Natalie Glasson ~ Mother Mary ~ Negativity And The Shifts Of Ascension ~ 11 June 2012

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 06/11/2012 - 10:35



Natalie Glasson ~ Mother Mary ~ Negativity And The Shifts Of Ascension ~ 11 June 2012

Note from Natalie- I received an email with a question which I thought would be very interesting to channel an answer for and to share the channelling. The question asked, what would happen to people on the Earth who have a negative attitude or achieve harmful actions at the end of the year when we move throughnecessary shifts of ascension.  I asked for the most appropriate being of light to come forward to offer some enlightenment.


With love I come forward and bless your energies and sacred heart with the pure and beautiful light of the Creator, as you bless my being and heart energy by just allowing me to be present in your energy. I am Mother Mary and I come forward to bring shreds of enlightenment concerning the shifts that are and will be occurring on the Earth, how this will influence the people and reality of the Earth.


Every soul on the Earth is walking a unique pathway that is appropriate for the learning and greater expansion of their soul. The soul and soul group of each person on the Earth is aware of the reality they are creating, the actions they are achieving and the direction that they are walking in. While sometimes the soul group of the person is not able to influence their reality they are always aware with great understanding what is occurring. In the eyes of a person’s soul and soul group there is always potential for growth in every situation and experience on the Earth, enlightenment can come from any situation on the Earth and so everything is divinely perfect for each person, soul and soul group. It is interesting to understand that as you exist on the Earth you are not aware of the reasoning and purpose of many experiences on the Earth; because of this you either register them as positive or negative. This is natural as due to your position in the physical reality your perceptions are somewhat cloudy. If you allow yourself to release the labelling of negative and positive then you observe a situation as just an experience from which understanding and growth can be drawn. If everything on the Earth is guided by the divine will of the Creator and yet people are still experiencing harm, hurt and pain, it would seem that the will of the Creator may be different to your perceptions and ideas of the will of the Creator on the Earth. It is essential to realise that each person on the Earth is not only playing a rolefor their own reality but also a role for the realities and learning of others. It is often that people who cause harm or create fear in the world have concentrated to play this role for their own learning and the growth of others.


Every person on the Earth is an aspect of the Creator’s soul, we are aware that when we connect with the energy of the Creator we feel supported, loved and blissful and so we can understand that the sacred qualities of the Creator exist within each person. Some people disconnect from the Creator more than others becoming confused but even this is a process of growth and understanding that in the future may encourage them to be devotees to the energy of the Creator within themselves. If we can see the beauty of the Creator within our own beings it is far easier for us to see the beauty of the Creator in others. If we hold this as our focus then we will only see the divinity of the Creator within all, even those who seem to cause pain and hurt. It is for those who consciously wish to experience the energy of the Creator within their realities to search for the same within others. When we see every person on the Earth as the Creator we cannot condemn another because we know that we are united as one energy, the same energy that is the Creator. It is of greater power to ask for love and truth to surround a person who causes harm, pain or negativity as this will allow them to overcome the need to learn through painful experiences, shifting to grow through loving experiences.


In fact this is where we come closer to the answer of the question. The Earth and the souls experiencing the reality of the Earth have been evolving predominantly through negative experiences. It is through negative experiences of pain, hurt, confusion, unhappiness, discomfort that some people search for something to heal their energies and so allow the vibration of love to flood into their heart and being. When a negative experience occurs it is often that this can raise the vibration of the Earth because of the compassion and love that flows from many who witness the negative experience. For much time humanity has evolved and grown through negative situations to experience love. It is most likely that a negative situation in your reality may have thrust you onto your spiritual path of ascension and greater awareness, this is the same for many people, so it is important to realise that negative situations and people are simply a perception of the mind.


As we move closer to the end of 2012 I know that everyone is wondering what will truly occur on the Earth, what will happen to you and those around you. I must say that we on the inner planes are aware of the greater plan of the Creator but we are unsure of how the stronger energies of the Creator anchoring will affect the Earth and the Creator’s universe, so there is an air of suspense also on the inner planes. The shifts of 2012 will mainly be influenced by your perceptions, awareness and understanding, also the plans that your soul has previously created for you for this time. Of course, energies will be shifting and realigning on the Earth and from the Earth with other aspects of the Creator.  Such changes in energy are occurring all the time in your reality and so it is something you are constantly experiencing. It will just be that at the end of 2012 you will be more conscious because you are expecting something to happen and of course there will be the magnification from the Creator of the energies on the Earth. The energies of magnification descending from the Creator is the catalyst for everything on the Earth and so will allow for all energies, experiences, situations, qualities and thoughts to be amplified. Even with the amplification you may or may not experience the shifts it all depends on your perceptions and also the role you are achieving. Many of you will be asked to anchor higher vibrations of the Creator, others will be asked to stabilise the slower more physical energies of the Earth while others will be asked to oversee the integration of the new energy into the Earth’s energetic structures. If you are managing the stability of the Earth’s energies your experience may be different to another who is anchoring the Creator’s energy of magnification, but everything will be divinely perfect. The energy shifts may take several years to truly integrate and experience them on the Earth, but these shifts although they may seem small will be immense and vital for the further evolution of humanity.


If you are holding positive energy then this will be magnified and enhanced within your reality, those who are holding onto negative energies will feel these negative vibrations enhance so much until they surface to be released.  The most beautiful thing that could occur is that the cycle of learning and growing into love through negative situations and pain will fall away and a new way of evolving will manifest. Many will find that they no longer need negative situations to learn about themselves and to expand their love but are able to develop spiritually, emotionally and mentally through experiences of a neutral nature or a positive nature. If you contemplate this for a moment, it is so large in the shifts and changes that this can make to the world. Due to everyone realising consciously or unconsciously that they do not need to create negative experiences to grow but can create neutral or positive experiences, evolving with the same strength we will find that people no longer feel the need to harm or hurt themselves or others and so negative situations will simple dissolve becoming fewer. There will be those who find it difficult to break away from the repeated patterns and habits of negativity but with support and love from others these bonds of negativity will soon dissolve. We may see for some time that karma will still be present especially in the realities of those holding onto negativity as unresolved energies unite themselves and dissolve eternally.


I believe that it is appropriate for me to point out without creating any fear that the shifts occurring now and at the end of 2012 are simply energy shifts, it is what you make of it that creates the true process of evolution and ascension. In truth your own focus, intentions and understandings are essential, without these then in truth anything could be created and could occur at the end of the year. Begin to take time to feel within you what you sense needs to occur and what you need to focus upon, then place firm intentions in place. Intentions of love, peace, harmony and many beautiful outcomes when energised by many and a united consciousness will create the ascension process that you so desire andhave been waiting for within your heart and soul.


There is a need to send your compassion and love to those experiencing negativity and those creating negativity, understanding that they may be guided to achieve this to play out a greater outcome. With an understanding that this way of learning is coming to an end and that a new cycle of spiritual evolution is dawning, a spiritual evolution that is born from love for yourself, others and the Creator. Know in your heart that the cycle of pain and fear are being broken and new cycles will manifest to shift the reality of all.


I hope that my communication has assisted in you collecting an answer within your mind and heart thereby offering a greater experience of understanding and enlightenment.


Mother Mary

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