Gemini New Moon Beginnings & Completions

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 06/17/2012 - 14:26
Galactic Center - NASA/JPL-Caltech/S. Stolovy (Spitzer Science Center/Caltech) - site

The Gemini New Moon on June 19 is invoking a revolution in consciousness. We are moving from breakdown to breakthrough. What is not built on Truth and Love is dissolving. The “prison matrix” that has programmed our minds for the past 13 millennia is collapsing. As a result, our beliefs, ideas, systems, structures and paradigms are breaking down. These breakdowns are causing chaos, confusion, and uncertainty. This can make one feel extremely uncomfortable not knowing what to expect next? Relationships, institutions, organizations, and anything that is not for the highest good must evolve or dissolve.


Additionally, we must be mindful of the fact that it is not everyone’s time to awaken. Many people are asleep. This includes our partners, friends and family. Each soul chooses when it is her right time to evolve out of third dimension. Our role is to lead by example. Keep moving forward and be a way shower of light.


“Life on Earth is a vast illusion, structured for the explicit purpose of spiritual evolution for all its participants. We have large amounts of time to learn our lessons — across many lifetimes — while living in very significant amnesia of our greater Identity.


Historical epochs and events keep repeating, so as to give us similar situations in parallel cycles of time. All the while, we have choices as to how to react to these epic changes.”

—–David Wilcock, Divine Cosmos


This is our second Gemini New Moon. The first one occurred on May 20 at 0*and was our first 2012 Solar Eclipse. This New Moon is at 29* and is empowered by several factors. Such as, the New Moon peaks just 32 hours before summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and winter solstice in the Southern. Solstices act as energetic gateways, allowing a greater influx of stellar radiation as the axial tilt of the Earth comes to a gravitational stand still for three days.


Moreover, the summer and winter Solstices are now also closely aligned with the Galactic Cross—the intersection between the Milky Way Galaxy with the ecliptic—the path of the Earth around the Sun—each Solstice provides a wider portal for Prime Creator’s Love/Light energy upgrading our DNA, downloading our new codes, our new archetypes and accelerating our evolution.


The 29* Gemini New Moon is in opposition to the Galactic Center at 27* Sagittarius. The New Moon is 5 days before the first exact square between revolutionary Uranus and evolutionary Pluto on June 24. Pluto and Uranus are triggering powerful events that will change and reshape our world forever.


Saturn stations direct on June 25 after being in reverse since February 7. Saturn is encouraging us to take a giant step forward in our personal, business and spiritual life path. Venus the Goddess of Love moves direct on June 27. Venus has provided us with the opportunity to review and reflect on our past, our core values, inner and outer resources and our relationships.

Thank Goddess!


Venus the Goddess of Love wants us to live from our heart, in peace and prosperity. For instance, doing what we love for a living. If everyone had his or her basic needs met—food, clothing, housing, medical and educational. We would be free to pursue our true path with heart, passion and creativity. This would be Heaven on Earth—everyone living from their creative power. Our Golden Age is all people having access to opportunity for personal, spiritual and career advancement. Pluto and Uranus will give us the technological breakthroughs and technology advancements that create abundance for all.


The Gemini New Moon is an anomaly. For instance, New Moons mean new beginnings, a new monthly cycle. This is where we declare our intentions for the next thirty-days. However, this new moon is at 29* and that is the finishing of a cycle. Our zodiac signs move from 0-30* cycles. Thus, the 29* Gemini New Moon has more to do with completing old business and tying up loose ends than starting anew. This is where we could find our greatest productivity.


♠ What is complete for you?

♠ What is holding you back?

♠ Where do you feel stuck?

♠ What opportunities are available to you right now?

♠ What are you proud of that you have accomplished?

♠ What would you dare to dream and do if you knew you could not fail?

♠ If money was not a concern for you, what would you be doing?


Whatever is dissolving in our lives at this time, we want to release, let go and surrender. Our suffering comes from holding on to what is no longer serving our personal evolution. Instead, we are to make room for the new life that is emerging. June is the turning point in our unprecedented year 2012.


We want to use the New Moon energy to clean up remnants of the past that are still lingering. In this way, we are free to create the space for new ideas, exciting opportunities, and real prosperity built on a strong personal foundation.


“There is a Life Stream that flows to you, and this is a Stream of clarity, a Stream of wellness, a Stream of abundance… and in any moment, you are allowing it or not. What someone else does with the Stream, or not, does not have anything to do with how much of it will be left for you. This Stream is as abundant as your ideas allow it to be.” — Abraham

Love and Peace,

Kelley Rosano

Gemini New Moon Mantras:

“I Am Whole, Balanced and Complete.” “I Am Flexible, Adaptable and Flowing with the Changes.”

“I Am Creative Passion in Action”

Astrological Events
Pluto square Uranus June 24, 2012
Saturn Direct June 25
Venus Direct June 27
Mars enters Libra July 4, 2012
Mercury retrograde July 15–August 7, 2012

We can weather this wild evolutionary wave together!

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