The Fae'rea are excited about June and want to share with you

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 06/01/2012 - 11:37

Hello fae'rea- Do you have some messages for us today?

Yes on this first day for June we want to say that sun is coming this month (wooo hoooo!)..There is the obvious Summer Solstice happening this month, and it is a metaphor for greater light coming in, an apex that you have not experienced.


Things are shifting toward more love and less thinking all the time. Ahh, even less doing you will be happy to hear. More “being” is possible this month. The collective is making the jump. I see a jump over lots of timelines to a new illumined one that is gaining miillions. every time somebody smiles or sinks into the bliss of holding a baby to their chest or their lover in their arms. The love frequency you lightworkers have brought her is gathering momentum. It is a quantum substance, taking over like the Mists of Avalon, well no. We offer a better image. What is that fae'rea?


We show you seeds of light that are packets and when you open them in your hearts they expand in the space of earth atmosphere. For the scientific among you, these are sacred geometric frequencies that expand from your hearts, so see that within the Mists of Avalon that we mentioned.

Encoded packets of light become love when opened by the heart which opens and expresses the codes from the sun and your home stars, and the universe itself including the Central Sun. Some have made the heart their (new) operating system and some are just starting to get a clue. The more that 'feel this into being,' the more the illuminated timeline is shining as a giant river of oneness where all timelines converge.


come come wherever you are lover
come come open your heart
be safe in the shelter of the one

and all will be safe and all will shine and thrive and move forward together


When you are in the heart, you need know nothing as you are connected to everything. You need not plan or know the game plan. You are the game plan, so play. In this space all is needed is to be and to connect from here, and all is given to you.


I see the old timelines we were inhabiting being abandoned. I see projects, 3D aspirations strewn and left like a woman leaves her emroidery unfinished on the floor of her living room. That is what we leave- but do not be sad as these projects were not based in the heart or for the highest good of the all. You are included in the all and adored and never separate from the one if you allow yourself to remember. Those remembering are awakening those who don't. All is coming to light.


The 3D projects, even lives as they were defined and made, were without passion behind them so they are left behind, these timelines. As those who are unlocking the encoded light packets from the sun are inspired to live as love, to follow their hearts, and to trust in this new way of being. You are the key and your heart is the lock that you are unlocking and unleashing into freedom of being. You doing this has inspired others to do it. Your frequency is a cloud, a scented perfume that entices one person by one person to drop their third dimensional constraints, the one that looked good on the outside, and go for the one that feels good on the inside. passion and inspiration, baby. We are following it now. we are on fire with the passion of ourselves and the passion of love.


The passion of love is all inclusive. barriers to loving some people are breaking down with this Venus transit. We will be very surprised and very delighted that this is happening as it is. Opening our hearts to more love, we flow it. We flow it to everyone and hold back with none. This is the energy of June. The Venus Transit is the fuel that fires this new perspective and this new abandonment of old structures and paradigms. We find them shallow and the new calling us.


Do not be afraid dear ones.

The time of change is upon you.

Allow your lives to become flux and melt their solidity into a new crystalline form, that includes love for all beings and heart coherence as one.


A new age is upon us, a higher vibrational octave that will leave our bodies and emotions singing in inner joy that we can't help sharing.


~Luminance River


~the Fae'rea are a new collective of guides that have come through from the archangelic realm and an aspect of me and also of us speaking to us. It feels like they are a frequency of compassion, divine feminine creator energy, the light at the center of the galaxy if you have seen that photo, a fairy energy, and they appear as pink light particles in my vision and are with me always. I call on them for guidance, assistance, and communion. I have been told they are a blending of all soul group rays in the spectrum of colors, thought they appear as pink. They may be related to the new chakra of the high heart that is formed. Most of all, The Fae'rea are here to help us embody unconditional love.


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