~ We are Moving Fast Now~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 06/15/2012 - 10:04


Greetings Love Beings, We are Moving Quickly Now, as We head towards our Next Global Event of the Solsctice. Much Movement is occurring behind the scenes as we Prepare for More Intense Energies. The Sun Is assisting Humanity right now!! We will Have More In Our Next Udpate! All Our Love The Earth Allies

FREEDOM PROJECT: EU breakup imminent: Talk of limiting ATM withdrawals, halting flow of money across borders



EU breakup imminent: Talk of limiting ATM withdrawals, halting flow of money across borders



(NaturalNews) It may not be long before it’s back to the future for Europe. Once, the continent was a collection of independent nations, not tied by language, culture or religion, even. About the only thing European nations shared was geography; they all belonged to the same continent.

That all changed in the years immediately following World War II. Founding on a number of treaties and having gone from six members initially to the current 27, the European Union (EU) promised to become on that continent what the United States had become on the North American continent.


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Fran Zepeda ~ Yeshua ~ The Truth of You ~ 14 June 2012


Fran Zepeda ~ Yeshua ~ The Truth of You ~ 14 June 2012


Greetings fellow Lightworkers, my sisters and brothers of the Light!

I come before you today to speak of Truth. This has many meanings and connotations in your 3rd dimensional world. I would like to go beyond that and talk of the supreme Truth, that which comes only from the Divine Essence of you, dear Ones.


Take a journey with me today, dear friends, into the realms of the unknown. At one moment in your distant past, you chose to ignore and abandon the Light that was you and ventured out into an adventure, an experience of how far away from the Truth you could go, to explore the possibilities of what was unknown and not familiar to you at the time.



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FREEDOM PROJECT: EU discusses ‘limiting ATM withdrawals’... AS IT IS ALREADY UNFOLDING...


irishtimes.com – Last Updated: Tuesday, June 12, 2012, 13:04


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To Hide and Bluff or Acknowledge and Be Done with It?


To Hide and Bluff or Acknowledge and Be Done with It?




by Steve Beckow


As we begin our lightwork, it’s going to be important to be able to cop to and admit our own inadequacies, weaknesses, errors, etc.

As far as I can see, there’s a line and we stand on one side of it or the other. On one side, we feel constitutionally unable to acknowledge when we screw up and, on the other side, we can. The people who can’t acknowledge it often polish their story, bluff their way through, force others to accept their version, etc. Their lives get ever more convoluted and their story just grows and grows.


They may use all the right words and hide what they do from others – for a while. But sooner or later, the house of cards, which just gets bigger, collapses.



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thanks to Indianinthemachine!


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Earthrise is here on June 14th, 2012.

June 14th, 2012 Now its time to get rid of anything that is holding you back in ego. Ego is going bankrupt. This time, ego won't be able to have a bailout. Out with the old in with the new. You are in the old trying to bring in the new. You feel the new coming in. The old is going out. This period of time is going to be chaotic to a lot of people. This is where you need to shine your Light the most! The old is trying to stay and put you down about the new. You know and feel the new is best for the planet the people and the universe. Don't listen to the old and just listen to the new. A new balance of love is coming. No more light and darkness. Love is what replaces this. Love is here NOW. Only six more days until the summer solstice. Humanity is about to receive the greatest wake up call in the history of this planet. Earthrise is here.

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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~14~12 The Lights Momentum just Hit the High Gear


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~14~12



Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ The Lights Momentum just Hit the High Gear


 Amazing Love Light Energy Incoming Taken In Arizona from The Lunar Eclipse

 Photo Taken By Pals 9


Greetings Love Beings, The Love Energy is Really kicking In Now. Today, was A Turning Point High In the Lights Favor. The Lights Momentum just Hit the High Gear. We have Many awakening at a Very Quick rate. This was the Plan and is Manifesting NOW. What this does is each Being Who Awakens Strengthens the Unified Field Around the Planet and Assists All Destined Events To Manifest this Much Quicker and Smoother.





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Heavenletter #4221 Sustaining Love


Heavenletter #4221 Sustaining Love, June 15, 2012 

God said: 


It is so easy for you to feel loving when you are loved back the way you believe you must be loved back, absolutely must be loved back. Even as you know that people can only love as they love, you crave to be the Adored. To have once been enthroned on the pedestal only to be thrown off the pedestal you were put on or seemed to be put on feels to you like the greatest betrayal. You were given the brass ring, and then it was taken away from you. This leaves your heart raw. What you once counted on cannot be counted on anymore, and so you are distraught, and so you are bereft. But what really has happened, beloveds? A picture has been taken away from you. A pretty picture it was indeed, and it has been removed, taken away, and yet the love from another was never yours to own. It is not owed to you. Love simply does not work that way.


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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 15 June 2012



Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 15 June 2012

We still continue to work hard with our allies to overcome the last obstacles that stand in our way. Once removed, announcements can be made to prime you ready for a series of actions to take out those who have controlled your lives through criminal intent. Many involved are names familiar to you, indeed in many cases very well known including others totally unknown. Once the key figures are removed, it will be the green light for our allies to mount a large scale arrest of those of whom we have sufficient evidence to prove their guilt. They will be treated fairly and given proper trials where they can be represented. The judges will be selected for their honesty and integrity and experience in applying the Law correctly and as was intended.


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Fran Zepeda ~ Yeshua ~ The Truth of You ~ June 14, 2012


Yeshua ~ The Truth of You ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ June 14, 2012






Greetings fellow Lightworkers, my sisters and brothers of the Light!


I come before you today to speak of Truth. This has many meanings and connotations in your 3rd dimensional world. I would like to go beyond that and talk of the supreme Truth, that which comes only from the Divine Essence of you, dear Ones.


Take a journey with me today, dear friends, into the realms of the unknown. At one moment in your distant past, you chose to ignore and abandon the Light that was you and ventured out into an adventure, an experience of how far away from the Truth you could go, to explore the possibilities of what was unknown and not familiar to you at the time.



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I'm Trying to Sell My Painting...


To help pay my overdrawn checking account, and to help animals...



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Christina Light: Embrace Fear



Embrace Fear

Posted: 14 Jun 2012 11:12 AM PDT


by GLR Christina Light

Fear is very damaging, fear lowers one's vibration and limits one's expansion. As long as one is in fear, one cannot move on. Where there is fear, there cannot be love because fear is the absence of love. Love

nourishes while fear destroys and constricts. Anything build on love will resist and keep growing, anything based on fear is on shaky ground. The only way out of fear is through it. Walk through your fears and you'll discover that beyond each fear there is a GREAT freedom.

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Ascension Symptoms ?!




Ascension Symptoms ?! 
Listen to Aluna Joy, powerful Lightworker born 'awake' with messages for you from her The Star Elders which are also our Buddies & guides. This is a riveting, informative interview that will answer lots of questions you have about "this revolutionary time," describing common symptoms we're all going through from dizziness, neck pain, vertigo, nausea, falling, sleeplessness, and more! Also how to get support! We're all in this together.
A sneek preview of Aluna Joy's recent interview with
Shelia Gail on World Puja Network.


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Man Calls JPMorgan Chase CEO A Crook To His Face in Front of Reporters


From: http://www.youtube.com/user/CNN

Please click Like on my FaceBook page here: http://www.facebook.com/PigMineNews
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June 13, 2012 - JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon is confronted by angry protesters at a Senate Banking Committee hearing.

FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.


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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 06-14-2012 ~Gold Gate incoming ~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 06-14-2012 ~Gold Gate incoming ~




Greetings Loved Beings,

today the amount of golden pure light has brought Love to an even Higher level of consciousness. Synchronisitc events, Miracles, Joy ahs overflown the mind, even of those unaware of the icoming Pure Love energies. It simply Is and it is Now.


Whatever your emotions are let them go and dive into your Feelings! They’ll tell you all you need to Know!

Thank You for BEingLove.



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Activation of the Goddess : Equity of the Emerald Ray


Activation of the Goddess : Equity of the Emerald Ray
Landscape Green Ire
Forest Meadow - Kerry Ireland 
Join us in the Emerald Isle
In Receiving& Re-Anchoring the Divine Feminine
 Gaia 88


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Guided Meditation | White Light Protection


Posted by indianinthemachine2


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~StarGate Activation~ A Major Transformation For Everyone~


We have received a major channel from the Agarthians via Shirley and Doug Morrison, students at the Last Mt Shasta workshop on April 27, and being asked to

It will be different aspects for different people. Those on the path will have a major boost, those not will get on their path: Major keys will be given to different people that are awake, aware and willing to do the work.


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Venus joins Moon and Jupiter in Dawn Sky & ECM Update




This headline caught my attention, as I looked yesterday at the rising Sun, I saw with my physical eyes/vision, 3 Suns, and a Planet sitting off to the left of the Sun !


I always look into the rising Sun at dawn when I am able, and Never have seen what I just described !!! Wondrous times these are!  Much Love Everyone, Annie

Venus joins the moon and Jupiter in dawn sky
A week after crossing the face of the sun, brilliant planet has moved to morning shift


 Venus, moon, Jupiter sky map
Starry Night Software

Moving right along from its transit across the sun on June 5, 2012, Venus is now a morning "star," joining the moon and Jupiter in a dawn conjunction on Sunday, June 17.

By Geoff Gaherty Starry Night Education

updated 1 hour 20 minutes ago 2012-06-14T01:06:54


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posted by indianinthemachine



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Terri Newlon ~ Djwhal Khul ~ Call Forth The Good In All ~ 14 June 2012


Terri Newlon ~ Djwhal Khul ~ Call Forth The Good In All ~ 14 June 2012

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi delek.

Alright. We are in a very spiritual point of tension, as we put it sometimes, meaning something like you might say, ‘stuck in the frying pan’, or something like that. A saying that things are very heated up and maybe a bit difficult for many members of Humanity right now. So I decided to title this one “Call Forth The Good In All”.


And before I talk about that I am going to explain what’s going on, why people are going on killing rampages, and sometimes harming themselves rather severely, or blowing off steam, yelling at other people. We have quite a bit going on, mostly with the brain and the magnetics.


The magnetic storms in particular really affect many things; they affect the aura, they affect whether or not one can stay grounded and stabilized in their body. People prone to bipolar or other disorders are especially having troubles maintaining. People with unresolved rage or other angers and heavy emotions: sadness, fear, resentment, etc. They are really swelling up now.



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Message from the Earth Allies: Love and Miracles flow downstream.


Message from the Earth Allies: Love and Miracles flow downstream.

Can you feel the Joy? Can you feel the tingling sensation under your skin? Yehawww... that's called Love. 
The warm embracing sensation of Being... Home... connected... the Feeling of Love!
Here you are!
Cause your Heart is Home, your Heart is the Gate. The only Gate and it's so WonderFul, so Joyful, so Relaxing and Warm.
Think of when you swim in a river... got the image? Ok. Think of swimming agains stream for miles and miles and miles without resting a single moment, and then, a thought strucks your mind... "Why am I swimming against stream?" And you have no real answer. You still go on but now the strength you put in it is kind on... weaker? You're not to sure anymore. But still, that's what you are able to do and that's what you do! Why not? You know how to swim and you swim... then you start seeing some beings coming DOWN the stream and oh boy! That blows your mind, but even more the fact that they're... laughing!! Why on Earth are they laughing!!! They're going against the stream and laugh? But what!?


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M-pressive Solar Flare June 14, 2012 Earth Directed


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6/14/2012 -- Severe Weather ALERT -- MN WI MI IA KS OK TX LA MS AL FL GA


Damaging winds, hail, and eventually (most likely) possible tornadoes. Be alert in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, South Central Canada east of Thunder Bay , Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia

As the systems push ENE ... be alert in Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Illinois.. and possibly Indiana/Ohio.

South East and East Coast... As the storms push ENE.. be aware of the possibility of severe weather in South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia.

Use the links here to monitor severe weather nationally and internationally:



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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/14/12 'The Reconnection'





We are beings that have your best interests in mind at all times, and we do not wish any harm to come to any of you at any time. This is what we are. We are your families and we are your friends from the higher realms. It is we that are your guides and it is we that are your Angels. It is we that craft certain situations to bring about results that you expressed you wished to achieve before your current incarnations. We are not strangers to any of you. We are not ‘visitors’ in this sense of the word that may come to mind. We are here with your permission from our contact with you before your current incarnation.


All that is transpiring here at this time in your world has already been discussed with each of you before you set out on the current journey you find yourself on. This is not a surprise to you, although it is due to your lack of memory of the planning stages of these events that these events unfolding appear to contain surprise, mystery and elements of the unknown. In reality, there is nothing transpiring here that you do not already know and do not already fully understand and have planned for quite some time. What we, your friends and your family who are members of the Galactic Federation of Light would like to begin to do at this time is to reveal to you, or should we say help you remember, portions of the plan that we feel it is now the appropriate time to begin to unfold here in your world.



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Earth Allie Lucas – So Now We Know The System Will Collapse – Now Concentrate On The Positive Energy Of The New Coming



Lucas – So Now We Know The System Will Collapse – Now Concentrate On The Positive Energy Of The New Coming – 15 June 2012

A Small message from me to you all.  I also do report on the negative news that is out their even news I do not resonate with but is important for the choice you make. I let you all see what is  around in this mist of information and disinformation.

Ultimately YOU are the one that needs to discern and make the choices. I just hope you will see through the veil of doom and gloom.  Just see that the inevitable will be change into the new as the Source, God, the Creator of whatever name you give to the higher form has decreed. We can speed up the process in working on the changes within our selves. Working towards the new is transforming your thoughts and actions in loving and peaceful ones.  Your mind is not based anymore in your head but in your heart centre. Feel what you need to know with your heart. Open it and the stream of changes will also be flowing and be present to you.


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Dave Schmidt – The Illusion Of This World : A Follow-Up – 15 June 2012


Dave Schmidt – The Illusion Of This World : A Follow-Up – 15 June 2012

(Lucas : I have forgotten to post this yesterday. Here it is  Dave’s follow up.)

It’s amazing to see how Spirit will develop themes that come our way for a week or two.  Two days ago I wrote an article regarding the illusion of this world.  It had been brewing in me for a couple of weeks through my own reading and noticing the messages in various posts.  Then yesterday Saul follows my message with what seems to me like a masterful response.

In my post I talk about the world we live in as nothing more than a perception of our thoughts. That’s why it’s an illusion. It’s not real.  It’s our ego mind that keeps us from being in the divine moment all the time.


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Strong CME/Earth Directed


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2MIN News June 15 2012: Major Spaceweather Coming


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(Weekly Liberation Meditations)
After the great success of World Liberation Day and even greater success of Reboot of the Grid and Return of the Goddess, our efforts for planetary liberation continue. We will continue meeting in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, every Sunday until our planet is liberated. The dark Cabal needed 25,000 years to create the Matrix and enslave humanity. We will need much shorter time to uncreate this Matrix and help setting humanity free. The main thingrequired is our dedication and focused intent to insist meditating every Sunday until humanity is set free. By meditating regularly, we are creating a planetary network of Light on the non-physical planes that will help transmuting all the darkness. We need to have 144,000 people doing this visualization with focus to achieve the desired effect. If the critical mass of people on this planet makes an unconditional decision for the Light, the Light will come. Most likely the group of dedicated meditators for World Liberation Movement will grow week after week until the critical mass is reached and the breakthrough occurs. 


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~ An Important Message from The Earth Allies~ The Four Understandings


















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Message from your FB Earth Allies




Message from your FB Earth Allies



It's said fb is from the cabal... it's there only to make money... yes, this was it's intent... thus, here's how to turn shadows into Light... these messages came in in a 20 min time laps... whatever they intended it to be, We, the People, made it Shine!

Be it Light.





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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Integrity Align your actions with your values



Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Integrity

  • Align your actions with your values


on June 15, 2012

Use your inner knowing to do what feels right for you. When you have a problem or challenge, a desire will come forth from you and guidance hears it immediately and answers your call. Once you move your attention from the challenge, you then allow for solutions to come forth. Give birth to new ideas and allow the responses to flow freely to you.


Then, when you feel guided, take action. You are in touch with your inner knowing and your truth, you need to trust and lovingly assert yourself. Let go of any small thoughts about yourself and see yourself succeeding in all ways. Let no one stand in the way of you creating the life of your dreams. Keep your thoughts optimistic and trust that there is enough for everyone in this abundant Universe.


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Michael by Ron Head: We are with you without fail




This morning we shall speak of the higher energies of love that are being directed to Earth at this time.  You will most likely have heard by now of the heightened energy arriving now from your star.  This is bringing with it, indeed this consists of, the light, information, and love from your Central Sun.

Your picture of sunlight is of a beautiful light that you may be in or out of, a light which casts shadows.  The frequencies of light coming to you now, the ones we are discussing, are bathing every atom on your earth with the love and intent of your Creator.  There is no possibility of them missing you.  They reach the very core of the planet and pass on their way.


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Unknown Light Artsist


~✡ Violet Flame ✡~

The Violet Consuming Flame is a raising, transforming, purifying action of Divine Love from the very Heart of God in the Great Central Sun, the Mighty I AM Presence of Infinity. The Violet Fire allows the transmutation and consuming of human creation that is not worthy of becoming Immortal, and all negative karmic causes, effects, records, and memories, without the need to individually balance that karma face-to-face with each individual back to the earliest beginning of our individualized manifestation on this or any other world. Saint Germain has explained that by calling to the Mighty I AM Presence to release this Action of the Sacred Fire, a person can purify the mind and body of unnecessary substances which hinder the Flow of Light and thus clear the consciousness to receive greater Illumination. This Flame of God elevates the unhappy substance of human creation back into its original Pristine Radiance.


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Tiara Kumara – Message From Elohim : Emergence Of Christ Consciousness -



Tiara Kumara – Message From Elohim : Emergence Of Christ Consciousness -

It has been confirmed by the Council of Elohim that we now have more than 144,000 people upon the Earth that are at least 5th level initiates and who have achieved and are now living in the frequency of Christ Consciousness.

Fifth level initiation is referred to as the “Resurrection”. This demonstrates full mastery over the pull of matter. We completely return to the Monad and merge with the Group I AM while retaining a physical “light body” form. This is the attainment of 5th dimensional consciousness which is characterized by the experience of oneness.

The 144,000 was the number needed to trigger the mass advancement of the race including the great domino effect among all other Planetary Light Servers, which now number in the several million across the globe. This 144,000 Christ Harmonic is able to greatly strengthen and raise the rest of us (and Humanity) into direct experiences of Christ Consciousness as we continue advancing in our remaining initiations.


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Freedom Project: Lucas – Bank Runs And Money Flowing Out – 15 June 2012



Lucas – Bank Runs And Money Flowing Out – 15 June 2012

Here are a couple of videos on the bank runs, the  money flowing out of countries and even banks closing accounts for periods, do not forget the ATM redrawal amount restrictions put in place in Spain for instance all this is subject to the austerity and debt-crisis madness.


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Oracle Report ~ Friday, June 15, 2012



Friday, June 15, 2012

Balsamic Moon Phase


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Kahlil Gibran: When Love Beckons to You, Follow Him 2012 JUNE 14



Kahlil Gibran: When Love Beckons to You, Follow Him

2012 JUNE 14
Posted by GLR Steve Beckow


How could we hear one line of Gibran (1) and not hear the rest?

When love beckons to you, follow him,
Though his ways are hard and steep.
And when his wings enfold you yield to him,
Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.
And when he speaks to you believe in him,
Though his voice may shatter your dreams
as the north wind lays waste the garden.

For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.
Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun,
So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.


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Five Million Brazilian Farmers Take on Monsanto and Win $2 Billion



Five Million Brazilian Farmers Take on Monsanto and Win $2 Billion


85% of soyabean are genetically engeneered... and so 85% of all other products we use as food... I guess it's time to Shift is it not? TIme to See the PLanet we all want to Live on and not to survive on... Where we can go out into Nature and Share with Mother Earth=Heart her fruits, her nutrients, her Energy of Love... and not industrial chemicals... We're Here, We're Now, We're Shifting the Paradigm!

WE're We The People!

Join Us in Love and Joy... it's Happeining Now.



14th June 2012

By Subodh Varma - timesofindia.indiatimes.com


Five million Brazilian farmers have taken on US based biotech company Monsanto through a lawsuit demanding return of about 6.2 billion euros taken as royalties from them. The farmers are claiming that the powerful company has unfairly extracted these royalties from poor farmers because they were using seeds produced from crops grown from Monsanto’s genetically engineered seeds, reports Merco Press.

In April this year, a judge in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, ruled in favor of the farmers and ordered Monsanto to return royalties paid since 2004 or a minimum of $2 billion. The ruling said that the business practices of seed multinational Monsanto violate the rules of the Brazilian Cultivars Act (No. 9.456/97). Monsanto has appealed against the order and a federal court ruling on the case is now expected by 2014.


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Heart Surgeon Speaks Out On What Really Causes Heart Disease



Heart Surgeon Speaks Out On What Really Causes Heart Disease


Dr. Dwight Lundell
Thu, 01 Mar 2012 



Dr Lundell

© n/a

We physicians with all our training, knowledge and authority often acquire a rather large ego that tends to make it difficult to admit we are wrong. So, here it is. I freely admit to being wrong. As a heart surgeon with 25 years experience, having performed over 5,000 open-heart surgeries, today is my day to right the wrong with medical and scientific fact. I trained for many years with other prominent physicians labelled “opinion makers.” Bombarded with scientific literature, continually attending education seminars, we opinion makers insisted heart disease resulted from the simple fact of elevated blood cholesterol. The only accepted therapy was prescribing medications to lower cholesterol and a diet that severely restricted fat intake. The latter of course we insisted would lower cholesterol and heart disease. Deviations from these recommendations were considered heresy and could quite possibly result in malpractice.It Is Not Working!


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The manuscript of survival – part 151



The manuscript of survival – part 151



 •June 15, 2012 • 



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A Message from St. Germain What is Unfolding Is Truly Unstoppable~


 A Message from St. Germain What is Unfolding Is Truly Unstoppable~




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~ A Special Message from The Earth Allies~ You Are The Starship


~ A  Special Message from The Earth Allies~ You Are The Starship


~You are The StarShip~


Merkaba - 1 - Will - site



~Everyone on this Planet was Chosen, Hand Picked, out of the GODZILLIONS of Beings in Existence, to Be Here for this Experience. All of Humanity were the Ones, Specifically Chosen for this Experience of Awakening from out of the dream of illusion.~




~Love Is Everything, although it is nothing material, all material stuff was created in the  illusionary dream, for the sole purpose to make Humanity slaves, so they could pay the controllers, work hard and then die. As Humanity awakens they will drop all of these things, As Love, Joy, and Living~Experiencing the Truth will Be all that Matters ~


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Expression and Extension



Merkaba - 2 - OneLoveIs -

Hello Son,

Expression and Extension

As you begin to understand yourself each day and come to terms with your own challenges. You will begin to realise that you are not alone in these challenges and the spiritual path.



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DIVINE PARTNERSHIP ~~Peggy Black and the "team" [Hathors]



~~Peggy Black and the "team" [Hathors]



We are here and ready to invite and empower you to step forward in partnership with the divine stream of consciousness. We have often acknowledged you as a multidimensional being; the physical aspect that you are experiencing is only a small part of who you truly are. In this reality it is an important aspect, we know that you would agree with us on that matter.



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~Lisa Gawlas~ Tuning to the Partnered Harmonics of Shambhala Frequency.



Tuning to the Partnered Harmonics of Shambhala Frequency.


I feel like I have been waiting a lifetime to be in this unfolding experience, as always, excited to share whatever it is that I am learning, that is unfolding for all of us to experience with full awareness.  Now that I am in it, it is not so easy to share.


We have learned, if not had it beaten into us thru religion and family, society itself… to keep our intimacy secret.   We do it behind closed doors and so many become offended when someone dares to love out loud, in a public way.  Yet, look at nature.  It loves and expresses out loud each and every day.



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~Space Weather Update~ Chance for X Class Solar Flares ~Earth Directed


CHANCE OF FLARES: Big sunspot AR1504 has developed a 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field that harbors energy for strong solar flares. NOAA forecasters estimate a 65% chance of M-flares and a 5% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours. X-flare alerts: text, voice.


INCOMING CMES: On June 14th, for the second day in a row, sunspot AR1504 erupted and hurled a CME toward Earth. The fast-moving (1360 km/s) cloud is expected to sweep up a previous CME and deliver a combined blow to Earth's magnetic field on June 16th around 10:16 UT. This animation shows the likely progression of the approaching storm:


According to the forecast track prepared by analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, the CMEs will also hit Venus on June 15th and Mars on June 19th. Because Venus and Mars do not have global magnetic fields to protect them, both of those planets will probably lose tiny amounts of atmosphere when the CMEs strike.


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~Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 06-15-2012 ~Creators Golden Energy non-stop~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 06-15-2012 ~Creators Golden Energy non-stop~



Greetings Loved Beings,

Light Light Light = Love Love Love.

As Micheal said throught Ron Head... animals and plant do not question the High Golden Love Energy... so should all of humanity!

Simply accept and enjoy with no questions.

It’s the fastest ways of finding Home: Heart=Love.

Thank You for BEingLove.



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Visionkeeper – The Long Wait – 15 June 2012



Visionkeeper – The Long Wait – 15 June 2012

(Photo: www.favim.com)

It was last September when I began the One World Rising blog. My main purpose was to awaken people to what was going on in the world, the lies, the cover ups and to hopefully bring people together into the light where we could all work together to bring about a new world. It has become a long wait to reach our goal I know.

At times the wait for the shift in consciousness becomes so long and frustrating we sometimes doubt it will ever materialize. I think if we step back and look closely at all that has gone on we will see a great deal of change has already been underway but we are too close to it all to notice. I mentioned this once with an analogy about owning a new puppy and how friends can see it growing by leaps and bounds but we ourselves are too close to notice as much. Things are happening one small step at a time. It makes me think of fads over the years and how it takes a certain amount of people(energy) wanting something to push it over the edge into the fad category. We are waiting for that same group energy now to be powerful enough to push our consciousness over the edge where everyone will follow suit.


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FREEDOM PROJECT: 'Assange case will define press freedom in 21st century'... THANK YOU DEAR BROTHER JULIAN...


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FREEDOM PROJECT: The Euro Has [Unofficially] Collapsed. . . NOTE: This is NOT the final red screen, June 14, 2012


GFP: Please, read this with a smile on your face, with knowing that all is perfect, that we all agreed some time ago to experience events like these, and to be triggered in our awaken GodSelf...
Be very proud that You can read these news with smile in your heart, simply knowing what is ahead... Golden Aquarius Age of Truth, Freedom and Love... PSG


The Euro Has [Unofficially] Collapsed. . . NOTE: This is NOT the final red screen, June 14, 2012

This info was forwarded to me about 9:30 this evening, Pacific Time. I’ve waited until my guides finally told me it was no longer a maybe, but a fact. Sadly, it is obvious to me that the writer of this message is in great fear and has no spiritual knowledge and understanding of the significance of what is occurring.


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