra

Breath Of Terra Host Teresa, Proudly Presents... Twin Flames.

With Guest Mother Father God, Andrea, Denize.


When you go through the transfiguration event...

you become a Fully conscious Being and you RE-Member everything...
and this is Humanity Destiny...MFG

WE then had clarity to the great process of the EGO,
We are now holding a FUNERAL PARTY for the EGO... yes it must die! In order for us to become ONE! Because we are LOVE in all ways we are love!


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 5/31/12




Straight communication is the procedure when you wish to relay your thoughts clearly and concisely, without any risk of confusion and misunderstanding. There are times that we observe your posts and comments in the public forums of your online social networks where we perceive difficulties in your communications with each other. What we are suggesting is a much more direct form of communication between each of you through the means of word choice. What we would like to see is an improved form of communication necessitated by a more concise use of the language you speak. The end result would be much clearer communications between you.

We would like to see each of you begin to choose words that cut through the murky waters of confusion and rhetoric. We would like to see you each make your points to each other much more clearly and much more succinctly. Getting to the point faster and explaining your point of view much more briefly are the improvements that we feel will benefit you in the forms of better communications and a reduction in the amount of misunderstandings, and at times, confusion.


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Strange lights over Blue Springs Missouri: Mystery UFO's continue to baffle residents



'They've inundated our newsroom with calls and e-mails... Those strange lights over Blue Springs....We still don't know what these things are, but we do know more people are seeing them, in fact we're still getting calls as we speak..." KCTV5 Missouri

Blue Springs residents aren't the only ones scratching their heads over the strange lights which have become frequent nocturnal visitors, the station reports.

Full story with links:  http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/12284357-strange-lights-over-blue-springs-missouri-mystery-ufos-continue-to-baffle-residents

The Missouri UFO Network has been overwhelmed with the number of calls that they are getting from residents spotting the pulsing multi-coloured sphere in the sky.

Missouri's station KCTV5 has also been inundated with calls since a report May 24th was first aired, including calls from people from around the world confirming that they have seen the same glowing objects.


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Aloha Blossoming - Big Island Love, The Dalai Lama on Ethics




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To Awakened and Ascending Souls ! Continued


...... I learned to shove down or sublimate my experiences.


  My contact with E.T.'s started in 1987 though many of those were fuzzy and strange , dream like. My experiences varied from uplifting and positive with benevolent types to battle with malevolent deceptive creatures. The latter always ended with me ultimately recognizing the deception and I would become aggressive and disrupt their studies.


After 2002 it seemed my nights were full of exciting adventures with vivid recall of being a light warrior fighting dark entities on behalf of the light my son Christian seemed to always be at my side and we would wake often with shared memories. This all seemed to be just fantastical dreams, daylight would come and my environment was such that household discussion of these events and experiences were not understood or warmly encouraged.


In the first week of November 2011, I woke in the morning with a vision of a bright lime green worm hole in front of me, I closed my eyes and focused on it and moved my consciousness into it. I found myself lying on my back on a mat in a large room. I was enjoying the sounds of intricate electric guitar that seemed to be everywhere. As I listened I realized that I was controlling and creating the music, seamlessly and effortlessly. I heard the sound of footsteps approaching and then the voice of a woman , she said " you finally made it " , " we have been waiting for you "  I said where am I ? she said " you have made a trans dimensional trip " and " you are here for training" .. I was told that the energies are different and a higher vibrational level, I would adapt quickly and I will be prepared for changes that are going to occur... I came back out of the worm hole into my bed fully awake.. the next night my education began.



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Sal Rachelle ~ May/June 2012 Newsletter



Sal Rachelle ~ May/June 2012 Newsletter

Sal Rachele’s May/June Newsletter | May 30 2012

The Venus Transit

My birthday happens to coincide with the Venus transit, which is June 5th for the USA and June 6th for most of the rest of the world. This means I have Venus conjunct my natal chart as well as the current transit, which magnifies the energies even more. Astrology is a relatively minor influence, but these days anything that influences us can serve as a catalyst for growth and awakening.


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Bruce Springsteen Calls Bankers ‘Greedy Thieves’



Bruce Springsteen Calls Bankers ‘Greedy Thieves’

2012 MAY 31
Posted by GLR Stephen Cook

Bruce Springsteen in Berlin. Photo:EPA

Bruce Springsteen Calls Bankers ‘Greedy Thieves’

Stephen: This story isn’t quite as remarkable for its content as for the fact it has now appeared all over the world, in both mainstream media and across social media platforms. Just Google “Springsteen calls bankers greedy thieves”and see how many links you get… 

So, with a bit of help from legendary E-Streeter Bruce, this not-so-subtle anti-Wall Street message is being drummed in - literally – across theworld’s stage.


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~ Very Important Message from Humanity's Earth Allies~ Please Share~







And so it is. Our BIGGEST Wish is Your FREEDOM. Once you remember Your Reality, You go back to What You Really ARE.

And what You Really Are is Joy, and Love.

Made of the most wonderful Light, so bright that if you’d allow yourself to see it when you look at yourself, you might as well get scared at first, as there’s no such bright Light here on Earth. Thus, there are no mistakes... YOU ARE THAT VERY LIGHT.


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5/31/2012 -- Severe weather outlook = Tropics, West, Midwest, North, and South USA


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Mike Adams – Hidden History Of Organized Medicine Revealed In NaturalNews Investigative Report




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A Message from the Earth Allies~ All Eyes are On Planet Earth=Heart


~ A Message from the Earth Allies~



ALL the Eyes are on Planet Earth=Heart To watch Creation Occur, in a way that has never occurred before. A Love Story, Where Everyone Awakens as ONE, where The Circuit has Been Completed, and an Even Grander Creation begins. This requires the Whole Planet's Participation, and is why Everyone must Awaken this year of 2012.


Truth, Love and Creation are just like a Symphony and this Unfoldment on Planet Earth is So Unique and is The Grandest Event that that has occurred in all of Creation. The Event of a Humanity of GOD, that traveled to the depths of illusion and then to rise up, to Play their Part, within the Symphony of Creation. Each Atom carries a Note and each Instrument must Play. Each of Humanity as a Unique God Spark, have a Note within Creation to Play, just as each Atom that makes everything up. ALL parts Make the Whole, and Complete the Circuit. This Moment has arrived~



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~A Message from the Earth Allies~ ~Humanity as Stargate Love~


~A Message from the Earth Allies~






~Love is the First Stargate, Doorway, and the Only Stargate. This stargate is located Within all of Humanity and is the Being Called the Soul, connected to ALL Love IS. The Soul is actually the Real Dream Machine and is Like an Energy Translator. The Soul is actually the Screen of the Sub~Consciousness, Source. But, if it goes through a filter or unconsciousness, it gets distorted, which is what happened that brought humanity into illusion.


So, for 13,000 years for Humanity it has been like a sleepy dream, fantasy land, or as we refer to as as never never land, because it cannot go anywhere. Since Humanity is Source, the process everyone is in is in burning through the unconsciousness, Unifying your Soul to your Being, Reconnection to Source=Creation= ALL Love is=ONE=INEVITABLITY.





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Europe IS NOT Collapsing! It's being REBORN!


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Marijana Pontoni – Open Letter To A Prisoner – 1 June 2012



Marijana Pontoni – Open Letter To A Prisoner – 1 June 2012

For quite some time I have followed and actively participated in translating messages and articles about the world awakening. I learn something every day, something new that amazes me and makes my eyes wider than they were when I went to sleep the evening before. But, I realized with time, real change cannot manifest without our direct participation.


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Suzanne Lie – Mytre/Mytria – Mytria Speaks : Under Starry Skies – 1 June 2012



Suzanne Lie – Mytre/Mytria – Mytria Speaks : Under Starry Skies – 1 June 2012

When Mytre ran away from me, I was sure my heart would break. When I mentioned the Vision Quest I had spoken from within, without hesitation. And now, I have lost him. How could I have used such harsh words? I spent the rest of day inside the cave feeling worse than I could ever remember. How could I go from such wonderful heights of ecstasy and then plummet into deep despair. Had I lost all touch with my inner peace just because I had lost a man? However, he was not just any man. He was my Divine Complement, my Twin Flame. That is what the inner voice said, and my heart agreed.


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Radical Shift: The Venus Transit of 2012 a message from Celia Fenn



Radical Shift: The Venus Transit of 2012 a message from Celia Fenn




I think by now most people will have become aware that we are passing through a very powerful series of Energy Adjustments and Recalibrations. These commenced with the Equinox in March and have been ongoing, building towards the Venus Transit on the 6th of June. Archangel Michael did say in the January transmission that the Venus Transit would be one of the two power points in this year, and it is surely proving to be just so.


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Doubt?... again another 'preaching' from Me, Predrag Saint Germain, undoubtful one and never questioning dud?... right?... wrong?... or both?...



When you bring your attention to intention of doubt, is this what you manifest in your surroundings, in your body, in your relations, in your energy field that extend kilometers’ and miles around your physical you?...


When you wake up, do you have doubt that this dream looks so real that must be a dream only?... Do you even allow self to imagine slight possibility this dream actually exists, and that is actually happening right now?... and only difference is that you only allow small glimpses of truth to bleed through through the veil of your 'doubt and drama you'?...


When you read or watch video filled with new views, paradigms, information’s... what is it that you are listening and what is that you are hearing in your lovely head?... Your own doubts, or information’s, where You simply allow these information to be presented to you, for your experience, and raise these data to one truth?...


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Lisa Gawlas - Energetic Reboot May 31st – Where Are We Today??




Yesterday, the last day of May felt like a planetary reboot!  I have never been so knocked off my own axis in a very long long time.

My first attempt at reading really started me wondering what was happening.  I couldn’t even pick up the first light particle for my lady at all.  Nothing, nada.  Even trying to hold a coherent conversation was becoming a challenge.  I really had to work my brain to formulate sentences that made sense.

I decided to take a bath before my 2nd reading, hoping I can find some charge to at least see a connection…nope!  The only thing I was able to witness in this attempt at meditation was my entire team from the Pleiades in a portal of energy directly above my heart, looking down and smiling.  That visual lasted long enough for me to notice, then it went away.   I was not finding any of this something to smile about!!!

So, since I was already in my bath I figured I will do something constructive while there.  I took out my double helix DNA and decided to have a go at releasing what I no longer need.

There is something about doing these exercises in a complete and full void that was really disheartening.  As soon as I put my hand on that DNA strand all of a sudden my mind worried about releasing something I loved.  The moment I had that strange thought I put my DNA back, stunned really.  Then I just laughed at myself.  Since when am I worried about releasing something I love.  I am not even sure what was at the root of that thought and maybe, in truth, I didn’t want to know.

I eventually got over myself and brought back that strand and milked it.  I squeezed the strand hard and I could feel something gathering with the downward stroke.  As soon as I got to the very bottom of the strand I heard a ping, like a pebble dropping into my bathtub.  Being in the void I had no way of know what it was, I just know something was removed.

I got out and attempted my 2nd reading… again, a complete blank screen.  Not even a small molecule of light.  I have been in and out of the void all year-long, but always have been able to at least pick up some sort of light… not yesterday!

After rescheduling yet another reading, I decided to sit down and have brunch and watch my boys (Jon Steward and Steven Colbert) on HuluPlus.  I figured I would be grounding and not thinking all at the same time, coupled by some good giggles.

Keep in mind, I get TV thru my DVD blue-ray wifi connection only.  I don’t have cable.  The TV started doing things I have never ever seen it do before.  First it was flickering in and out like a strobe light.  I rebooted the DVD player, same thing happened.  I rebooted again.  Then it just buffered and buffered but oddly enough, in the same exact place each time.

I felt like I was truly in an episode of the twilight zone!  I took to my Galaxy S phone, it was flickering in and out… then would just crash.

What the hell????


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Return of the Goddess - 6-5-2012


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help me, please


my fiancee is afraid because she doesn't understand me. at times i don't understand me. how can i protect her, and myself, from those who do not believe. i love her more than anything. more than anything...



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Oracle Report ~ Friday, June 1, 2012



Friday, June 1, 2012


Gibbous Moon Phase

The ancients taught that the Gibbous Moon phase was a time when trust in the processes of the Universe led to wisdom.  A spectacular process of the Universe, the historic Venus transit of June 5-6, energetically begins today.  Venus transits bring dramatic overhaul of relationships and values.  Astrologically, Mars will square the Venus transit, which will produce "right turns" in these areas, often through strong forces of action, even aggression.  The energy has been unusually aggressive since the New Moon and the Solar Eclipse - which was called the Ring of Fire Eclipse.  The energy has also been exceptionally emotional, changeable, and mutable since then.  Communication has also been the focus of challenge and the focus of release.  All of this has been a set up for the Venus transit which will effect the microcosm of our interpersonal relationships and values, and the macrocosm of humanity's relationships and values in a specific way: the status quo is going to change.  


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EARTH ALLIES 31.5.2012... Archangel Michael on Bill Brockbrader and Disagreement Among Lightworkers...


Archangel Michael on Bill Brockbrader and Disagreement Among Lightworkers

2012 May 29
Posted by Steve Beckow

Archangel Michael returns this week to discuss Bill Brockbrader’s case and the current disagreements among lightworkers. He looks at the contributions of lightworkers who rely on channeled information, versus lightworkers who rely on insider and whistleblower testimony, and reviews what channeled sources say will be happening in the near future.  Jesus joins us briefly to discuss the importance of forgiveness as we head into the mass arrests.

An Hour with an Angel, May 28, 2012, with Archangel Michael



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~Space Weather Update~ A yawning dark fissure~


ISS TRANSIT OF VENUS: High above Earth, astronaut Don Pettit is about to become the first human to witness and photograph a transit of Venus from space. His images and commentary will be streamed to Earth during the crossing. [full story] [video]


VENUS SIGHTINGS: Venus is approaching the sun for an historic transit on June 5th and 6th. Sky watchers accustomed to seeing the Goddess of Love shining brightly in the evening sky are having to look harder than usual as Venus plunges into the glare:




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Laura Tyco – TAUK with my Higher Self 31 May 2012 – Listen to the Collective Consciousness and to Mother Earth



Laura Tyco – TAUK with my Higher Self 31 May 2012 – Listen to the Collective Consciousness and to Mother Earth


The message for today is simple. At the present time you will feel drawn within your own body more and more. You will learn now to listen to your inner self for advice and guidance. Close your eyes, and allow yourself to connect to the collective consciousness, and to Mother Earth. Learn to listen to your inner compass, by using your life force as a beacon of light. Anchor yourself to your spinal cord. Listen to the life given from above. It is connected to the highest purest form of energy.


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Marlene Swetlishoff – Archangel Gabriel – 31 May 2012



Marlene Swetlishoff – Archangel Gabriel – 31 May 2012

Beloved Ones,

We wish to have discourse on the quality of Love known as support. This quality is one that is an enabling, encouraging one. When one person is in need in their life, another that cares for them utilizes this quality in whatever way seems best to give courage, inspiration, hope and forbearance to the one in need. This quality is one that is manifested often from the Angelic realms as they respond to your calls for assistance. It is a way to help lighten the load of another to uplift their spirit to a happier mood.


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Earth Meditation: Terra Sacra




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From Jennifer Farley – 5/31/2012





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Unknown Light Artist


What is an Ascended Master Activity?



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THURSDAY, MAY 31, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Watch on YouTube
by GLR Ute 

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all Souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.


Dear Ones,

Today we come to you with an important mission. And we believe that this mission meets your needs, visions and deepest hopes, regarding the development of your planet and your own evolution.


We would like to state, that we are communicating with you to remove every fear and all doubts that you may carry, - and if you do, it is a very old fear and doubt – regarding our positive and benevolent participation and support in your ascension process.


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This Power needs no force


It’s taken several days to get my heart around today’s message.  The hesitation springs from a reticence to force action.  Force is what has been typically used to accomplish any effort on this planet; with war, punishment, law, coercion and power.  Images of impending battle and rising up to conquer, reach deep within us and inspire.  A heroic victory led by one valiant leader – this is what movies are made of.


The Return of the Goddess yields no such images, yet this power is beyond anything we’ve seen thus far. This power needs no such force; it is your very essence.  You’ve been lied to.


Love has been purposely downplayed.  This is like the story of the Animal School: http://www.janebluestein.com/handouts/animal.html . In this school there were no leaders, no stars, and no extraordinary animals.  This was because they were all tested in the same manner and their scores averaged or “normed”.  There was a swimming test, a flying test, a running test, etc.  The birds aced the flying test by failed all the others, the fish excelled at swimming and the rabbit at running.  Each animal went home believing fully in their mediocrity, when in fact they were all stars.


We are about to finally realize our own brilliance.  Man or woman, our true strength cannot be separated from the love that we are.  Our greatest moments come quietly and are experienced deeply.


In order for balance to be reached there must be an equal and opposing force to what is now here.  This planet has been ruled these many years by powerful masculine energy.  This is the energy of facts and figures; single and divisive, controlling and owning.  What is needed now is love.



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Venus Transit 2012 ~ Part 2 focus on venus


2012 Venus Transit Eclipse Portal
Subtle Strawberry Full Moon Eclipse
Humanity Attracts a Gemini Awakening
June 4-6, 2012

2004 Venus Transit


Venus Transit 2012 - Part 2


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Excerpts From The Apocryphon of John




"This is the pentad of the aeons of the Father, which is the first man, the image of the invisible Spirit; it is the forethought, which Barbelo, and the thought, and the foreknowledge, and the indestructibility, and the eternal life, and the truth. This is the androgynous pentad of the aeons, which is the decad of the aeons, which is the Father.

"And he looked at Barbelo with the pure light which surrounds the invisible Spirit, and (with) his spark, and she conceived from him. He begot a spark of light with a light resembling blessedness. But it does not equal his greatness. This was an only-begotten child of the Mother-Father which had come forth; it is the only offspring, the only-begotten one of the Father, the pure Light (The Christ).....................................




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Today WE signed up !




(post editorial - I is one is family)

for a great awakening of the divine feminine


for free energy

and to serve in ways I don't yet understand

but know they are deep and meaningful 

and for the purest of love and light

I feel trust despite the past

because this vibration is beautiful


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Hannah Beaconsfield – The Pleiadian Light – Bridging The Emptiness – Disengaging The Ego From Its 3D Connections



Hannah Beaconsfield – The Pleiadian Light – Bridging The Emptiness – Disengaging The Ego From Its 3D Connections – 1 June 2012

Bridging the Emptiness

Disengaging the Ego from Its 3D Connections

Transformation. The winds of change that are blowing through your world consciousness are creating new patterns of reality. Part of pattern creation is pattern destruction. This is the breaking down of old forms to make way for new ones.

Many aspects of the old reality are used to create the new patterns of the transformed planetary unit. Old patterns are incorporated into the new.


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Visionkeeper – Heading For Change – 1 June 2012



Visionkeeper – Heading For Change – 1 June 2012

(picture by www.favim.com)

On June 5th there will be a rare transit of Venus across the face of the sun and this will not be seen again until 2117. Venus is the feminine planet of love and in joining up with the sun, we can only hope this will bring the loving feminine qualities to earth that are so desperately needed to balance out the war mindset of the masculine now destroying our planet. Change is in the air and we best be ready for it. 


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Bill Ballard ~ Mount Shasta ~ Venus Transit ~ The Time Is Now To Chose If You Wanna Go For 5D positive Timeline Or Not


Bill Ballard ~ Mount Shasta ~ Venus Transit ~ The Time Is Now To Chose If You Wanna Go For 5D positive Timeline Or Not ~ 31 May 2012

I'm heading to Shasta with so many others for the Venus Transit. Many of us know and are openly stating the 5D energies are here now. No need to wait until June 21 for focusing together on Manifesting New 5D Earth. The time is NOW! Please share this info with everyone you know. The Venus transit will be a choice for all of humanity of the timelines we will collectively experience. This is one of the Most Holy times ever on Earth… Please join in with your focused intent!


It is very interesting how my lightbody was bending the light in this video. Notice how the LIGHT comes around the throat chakra and then bends around and radiates all over my shirt. Very cool as it happens as the power of the words were coming through as I spoke. That is a divine sync! I could not have planned or even set up that one!

Bill Ballard




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The manuscript of survival – part 147



The manuscript of survival – part 147

 •June 1, 2012 • 


Let us being todays missive by probing a little bit further into the past, as the past is indeed an important place for you all. Not to get stuck in, as so many have chosen to do, but to use as a launching pad for the future. Let us explain. In order for mankind to realize that it needs to do some very important changes, it is always useful to open one’s eyes and take a good look around. And when we say ”around”, we imply both your physical surroundings but also your timeline. In other words, lift your focus from the tip of your feet and survey everything that is surrounding you on all sides. As you might be very familiar with this practice already, we venture to guess that what you saw when you did just that, enabled you to start tearing yourselves away from it all. In other words, those still sleepwalking in their daily lives are not the ones reading these words at the moment, because they have not even touched upon the idea that something is amiss and needs to be corrected, not only in their own life, but in the world around them. 


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2012 Venus Transit Eclipse Portal


2012 Venus Transit Eclipse Portal
Subtle Strawberry Full Moon Eclipse
Humanity Attracts Gemini Awakening
June 4-6, 2012

2004 Venus Transit

Venus Transit 2012: Part 1


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Bilderberg Meeting 2012, LIST OF PARTICIPANTS - Glowing Gold Love





Glowing Gold Love from each Heart



Global Research, May 31, 2012



GFP: Let me see if I can make this article what I see it should be like... another oppurtunity to BE that We Are=One Love.

Here's a list of being that forgot what Love is, and more important, they forgot They Are Love and One with All=God.


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ATHENA. Kindness And Gratitude: The Cornerstones Of The Ascension Process. By, AuroRa Le.



ATHENA. Kindness And Gratitude: The Cornerstones Of The Ascension Process. By, AuroRa Le. June 1, 2012

✿ Dear Children, it is with a heart overfilled with love and good wishes that I come to you this sunny morn.  Sunny and abundant it is, for we are closer than ever to the realization of our dream.  Yes, our dream, yours and mine and that of the Legions of the Heavenly Realms.  So, indulge me if you would, my darlings, in my joyous ramblings, for I am of a mind to bring in June on a pleasing note!



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