Revelations and The Mayan Calendar
I've seen too many synchronicities recently not to write this article.I have been going to Bible Study for the last few weeks after moving to this new location and randomly enough it's on the Book of Revelations. Also just 2 days ago I sat down and watch the first two movies of the Left behind Series also based upon the same fact. This is also extremly symbolic for this is also the so called "End Times" of the Mayan Calander and as the Lightworkers call it the ending of the Old Paradigm and beginning of the New. As Jesus/Yeshua himself said when you understanding the Beginning you'll understand the "End" and vice-versa, for every ending is a new beginning.
Right now in our current situation I see something occurring that I truly feel the need to bring to the surface. It was something that was discussed last night and oddly enough I can see exactly where the truth of the matter and where TRUE discresion plays a leading role in the events that shall occur here upon this Planet now and within the next few months and even years to follow. Many people will point out that the Book of Revelations is the only "Gnostic book" that was entered into the Bible...truly only because it was the only book that explained what would occur during the so-called endtimes and what many know as the Return of Jesus Christ aka The Messiah. This time has also been called the time of the "many buddah's", a time where those whom have been here in the past shall return again to assist us through these times and through the tribulations that are and shall come.
Many of us Lightworkers are so focused upon Peace and Unity that we wish for this no matter what the cost. We want to see EVERYONE as complete equals, to embrace them to us in complete and total oneness....yet the question remains are there still those that have yet to learn certain lessons. Are there still those that still do not understand what Unconditonal Love truly is. Thus can we truly say that "Everyone" is a 100% equal. We can gaze upon them knowing that their Spirit...the essence that is within them that is already united with God is...but that their ego mind has not been able to bridge the gap and fully embrace it 100%.
Has everyone seen The Left Behind Series? Supposidly it's a work of fiction...I'd call it divenly inspired/channeled through God. Oddley enough you can't download it can download any new movie or porno you want but not this one....which I find both amusing and ironic at the exact same moment. Now, I am not saying that all of it is True...that's not so....everything must be taken with a grain of salt. The majority of what is written has been filtered through Ego thus of course there shall be some "belief" systems attached to the writing which is why discrimination must be utilized. It's longer then 4 min but that's as long as the video clip goes. This clip shows some of the prophecies that were fulfilled when Jesus was incarnate. Again it is sp[oken that the Messiah will return again, he shall walk among us and bring Peace to us. Yet it is also written that there shall be one that comes before him whom many shall "think" is the Christ but that is not. He may even believe he truly is the incarnation but the prophecies shall be fulfilled. We are at a time now when we must realize that even those whom speak of Love and Truth may not alway s be 100% acurate about what it truly means. They might truly believe it with all of their beings but it does not mean that it is 100% Truth in the highest degree.
As Lightworkers we are praying for Peace...for Unity for the experience of equality. The acceptance of everyone as perfect just as they are. Though I must admit this is not 100% acurate. Shall I explain we talk about Peace. Is violence we find it's the exact opposite. It's the duality that was created and chosen to be experienced upon this Planet. We talk about the return to the Garden of Eden and what happened there....the beings were perfect....lived our lives peacefully....murder was not even conceived of until the Biblical accounts of Cain and Abel....and why...some stories say that one boy was the son of Lucifer and the other the son of Adam which explains how one could murder the other. Many Christians would look at me like I was crazy to say this because it's not written in their Bible...but that is ok....I am not here to say they are 100% correct....nor am I here to say that Lightworkers are. There is a balance between everyone upon the Planet....each holds pieces, the bigger picture...the clear crystal can not be seen from ALL angels unless we see the different perspectives given to the One. Lucifer many feel is "Evil" not so....I would not say evil nor bad...nor even someone to perspective. He and what he stands for is merely what we need to learn from. Something to rise above so to speak and move past.
Revelation tells that Lucifer shall stand behind the Anti-Christ as he tries to accomplish what he came here to do. What you may ask this may be. Could one sit there and say murder is correct? Could one sit there and say it's ok for an adult to moleste a child? Or how some beings feel that control and manipulation of others is ok. The reason I bring these subjects up is that they are of importance. As we talk about God...I truly believe that we decide what things we experience in our lives...I truly feel that karma (not always past life but also currently what you do in this one, and some others believe you bring with you karma through DNA from your ancestors) plays an important role. So that the beings that choose to be here upon this Planet shall not longer choose to experience certain things. This Planet shall vibrate at a different/higher frequency allowing unioty and peace to flow between each other. Thus naturaly when a being leaves this Planet if they still choose to experience something they will go elsewhere. It is humanities job to remember our missions. Why we chose to come here and see what lessons we chose to learn. The one reason people talk so much about "Death" before ascension....what supposidly occurs after death? First if the "life review" and the "judgment". The life review basically shows you life to that point and what you did right and wrong supposidly. Now the's not so much what you did...but did you learn the lessons that you chose to before you incarnated. This is why the Lightworkers stress the importance of clearing baggage and the "death of the ego". The getting rid of the filter that you created, thus stressing the importance of communing and connecting with God so that you can work together as ONE during the rest of your physical life and not waiting for your physical death for this to be accomplished. Thus why after a certain point you see and learn why certain actions are of a lower consciousness level then others.
The Anti-christ will sit there and tell you there is no Heaven and Hell, No God, No Devil...nothing but what is right in front of you. He/She shall sit there and say how horrible religions are. The True Messiah wouldn't. He'd want you to recognize your unity...the things you have in common...he would attempt to brige the gaps. That Heaven and Hell are both symbolic and physical....just as Revelations is symbolic and physical at the exact same moment. It's the holographic Universe. What is within you you project outwards physically. Thus where is your mindset? Are you focused completely upon the self, upon greed,what is known as "hell" and brings with it fear and suffering. Or are you living within heaven already in a calm peaceful state of being. Either of these can continue once you pass from your physical body into another dimension.
What a being must understand/experience is the internal judgment you face from yourself, God and Jesus/Yeshua and as some call her Ma'at. You experience a weight upon your heart, a heaviness as something is wrong...something does not feel right in your life. This judgment comes because of your soul contract...what lessons you chose to learn. Thus if you are doing something and you feel shame and guilt and feel the need to lie about something...then you know your not on the right track. If you ever feel the need to lie about something the action you are doing for you is not correct. For Truth in any way is more important than anything else. If you "fear" the judgment of others because of your actions then you know it is not what you should be doing. If you are 100% sure of yourself and your heart is light knowing that this is YOU then you are willing to face any and all judgment, persectution and the outcome of your actions because you are truly 100% walking your path. Your heart should feel light as a feather when your process is complete.
Don't be duped by a lie masquerading as truth. Remember during these times to turn within. You embody the Christ energy as much as Jesus, you are the body of Christ. You are the living example, my question to each of you...are you truly focused upon the true God and doing his will and learning and growing, or have you reached a spiritual plateau where the anti-christ sits with you guiding and behaving just as the Messiah.....the difference is within the HEART. How do they make your heart feel? Their words should assist you in lightening your heart, allowing you to release what is no longer needed in your life. It should not make one feel guilty unless you are attempting to hold onto something that needs to be released. We are perfect in our imperfections....yet we continue to grow and move forward....we do not remain stagnent. "Perfection" is merely a perception that is formed within the mind. Know thyself and what you came here to what YOUR HEART tells you is correct for you...never allow anothers judgments to dismay you! For this is the only way to inner peace, and the only way to manifesting it outwardly upon this Planet!