Venus Transit 2012 ~ Part 3 Full Moon Eclipse strawberry moons forever

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 06/03/2012 - 11:13

Venus Transit 2012 ~ Part 3

Full Moon Eclipse
strawberry moons forever

by Carol Ann Ciocco 

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Mutable Eclipse of the Full Strawberry Moon

full strawberry moon

The day before the Venus Transit - on June 4, 2012 - it just so happens that we will have a Full Moon that also just happens to be a Partial Lunar Eclipse. Eclipses always come in pairs (at the New Moon and Full Moon) and this is the 'bookend' eclipse of the May 20, 2012 Pleiadean alignment solar eclipse. The May 20th eclipse opened up the Venus Transit portal by activating a multi-dimensional Stargate with the Pleiades. The June 4th eclipse combined with the Venus Transit marks the conclusion of this powerful doorway into changed consciousness. (Click here for my newsletter on that subject 


Lunar eclipses occur when the moon orbits behind Earth with respect to the sun, and Earth's shadow blocks light from the sun that would otherwise hit the moon. Since only a fraction of the moon (37%) will be covered in shadow, this is a Partial Lunar Eclipse.


The Partial Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will occur at 7:12am Eastern time on Monday June 4, 2012 at 15 degrees of Sagittarius - exactly opposite the Venus Transit at 16 Gemini, which occurs the next day.


The eclipse will be visible in North America, South America, Australia, eastern regions of Asia and across the Pacific Ocean. In the eastern United States, the eclipse begins before dawn as the moon is setting in the west. About 37% of the moon's surface will be darkened at maximum eclipse, which will take place at approximately 7:04 a.m. EDT (4:04 a.m. PDT; 1104 GMT). To find out if you will be able to see the eclipse go to this link for viewing/timing:


The Full Moon of June was known as THE STRAWBERRY MOON by indigenous peoples in America, and as the Rose Moon in Europe. And this eclipse has a deeper meaning which points to a sweet harvest as well. The deeper meaning of this particular pair of eclipses involves rewards coming to fruition after long or major periods of effort.


Here is a delicious video from NASA re Taking a Bite out of the Strawberry Moon  


Astronomically the June 4th Partial Lunar Eclipse is basically underwhelming because it is so subtle. Astrologically, however, we acknowledge that subtlety can be just as powerful if not more so than something obvious and blatant. So the key to a nuanced eclipse like this is its quiet presence and silent whisper, the still small voice of intuition.



Mutable Cross

venus transit NASA

What is especially remarkable about this Partial Lunar Eclipse is - first of all, its proximity to the Venus Transit - and secondly, its preponderance of MUTABLE energy. That is, at the time of the eclipse there will be a triangle (T-square) involving the Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars. The Sun and Venus are in Gemini (heading toward their meeting the next day), the Moon is in Sagittarius, and Mars is in Virgo. These signs - Gemini, Sagittarius and Virgo - are known as MUTABLE signs. (The 4th mutable sign is Pisces, and we have Neptune and Chiron in Pisces right now. They are not part of the T-square but add to the saturation of Mutable energies.)


Mutable signs, which form the MUTABLE CROSS, are changeable, constantly moving, disseminating information, light as air. The Mutable Cross provides the ever-widening fields of experience through which consciousness may expand. The four signs are connected to four major stages of the evolution of human consciousness.


In other word, the Mutable Cross is the cross of still-sleeping humanity, the majority of humanity (mass consciousness) which is largely unconscious of the Soul/Spirit which goes beyond the personality self. A person will spend many lifetimes on the Mutable Cross before *waking up* and stepping onto the cross of awareness and conscious evolution, the Fixed Cross, which is the cross of the Initiate on the Path. The Cardinal Cross - which was activated in the Summer of 2010 - is the cross of the Masters, those who have moved beyond duality and achieved Sacred Status in their individual consciousness, committing themselves fully to Service of Humanity without a vestige of personality-self remaining.


If you are reading this newsletter, you are most likely on the Fixed Cross. You have woken up and are striving toward fusion with the Light in your consciousness. This is why the Fixed Cross involves a crucifixion of the lower/personality self, which of course involves INTEGRATING THE DARK. This eclipse, loaded with Mutable energy, on the eve of the Venus Transit reveals to us that still-sleeping Humanity WILL be activated by the Transit. In fact, June 4-5, 2012 is the end-cap on an 8-year process by which mass-consciousness humanity has been stimulated beyond comprehension into a state of awakening.


Alan Oken, esoteric astrologer and teacher, writes: "Gemini is very much the sign of humanity. It is the quintessential symbol of duality - the essential duality that creates the tensions (and eventual awareness) in the relationship between the Soul and the personality."


In 2004, at the time of the Venus Transit, Barbara Marciniak a channel for Pleiadean energies wrote the following: "The first (Transit) occurred on June 8th, 2004 and the second will take place on June 6th, 2012, approximately 6 months before the end-date of the Mayan Calendar. Between these 8 pivotal years humanity will undergo changes that will dismantle society as you know it, giving rise to a whole new set of values to birth a new paradigm of balance based on understanding the of power consciousness. This pair of Venus occultations will spark the brilliance of mind that is necessary for dealing with the great divisions of consciousness and the proliferation of lies and deceit that gridlock humanity into paralyzing states of fear and victim hood. If necessity is the mother of invention, then Venus, the Earth and the sun in their series of alignments will most assuredly deliver the codes of consciousness to further awaken and augment the human mind; however, it is up to you to make use of the information."


Moon Covers Up Pluto

ultraviolet venus

To add to the unique convergence of astrological/astronomical events occurring at this time, the MOON ECLIPSES PLUTO on the same day as the Venus Transit. The Moon's eclipse of Pluto occurs at 10:54pm Eastern time, about 2 hours after the midpoint of the Venus Transit.


The Moon eclipsing Pluto simply means that the Moon blots out from view this icy invisible (dwarf)planet at the edge of our solar system. If you were looking through a telescope, the Full Moon would be seen covering Pluto completely.


Both the Moon and Pluto are Non-Sacred planets in this solar system, i.e. they have not reached Sacred Status (enlightenment) as the planets Venus, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury and Uranus have. Our planet Earth, and the planet Mars, as well as the Moon and Pluto are the planets in our solar system which have not yet reached Sacred Status. (Note: the Moon is not technically a planet, but for the purposes of this discussion, it is considered that way.)


In Shamanic Astrology and Esoteric Astrology the Moon represents the past, old outworn tendencies which hold the Soul back from enlightenment and evolution.


The Moon is the repository of emotional glamour and ancient karma which block the Light of Pure Reason from flooding the consciousness of Humanity. Pluto represents death, darkness, the Shadow or dark side of Humanity.


The Moon has no light of its own, which makes it a reflective object. Only when the Sun illuminates it at the Full Moon does the Moon glow as it reflects the Sun's light. Thus, the Moon transmits light and information to us.


At the time of the Venus Transit, in the middle of a Subtle Mutable Lunar Eclipse window, the Full Moon will be transmitting the dark, as yet unprocessed, unredeemed and unintegrated energies of Pluto, the Dark Lord of the Underworld of humanity's subconscious. This dredges up the energy that we have collectively repressed and made unconscious. It is precisely this energy that when allowed into the Light and integrated will propel Humanity as a whole off of the Mutable Cross and onto the powerful Fixed Cross, ensuring that we will do the integration work that is critical to making a necessary shift into higher consciousness.






2004 Venus Transit


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