~ Today We have Entered the Beginning Energies for the Solstice~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 06/18/2012 - 10:05

Greetings Love Beings, Today we have Entered the Much Anticipated Energies of the Solsctice. These will Continue until 3 days after the the Solstice date in which many activations will also take Place. There is much anticipation right now. We ask you to let go of all your expectations, let go of how you think it will Look, and leave the space open and free for the Energy to Move to assist us in all these Events. Remember all is a Process in which we are definatly in. We Love You, we will have More In todays Update. Love The Earth Allies

6/17/2012 -- Severe weather outbreak -- ND SD MN WI - south Canada - also TX MO OH


North Dakota, Montana, South Central Canada, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Thunder Bay Canada... St. Paul Minnesota.. Duluth MN.. several cities in the path of this large storm system... producing hail , damaging winds, and confirmed tornadoes.

Southwards.. through the midwestern states of Missouri Arkansas .. into Texas, Louisiana --- hail, damaging winds, and possible tornadoes as well.

near the tropics.. Puerto Rico.. south of Florida.. Hail and damaging winds detected.

HAVE A SEVERE WEATHER PLAN READY just in case you have to deal with events such as these.

Use the links here to monitor severe weather nationally and internationally:



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EARTH ALLIES 18.6.2012... Message to Light Workers, Agarthians, Walk Ins, Drop Ins and Wannabe Ins.


June 13th 2012....Gets stranger as we go eh? Don't shoot the messenger. Not a channeling.


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Bird Of Freedom..artist Seal





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FREEDOM PROJECT: 2012-06-17 Drake Vital Updates on Blog Talk Radio...


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Suzan Caroll: New Earth Journal Part 5 2012 June 17


Suzan Caroll: New Earth Journal Part 5

2012 June 17

By Dr Suzan Caroll / Suzanne Lie – June 16, 2012


My Entry NOW

Good Nowness Dear Humans,

We the Air Elementals, the Sylphs, have come to speak with you this day. We are so honored to be able to have a voice for the ears of humanity. Always, we have floated past you without your knowing. We have often whispered in your ear, and some of you even heard us. Unfortunately, very few could understand us.



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FREEDOM PROJECT: Slavery and the 8 veils - ENGLISH - High Quality HD...

Slavery and the 8 veils - ENGLISH - High Quality... by weboose

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HUGE BREAKING NEWS - Unidentified Object Sun June 17, 2012 | SunsFlare


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/17/12 ‘Our Name, Our Messages & Motivation


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/17/12 ‘Our Name, Our Messages & Motivation’




Do not attempt in any way to steer our discussions away from their true purpose and intent, which is to serve our Creator who is your Creator, and who has decreed our mission here to bring to this world advancements that will see to the benefit of each and every being who calls this planet their home. The intention of these communications is to allow all those who wish to learn greater understandings of what is transpiring here at this time to be able to locate a reservoir of new information, teachings and updates to our mission that flow like a fountain from our collective within the higher dimensions of this universe unto you, our brothers and sisters of the planet you call Earth.  



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Love, Relationships and more


Greetings all,

Look at the Sky - LuasDeAlmeida - site

Been a while since I last posted. I have been dealing with a break up in my marriage to a very unconscious person whom I have kids with, own land and a house with etc. etc.



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Solar Eruption! June 17,2012


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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~17~12 Preparing for the Solstice Energy


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~17~12


Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Preparing for the Solstice Energy




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Energies are Intense Right NOW~


Magdolna Szarnyasi


Nancy Dettweiler: NESARA ~ Our Worldwide Declaration of Independence


Nancy Dettweiler: NESARA ~ Our Worldwide Declaration of Independence


Posted on June 16, 2012 by  Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

Whether or not NESARA was actually signed into law by the Clinton administration, it represents the will of the people worldwide.  NESARA is the 2012 version of America’s 1776 Declaration of Independence.


Gaia—or Planet Earth—will undergo tremendous changes during the remainder of 2012 and beyond.  Becoming familiar with some of the major concepts behind this transformation will allow us to discern truth and participate wisely.



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Message from Montague Keen - June 17, 2012



Message from Montague Keen - June 17, 2012

My dear Veronica, it is never easy to accept that all that you had accepted as true is, in fact, false. The extent of the corruption is far greater than you expected. I tried to prepare you, by constantly reminding you that nothing is as it seems. Because people accepted what they were taught without question, they are now having difficulty accepting the truth. It is only when you have the full facts in front of you, that you can deal with the situation that has been engineered so that the corrupt cabal can take full control. Do not expect compassion from them. They are not capable of it. You have each got to be there for each other. Always remember, you are the 99 percent.

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New Democracy Wins But May Be Unable To Form Coalition; Syriza Has Coalition Chances If New Democracy Fails



Mish/ Mike Shedlock – New Democracy Wins But May Be Unable To Form Coalition; Syriza Has Coalition Chances If New Democracy Fails – 17 June 2012

In the last 15 minutes I have changed this blog headline a few times from various forms of likely winner for New Democracy to “winner”.

The key news now is that it still depends on Pasok , which has stated unwillingness to enter into a coalition with New Democracy and refused to do so in the last election. The difference this time is that Syriza has a strong chance of forming a coalition if New Democracy fails.


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Remain In Your Cocoon Of Iridescent Light… AKA Survival Tips For Hectic Times ~ From God & Gabriel ~ By Suzanne



Remain In Your Cocoon Of Iridescent Light… AKA Survival Tips For Hectic Times ~ From God & Gabriel ~ By GLR Suzanne Spooner Of TAUK June 17, 2012




June 17, 2012

God & Gabriel


[Hello  God & Gabriel] Hello Suzy Dear. May we take this opportunity to address the fortitude you have had during these hectic times? [Well, sure.]


Light is now coming into your planet in unprecedented frequencies. This light is the elixir to dualities harshness to the soul. The beauty you focus on in your garden is the salve to the trying times of a 3-D world in flux. Focus on beauty as much as possible.


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Vatican Charges – The Kind Of Difficult New We Can Expect




Steve Beckow – Vatican Charges – The Kind Of Difficult New We Can Expect – 17 June 2012


Posted on June 17, 2012 by GLR  



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Dr Moe Radio - WARNING: Be Prepared for Love!


Welcome to Dr Moe Radio where I will be posting links to my latest YouTube Music Video Creations.  Enjoy!



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GLOBAL ELITES THROWN OUT OF ICELAND: Iceland Dismantles Corrupt Gov’t Then Arrests All Rothschild Bankers



GLOBAL ELITES THROWN OUT OF ICELAND: Iceland Dismantles Corrupt Gov’t Then Arrests All Rothschild Bankers


This article was from May 10, 2012 though it's still an example of how to bring Freedom back.


   Since the 1900′s the vast majority of the American population has dreamed about saying “NO” to the Unconstitutional, corrupt, Rothschild/Rockefeller banking criminals, but no one has dared to do so. Why? If just half of our Nation, and the “1%”, who pay the majority of the taxes, just said NO MORE! Our Gov’t would literally change over night. Why is it so hard, for some people to understand, that by simply NOT giving your money, to large Corporations, who then send jobs, Intellectual Property, etc. offshore and promote anti-Constitutional rights… You will accomplish more, than if you used violence. In other words… RESEARCH WHERE YOU ARE SENDING EVERY SINGLE PENNY!!! Is that so hard? The truth of the matter is… No one, except the Icelanders, have to been the only culture on the planet to carry out this successfully. Not only have they been successful, at overthrowing the corrupt Gov’t, they’ve drafted a Constitution, that will stop this from happening ever again. That’s not the best part… The best part, is that they have arrested ALL Rothschild/Rockefeller banking puppets, responsible for the Country’s economic Chaos and meltdown.


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Nancy Tate – Wake Up Call – Hatonn – 17 June 2012



Nancy Tate – Wake Up Call – Hatonn – 17 June 2012

Posted on June 17, 2012 by GLR  

There is a great deal of work that has already been done, and there is more to come, as you all know. As we are shown and inspired to what that is we will all see how it is that spirit works not only in our everyday life but in what it is that we have chosen for the coming times. We will also see that it is all the same, for we are all involved in the oneness that brings us to the harmonic resonance that gets things done.


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Spain: We the People say no to Bankya


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Sun - Coronal Cavity Sphere June 17, 2012


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Gemini New Moon Beginnings & Completions


Galactic Center - NASA/JPL-Caltech/S. Stolovy (Spitzer Science Center/Caltech) - site

The Gemini New Moon on June 19 is invoking a revolution in consciousness. We are moving from breakdown to breakthrough. What is not built on Truth and Love is dissolving. The “prison matrix” that has programmed our minds for the past 13 millennia is collapsing. As a result, our beliefs, ideas, systems, structures and paradigms are breaking down. These breakdowns are causing chaos, confusion, and uncertainty. This can make one feel extremely uncomfortable not knowing what to expect next? Relationships, institutions, organizations, and anything that is not for the highest good must evolve or dissolve.



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Blue UFO Lights in Shanghai causing a crowd on the street. June 2012


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Birds of Paradise


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Retracting Coronal Mass Ejection! June 17, 2012 - SunsFlare


The coronal material is being pulled back into to the sun over hundreds of thousands of miles happening live! Incredible!


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Bank Holidays Begin in France? Banque Postal Stops Wires & Cash Transactions Friday



Bank Holidays Begin in France? Banque Postal Stops Wires & Cash Transactions Friday : )

Source: SilverDoctors.com

GFP: we recomend all to keep centered in your Heart and help anyone in need of explanation to understand that we're in the middle of a big paradigm shift, and that before the New can be completely grounded the old has to be cleaned, as noOne would ever build on unsafe ground. Follow your Heart, not your fears and you'll be the Love you are. 

Contagion fears and panic appear to have reached France’s shores ahead of Sunday’s Greek vote, as Max Keiser has received a first-hand account that France’s large Banque Postal stopped outgoing bank wires due to ‘technical glitches’, and also stopped cash transactions beginning at 8am Friday!

A global financial collapse and subsequent bank run could occur within minutes-hours once the trigger is detonated – which appears to be a possibility (although likely remote) with this weekend’s rhetoric from numerous Central Bankers stating they will provide whatever liquidity is necessary .


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The manuscript of survival – part 152



The manuscript of survival – part 152


 •June 18, 2012 • 


As of today, many will feel the opening of a whole new space inside of them, a space filled with tranquility even if the outside is anything but. Let us explain. These last few days of intense energies have once again transported you all to a new level of energetic vibration, and this has enabled you to be disconnected from even more of the old programming that was holding you down. Therefore, space has been cleared, and it will be filled with even more light than was possible only a short time ago.

It might not be apparent to you at first, as both your physical and your mental bodies in many way still lingers on in the old vibration, much like the lingering sensation from a limb that has been cut off but that the body still perceives to be there.


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VIsionkeeper: Planting flowers…Planting love



Planting flowers…Planting love


I was driving into town the other day and something sparked my emotions. I live in a very rural location, small narrow mountain roads, some still dirt which pleases me immensely, just a road sign or two at best. Down at the bottom of the hill is a Y in the road and in the middle of the Y was a planter recently filled with blooming flowers for the wildlife to enjoy and the few lost souls crazy enough to live this far out-of-town. It was a wonderful sight and it was such a nice thing for somebody to do, to add beauty to the world and lift up spirits. It made me recall how President Johnson’s wife Ladybird years ago planted flowers all around Texas, huge swaths of wildflowers to add beauty to the world. Imagine how beautiful the world would be if everyone was doing the same thing.


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Nancy Dettweiler: A Question Many Have About NESARA


Nancy Dettweiler: A Question Many Have About NESARA

2012 June 18
Thanks to Steve Beckow

by Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.




Demonstration for NESARA – Peace Palace

Hague, Netherlands


Today, June 15, 2012, I heard from a representative of a popular internet radio, asking if I have definitive proof that NESARA was actually signed into law during the Clinton administration.  Below is my answer.


The short answer to your question about NESARA is:  “No, I have not seen and do not have a copy of a legal document proving that NESARA was enacted into law.”



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Stand tall in your light now ~ Michael through Ron Head


   Spanish     Portuguese


Good morning.  We will begin today by explaining to you what happened yesterday.  You were correct in thinking that the energies around you were chaotic.  They have begun to settle and you are integrating the changes in your field somewhat.  We know it was a worry for you, but we advise you that there is much more of this nature to come.  We advise you to be prepared.  Do not expect to receive pages of information from us each day.  From this point on, some messages may be short and some may take more than one day to complete.


There is more than enough information around you to keep your page active and informative.  Share the posts of others and do not feel compelled to produce each morning.  Much is about to change in your world, and your life is not an exception to this.  You may need more time to deal with what is occurring around you soon, but we assure you that when you look for us we will be here.


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~Space Weather Update Subsiding Storm~


TAIKONAUTS IN SPACE: China's march into space is quickening. On June 15th, the Chinese space agency launched the Shenzhou 9 spacecraft with three taikonauts on board. One of them, fighter pilot Liu Yang, is the first Chinese woman in space. The Shenzhou 9 is scheduled to dock with China's Tiangong 1 space station later today. Check the Simple Satellite Tracker or your smartphone for sighting opportunities.



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2MIN News June 18, 2012: Gamma Burst, Quakes, Spaceweather


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FREEDOM PROJECT: MSNBC: Arrest the Criminals at Goldman Sachs and in the Greek Government


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kauilapele: News Article by LadyDragon… “Drake disclosed and confirmed that aliens are among us”



News Article by LadyDragon… “Drake disclosed and confirmed that aliens are among us”

This article by LadyDragon, written today, posted the “Vital Update” news that was reported in today’s Drake show. She mentioned that normally all of her news articles are picked up and reported by Google (go to Google, type in “LadyDragon”, and click “News”), but this article was not. I tried this myself, and could not see this (today’s) article.

Be that as it may, here is the content of that article, for all to see (and pass around all over the place!).


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Healing Collective-Healing Collective



Healing Collective

The following is a channeled message from a group called the Healing Collective. This group of Angels, Arch Angels, Ascended Masters, and other light beings is here to help lightworkers follow their path to becoming their true self.

This was channeled on June 7th, 2012, a couple of days after the Venus Transit. This was a perfect time for this message as I know myself, my friends and my clients all felt like we were coming face to face with issues we needed to let go of during the past few days. I’ve been told by my guides that the Venus Transit was the ending of a cycle, and that the reason people were faced with issues as this were the old them. These issues need to be let go so the new them, and their new path could materialize and manifest.

Wishing you all love, joy and peace…



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Heavenletter #4224 Welcome Love


Heavenletter #4224 Welcome Love, June 18, 2012 

God said: 


Oh, My, all that you are involved in. So much you are involved in. You are involved in details of life, in so many details of life. There is so much of so many things that your attention is pulled to, and, often, in your estimation, pulled to for naught. You have disappointment, lack of appreciation, and you wonder why you give your whole heart to so much, and when you look back, or even during holding back, you wonder why you are exerting so much of your time, being, effort onto so little of consequence. You wonder about the daily chores and their pre-eminence. What is all the excitement and energy for, and what is all the lag for and all the future for, and yet, you are swept up in activities of one kind of another.

And your mind works overtime. Your mind chews the bone of your life, gnaws at it, can't seem to let go of it. Your mind is so crowded with every manner of thing. In effect, your mind scuttles you.


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Jennifer Hoffman – Message From Archangel Uriel – Exchange Of Blessings



Jennifer Hoffman – Message From Archangel Uriel – Exchange Of Blessings – 18 June 2012

Posted on June 18, 2012 by GLR  


Every interaction is an exchange of blessings, from your relationship with the earth to every person you connect with.

While there is a range of connections available to you, according to your soul’s growth, healing promises, soul contracts and healing commitments, there is a shift in these connections with each new level of understanding you reach and you do this recognizing the exchange of blessings in every situation.

You are blessed by everyone and everything and you also give blessings to everyone and everything. These may not be what you think of as blessings but they are. A blessing is any exchange of energy, without judgment as to what a blessing is and is not, or how it is received or rejected.


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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 18 June 2012



Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 18 June 2012

The conditions upon Earth are turning into chaos in anticipation of the affect of the financial crisis. However we are behind the actions that are being taken to offset such affects so that with the final collapse, our allies can come forward with the answers. There will be no going back to the old ways that have put you in the position you find yourselves in. Any others steps that are taken to prolong them will only prolong the agony and the solution needs to be adopted very quickly. New systems are essential that take full control of the way that the banks operate, and fiat money will no longer be allowed. Years and years of corrupt practices and manipulation of the money markets has created a monster that has to be removed. Small will become beautiful and large corporations will be broken up. Debt forgiveness will remove the present problems created from the recklessness of the banks and restore your faith, because of the promises of the New Age that will ensure they are not repeated.


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Suzanne Lie – My Meditation – Vision – Experience



Suzanne Lie – My Meditation – Vision – Experience – 18 June 2012

Posted on June 18, 2012 by GLR  
My meditation today was quite unexpected. I am learning to contain the energy, so I do not shake and move my body so much. I find that when I contain this energy, is brings me much deeper into my experience. My meditations have changed recently in that they are more awake than before. What I mean by that is that often I am in a state of meditation while I am doing some creative endeavor. I am leading many meditations now, so I am experiencing many group-energy experiences. I also go into a meditative state when I write, do art, garden or just relax for a moment.


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Cobra: Pleiadians, Resistance Movement and the Event


Cobra: Pleiadians, Resistance Movement and the Event


Sunday, June 17, 2012


Pleiadians, Resistance Movement and the Event

You might want to listen to the latest Drake’s interview, especially from 35 to 42 minute mark:
And also watch this video about the terms of surrender for the Cabal:
The Pleiadians, other positive ET races and the Resistance Movement are closely monitoring the situation. The Cabal has until June 21st to publicly announce their surrender over the mass media. If they do so, the situation will take care of itself. If they don’t, the Pleiadians and the Resistance have plans that will begin to be implemented immediately. The exact execution of those plans depends to a certain level on the actions of the Positive Military group in the next few days.


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Rough~Hewn Depiction of the Galactics May Not be the Most Useful


Rough~Hewn Depiction of the Galactics May Not be the Most Useful

2012 June 18
Posted by Steve Beckow
Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ We agree with Steve On this! Drake has connected with some people in which we had to block from the Press, as they were Spreading disinformation and from our Past experiences these were plants from the minions to further confuse others. There will not be destruction. We are Here In Service to the Planet In Pure Unconditional Love for the Planet and All on Her. What has happened to Humanity is not all of their fault and we are here to re educate Everyone Into the Truth. Stay Postive Good Grand Events Are In the Making~ We Love You, Love The Earth Allies

I’ve just been listening to Drake’s “vital update”on Blogtalk Radio, which can be found here.



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Earthrise is here on June 17th, 2012


June 17th, 2012 The energy is intense. Now I can see the NOW to it's greatest! I feel asleep last night so I didn't get my update in on time. It's NOW so get ready! Earthrise is here.


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Dr Moe Radio - Building Our Sonic Temple


Hello Again,


The music for this song was inspired by The Cars, a band from the 80s I really appreciated.  The message to all of us is "We are Building Our Sonic Temple within" by clearing out negativity, taking responsibility for our part in it and preparing ourselves to receive the God Light we've been entrusted with to host within our bodies and deliver to this world.  This is how I blog now.  I Speak Music!


Dr Moe


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Transcript of Stephen Cook’s Exclusive Interview with Cobra, June 13, 2012 ~ Part 2/2


Transcript of Stephen Cook’s Exclusive Interview with Cobra, June 13, 2012 ~ Part 2/2

2012 June 18
 Original Post by Steve Beckow

The transcript of  Stephen Cook’s interview with Cobra has arrived, thanks to Ellen. I’ve posted it in two parts.

The actual interview itself can be heard at: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/inlight_radio/2012/06/14/the-light-agenda


The Light Agenda: Cobra ~ Presented by Stephen Cook


Episode 1 – Wednesday June 13, 2012: Exclusive World First Radio Interview with Cobra – Part 2/2



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Contemplation of Change


Contemplation of Change By GLR~ Maria G.


I was sitting on my sofa yesterday in a quiet and rather still state when a thought intruded into my consciousness in a rather gentle manner but nonetheless undeniably firm: "Something has changed, Something is different. I am changed. I am different". I looked around but everything was as it should be and as I remembered. I hadn't grown gold hair, my eyes were the same color as given to me at birth yet something had changed. When I asked what happened, all I got was a smile. I feel strangely calm, centered. It is as if I was sprinting and rushing to get somewhere or at something and had finally gotten there at the last minute. The words, "the frenzy is over" found their way into my being but I don't understand them. 

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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Change This is a time of discovery, change and adjustments



Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Change


This is a time of discovery, change and adjustments





Take care of yourself as you are metamorphosing through the current changes that are taking place right now. This is a time of momentous change and sometimes it takes great courage to see yourself through to a new day. But find a new day you will. Release any troubling thoughts or worries to your angels and trust that it is all as it should be for the highest good of all. This also includes you and what is best for you is best for humankind.


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Oracle Report ~ Monday June 18 2012



Oracle Report ~ Monday June 18 2012

Oracle Report | Balsamic Moon Phase

Today’s energy requires a bit of discipline because emotions are running high, causing people to be somewhat manipulative, controlling, and bossy. Impulsivity is also heightened. Wise owls will use the energy and whatever develops from it to feel relief from pressures that have been building and for second chances.


The response to Saturday’s post about the Earth aligning with the Galactic Center has been amazing. Many people had fantastic spiritual experiences and unusual encounters with white animals. I love hearing from everyone and am still responding to all of the mail. It is apparent that Sophia is communicating with individuals more and more. And it was fun to be a part of the party, even though entities opposed to our connection with the Earth created mischief with the website in an attempt to disrupt the message. No matter, it doesn’t stop us. Today is the last day of the Balsamic Moon phase; the New Moon is tomorrow. Balsamic is the magical time of the month, so continue to be on the lookout for magical happenings and magical white animals.


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Things That Are Happening


Hello All,


I would like to give my impressions about Drake and the things surrounding him. 


There are some who believe he is an agent for the cabal and some who don't.  I believe he is an honest person with a love for our country.  There will always be those don't see things in the same way as others but to not have an opinion about all that is occuring is say you are content with things as they are.  I am not.  I understand there are those who feel compeled to be against others, just for the sake of doing so.   


My gut feeling is, he is trying to do somethng positive with the life he has.  Our free will allows each of us, to choose what we believe but to downplay his attempt are, in my opinion, giving in to the cabal and excepting things as they are. 


We as a soceity must stand up for what is the correct way of living and doing things.  Now I know some will not see this as the way.  To those I ask this, "What is the way?"


“Creating a new theory is not like destroying an old barn and erecting a skyscraper in its place. It is rather like climbing a mountain, gaining new and wider views, discovering unexpected connections between our starting points and its rich environment." - AlbertEinstein


Thanks for hearing me out.  You opinions are welcomed. :-)



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~ Private Awakenings With The Divine ~


Monday, 18 June, 2012


Waiting for an Angel - LuasDeAlmeida - site


"Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness." - James Thurber.



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The Show Must Go On!




Natural Beauty - LuasDeAlmeida - site


It is time to decide who we are in all of this.  Are we going to remain loyal to the way things are?  Are we going to speak together, regardless of what appears to be happening?  This is an individual challenge – who are you? 


It is not merely a fad or a passing thought to be a light worker.  You have come to work for the light.  This planet has been ruled/owned by more dark forces than light.  Choosing one versus the other, light versus dark is merely a preference. 



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