Awareness ~The Seamless Garment

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 06/09/2012 - 09:09

Awareness ~The Seamless Garment


by John McIntosh

Awareness in this world is confined to perspective … comparisons of opposites and shades of Light and dark. We call this judgment.

When we are told to ‘judge not’ by an enlightened being we do not place comparisons of the many daily choices we make into this wise saying. We believe we need these opinions to choose what is best for our highest and most enjoyable experiences … even to the extent of the survival of the body.

It is inconceivable to allow these ‘important’ judgments to depart from our Awareness. This is the mind of the separated self speaking … and who would dare contradict its sound and practical logic?

When we shift from the head … from the thoughts that constantly march through the mind making these logical choices, to the Heart, the Presence of God within us – the I AM we Are, this burden of choice dissolves and is replaced with the Freedom of ‘Knowing’.

We have made our last logical choice and that was to make this shift from head-thoughts to Heart-feelings. The Awareness we now experience … this knowing-ness … shows us in each moment where to go, what to do, what to say and to whom. It shows us the tiniest details of our highest experience that choice once demanded we make.

Trust is required before we allow this into our Awareness and Trust is given as Its gift the more we allow this Knowing-ness to take over our moment by moment experience.

It’s a kind of death, this Trust. We die to the need to feel safe in the history of our experience … the endless chain of information passed down to us, which colored every choice we made before.

It allows the fear of ‘what if’s’ to burn themselves out as we experience the perfection of life lived from feelings. Each of those fiery moments IS a kind of death. The tyranny of the ego’s control over our every choice is chipped away at and the identity that we once believed was us leaves with each stroke of the hammer against the granite surface of fear.

We become lighter and lighter as we allow these moments of Trust to erode the image we once held of our self. The Awareness that peaks out from every broken bit of illusion reveals a New world that is unconnected by endless separated links forming the chain that once bound us.

The term Oneness reveals Its True meaning. Separation – opposites – comparisons – choices – judgment, all disappear into a ‘seamless garment’ and we Know It is we our Self that Is this One.

Perspective gives way to Knowing-ness and we experience what William Blake said:

To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.

This is the world that is being revealed now to humanity. It is the Heaven spoken of in many belief systems, it is the 5th Dimension – the Heaven of Now that transcends time and space and the ‘story’ that defines it. It is the Christ or Cosmic Consciousness promised to us by those few who proved it in their lives.

It is the Transformation of Consciousness lying upon a grand banquet table, waiting for our acceptance … only this … a little Trust and the delights of the feast is ours Now.


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