~Language through illusion or Reality~

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 06/13/2012 - 16:14

Earth Ally Will Harader~

~Language through illusion or Reality~


All written and spoken languages have major issues that people don't notice most of the time. There's huge gaps in communication, though people are so used to this dysfunction it usually goes unnoticed. Word don't quite mean the same thing to different people and even words that mean the same thing have different connotations. When people speak to each other their facial expression and tone assist greatly in communication, but even this can be misinterpreted. We have even less freedom of expression within the written language and the reader is able to project all sorts of their own stuff onto the writing.


Our language was written for people to communicate from within illusion. This makes communication about Reality difficult, to say the least. Both parties need to have the same understandings or there's going to be confusion. For instance, the word Love. When I say Love, I mean the Energy that makes up Reality. Makes sense to me, but it's not going to mean much to someone who still hasn't glimpsed beyond illusion.


This gap in communication makes discussion of spiritual matters quite challenging. Prophets throughout the ages have been deeply misunderstood. Their words have been confused, mistranslated and often, intentionally changed. Religions have propagated these mistakes for their own gains and to fit within their own, limited understandings. I highly doubt that words like sin, karma, heaven and hell, good and evil mean the same thing to the religions as they do to the people the religions are supposed to be based upon. The prophets understood Truths far advanced from those around them. Much was lost in translation after the teachings were passed from person to person. And not just because they were translated between languages, but because they also must be translated for people's separate understandings.


Allow me to demonstrate how a word can have incredibly different meanings to different people. This is probably most extreme with the word God. An old bearded guy who lives in the clouds? An abstract concept? Something beyond human comprehension? Love? Everyone and Everything? The Man who directs the Universe? The Woman who directs the Universe? The pinnacle of human potential? All of the above? Even people of the same religion have different understandings about God, yet they use the same word. They believe they're talking about the same thing, but not really.


From within illusion, Reality seems like an abstract concept. Words like Love and God, that point to a Reality beyond the illusion, have become deeply confused. Even those that see the illusion for what it is (not) have a difficult time communicating Reality from within the limitations of our languages. How does one tell another that their world is an illusion? How does one communicate thoughts that can't be put into words? Reality speaks through feelings. Everyone experiences these, but most people have forgotten how to listen. Their attention is focused upon the repetitive internal dialog, their mind's obsession with a past and future that simply does not exist. This is their illusion and our languages are built around sharing these illusions. Most people are so limited they have trouble even imaging a thought that can't be expressed in words. They're continually feeling thoughts that can't quite be expressed in words, but those focused upon the mind can't see anything beyond the mind.


Feelings are the language of the True Being and they are a much more effective communication medium. Reality is much bigger than what's in the dictionary. There's more atoms in each printed letter than there are words in every language that ever was.


Communication through feelings is telepathy, a language beyond words. Everyone has access to this, yet few are conscious of it. Everything is connected through feeling. Each person has their own unique vibration and this is their true name. It's beyond anything I could ever possibly speak or write. It's only experienced directly, through unfiltered consciousness. We all have this, but for most it goes unused. Most people are so caught up in their filters they think their filters are what's real. They can't see the forest for the trees. Their mind is their filter and their words are it's children. The mind tries to hold on to an ever-changing limitless Reality that's far beyond the limits of the mind. In the instant the mind tries to put Reality in a box, Reality is already far more than what the mind tried to grasp.


Unless one understands the Reality behind the words, words just get in the way. There's no such thing as a house. Every one of the things that people call houses are really just fields of energy. If the field of energy fits all the conditions the mind has for a house, it's called a house. This is where the illusion comes in, people look at a house and don't really see the house. The only see what their mind tells them a house is, and they've seen that a thousand times.


They've put their experience into a box and that is their filter. Somewhere they still have memories of their childhood and a world of wonder and beauty. This is much closer to what the material realm looks like, when people really pay attention. It's made up of Light, of fields of energy. Each atom has it's own unique and wondrous feeling. When you only see the words, the illusion, you miss this. You're staring straight at Reality but you can't see it. This is one of the reasons people have so much trouble moving out of illusion. Reality is "hiding" in plain sight, while people look everywhere but Here and Now for it.


There's a famous painting of a pipe where underneath the pipe is written "This is not a pipe". Of course it's not a pipe, it's a painting. And just like the painting is not a pipe, the word pipe is not a pipe. The word is just a metaphor, it's a series of visual symbols and spoken sounds that represents what we call a pipe. And as the word pipe is not really a pipe, neither is the list of qualities that make up a pipe in your mind. People get so caught up in their words and their minds they completely miss the Reality these things supposedly represent. They're so caught up in the filters they forget everything else. All the while, unfiltered Reality is as simple as being Present.


Love from Mother and FatherGod and the Kingdom of Heaven, Present within the manifest. Heaven is already Here, on Planet Earth=Heart. Love is already Here too, within you. Everything is found Here in the Present, when one can finally let go of the past.



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