~ The Waves of Love Continuel~ Internet Love Party Today 1:30 Pacific

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 06/09/2012 - 10:22

An open letter to Mr. Drake, Cobra [commander?], Fulford, et al By KiboDabi




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6~8~12~ Ashtar on Wisconsin


Ashtar on Wisconsin

"Greetings, Beloved Family! For those of you who are wondering what happened in Wisconsin, the answer is the usual combination of lies, corruption and big dollars, all used as weapons to continue the dark hat agenda. Having said that, we can assure you that these very weapons are now turning on their users in so many ways, all of which will contribute to the end result - their complete revealment and disempowerment!***


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~Cosmic Vision News On With Geoffrey West At 4pm Pacific~

Listen to internet radio with InLight Radio on Blog Talk Radio

The Latest in Galactic News CVN host, Geoffrey West offers news, talk and commentary about the latest events unfolding with regards to what is arguably the most guarded Secrets! Join Him at 4pm Pacific Time Zone Today for the Latest Information. Cosmic Vision News – June 8th, 2012


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Galactic Free Press Update~6~7~12 Waves Of Continual Love will Be Arriving Daily~


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True Mayan Elder's Prediction of 2012


A Mayan Elder gives the inside prediction of the ending wheels of the Mayan calendar on dec 2012  Thank You to Dr.P!!


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~6~12 Welcome to the Processing Event~


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6/8/2012 -- Severe weather update -- Steaming Volcanoes / Aquifers update


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~8~12 Boost Of Energy Increase Incoming~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~8~12


Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Boost Of Energy Increase Incoming~


Gift of Light ~ Eva Viola Stella


Greetings Love Beings, Just when you thought enough energy was coming In to process, we sent in an extra Boost today. This is to assist in some of the resistance which occurred through the Transit. Many were not ready for this Energy of the Venus Alignment. We had Anticipated this resistance and we were Prepared with a Pre~ Plan In Place.



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Melchizedek ~~ The Transit of Love and the Light ~~ through Méline Lafont


Friday, June 8, 2012
Melchizedek ~~ The Transit of Love and the Light ~~ through Méline Lafont


Cosmic Harmony - Eva Viola Stella


Dearly Beloveds,


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FREEDOM PROJECT: TSUNAMI OF CHANGE… Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein: Company Engaged in Contingency Planning for Defaults in Europe...





 Please read a bit between the lines…

 or behind the words of the limes...


He [the Blank-ey boy...] still playing games of guilt…

games of  hide and seek who to blame in a wilt...


Imagine this scene: as  he is preparing for Euro default…

 like he has nothing to do with this financial tsunami assult...


For me: he reminds me to one of my cartoon dude…


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/8/12 ‘Project Participation Survey’




Opening into our new blossoming reality, we are poised to begin the commencement of many of the projects and programs we have discussed with you throughout the past months. What we see for you and your people is an entirely new approach to your everyday tasks, chores and problems. We offer you solutions in the way of advanced technologies and sounder reasoning when it comes to planning and implementing these new systems.


Many of your current systems are archaic, and some of them should not have been implemented in the ways they were in the first place. What we, the Galactic Federation of Light, would like to do is tear down some of these systems and start over completely from scratch. Naturally, this will be a great endeavor and will take many hands and many minds to see a successful accomplishment of this task. What we would like from you is a sign that you are dedicated and committed to making these wide ranging changes all across your planet. We would like to hear from you to learn how many of you would be interested in working hands-on on these many projects.



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FREEDOM PROJECT: MARTIN LUTHER KING ~ about Your Own Voice and Your Freedom...


all we need is to show our intention... our action, to vote or not... both are actions ....

If you vote you are taking your life in your hands... and if you do not, this is an action as well, yet this one shows your doubts, shows that you are questioning "are you really ready for change?..."

If you do not vote, you give your life in others hands, like govs, cabal, other who know 'better' than you?... Who truly knows better than You what you want for self?....


“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”


“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”


“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”


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Unknown Light Artsit

For Man was once a noble creature upon this Earth. Now fallen and with little hope, disconnected and bewildered by a few of darkness. Lost in a sea of despair, lost in a sea of madness, lost to himSelf and the self of others. In all appearances, a seemingly lost cause in his deathbed falling into an abyss of darkness never to return again to his rightful Home amongst the stars.

Yes, rightful home, his true inheritance. Lost, yet not forgotten by all. A few have kept hope alive and succeeded in overcoming the darkness of their despair.

Yes, these few who have fought as Warriors of Light for centuries, never giving up, never defeated by the numerous forces of darkness. A few against many fighting so that many can one day prosper in Spirit. Fighting for many whom have lost their way, lost all good sense and reason.


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6/8/2012 -- Indiana Michigan Radiation UPDATE -- Military, DHS, HAZMAT, Large Booms


June 1, 2, and 3, 2012 --- south Michigan strange booms and 60ft trees snapped in half on clear day :


June 6 into June 7 2012: South Michigan / North Indiana border --- High radiation readings reported for multiple hours.. "unknown cause".


EPA and DHS HAZMAT team report: http://www.sott.net/articles/show/246498-Developing-Nuclear-Cover-Up-Extreme-...

Military movements over the area:


and finally... this site just got hacked... reporting Minot North Dakota holding a "nuclear containment drill" at this time:

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Cosmic Wash Cycles and Cosmic Cleansings Happening NOW



A Message from Source Creator,  Through Marie Mohler: Cosmic Wash Cycles and Cosmic Cleansings



Dear One,

It is I, Mother/Father God, Source Creator of the Heart of All Things. Dear One, it is a time of fluctuation you see. A time of cleansing energies and renewal. In the cleansing, all things must go through the wash cycle if you will. They get wet, they fill with soap, and are agitated, to release dirt and debris, to then be spun and rinsed clean and free. This is a Cosmic Wash Cycle, that is continuing for many, and just beginning for some.



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The Mayas came from the Stars Seeding Mayan Knowledge & Wisdom Don Alejandro and Willaru Huayta in Peru



The Mayas came from the Stars Seeding Mayan Knowledge & Wisdom Don Alejandro and Willaru Huayta in Peru



This text is transcribed word for word from a video clip from the upcoming film "Shift of the Ages" which is a film that finally brings the voice of the Maya culture to the world. I am so grateful that I have had the pleasure to meet on occasion with Don Alejandro, and I've spent a great deal of time with Willaru Huayta. It's great to see that the universe has brought these two beautiful beings together in the same place.

In search of a Sacred Mayan Staff and in fulfillment of the prophecy of the Eagle and Condor, Grand Mayan Elder Don Alejandro "Wandering Wolf" visits Aquas Calientes, Peru and is received by Incan Messenger and Elder, Willaru Huayta

Don Alejandro speaks....

Esteemed Willaru,
In the first place, it is an honor to find ourselves here. You here in your land.


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A Special Message from The Earth Allies~Extraordinary Painting in Words~ The Awakening


 A Special Message from The Earth Allies~Extraordinary Painting in Words~ The Awakening






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~ A Message from The Earth Allies~ Truth Transmissions~ Incoming Energy



~ A Message from The Earth Allies~ Truth Transmissions~ The Incoming Energy





Time as it is referred here in this Realm, is everyday now Moving Faster and Faster. If you do not Let Go Now,[of ignorance or the lower self] you will not be able to Keep up with the New Energy. You will not be able to hold onto the illusion.


The Kingdom of Heaven has Been Established in this Realm, and illusion cannot exist, WHEN LOVE IS EVERYWHERE PRESENT. Its impossible! We are not illusion, we are Love. What will occur Now, if you attempt to hang on to the illusion is utter confusion and disorientation, because the old NO LONGER WORKS, and will never again. Humanity's physical Realm, whether they understand this or not, is being Transformed By Creation with Love, Light, Truth and everything that Supports ALL LIFE FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD OF THE ALL.



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~ Earth Ally Will Harader~ ~WE Need Rules Right?~


~ Earth Ally Will Harader~



~WE Need Rules Right?~



We need rules right? Well, let's look at what rules have brought this world. The American Indians lived in relative peace and harmony for thousands of years. Not that they never fought with each other, but it was nothing compared to the wars going on in Europe at the time. They lived in cooperation with their neighbors and never had any need for strict sets of rules. Then the white man came and brought so-called civilization. He introduced things like property ownership, religion, all sorts of rules that we're supposed to keep people from fighting with each other. Then the white guys proceeded to slaughter the Indians by the hundreds of thousands. Their rules said they could do it. Even their religions, supposedly based upon a guy called the Prince of Peace, allowed for it. So the rules, that people swear up and down bring harmony to the world, brought the exact opposite and actually endorsed genocide.



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Mother Earth and Father Sun Meditation for 6~8~2012


 Commentary from Ron Head "This meditation, channeled from AA Michael by ContraMary, was e-mailed to me this morning.  It is almost exactly like the one I have been guided to use.  I would like to thank ContraMary for sending it, and I post it here with her blessing.  I have made a few editorial changes to make it more readable while trying to leave the meaning exactly as she intended it.  Her first language is German.  Please forgive and correct me, my friend, if I have made a mistake."



Meditation of grounding yourself firmly to Gaia How to ground yourself firmly to your Mother Gaia in times of full impact of sunflares.


This Meditation is in 2 steps:



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~ The Earth Allies Would Like Your Feedback~




WE are Here For You and Your Joy



~ How is the Galactic Free Press Supporting You or not?


We Would Like to know!! Thank You for Participating with us, So we may Serve You Better. We are Here for YOU. We Love You. Our Greatest Joy is Your Joy. Thank You for Giving us Some Feedback~ Any Feedback Comments May Make the Main Story Line!


Thank You for Sharing Your Thoughts and Love Below!


Love The Earth Allies


Ps, We are Already Preparing for the Internet Love Party which will Begin Saturday at 1:30pm Pacific, JOIN US IN LOVE and ONENESS


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Mayan Elders are Embracing Unfolding Lotus of Humanity


Mayan Elders are Embracing Unfolding Lotus of Humanity





The Mayan Elders currently incarnated upon Gaia, have embraced the unfolding Lotus Humanity essence and have now been commissioned to hold this essence in their collective hands as the Lotus unfolds.

All energetic restrictions at all levels have been lifted for the unfoldment of the Lotus Humanity Essence. Mayan Crystal Skull reunion across the North America earlier planted the seeds for this current phase.

100th monkey of this Lotus Humanity Essence was reached on the 6-6-12.

Awaiting now the embracing of this Lotus Humanity Essence by the mass of humanity.

Look to the Monkey Dragon.


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Kauilapele's Blog A Note About this “Vote”…




Kauilapele's Blog A Note About this “Vote”…

Okay. This is simple. Vote or not. It’s up to each to decide. (Remember? At this recent post?)


All I can say is that, when I heard about this, and spoke to a few about it, I got that it was all about setting our intentions. What kind of a world do we want? Individually, and collectively.

This is all about setting the intentions.


Do it this way, with “the vote”, or some other way.



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FREEDOM PROJECT: On Basel III Pact, Federal Reserve Showed Big Banks ‘No Mercy’... STEP BY STEP, TOWARD FREEDOM....


On Basel III Pact, Federal Reserve Showed Big Banks ‘No Mercy’

Posted: 06/07/2012 8:36 pm
Updated: 06/08/2012 8:13 am

Basel Iii Federal Reserve

* Basel III calls for 7 pct ratio for top-level capital

* Each country finalizing their version of global pact

* Fed proposal does not give in to U.S. banks’ requests

By Dave Clarke

WASHINGTON, June 7 (Reuters) – The Federal Reserve rejected pleas by the U.S. banking industry in releasing on Thursday a rigorous interpretation of an international agreement on higher capital standards for banks, known as Basel III.

U.S. banks have pushed the Fed, for instance, to allow them to more heavily count mortgage servicing rights and the unrealized gains and losses of certain securities toward their capital requirements than allowed by Basel III, but the U.S. central bank’s draft rule closely follows the international agreement.

“Some of the major, major things the industry, particularly the big banks, were looking for it sounds to me like the Fed showed them no mercy,” said Karen Petrou, managing partner of Washington-based Federal Financial Analytics.


Full Story.


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~6~8~12~Update from Cobra~ Surrender of the Cabal Meditation


Friday, June 8, 2012

Surrender of the Cabal Meditation


Return of the Goddess meditation was a great success. The critical mass was reached and Goddess has returned to planet Earth after 5000 years of exile. This means that Kali Yuga is officially over. It means that the feminine aspect of the Source has been irrevocably anchored in every physical, etheric, astral and mental particle of this planet and will stay here forever. You can now connect with the Goddess energy anytime you wish. Isis got her crown back:



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Breaking News from Earth Allies: poll on the AVAAZ site regarding Drakes call for a vote



Poll on the AVAAZ site regarding Drakes call for a vote

Hi All

I was recently reading at the Global Voice 2012 group on Facebook and a gentleman from Australia created a poll on the AVAAZ site regarding Drakes call for a vote on the issues at hand.  I was hoping you would consider voting in this poll and distributing the link so we can get the word out to potential voters. 

Thanks for your time
Phylis Price

 I got permission from Peter Ellis to re-post this here


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Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Sananda ~ 8 June 2012 Love is walking In


Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Sananda ~ 8 June 2012

I come today to bring you a continuation of yesterdays message, this time with the words of the day and the interpretation of yesterdays message. It is one that was given in code so that you all could use that inner language to decipher what the essence of the message was telling you. I will now ease that message into your frankness and outer reality.
What you are to do these days is to see how your world is affecting you, and how much of that world is something that you have power over. It is essential that you observe what your inner power is doing to bring about your outer world. As you sit in your homes, or workplaces and ponder how your life is, it is vital that you see it in the energy of what you desire. It is one of the factors of creating your lives in a way that is in harmony with your inner knowing.
As you realize what is taking place in your daily existence you can see also what you can do to bring it into complete harmony. Ask yourself what it is that has created your life as it is. Is it because you have given it every ounce of your energy, or is it because you have allowed an outside energy to interfere and cloud your inner and outer vision?


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Full Moon 6-4-12 and Divine Venus Transit Photos


For me, June 4th..2012..was the start of my 64th year of life... the end of my 9th life cycle of 7 years and the start of the my Divine10th cycle of life this time on Gaia, It was also the beginning of the Divine Venus transit window..The best present I, (or anyone) could ever ask for...Divine Feminine Love Energy...pouring forth on ALL...I hope you enjoy the following photos of this magical, Divine night...and June 5th, Venus transit.


Even though it was late, (around midnight) when we made the decision to get water from the well, my friend, Becky and me went to the artesian well on June 4th to replenish our supply of fresh spring water...The well is about 8 miles away from us in a little town called ONEKAMA..(pronounced O neck a ma) ONE kama..one comma..pause. (I love to play with words..LOL)...so we paused to take in the spectacular full moon...


After filling many gallons jugs with the sweet nectar of living water, we thanked Gaia and headed home...We HAD to stop by Portage Lake to look at the beautiful full moon...The moon was brilliant in a clear star studded sky...I felt blessed already with full water jugs and the beautiful full moon...

I don't own a camera and was thankful when Becky started taking pictures of the moon..I wanted to share these pics with everyone...It was such a special time..


The energy around the moon started with this first photo...






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Incredible Trend Rising In neuro-scientific sports activities -djkfmvf0609




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Michael by GLR Ron Head, Miracles before your eyes



On this day we wish to speak with you about a momentous shift in the energy of your planet.  This has been so great that it is even manifesting in the more ‘conventional’ areas of awareness.

You can find stories about your banking structures, and efforts at reaching consensus through polling, that are no longer limited to ‘conspiracy theorists’.  The walls are breaking down.  Your future of freedom approaches rapidly now.  Every hint you see in your media is caused by vast surges of budding awareness just out of sight.

The critical mass was reached some time ago.  Even those who hoped against all odds that this would never happen, who thought their position had been secured beyond doubt, see the inevitable changes occurring now.  Castles built of sand will be washed away just as surely by a rising tide as by a tidal wave.


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Responding to GFL's volunteer request


Dearest Galactic Sisters & Brothers,

Your messages have made my heart sing from the moment I hopped on board in April.  I have nothing but the deepest gratitude for all that you are doing for my planet and people.  While I don't consider myself an expert in any particular field, I would be honored to participate with you in this Great Transformation in any capacity you see fit.  Thank you for your invitation.  RSVP- YES, YES, YES I accpet!

Sister in Light and Love, Robin Pettit


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Blue Star UFO Reaport: Clouds and Rokets?




UFO Report Sighting – UFO in Cloud – 9 June 2012



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~Today's Crop Circle~ Boost Of Energy Validation~


Woodborough Hill. Alton Barnes.Wiltshire. Report 9th June

Map Ref: SU117611

This Page has been accessed
Hit Counter

Updated Saturday 9th June 2012


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Keep an Eye on the Skies for Saucers During the Olympics Games, Warns Former MoD UFO expert Nick Pope



Keep an Eye on the Skies for Saucers During the Olympics Games, Warns Former MoD UFO expert Nick Pope



Nothing like this gets into the media in the UK without a reason.  Disclosure?  Cabal threat of chaos?

Media talking about possible ET sightings during the Olimpic Games? Are they putting their hands forward? Well, let's focus to make it happen!


Keep an eye on the skies for saucers during the Olympics Games, warns former MoD UFO expert

UFO expert Nick Pope says massive summer events like the Olympics would be a prime time for an alien encounter.


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~Space Weather Update~ M1 Class Flare~



SUBSIDING SOLAR WIND: A fast stream of solar wind that has been buffeting Earth's magnetic field is beginning to subside. Nevertheless, NOAA forecasters estimate a 30% chance of geomagnetic storms around the poles on June 8th. Magnetic storm alerts: text, voice.


SPACE STATION CROSSING: For many years, only one space station circled Earth. Now there are two. With the September 2011 launch of China's Tiangong-1, the International Space Station has company. Last night, David Blanchard saw both of them in the sky above Flagstaff, Arizona:


"The International Space Station and Tiangong-1 did a simultaneous flyby of Arizona on June 7th," says Blanchard. "Both had a rise time of 21:59 and crossed the same point in the sky about 20 seconds apart."



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Italy, first Bank Going Bye Bye? All accounts blocked!



The first to fall: BNI blocks bancomat, online, and any way of getting to one's account.


On the banks homepage there's written (http://www.bancanetwork.it/) "An efficent bank, always at your side".

Thus, from this morning all clients are alone, with no possibility to get to their accounts.

Network Bank Investments, with a short notice decided to block all accounts and so any mean of getting to money, in any form, is it online or cash. The notice was sent out 7 days ago, thus not many were able to read it. (http://www.bancanetwork.it/content/sospensione-dei-pagamenti).

The institute has so decided in a extraordinary meeting last november getting the green light from the Banca d'Italia to suspend any money transfer for a whole month.


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MetaRising – Documentary – Reality And The Extended Mind (2 Parts Video)- 9 June 2012


Part II



thanks to Lucas


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Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 9 June 2012



Ann Albers – Messages From Ann And The Angels – 9 June 2012

Message from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Be gentle with yourselves. As the energy on your earth continues to intensify and the waves of light wash into your planet, they will, like large ocean waves, wash up whatever is buried in the depths of your soul. Much like cleaning out your physical closets you will find the hidden treasures, the forgotten dreams, as well as the energies you have stuffed deep within. Truly it is time on your planet to face yourselves, with courage, compassion, and great love. It is time to embrace all that is rising up from within.


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Lisa Gawlas: The Unfolding, A Re-Union and A Very Strange Triad!







I have decided there is a grand conspiracy in this universe!  Of course, I have always said the universe always conspires for you all-ways, but this is just a bit weird even for me.

I do not think I have ever realized the fullness of a synergy before until that blue-eyed man came knocking on my door as I am sitting there a matted mess!

It is almost comical to think back…  I have always said I think when you meet someone for the first time, it should be when you are at your worst instead of your best, that is where the real proof in the pudding lays.  If someone could really “see” you when you’re at your worst and still be interested, then you have something!  Careful what you state out loud!  I really didn’t mean it!!!


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World Evolution



At every major stage of development, people have always felt that that particular stage was the most important one and that its result would be the immediate and dramatic alteration of human society, leading either to some sort of holy reclamation or great chaotic breakdown.

It is normal to think like this because the changes at hand seem so calamitous, monumental and disruptive.There is much speculation that you are on the verge of either a great collapse or a great rejuvenation. Life will either end here in some terrible event or everyone will enter a great period of spiritual harmony. It is important to give some kind of resolution to the great forces that are operative now, but these speculations do

not emanate from Knowledge. Knowledge passes through such eras of transition, maintaining its presence and offering its sustenance.

You have opportunities and liabilities in this age.Your generation is preparing for a new world order. It is not an easy age to live in because the old structures are falling away or disintegrating rapidly, and there does not appear to be anything to take their place that seems consistent and reliable, thus leaving you open for much speculation.This is an era of freedom and exploration. It is also an era of error and foolishness.There is a great opening in the collective mind now. For better or for worse, this is the case.


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The Energy Push


The work has been more intense since the Venus Transit ! As I lay me down to sleep I am greeted by my team and instructed on the mission, off we go. The details let out by Cobra ring true..the Archons remain a factor.. I have been encountering them and the latest goal is to displace them and diffuse their energy. I admit much of this work remains hazy as  I return to 3d.. I think this may be one of the factors involved in being a Incarnate of the Blue Ray. I had much genetic repair to do ( I will be 5d before I am done ) . For those of you not familiar with the Blue Ray or think you may be one here is some great info here.


Are You A Blue Ray? You’ve heard of Indigo and Crystal Children, but what about the ones who came before them?

Are You From the Blue Ray? Star Beings & Walk-ins The Lost Ray of the LightWorker

The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra sensitive empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker.

“Shekinah”, a Hebrew word in the “Language of Light”, is a mentor of the Blue Ray. Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment of God, the ascension process. Blue Ray is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions.

Attention: If you would like to add this information to your page, website or other, you are welcome to do so as it helps other lightworkers, but please put in the proper author credit and my website link, thank you!!!


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Earthrise is here in June 8th, 2012.


June 8th, 2012 I have been noticing everything so far is going by cosmic events. The Cabal gave up right after the Transit of Venus. Much had happened after cosmic events in the past. I just know it and feel it. I don't know what in the past though. What is in store for the summer solstice? We will find out. The cosmic events in the past were important. I don't have the information on what happened on the past after these cosmic events. The feeling of this is strong. Much is in store for the summer solstice on June 20, 2012. Earthrise is here.


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Heavenletter #4215 Clinging to the Past


Heavenletter #4215 Clinging to the Past, June 9, 2012 

God said: 


What is it that leads to your clinging to the past? What leads you to cry for someone who was once alive and dear to you and is still dear to you? It would make more sense to celebrate the one you love than to water your great love with tears.

It is time you are mourning for. Once upon a time, there was someone you loved dearly. Almost half your life, the loved one has vacated Earth, and still you weep. What is it you weep for, beloved, but a time in your life when you were someone else and your loved one was true to you? Your loved one is true to you now. He is truer than ever.


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BALANCE POINT: How to Stay Optimistic When Others Are BrainWashed & Believe in Danger


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FREEDOOM PROJECT: Keiser Report: Cuckoo Trading (E299)


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Ascension Exchanges: "One with Gaia"




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the promised land


I so believed in the promised land

I knew God held me by His hand

And Now The Timelessness has come

We all are through to Jerusalem

Sons and daughters of God we are

As we reach up and touch the stars

Our soles are planted in sands below

and Heaven burts with Flames Aglow


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~Star Connections~


Star Connections


Fractal Creation By Earth Ally Will  Harader God Consciousness Energy

We prepare for a session of delightfulness - of deliciousness!  We superimpose our thoughts on yours to bring greater access, motioning you to study with greater intent and purpose.  A malfunction has occurred that causes us to extend the courtesy of those from other realms, and we dedicate this next quarter of time to registering our appeal for the human race. 


I’m seeing powerful clouds of purple and gold lattice work and figures which I can’t quite make out.



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Part 1V Earth Changes Media: Charged Particles & Their Effects on Humans


The "effects" of Awakened Cryptochromes are Endless!
An Inner/Outer  Neural Net of Interconnectedness and vision is being forged
within Humans to Allow the God Sourced Communication Lines to be Reopened with All Creation !

with love, Annie

 "There is consistent evidence of an influence of geomagnetic fields on the light sensitivity of the human visual system. Moreover, it has been proposed recently that light-sensitive magnetic responses are not only used for directional information, but may also aid visual spatial (space) perception in mammals, by providing a spherical coordinate system for integrating a sense-of-direction. We therefore evaluated the light-dependent magneto-sensing potential of human CRY.
Notice the word 'spacial'. The word means having a cognitive orientation of space. In this case, the study is referring to the Earth's atmosphere. However, I believe it goes far beyond our planet. I would suggest this in fact - is what most every spiritually advanced ancient tribe described through all means of ancient text and language."

June 09, 2012

(Part IV) Charged Particles and
Their Effects on Humans



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Oracle Report ~ Saturday June 9 ~ Sunday June 10 2012 Massive Energies Aligning



Oracle Report ~ Saturday June 9 ~ Sunday June 10 2012

Oracle Report | Disseminating Moon Phase

Birth of a Planet -

The underlying motivation for peoples’ actions this weekend is the strong desire to have their needs met. People will be selfish and want their way more than usual; this will show up in what develops this weekend.



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The Galactic Free Press Honors~~❤Prayers for Barbara~LW.com❤~update~


Thanks to Lovelight

Please join me in sharing Prayers and Healing Thoughts for Barbara Rother...
 sending LOTS of LOVE and LIGHT her way
Barbara recently took ill with a total digestive shutdown which affected
several of her organs ~ twice hospitalized, she is now home recuperating.
Steve, Austin (their Son) and round the clock Nurses are keeping her
comfortable and caring for her to aid her healing!
For those that are not familar with Barbara ~
she is Steve Rother's wife of
Love Blessings
Healing Hugs Barbara
Hope to see you soon by Steve's side!

~ Espavo Sister ~




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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Balance Balancing your life can sometimes feel like a juggling act



Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Balance


Balancing your life can sometimes feel like a juggling act


Learn to trust your gut feelings and intuitions, and regularly balance your time between work, play, spirituality and your relationships. This will help you feel more  balanced in your pursuits. 


Use common sense and discernment and never give your power to another. Instead trust in yourself and your connection to the Divine wisdom that is a part of who you are. Keep purifying your motivations so that they are completely about love and service to elevate the energy and your experiences even further. Look past the seeming errors, and misunderstandings, and see only love within each person, and situation. 

Your angels ask you to add regular doses of meditation, exercise, and play to your day. This helps you grow and bring more joy into life. If you are feeling overwhelmed by all your responsibilities, ask your angels to help to lift the burdens, and delegate that which you don't really need to do to make extra time for yourself and


Affirmation: " I trust my choices to be for my highest good."

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Linda Dillon: What’s It Like to Live on a Starship? – Part 1/2


Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ She Mentions a Mothership here, this is literlly impossible as our MotherShips are Bigger then Planet Earth=Heart. Its actually a Large Scout craft she is speaking about! Love The Earth Allies



Our Galactic Family, 27 May 2012, with Linda Dillon

Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to Our Galactic Family. My guest today is Linda Dillon. Linda is an internationally acclaimed channel, teacher and author, and is the channel for the Council of Love, since 1984. Linda is also the channel for our sister shows, An Hour with an Angel as well as Heavenly Blessings.

She recently completed her book, A Great Awakening, and Linda, welcome to the show.



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Awareness ~The Seamless Garment


Awareness ~The Seamless Garment



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From Soldier Hug: Call to Action



From Soldier Hug: Call to Action



There are is so MUCH confusion, dis-content, strife and conflict present now among the various true FREEDOM movements that its appalling.

This is exactly what the CABALIST´s want!

Anyone ever read the “Art of War” by Sun Tzu?  Divide and Conquer is NOT about an allied strategy! It means to “Divide and Conquer” from within, which means the idea is to make your enemy CONQUER themselves by virtue of creating conflict and strife WITHIN the ranks of the enemy and hence create conflict and adversity from within the enemy camps ranks, thereby perpetuating an environment of DOUBT, FEAR, and ultimately SUBJUGATION!


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An Introduction to the Events of 2012 ~ Part 2/4


An Introduction to the Events of 2012 ~ Part 2/4

2012 June 9
by Steve Beckow

The galactics here are human beings. Photo of Asket, Billy Meier's Timmerian mentor.


At the present time, we stand poised on the brink of events that will see us transition from the time of the fall of the cabal to the time of the rise of the new economic and social structures.

I’ve described the fall of the cabal. Let me now describe the new economic and social structures.


We’re watching the demise of the old cabalistic economy as we speak. This economy was designed to see that wealth was concentrated in fewer and fewer hands. We’ve seen the rise of the super-rich and the fall of the middle and working classes.


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An Introduction to the Events of 2012 ~ Part 1/4



An Introduction to the Events of 2012 ~ Part 1/4

2012 June 8
Posted by Steve Beckow

Anyone who wishes to read the whole series ahead of time can go to the URLs in Footnote (1).

The first article in the series that I feel the need to write at this moment is in response to SaLuSa’s message of today (June 8, 2012), in which he says:


“You are in the big month of activity when what we are engaged in can no longer be kept quiet, and as it leaks out it will prepare people for what is to follow. That is preferable to sudden extensive revelations, by allowing people to adjust to the idea of the coming massive changes. It would otherwise seem to them that their world was being turned upside down, and be unsettling.


“For those in the know it is an opportunity to tell them that it is all for the good of mankind, and is the result of a divine decree that this cycle of duality should end.” (2)


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