~Reflections on the state of the world and the role we are intended to play~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 05/28/2011 - 06:13

-From a Tuesday night talk by Brian Emmanuel Grey, with Therese~

~Reflections on the state of the world and the role we are intended to play~


We are now fully into the dispensation of Aquarius, which is the Age of the Holy Spirit, the age of soul redemption. The Holy Spirit is that Loved Girlchild energy, who is the part of us that seeks to save the seemingly unsaveable. The Age of the Holy Spirit is an age of salvation and judgment, determined by our individual free will. The Father-Mother God wants all of their own to come home. Nevertheless, those who refuse to be saved by their own will but demand to be saved against their free will, receive for that choice,a “thy will be done.” In other words, those who choose not to choose, have chosen a path of separation.

This is the age of the trial by fire, where the fire of the Holy Spirit tries every man's works of what sort it is. Two pathways are set before us. The works that spring from right thought, feeling and action become permanent manifestations in the body of God and immortalize the soul. The works that are based on wrong thoughts, feelings and actions cannot be made permanent and will be dissolved, along with the consciousness that created them, unless it is redeemed.

It's important to understand that many individuals are choosing not to choose, which is a choice in itself.

We are a microcosm operating under quantum mechanics, whereby there is no part of existence that is not quantumly entangled with every other part. What this means is that as the individual embraces the new  dispensation of the Aquarian Age, that individual becomes the part that is in the collective whole that embraces the Aquarian Age consciousness and transforms the whole.

One person can make the difference, and then God multiplies our good thoughts, feelings, actions and prayers with the multiplication factors of the ten thousand times ten thousand and the three times three, the squaring and the Maximus dispensation. This makes it so that one individual gathered together with even a handful of other individuals to do good creates this massive choice within the collective that all interface with, and anyone with an electrode of light will pick up on the pattern set forth.

Every positive choice we make within our microcosm affects the macrocosm. And just as we have been helped by our ascended elder brothers and sisters through their constructive choices, we now in turn help our unascended brothers and sisters with our constructive choices.

Simultaneously, we have to understand that we still have these places of non-commitment that are dug in as the human ego defense of the human personality who is not quite convinced about being selfless in the face of challenge. This is normal. If we didn't have these areas of personal challenge, we wouldn’t have the grist in the mill to grind the corn. It’s what keeps us humble, focused, and striving.
The difficulties that we face within our own personal lives are the preemptive taking on of those challenges that the rest of the world is soon going to have to deal with. We are the forerunners, and so the better we can handle our challenges, the better we can expect that the world will react in the time to come. We're setting a new blueprint through our overcoming, and the key isn’t to swagger through and feel superior because we are the elder brothers and sisters. The key is to “TRY” which is the alchemical key Saint Germain gave us. “TRY” means Theos Rules You, so we try with sincerity.

The state of the world is reflected in those who are balancing world karma. Our job is to not lose our heads, to move into the Age of the Divine Mother, of the Woman and her Seed, and to be the mater-realizers of the spirit of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. This mater-realization is where we come into the right use of our thoughts, our feelings and our actions, and balance the divine threefold flame in our heart.

We must understand that the flames within the threefold flame are elemental in their basis, and so the mater-realization of the earth element happens through right action, which corresponds to the blue plume of God’s will. The mater-realization of the air element happens through right thought, which corresponds to the yellow plume of God’s wisdom. The mater-realization of the water element happens through right feeling, which corresponds to the pink plume of God’s love. And the fire element is in the very act that allows us to be in the moment, to perceive this dialogue that says it is now time for the new fiery blueprint to descend, and for the integration of the fire body. Right thought feeling and action create the matrix in which the elemental essence of either fire, air, water and earth can precipitate in a constructive, rather than a destructive configuration.

Mother Earth and the matter (Mater) plane—the individual and collective soul potential itself—is essentially the Magda Self, who is in this low estate. When Jesus came across Mary Magdalene, she was engaged in all sorts of activities, and the locals decided that the way they could infer evil into Jesus' actions was to associate her actions with his. Many, including some of the apostles themselves, thought the best thing Jesus could do was disassociate from Mary Magdalene. Today, we face this same initiation as the Christs-in-the–becoming who have incarnated into this time. Our soul, Mary Magdalene, has made wrong choices through the various human personalities of past lives. Our job is to remake those decisions by personally choosing to associate our consciousness with the Christ, reparenting the soul and recovering consciousness that was lost in those wrong decisions.

The world is in a terrible state. We can see all of these things that are no good and think that the world needs to be “stoned to death.” Instead, our job is to say, “No, hold on. All of us have the same problem.” We are in the same situation even if we are functioning from different levels. The challenge everyone is facing is to work so that our efforts translate into something of permanent spiritual value. Otherwise we’re sliding in the other direction towards an endless night and soul dissolution.

Everyone has a right to that choice. The microcosm of our day-to-day existence is going to reflect in the macrocosm. Each of us has a Mary Magdalene within, and every time we come across an internal or external Mary Magdalene, there’s a part of us that wants to be critical, which is a result of our materializing wrong thoughts, feelings and actions in past lives.

Criticism is a perversion of the etheric blueprint of the Father. There is a part of us that also wants to act  with aggression towards that outer offending manifestation, which is a perversion of the mental quadrant of the Son. At the level of the emotional  quadrant of the Mother, we may just want to turn our backs and  walk away, so the offending one is abandoned and “stoned to death.”  Then, at the level of the perversion of the Holy Spirit in the physical quadrant, we find that we either jump in and are “stoned to death” with them, or we feel victimized and cry as they're being stoned.

We have to transcend this pattern of coping with that which is offensive both within us and within other people. When we tie into the lower etheric blueprint which we, through our free will, have bound ourselves to recreate, we repeat the same patterns of error in our lives with the persons, faces, conditions, and things that reflect this lower pattern.
Consequently, we have the same problems revolve into our lives, until we are a mature enough soul and have a strong enough relationship with our sponsoring master and Holy Chirst Self to see through this self-sabotaging momentum and choose the higher etheric blueprint that God holds for us. When we can say as Jesus did, “I and my Father are one,” we open ourselves to our own causal body, and then all of our past right thoughts, feelings and actions can come through and multiply the “Theos Rules You” of our day-to-day attempts to deal with our challenges through new right thoughts, feelings and actions. This is the true Self-empowerment that frees us from the loop of our habitual self-sabotage, and eventually even from the wheel of rebirth.

Our job is to come through with a new blueprint—no criticism, no aggressive action, no abandonment, no hopeless helplessness. The new blueprint says, “He who is without sin, cast the first stone.” We discern what is not right, and we make the call and give it to God, but we do not judge and react. We let the Song of Solomon come up from our soul as the quickening agent of the word and the music.

The soul is the Magdalene that we have come to save. As human personalities, we have to stop wanting an easy way out through favoritism. We no longer wait for the right moment to come to us as a gift, looking for a message from God reflected in our outer circumstance that tells us, “You’re the chosen of God and here, I will give you this thing prechewed, and in fact I’ll spit it into your mouth and all you have to do is swallow.”

We have to move away from that place of longing for ease, and then being offended about having to act wisely from a place of emotional balance in the mastication of the initiation. We are called to sincerely empathize with our own soul first, and then with the souls of all of mankind.We are the microcosm discovering the value of the feminine nature, which is the actual elemental essence of Mother Earth. We’re looking for redemption, not only for our soul, but also all the way down to the subatomic structure of the physical world that we live in. This is for the coming of the New Jerusalem, the New Heaven and the New Earth, and there shall be no stone left unturned. No one shall be left behind, but those who deny themselves.

Even though it looks like the world is one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel, God always has a “just in time” delivery system. The fallen ones have to play out their hand. They have to act out their aggressions and controls and psychotronics and weather manipulations and poisonings. It is their job to do that because it is what they have chosen with their free will. Our free will is to become an action of our superconscious self, of our sponsoring master, Holy Christ Self and I AM Presence. We have to stop reacting from our subconscious self to the fallen ones and all of their propaganda. We have to stop believing that all we have are finite systems and solutions that the hologram has created—meaning there's no way out through the system that is in itself the problem.

It's all about action versus reaction. Instead of reacting with offense or fear to what is going on around us, we can become the downloading point of infinite potential in the finite realm. That is our choice and our right action that will lead to our soul permanency in God.

-From a Tuesday night talk by Brian Emmanuel Grey, with Therese

http://www.lightworldwide.net copyright Sirius Consulting, reprinted with permission.


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