Submitted by AnaShyNa on Mon, 06/04/2012 - 15:00
Used Google Traslator with minor adjustements from GFP...


GFP: This is major news for this South Europe regions... After March 2012 new Coalition Government was succesfuly established, and brought major political and economical changes in Croatia... So, next and very expected step was resignation/removal of Governor of CNB [Croatian National Bank...] on June 4, 2012... Where this happy event does fits so perfectly for major governemts changes on the world scale and their Central Banks and Federal Reserve, as this Croatian National Bank was in tight ties with Federal Reserve Bank and EBC...


Enjoy the change... change is all around US... we only need to become aware... 

WIth Love and Change, PSG

AFTER 12 YEARS announced - gone...
Rohatinski: Departing CNB because I cannot successfully cooperate with the Government
On several occasions I was told that I am ready to stay in the CNB if the government decides that we are able to cooperate successfully, but the Government is satisfied that such cooperation is no longer possible. That said, Milanovic's a few days in a telephone interview, said Rohatinski
Posted: 04 6th 2012th at 19:39 Last modified: 04 6th 2012th at 19:39

After 12 years at the site of the Croatian National Bank (CNB) going from the CNB, announced today the Governor of the CNB Rohatinski.

Rohatinski, which another six-year term as head of the CNB expiring 12th July, he told reporters after today's launch of the World Bank report that goes to the governor because they no longer can successfully cooperate with the government of Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic.


On several occasions I was told that I am ready to stay in the CNB if the government decides that we are able to cooperate successfully, but the Government is satisfied that such cooperation is no longer possible. That said, Milanovic's a few days in a telephone interview, said Rohatinski.

Asked whether the split was due to his policy of stable exchange rate, Rohatinski said that past practice has shown that a stable exchange rate is one of the fundamental prerequisites for maintaining the stability of the entire system, and sees no reason to change it.

Governor of the CNB on the previous set of dedicated World Bank report on the European economic model, said that the current crisis, sustainable economic growth can be achieved only with the required level of savings.

Croatia needs to go through a combination of structural reforms, restrictive fiscal policy and expansionary monetary policy reasonable to limited financial resources shifted from consumption to investment, which would have initiated a sustainable economic growth with low inflation and stable exchange rate.

I hope the Government and National Bank at the forefront of the new governor will take the same path, said Rohatinski and thanked everyone, especially the Croatian public for the support he provided during the past 12 years.



NAKON 12 GODINA Najavio - učinio

Rohatinski: Odlazim iz HNB-a jer ne mogu uspješno surađivati s Vladom

U nekoliko sam navrata izjavio da sam spreman ostati u HNB-u ako Vlada ocijeni da smo u stanju uspješno surađivati, no Vlada je ocijenila da takva suradnja više nije moguća. To mi je rekao premijer Milanović prije nekoliko dana u telefonskom razgovoru, kazao je Rohatinski


Objavljeno: 04. 6. 2012. u 19:39 Zadnja izmjena: 04. 6. 2012. u 19:39

Nakon 12 godina na mjestu guvernera Hrvatske narodne banke (HNB) odlazim iz HNB-a, najavio je danas guverner HNB-a Željko Rohatinski.

Rohatinski, kojem drugi šestogodišnji mandat na čelu HNB-a istječe 12. srpnja, rekao je novinarima nakon današnjeg predstavljanja izvješća Svjetske banke da odlazi s mjesta guvernera jer više ne može uspješno surađivati s Vladom premijera Zorana Milanovića.


U nekoliko sam navrata izjavio da sam spreman ostati u HNB-u ako Vlada ocijeni da smo u stanju uspješno surađivati, no Vlada je ocijenila da takva suradnja više nije moguća. To mi je rekao premijer Milanović prije nekoliko dana u telefonskom razgovoru, kazao je Rohatinski.

Na novinarski upit je li do razlaza došlo zbog njegove politike stabilnog tečaja kune, Rohatinski je ustvrdio kako je dosadašnja praksa pokazala da je stabilan tečaj kune jedan od temeljnih preduvjeta za održavanje stabilnosti cijelog sustava, pa ne vidi razloga da se to mijenja.

Guverner HNB-a prethodno je na skupu posvećenom izvješću Svjetske banke o europskom gospodarskom modelu ustvrdio da se u sadašnjoj krizi održivi ekonomski rast može postići samo uz potrebnu razinu štednje.

Hrvatska treba ići putem kombinacije strukturnih reformi, restriktivne fiskalne politike i razumno ekspanzivne monetarne politike kako bi se ograničena financijska sredstva preusmjerila s potrošnje na investicije koje bi inicirale održivi ekonomski rast s niskom inflacijom i stabilnim tečajem.

Nadam se da će Vlada i HNB na čelu s novim guvernerom krenuti tim putem, rekao je Rohatinski te se zahvalio svima, a posebno hrvatskoj javnosti na podršci koju mu je pružala tijekom proteklih 12 godina.



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