~ Energies Continue to Move Into Alignment~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 06/13/2012 - 09:28

Greetings Love Beings, These Exicited Energies are quickly Moving into alignment to assist us in our Events which Must Manifest Here Quickly. Remember we are All In this Together!!! We Love You, Love The Earth Allies

Lucas ~ Change Ahead ~ What Will We Do? ~ 12 June 2012


Lucas ~ Change Ahead ~ What Will We Do? ~ 12 June 2012


A lot of the thoughts go just now about how to get the dark cabal, illuminati, secret societies, the banksters or financial crooks, the corporate government and corporate judicial system out and the new freedom instated in getting back to the basic rule of law we as humans only are government in: the golden rules some say, you shall do no harm to others and shall not do damage to others and that includes for me nature and animals and property. Those are the basis rules you can build your whole live on without entering a new more than 16 million laws like the corporation USA now has.

The difficulty is for a lot outside the USA that we do not have a clear Constitution or Bill of Rights as in the Anglo-American Countries. Some Countries like The Netherlands have no Constitutional Court. Only a Supreme Court that not direct relates its decisions and rulings on the Constitution. A lot of the law in those countries outside the Anglo-American area is derived from the Civil Codes of Napoleonic Law and the Roman Canons and Ecclesiastical  Law of Rome’s Vatican Church mixed with Commercial Law and Admiralty Law.  Furthermore there is a cry for a new financial system. That system is or isn’t build on the system we now already know.



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6/12/2012 -- Tornadoes and Hail breaking out = Midwest, North, South, and East


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The Past is your Life Map


The love and the light that is required on your ascension journey is reflected in your reality in each moment. You cannot love in the past for that moment is gone. You cannot love in the future because its details have not yet been created and every aspect of the future depends on what you do in each present moment. If you want the future to be joyful, fulfilling, loving, and abundant you must create that energy in this moment. Do not be distracted by what the moment appears to be, its outcome is calling you to send light, to shift its energy by allowing your desires to be your focus, acknowledging what you have created and raising its frequency by sending love and light to its darkest aspects.



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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/12/12 ‘Choosing the Nest’



The television you are watching, even though you think this technology is new and state-of-the-art is actually very old and outdated. Even the couches you sit on, although the concept has remained the same, many things about it too have changed. These are just a sampling of everyday things that you take so for granted that will change radically in the days ahead for you. There is not too much about the future many of you will be entering that will remain the same for you. We, the Galactic Federation of Light, do not wish to rush any of you into these changes that in many areas will be great. We instead wish to gently escort you out of the current paradigm you are experiencing into a new reality which we feel you will agree is far more rewarding, enjoyable and educational than the current lives you are living.


There are many of you who are ready and some of you who are even looking forward to these changes in your experience, though there are just as many of you, even more so, that are not at this time ready to experience such upheavals to their reality and therefore are not looking forward to these changes as some of you are. Please try to keep this in mind as you continue your efforts to share your truth and share what you know of the coming of events for you, as these events may not be in the future for all of those that you speak to. This is the way it must be, as a choice has to be made here to either experience a new beginning or to continue experiencing what some have become used to and what some believe, at least at this time, to be their one reality.



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~Update from Sheldon Nidle~ WE Come With More Good News~


~Update from Sheldan Nidle~ WE Come With More Good News




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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~12~12 Exciting Energies are Surrounding the Planet ~


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~12~12


Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Exciting Energies are Surrounding the Planet ~


Galactic Center  Humanity's Destiny~ NASA/JPL-Caltech/S. Stolovy (Spitzer Science Center/Caltech) - site


Greetings Love Beings, The Energies are Now Excited as Love Energy Is Penetrating the Magnetic Field Surrounding and Embracing this Planet. This Energy is beginning to seep into Humanity's DNA and then will be Grounding Into the Planet as We Prepare for some Very Grand Events. Once One Event Unfolds, the rest will quickly follow. We Have Requested a Smooth Transition into the New Paradigm and this will Happen Quickly.



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The Resolution of Suffering


There exists no hell outside of your own mind, and you are responsible for your own misery. While this may not seem like a happy prospect to someone stuck within suffering, taking responsibility is also what gives you the power to change your life. Even if you can point to a hundred things in your life that you believe are "good reasons" for your suffering, the suffering itself is still just a reaction to those things. You don't need to suffer because of them, and the suffering just makes them worse. It saps your energy, and robs you of the will to make the needed changes.


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Our Galactic Family Of Light High Council Of Orion ~The Old is Dissolving


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Welcome to a world once hidden from you


We are all connected with one another.
We have been mislead via the Television, monetary system the global elite, the media,
They have taught us from a young age, manipulated us to think we are seperate and divided,. ...we are not.... we had a clean slate and made a complete mess of it.
We are controlled by assholes in suits who would rather dismiss ideas such as water powered cars and energy ideas just so the oil business dosnt ever crash and empty their pockets.
We are waking up in numbers.
Buck Fush and the new world order.



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Tornado-like whirlwind sweeps across Venice, Italy


June 12 - Venice residents were amazed and frightened by a tornado-like spiral of wind that swept across the lagoon city. The whirlwind, which according to experts was not quite at the magnitude of a tornado, was seen spiraling across the waters of the city and captured on mobile phones.



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Unknown Readings/Sound JUNE2012 - Induction Magnetometer


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Alan Watts ~ Who Are You?


So what I think we could aim for in the way of human civilization and culture would be a system in which we are all highly aware of our existing interconnection and unity with the whole domain of nature, and therefore do not have to go to all sorts of wild extremes to find that union. In other words, look at the number of people we know who are terrified of silence, and who have to have something going all the time, some noise streaming into their ears. They're doing that because of their intense sense of loneliness. And so when they feel silent, they feel lonely and they want to escape from it. Or people who just want to get together. As we say, they want to escape from themselves. More people spend more time running away from themselves. Isn't that wretched? 


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Welcome to a world once hidden from you.


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Blue Star UFO Reaport: Steven Greer Presents: 'Sirius' The Documentary (15 language subtitles)



Steven Greer Presents: 'Sirius' The Documentary

(15 language subtitles)





Please visit: http://www.sirius.neverendinglight.com/
also visit: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/261360616/sirius
Steven Greer's blog: http://drgreersblog.disclosureproject.org/


The Earth has been visited by advanced Inter-Stellar Civilizations that can travel through other dimensions faster than the speed of light. What we have learned from them about energy propulsion can bring us to a new era, but those in power have suppressed this information in order to keep us at their mercy. It is time for you to know...and this documentary will let you in.

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6/11 Illumination and Expansion of the Divine Higher Aspects



The past few months I have been revealing my experiences and blogging it all on a website provided below. What I produce is in collaboration of my Physical self and my MultiD/Higher Aspect self. So this is a collaborated channeling. Enjoy! With Love and Gratitude. Sarah :0)


6/11 Illumination and Expansion of the Divine Higher Aspects

Well it would seem with Jupiter moving into Gemini this could turn out to be an eye opener for many who have not surrendered yet. I hear, you are in for a ride. The twins in the planet of expansion, Jupiter, many say is not very auspicious. Yet the twins we are used to are not the same twins any longer. Lets go back a few days. The Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine have reunited, surrendered their love to one another and are enjoying the Honeymoon period. Newlyweds shall we say, for this combination of Jupiter in Gemini will continue till next June. Gemini then equals The Divine Feminine and Masculine.


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An Eternal Light Experience by "AngelicView"



An Eternal Light Experience by "AngelicView"


An Eternal Light Experience

 by angelicview 





The Near-Death Experience (NDE)—of which I’ve had a few—mainly occurred at a time when NDEs were rarely documented, much less talked about.  It was something I could only share with certain individuals, who were already spiritually aware, open-minded…or, at least, receptive.  Yet, it still happened that, on occasion, one would accuse me of having had a hallucination, or being in need of ‘psychiatric evaluation’, because ignorance was still so prevalent at that time. 


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Its All Happening, Stay Strong



Guest Wrote to The Press

Its All Happening, Stay Strong




I really try not to get hung up on dates; just going with the flow, listening to my heart and soul.  It is not imminent, it is already occuring - silently, little by little.  Slow and steady wins the race and the Light knows that.  It allows for much better absorption, comprehension and acceptence from the people.  If done all at once, the process of the mass arrests would be too much for the collective to handle.  The Light takes it's time with things because beings handle change much better in small continual doses, rather than one huge lump.  My higherself told me that the two most important virtues I can have at this time are faith and patience.  At times I find these difficult to keep, however I have managed to stay the course.  The great awakening, the grand shift is upon us all N.O.W.  Much Love and Light to all my Brothers and Sisters.  Stay strong.




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Shane B. - We are the Mothership Drivers



Shane B. – June 12, 2012 – We are the Mothership Drivers






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Home Remedies Help Restore Your Health After Eating GMO Foods



Home Remedies Help Restore Your Health After Eating GMO Foods




Posted  on June 12, 2012  by JB Bardot


(NaturalNews) There have been various reports on NaturalNews and in the mainstream media concerning the side effects of consuming food that has been genetically modified. Symptoms ranging from digestive and reproductive disorders to liver failure, internal bleeding and immune system dysfunction are being reported. A combination of home remedies, nutrition and homeopathic medicines may help restore your health. This list is by no means exhaustive. Individuals who are seriously ill from ingesting GMOs should consult an alternative healthcare practitioner rather than self-treat.


Homeopathic remedies

Not all side effects from GMOs are physical. Homeopathic medicines address physical, mental or emotional symptoms related to the subject.


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Earthrise is here on June 12th, 2012. Take time To Rest




June 12th, 2012 Now is the time to rest. The energies are still coming in. It's good to rest every once in a while. Lightworkers need to recharge their energy a lot. Like me, I spread my Light everywhere. When you give Light, you need to replace it. That is why you are tired a lot. There are other things contributing to you being tired. This may be one of the things contributing to you being so tired. I'm tired a lot. I need to rest a lot during the day. My sleeping pattern is off. Just remember to rest. The big event is happening in about a week (aka summer solstice.) Earthrise is here.


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Valerie Donner ~ A Short Message From Sanat Kumara ~ 12 June 2012


Valerie Donner ~ A Short Message From Sanat Kumara ~ 12 June 2012

Good Morning Sun - LynMarie -

Greetings, I am Sanat Kumara.


A beautiful new future awaits you. Every effort that you make towards your ascension and well-being will bring numerous befits. We would do it all for you but we cannot. It is your purpose to shift the Earth along with your selves into higher consciousness.


It is easier than you think. Let go of any resistance. Stay positive. Listen to your bodies. Purge the past. Follow your heart. Release fear and shame, guilt and doubt, despair and misery, self-pity and victimhood. These are old energies of separation.



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Denise Le Fay – Transitions – Doing In The Goddess No-Doing Way



Denise Le Fay – Transitions – Doing In The Goddess No-Doing Way – 13 June 2012

Posted on June 13, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos

I wanted to quote Inelia Benz’s latest article because it’s accurate and great, but also because I’ve been forced to “do nothing” like crazy the minute June 2012 arrived. I’ll share more about that in another article soon but I want to keep the focus on what Inelia wrote as it’s very important right now, and beyond as well. Thank you Inelia Benz. ♥


June 12, 2012


Call to Action – IT’S TIME!
“For the past two weeks every time I sit down to meditate, daydream, doing, or not doing, a strong message comes through.  The words are:


Just that.


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SaLuSa – 6/13/2012



SaLuSa – 6/13/2012

June 13, 2012  by Oracles and Healers

All around you changes are occurring and are a sure sign that the impulses for change are getting stronger, and so it will continue all the way to Ascension. The good news is that the outcome has been well anticipated by us, and we have taken all necessary action to ensure that you ascend. Our main responsibility has been to assist our allies to remove the dark Ones. It is proceeding well and is splitting the ranks of the Illuminati, who are becoming disorganized. It will act as a restraint upon them where they may have any remaining ambition to empower their plans to disrupt your progress.


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TEDxTeen - Jacob Barnett: Forget what you know


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~Children of the Sun~ Christ Consciousness






The incoming of the Divine Feminine aspect is now in full embrace of our beloved planet. She is greatly amplifying our initiations into Christ Consciousness while helping to rejuvenate our bodies in order to transcend into the new Divine-Human... and wayshowers of the emerging I AM Race.   


Christ Consciousness, the Divine Union of Love, Wisdom and Power, is available to all while still in physical embodiment and it is by Divine Decree that we, who walk this Earth during these auspicious times, are the ones to fulfill this prophecy of "the second coming of The Christ". Through our advancement into the 5th initiation, we achieve our ascension while in the formed expression.  

Due to the planetary quickening from the closing of cycles, collective humanity has been granted Divine Dispensation for the fastest development ever undertaken by a race of beings. In this historical evolution of the human design, each of the phases of spiritual initiation must still be taken and cannot, in anyway, be by-passed. This has to do with both the safety of our vehicles and to prevent the potential misuse of power.



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Visionkeeper – Open Yourself Up! – 13 June 2012


Visionkeeper – Open Yourself Up! – 13 June 2012

Posted on June 13, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

(picture by www.favim.com)

It is time for all of us to open up to the world. To open our hearts and risk exposing our true selves to others. We have held back long enough from being who we really are. It is time to spread our wings and fly forth into the world no matter the risks and share ourselves with all those we meet on a deep and loving level. We have hidden away all the parts we fear are tainted or will not be accepted.


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Linda Dillon: What is the Thirteenth Octave – Part 2/3



Linda Dillon: What is the Thirteenth Octave – Part 2/3

2012 JUNE 13

Posted by GLR Steve Beckow


This Saturday, June 16, 2012, at 11:00 AM EST/8 AM PST, Linda Dillon will be holding a free Ustream class. Linda has written a book called The Great Awakening which she calls a “step-by-step guide to Ascension.” The class answers any questions that may have arisen.

To join the broadcast, go to counciloflove.com , and click on the Ustream screen in the upper righthand corner of the site.


What is The Thirteenth Octave?


From Linda Dillon, The Great Awakening, chapter 2.

A Time of Decision

“Greetings from the Council of Love. I am Gabrielle, Herald of God and Messenger of One. I come this day to speak to all Lightworkers not only across North America but across the world, of Love and joy, of a new way of being. The time for indecision must come to an end. There is no longer an envelope in time, as you know it, in which to decide whether to go ahead slowly, rapidly, or at all. One must decide now if you choose to enter the Thirteenth Octave or to remain in the cycle of 12:12. Know that this decision is one based on soul desire and purpose.


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What you are experiencing is totally unreal 06/13/2012 by



What you are experiencing is totally unreal

06/13/2012 by John Smallman

Progress towards your grand awakening is proceeding apace.  The evidence for that may not be readily apparent to most of you because the veil that hides Reality from you is impossible to penetrate when you still hold grudges and resentments.  A number of you, through meditation and relaxation practices, have managed occasionally to completely let go of all non-loving thoughts, emotions, and attitudes for brief periods and have been rewarded with a brief and unforgettable glimpse of the loving vastness of the Reality to which you all belong.


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Message From A New/Old Friend, Pim On New Vision, Orb Energy & Seatbelts ~ By Suzanne Spooner



Message From A New/Old Friend, Pim On New Vision, Orb Energy & Seatbelts ~ By GLR Suzanne Spooner Of TAUK June 12, 2012





June 18, 2012 ~ Orb photographs are from my private collection ~ Suzanne


[Hello Pim.] Hello Suzanne, I am Pim your guide and friend from the angelic realm. [Nice to meet you...or re-meet you as I don’t remember you on a conscious level.] Yes, that is changing though. Many are opening their portals to the truth now.

Portals are in your conscious state as brief glimpses into a greater all knowing.

You have been seeing flashes of light in your periphery and this is what I mean. Your vision is clearing and you will see behind the veil to other dimensions.

Notably, you are a student of the orb energy. Your photography is indeed of multiple dimensions. The orb consciousness is here to observe and report back to Source on the great shift.


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The End of Choice



The End of Choice



by John McIntosh

When you Live in the Now Moment ... Life 'Lives' you. There is no choice, you made your final choice when you decided to Live Truth.

The burden of opposites has ceased and no longer controls, demanding you choose one or the other … the middle way was chosen, finally chosen … actually, it was accepted as the only way.

It will try, the old way … the way of tears … it will beckon from the wings of the stage you once called home, believing it real … but Life has reminded you of Home, your Real Home and no matter how far you roam, from Now on It is always with you – AS you.

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Heavenletter #4219 What You Are Learning


Heavenletter #4219 What You Are Learning, June 13, 2012 

God said: 


You may think you have a long list of difficulties. I do not usually categorize, yet today I will categorize your difficulties into two hang-ups you have: Ego and attachment.

Ego is no more than your identity crisis, and attachment is holding onto everything that you perceive  as due you.


Actually, ego and attachment are one. You are caught up in what you believe is "supposed to be." And you are attached to what you believe, have been taught to believe that you are supposed to have. For instance, you are supposed to be given credit for everything you have done or given. When you do not have the credit that is rightfully yours, you feel denied, and, let's face it, you don't do well with being denied. Beloveds, you have not been denied. You have been given any and every opportunity to grow. Opportunities to grow have been strewn before you.



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Crop Circle June 12th,2012:The process has started.New energy reveal.


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Message from Elohim: Emergence of Christ Consciousness


Wo, 13 juni, 2012

It has been confirmed by the Council of Elohim that we now have more than 144,000 people upon the Earth that are at least 5th level initiates and who have achieved and are now living in the frequency of Christ Consciousness.



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~Space Weather Update~ Very Powerful M1 Class Solar Flare has Erupted


CHANCE OF FLARES: NOAA forcasters estimate a 40% chance of M-class solar flares today as a phalanx of sunspots turns toward Earth. The most likely source of geoeffective eruptions is sunspot AR1504, which has grown into an active region almost 10 times wider than Earth. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.


As predicted, the sunspot has flared. Magnetic fields above AR1504 erupted on June 13th at 1319 UT, producing a long-duration M1-class solar flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme UV glow of the blast:


The ongoing explosion is taking hours to unfold, which means it is very powerful despite its middling M1-peak. Long duration flares often hurl coronal mass ejections (CMEs) into space, and this one is probably no exception. Stay tuned for updates about a possible Earth-directed CME.



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Blue Star UFO Report: out in space



Unidentified Anomaly - Elliptical Path Near Sun |

June 5, 2012





UFO near the Sun - Monitoring the activity of

unidentified objects for June 12, 2012.




UFO Fleet Identified Close To

The Sun




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Spirit Science 7 – Dimensions – 13 June 2012



Uploaded by TheSpiritScience on 1 January 2012


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Michael by GLR Ron Head, The light and love of Creator is perfect



The light and love of Creator is perfect. – Michael by GLR Ron Head

June 13, 2012 by Oracles and Healers

  Spanish      Portuguese


Today we will continue, as promised, by adding a most beautiful vision of grounding into the meditation we offered in yesterday’s message.

You will remember that we suggested you breathe Creator’s unconditional love and light into your crown, third eye, and down into your heart.  It is at this point that we would insert a further step into this beautiful exercise.  If you can now, imagine the love and light of Creator filling every cell of your body and flowing down into your solar, sacral, and root chakras.  Feel it getting stronger with every breath.  Allow it to reach downward now, into your loving mother, Earth.  Imagine it becoming roots, a growing system of roots reaching down, down, and down further and further into the heart of your planet, reaching deep, deep into the very center of her, finding her crystal core and wrapping firmly and lovingly around it.


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Lisa Gawlas: The U-Turn of Life’s Currents and My Life.




Before I get into the core of my sharing I do want to talk about the shift within me, what I am writing about and our (mine and yours) journey together.  There are some who are concerned that the man I refer to as Blue Eyes has been placed in my path as a distraction.  I can so understand and fully appreciate why some may feel like that.

About a week or two ago I had seen and wrote about life’s “river” taking a sudden U-Turn and everything changing direction.  My own life included.

For as long as I do phone readings and continue to understand the changes and presence within each day, I promise you, I will share… All-Ways.

I am not distracted…  well not in the way the word could be used.  I am expanding in a way, in a direction that I couldn’t have even imagined possible even 2 weeks ago.

This expansion, the potentials at hand, the pathways now opening up… are the very reason I Am in Life.

We have arrived at a place in life, in an energetic vibrational potential where the gates of Heaven are now firmly on earth, keys are being released and the divine lock is now visible.  To live Heaven on earth is why we are ALL here.  To live fully in our Divinity while playing out loud in the fields of matter.


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Oracle Report ~ Wednesday, June 13, 2012



Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Third Quarter Moon Phase

As we continue to adjust to the energy of Jupiter in Geminin, we are trying to come into balance.  Things are trying to correct or "right" themselves.  We are trying to upstand.  Jupiter will be at the degree of the New Moon/Solar Eclipse/Ring of Fire for a little while, keeping the ring (vortex) open for negativity.  Dark forces are certainly strong right now.  Stay vigilent and positive, grounded and centered with the Earth to counter anything that might be around.  Darkness is attracted to bright light.  This is a tough transition of energy, and it breeds frustration, anger, and hopelessness.  Remember that we are just in a balancing time and things will settle out.  Stay on the light side. 


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Archangel Michael on Syria, Peace, the Transition and Ascension



Archangel Michael on Syria, Peace, the Transition and Ascension

2012 JUNE 13
Posted by GLR Steve Beckow


An Hour with an Angel, June 11, 2012, with Archangel Michael


Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, and Steve Beckow of the 2012 Scenario. I’m Graham Dewyea.

Our guest today is Archangel Michael. So with that, I’ll pass it on to you, Steve.

Steve Beckow: Thank you, Graham. And Linda, I believe you would like to make an announcement before we start?

Linda Dillon: Yes. Thanks, Steve, and thanks, Graham. I wanted to invite everybody to a free, emphasis on “Free,” Ustream class that I’m going to be doing this coming Saturday, which is the 16th of June. And it will be at 11:00 Eastern Standard Time. And the purpose of the meeting is I have written this book, as you all know, called The Great Awakening. And it is basically a step-by-step process for Ascension. But during the course of the last, oh, few months since the book’s been out, there have been many questions, many queries. We’ve had some shift in energies.


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what is and is to be


Will be brief, Im low on power once again and short on time it seems. This entrapment of brokenness on computing really bothers me.There are no shortcuts to doing things right apparently.



Wonderful things await. I wonder sometimes, though if we are getting carried away with our wanting to be of the things to come, of the ships and people?


There will be times for this, and there is a LOT of work to still yet be done here from what I see.This is the begining, the end of the old, but not the end by far, not even December but by then hopefully most of us will be where we belong.And a great deal of us ar e not from here.


Thats ok.


I just think we are getting carried away a bit. Now I know not everyone is an ArchAngel, not everyone strives to be, there are a LOT of humanoids and Terrans out there and a lot of us here that have you as family in some way or another.The reunion will be grand beyond all means, I am sure.


But we must save ourselves an create the world we want, no other race will do that for us.There is a lot of halfway training and teaching and work that needs to be done I think yet, so have plans to go, but not be so eager to leave that you forget the mission as to why we are here.The mission is truely begining again.


My 2c for today.


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Dion - Getting to The Heart of the Matter,Identifying our Soul-kin & Family, Karmic Echos and Timeline-convergence



  • Getting to The Heart of the Matter /// Identifying our Soul-kin & Family ///Karmic Echos and Timeline-convergence 


    GFP: as we're now in the last cicle, Karma (thought energy you cre-activate) has to be delt with in this cicle as there will be no other incarnation upon this planet as it had been so far. 


    by GLR Dion

    So what's really at the heart of the matter of things for you and all of us right now? ...

    Well, It's Y[our] Heart of course :}

    Since as far back as recorded history (and even further) , the Heart has been at the center of this continuous unfolding. It is actually The Heart , and not the Brain that contains the throne of emotion we sit in.

    The Heart contains the energetic imprint of your Truth and how you have communicated it. In the age of the Ancient Egyptians, When passing in to the underworld Of Osiris , The Heart of the possessor would be weighed against The feather of Maat (divine truth,balance,order,law) in order to determine the course the Soul would take.

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