Visionkeeper – Open Your Mind – 3 June 2012

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 06/03/2012 - 10:28


Visionkeeper – Open Your Mind – 3 June 2012

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We go through life believing what we see is what is. What our eyes see is only part of the story, what our minds think about what we see, is the other half. Our beliefs taint what we see and puts our own spin on things. If we oppose homosexuality lets say and we see two men embracing, they are disgusting and should not be allowed in our world. If we believe in the freedom of others to do what they want and be who they want to be, we see two individuals sharing loving and caring feelings. Same scene, different beliefs, therefore a different outcome, and unfortunately a different life for the close minded individual. 

How we think and what we believe shapes what our lives will be like. In this case one person went on about their day with a happy feeling of love and caring, yet the other person spent a very unhappy day feeling disgusted and angry because of their limiting beliefs. They could not accept what they saw, fought against it by swimming upstream and their day was stressful. Life is so different when viewed through a mind that is open and accepting and free of judgments. It allows you the freedom to float down stream with no effort.

If you look closely at the majority of unrest in the world you can almost always bring it back to one reason. Judgment , which is a manifestation of ego. Judgments limit our lives and puts happiness in chains. It creates a life of negatives. Unhappiness spawns dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction spawns unrest. When one cannot go with the flow and accept what is, then there is a driving need to change whatever is causing the unrest. It is most unfortunate for the world that we cannot see the unrest is coming from within ourselves and cannot be changed unless we ourselves change. Death, wars and hatred are the result of somebody not being able to release judgment.

The world seems stuck inside this bubble of judgment. That is our ego side holding to our beliefs and refusing to view the situation a different way. Stubbornness is a by-product of ego. I chose to judge this situation my way and because I believe this I am not going to change my mind! It is incredible to think so much death and destruction in the world has come about from closed minds! You don’t need money or man power or government to change your mind. It is free, takes no physical effort and yet has proven to be  one of the hardest things to do. To simply open your mind and allow yourself to view the world in a different way. How could something like ego have so much power?

It has so much power because we allow it. We have fallen asleep and no longer are observers of our lives. If we were observing we could be catching ourselves and stopping ourselves, but we have not been doing that. We have wiggled down into a certain lifestyle and decided there is no need to change, regardless of its outcomes! This is what I believe therefore it is. Observers always question life and allow for changes wherever needed. If they catch themselves being judgmental they stop, become aware that they are doing it and change what they are doing. Imagine the world if everybody were being an observer.

Having an open mind is nothing more than allowing all thoughts and possibilities into your life. This is part of what it means to go with the flow. The only way I can see someone doing this, opening their minds, is by being an observer. If you don’t know you are doing something, how can you change it? Allow yourselves to become seekers as well, always looking for better ways to be, for then you will not be able to sink down into a comfort zone of living your life. When you take root in that comfort zone it becomes difficult to get out. If you keep seeking for better ways to be as a person, you stay moving and roots can’t take hold. Be a seeker and an observer and keep your mind open and your life will flow effortlessly.

Blessings to you all,

Visionkeeper link to original article


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