3 Days of Darkness Ramps Up the Need For Discernment In All Areas

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 06/19/2012 - 07:01

3 Days of Darkness Ramps Up the Need For Discernment In All Areas



Well happy New Moon to everyone.  The new moon is such a wonderful time for planting new seeds within your life.  So many of us tho, plant seeds of what we think we want in this moment.  May I suggest to use this very powerful, magnetic new moon energy to allow it to plant whatever seeds you need for your divine growth?

Everything on earth is changing at a rapid pace and unlike us, life knows exactly where its going and what we all need to get there.  Let me tell you, all of earth is at the greatest intersection of our lives, a fork in the rivers flow if I may.  Knowing which fork to take… man oh man!!


My fork was presented to me last night, after crying all day and removing the tap-root of my trust issues that developed in the womb… there is also a pain that lingers when you are recovering from an operation of such a large-scale removal.  Yes, spirit filled in the garden of my heart with new soil… understandings of where my life is taking me, taking the precious planet we live upon, the surgery was still rather tender.


The one thing I knew from the get go, my blued eyed man, Rick, may only be here for a moment.  His children were deciding where they want to live and their mom and dad are now living two different lives.  Should they decide they want to live with him, he would be going back to the home state of his family tree.  Yesterday he got the news they want to stay with him.


Man oh man, if my heart wasn’t already being banged around and expanded all at the same time… now to find the balance in what I know is coming and what I just released and told spirit I would do… let go and be open and willing to fall as  deeply in love as possible.

Gotta love that freakin universe!!  Geez!


We are All at the most pivotal moment in all our collective creation, one stream of the river takes you one way, the other stream… another way.  Both filled with experiences and growth… keep in mind, there is never a wrong way at all.  Sometimes, one fork of the river is a bit more bumpy and rapid than the other.  But all rivers flow to the same Source…


Ohhhhhh…. ya know, I just realized something.  No wonder spirit closed the shades of Life’s window of Light on my readings yesterday.  There is no way spirit can or will ever influence such a tremendous choice point.  We have all entered the Collective void… 3 days of darkness if you will.  Ha!! And we thought the sun was going to go out literally…


This is a time to stand in the glow of your own inner knowing and choose.  On the morning of the 21st the entire world starts anew!!

Our choices right now, thru the day of the solstice, must come from our inner knowing of collective experiences and choose from our deep inner resources.


We are also in a major task of discernment as well.  To not leap blindly into what looks like a pool of light… but to feel deep within the totality of that pool and choose from there.  Once again, I must say, not everything is as it seems.


I will give you a small example, but yet, a huge one at that.  Rick met a lady on the side of the road with a sign “Homeless” and he stopped to help her.  She talked about needing to get to Colorado but had no resources to get there.  I know his heart so wants to be in Divine service, as we all do.  He gave her $20 for gas then told her she might have a place to sleep tonight and came home to ask me if I wanted a visitor.


My emotional field was so drained, there was nothing in me to share with another.  I said no, then felt is disappointment, so then I said yes, and it felt awful, so then I said no again and once again I felt his heart desire to help this lady.  The more talked about her the more I wanted to flee.  I said she can come for the night, I will sleep in my tent by the river.  He decided to pack her a bag of food and drinks, would help her with more gas money and forget about having her stay (god knows I was relieved.)  By the time he went back, she was gone.  (she was in a car on the roadside)

Discerning who really is in need and who is just there to take whatever resources you are willing to give… crucial, on so many levels right now.


As the evening progressed I couldn’t stand to be in my living room and until right now, I had no idea why.  I went outside and sat in the field for a long time and then came in and just collapsed on the couch.


Our desire to help, to be in service in whatever way we can… can actually allow energy leaches to embed.  Discernment in all areas of our life… crucial.  Especially when it appears innocent!

Even with my own journey, the million things I have experienced getting to Here, most of which seemed random and unrelated… is coming together.


One of the biggest questions I ever had came from a Trigonic loaded (upside down record keepers) smokey crystal that took me on two very specific, very profound journeys back to back.

The first thing it showed me was a life I lived in Atlantis teaching people how to manipulate the world thru their sexual energy.  The next journey I am getting teaching directly from Christ on how he achieved his state of consciousness and helped other achieve theirs while in life.


It all seemed to random and non-connected at the time.  Of course, that was in 2002 and I still had Jesus as celebrate and never having had to learn what he accomplished in life… he just did it.  He learned just like each and every one of us.


Yesterday, as I was getting downloaded on my next phase of my lifes crazy river, what has already been activated, what there is left to do (I pray to god the readings become this clear and detailed after the solstice) and with the firm knowing from spirit, that in these three days we are in… if Rick and I actually had sex, it would change his life course forever.   Once this energy field is activated fully, there is no leaving it.  My team left it at that.


So it was absolutely perfect that he heard from his children and their desire to hang with him thru this massive family transition.  I knew I had to sleep on the couch… and will from here on out.

For now, we have taken this journey as far as we can without fully binding to the light field growing.  To do that, I would be manipulating him to serve in a way that would do more harm than good in his unfoldment.

Letting go…



And on that note, I am going to let go and see if the shades are still pulled down!!


I will be updating the Shambhala blog today with the rest of the unfolding, heart expanding story.


Heart felt, Heart Full (((((HUGZ)))) to everyone zinging and zapping thru the activation of full one Love Frequency energy!!!  Open wholey to the incoming seeds of Shambhala… however that may grow!!


Lisa Gawlas   www.mysoucenter.com/energy_readings.html

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