~ Light Increases Exponentially

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 06/19/2012 - 08:50

The Solar Wave ~ June 20th Summer Equinox





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Dr Moe Radio - Building our "Bridge to Hope"


Something Angela Peragoff posted yesterday inspired me to share this Music Video. Personally I'm going through hell, emotionally, financially and otherwise. I do literally feel like I'm being torn apart inside. The cackle of the cabal and their "rules", "rules" and more "rules" is like the Siren Calls Jason heard when moving through the narrows of his journey. Up is down.  Down is up.  What's good for you is actually bad. And what "they" say is bad, is exactly what you need.  Never before have we so much needed to be connected to Source.


Yesterday I urged you, and myself of course, to build your Sonic Temple, your vibrational chamber that can receive Only the Good.


Today I am reminding myself and you who resonate with this that We - I, You , All must build and strengthen that Bridge to Hope.


Of course all that work goes on interanlly, and seems to be heating up moment by moment.  I've been writing or "receiving" these songs for over 15 years. But now is the time to release them.  And release them I must or I shall explode.




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What a glorious death you are having! The rebirthing process of Ascension



What a glorious death you are having! The rebirthing process of Ascension

To Ascend to a new level of consciousness, the old cycle must end, and with them the sub-cycles that perpetuated the existence of the Self you have k…nown. It was a Self that once served you well. It was the Self you had to be to experience what you needed to spur you into your next level of evolution. This is the Self that must die. A lot of our clients come to us expressing unexplainable sadness, fear so visceral that their physical bodies shake, a lost of interest in previously enjoyable activities, a need to change the objects and forms of expression that once felt good to them. We see they are dying; of course they are grieving.



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A Visitation from Hundreds of Light Beings!!


A Visitation from Hundreds of Light Beings!!

Commentary and thanks to

Thanks to WF for sending this link to me. WF told me that he also sees these sometimes. Suzanne Spooner has also told me of her recent orb-ulary experiences (article here; video here)


Here is the message with the video. No other words necessary.

“I was getting my daughter ready for a bath when we noticed multi-colored lights on the wall. I quickly received the inner message to grab my camera and started photographing them. My daughter then yelled “Look, look Mom, don’t take pictures of the wall, look at All the Angels that have come to see us! You can touch them and they are here for us!”



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~Special Message From The Earth Allies~ We are soon to embark on a Honey~Moon that will never end



~Below is the Energy Reading and Experience Lisa Gawlas had In a Session With Father God and I On Thursday June 7th, 2012~


~We are soon to embark on a Honey~Moon that will never end~




........ I have also read this past week for a partnered couple, which I find wonderfully kewl to read for couples at the same time in a reading…. just saying (smile.)  They are absolute divine counterparts in life and soul, their combined energy just reverberated the expanded feeling of two people loving from the soul into created matter.  (If you are wondering… yes there is a very different vibrational feeling when two people simply join life together without the soul agenda being consciously expressed.  That is not a bad thing at all, just different.)




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~New Cobra Report~ June 18th 2012~ The Dissolving of The Veil~


Monday, June 18, 2012

The Veil


Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ Archons=minions  etheric he is speaking about is actually the mental plane, not the etheric~ Love the Earth Allies.. Brilliant Truth Posted Below~


Time has come for me to release more intel about the Archons as we are entering the period when the destiny of this planet is being decided and people need to be informed so better choices can be made.


About 26,000 years ago, Archons declared this planet to be their property and all beings living on it their hostages and slaves. They have declared this planet to be a quarantine and every space vehicle entering or exiting this planet needed a special permit from the Archons.



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Ute: Message From The Realms Of Light – Love Is Single And Beyond Duality



Message From The Realms Of Light – Love Is Single And Beyond Duality – 19 June 2012

(Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012)
Dear ones,
Now is the time to melt duality, appearing as good and bad, light and dark, masculine and feminine, into One. Now is the time to transcend that dualistic mind through true and authentic heart-feeling, which is Love. Love has many attributes, and appears as joy, bliss, happiness.
If you want your path to be sucessful in these times where the battle between opposite forces are at their peak, allow the truth of the  inherent unity of all things and beings  to govern your heart. As long as you divide in dual pairs and fight against the “other” side of the coin, you give power to it!
So the only way, to truly achieve victory on your planet and support Gaia’s ascension and Her surrender to the Highest Consciousness, is by releasing any thought and emotion that is based on division and judgment.


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The Beginning is here The Vail will be gone, thank God for the road we have traveled.


Peace - LuasDeAlmeida - site






After much reading and cross checking all the information coming forth I have come to the conclusion that this has been a road worth traveling. We can now release the old and start our lives as galactic beings and reunite with our family of light. The road has been tough, but non the less worth every day of it, in return we need to thank it for what we have learned and look at the lessons we take with us. As we can now say we the people of Gaia are strong and will not go quietly into the night! God bless everyone that has awakened and chosen to incarnate now to help us ascend to the Golden Age.




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Earthrise is here on June 18th, 2012.


June 18th, 2012 This is the calm you feel before the storm. Enjoy this moment. Remember everything from my updates. Remember everything you read to get you to this point. Remember how much training you went through to get to this point. No giving up! Stay strong! Prelude=Remembrance. We are in the prelude. We have to remember if You have not already. The Galactic Federation of Light is here to help us save ourselves. Earthrise is here.


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 6/18/12 ‘The Ark of Noah & 2012’





The ark of Noah, built of birch and wood, for all the animals to be relocated to safety. This story of Noah and his ark, the animals and the great flood that consumed much of your Earth is a true account, for the most part, of the past history of your planet. What we would like to make clear to you today is that there will be a period in your near future where again your planet will receive rising water levels which again will result in the flooding of some of the populated areas of your world.


We do not wish to alarm and we certainly do not wish to frighten. What we wish to do is inform you. This is one of the main reasons we are here. A great deal of our mission concerns sharing information with you that we feel will assist you greatly on your personal, as well as collective journey, as a team of family, friends and neighbors, and you all are each other's neighbors no matter how far your home is from one of your brothers or sisters. We would like to begin to roll out portions of our plan that will enable millions of your people who choose to trust us and who choose to work with us and who choose to temporarily remove themselves from these areas we consider areas that will receive these rising water levels.



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Message from Ascended Master, Saint Sarah, June 18, 2012. Channeled: Julie Miller


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The Benefits of Cosmic Genetic Purification Ripple Throughout the Cosmos: A Message from the Pleadies



The Benefits of Cosmic Genetic Purification Ripple Throughout the Cosmos: A Message from the Pleadies

Cosmic genetic purification has a rippling benefit throughout the Cosmos. It is one of the ways to balance karma quickly because it effects so many souls and cleanses the future for all humanity, effecting all the cosmos. It is one of the reasons humanity is held in such high regard by the Galactic Community on both sides of the fence. Those on the shadow side of duality fear your power, fear the changes you will bring to their consciousness. They do not wish to face Creator. They cannot even imagine Love. They know only manipulation and control. They are intelligent, but dead inside.They use the life force of humanity to power technologies they themselves cannot use.



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Pleiadian Messages: The Magic that saved Planet Earth



In the end it was magic that saved the planet Earth. Oh, not hocus-pocus and abracadabra, but magic nonetheless...the real kind. Universe magic. The stuff that's always been there since the beginning of time, although time has no true beginning, and that's another part of the story. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

I have been appointed as chronicler of the events that transpired, so I'll try to tell it as best as I can, though it isn't a tale that lends itself to easy explanations.

The Twenty-first Century was a time of magic - magic run amok really, and so nobody saw it that way, or recognized it for what it was. They called it science. But it was magic too - a kind of the magic that saved the earth, though it came damn near to destroying it. The human race found science-magic before they were quite ready for it - before they had come to terms with other gentler parts of the Greater Magic, before they were able to really understand the way the whole thing worked, and how delicate a balance was required. You see, they hungered for knowledge, as they had been programmed to do. They longed for more, always more.

What they weren't able to realize until it was almost too late was that it was all there inside themselves, everything they dreamed of and desired.


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Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 18 June 2012



Marlene Swetlishoff – Hilarion – 18 June 2012

Beloved Ones,

You are in a period of stillness awaiting the influx of greater energies that are soon to flood the Planet. Be receptive and open to these energies and absorb as much of them as you are able. Set your intention to receive in grace and ease and it will be so. Many changes continue to take place within your physical bodies and your DNA is being further activated. The next six months will bring through many revelations and a greater connection with your inner truths. Much that has been hidden from you will emerge into the light of day for you to ponder and absorb.


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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 06-18-2012 ~Go and get your Fruits~



~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 06-18-2012 ~Go and get your Fruits~




Greetings Loved Beings,

in the last two days winds, rain, storms and fire have kept many being quite busy, though looking at the amazing events going on, the amount of damage and human loss is truly amazing!

Thank you again Mother Earth=Heart for waiting... now please all, stop waiting and Be as all will be done but time is running out.

Stand up, speak up, live up, Love up, uplift yourself and all with you by Being the Love you Are.

All tools are there to be yours as yours they’ve always been.

Your strawberry field has wonderful, juicy read fruits to be enjoyed, shared, loved!

Get in the Field and pick up your Fruits.

Share them with all Love is.

Thank You for BEingLove.



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I re-enter the current of the frenzied foaming noospheric NOW while absorbing the deeper quiet of the very very old



I re-enter the current of the frenzied foaming noospheric NOW while absorbing the deeper quiet of the very very old

Posted on June 18, 2012

Drake: “Either we take care of business, or ET will take care of business for us. . .” This remark, and others like it, occur at about the 32 minute mark on Drake’s new 3-hour show:


So. Away from this wild cosmic multidimensional/geopolitical drama for nine days now, I  re-enter the roiling river of rumor, innuendo, factoids, predictions, fears, funny business and so on re: the morphing plan for “mass arrests” and financial reconfiguration that were first (I think) mentioned by Bill Wood (Brockbrader), confirmed by Fulford (I think), Wilcock, and Drake, and are now, by the way, being reconfirmed also by Cobra.

Transcript of Interview with Cobra, Part I (of two)

Well, well. Either we’re “moving right along” or we’re not. Who knows?


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Blue Star UFO Report 06-18-12 Moon & Sun & Co.


Blue Star UFO Report 06-18-12 Moon & Sun & Co.



UFO Sighting On The Moon June 16th, 2012 (6-16-12)


Triangle UFO - 17 June, 2012.




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Natural Remedies: Tart Cherries Have The Highest Anti-Inflammatory Potential of Any Food



Tart Cherries Have The Highest Anti-Inflammatory Potential of Any Food - Comparable To Well-Known Pain Medications

Tart cherries have powerful anti-inflammatory benefits. According to new research from Oregon Health & Science University presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Conference (ACSM) in San Francisco, tart cherries have the "highest anti-inflammatory content of any food" and can help people with arthritis manage their disease long-term without pain medications.

Michigan researchers had previously shown that a cherry-enriched diet not only reduced overall body inflammation, but also reduced inflammation at key sites (belly fat, heart) known to affect heart disease risk in the obese.


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UFO!Mysterious light over Groningen the Netherlands 17-06-2012


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~Lisa Gawlas~ TRUST, LOVE and Letting Go to Become MORE!!


TRUST, LOVE and Letting Go to Become MORE!!

Of all the things we are talking about, understanding within and experiencing in fullness, there is one subject matter that seems to be more important than anything else we understand.

LOVE.  Unconditional.


Don’t, for a single second, underestimate the power of that word… in wholeness.


All of life is exploding within the Love Frequency.  Geez, just typing that little sentence out, my beautiful teacher, father from the Pleiades, Franklyn is reverberating the word TRUST thru my energy field.


Let me tell you, the grand finale of my issues is front and present.  But I also understand, it is everyone’s grand finale.  It is the most important thing we all should be coming clean with within our hearts and within our lives.



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The Shimmering Ones: Find Balance



The Shimmering Ones: Find balance

       Channeled By Galactic Love Reporter Karen Doonan





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Suzanne Poulson Spooner – From Pim – Solar Flare Your Love



Suzanne Poulson Spooner – From Pim – Solar Flare Your Love – 19 June 2012


[Hello Pim.] Hello Suzy, today can we discuss the light energies of planet Earth? [Yes, that would be wonderful.] Light comes in many frequencies. It is ocular to the human eye and immersed in the human heart.

God is the frequency of the heart. (God being the relative term here.) New strands of DNA are manifesting with the energies coming in now. This is the New Earth awakening.


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June 2012 Shala's Whale & Dolphin Cosmic Pulse


Sunday, 17 June, 2012  (posted 19 June, 2012)


Happy Solstice,

Welcome to my June 2012 Whale and Dolphin Cosmic Pulse. Today once again we are preparing for another powerful timing of planetary alignments, grid activations and personal transformation. The Solstice on June 20th coupled with the New Moon the previous day are once again offering potent energy and transmutation all rolled into one. During my review of the energy for June we discussed the current energy trends for this month and the ebbs and flows of our collective journey.


The Solstice on June 20th is always a powerful time of change. Solstice literally means "Stand still of the Sun", where the sun rises and sets at the same place on the horizon for three days, appearing to stand still. This timing is a potent pulse of increased frequency, couple with recent increased Solar Flare activity. 



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3 Days of Darkness Ramps Up the Need For Discernment In All Areas


3 Days of Darkness Ramps Up the Need For Discernment In All Areas



Well happy New Moon to everyone.  The new moon is such a wonderful time for planting new seeds within your life.  So many of us tho, plant seeds of what we think we want in this moment.  May I suggest to use this very powerful, magnetic new moon energy to allow it to plant whatever seeds you need for your divine growth?

Everything on earth is changing at a rapid pace and unlike us, life knows exactly where its going and what we all need to get there.  Let me tell you, all of earth is at the greatest intersection of our lives, a fork in the rivers flow if I may.  Knowing which fork to take… man oh man!!


My fork was presented to me last night, after crying all day and removing the tap-root of my trust issues that developed in the womb… there is also a pain that lingers when you are recovering from an operation of such a large-scale removal.  Yes, spirit filled in the garden of my heart with new soil… understandings of where my life is taking me, taking the precious planet we live upon, the surgery was still rather tender.



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Henry Seltzer ~ June 19th New Moon



Henry Seltzer ~ June 19th New Moon


Astrographs | June 18 2012



The New Moon that comes along on Tuesday, June 19th, is an interesting one, being the second New Moon in the curious and thoughtful sign of Gemini, the Air sign most closely connected with intellection and communication. This introduces a long series of New Moons that take place near the end rather than the beginning of their respective signs, producing a more muted and also a more spiritual feel for the particular sign involved. This placement in late Gemini, called the Aquarius decanate (the last third of the sign) is really very different than the early degrees, being concerned with the ultimate result of thought process in terms of philosophical groundbreaking and social benefit, and indicating that it is now high time to put our actual money and our concerted actions wherever our deepest thought process might take us. This New Moon happens just one day before the June 20th Summer Solstice, when the Cardinal sign of Cancer –oppositional to Pluto’s Capricorn placement – comes into its own.


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Gemini New Moon June 19 2012


Here comes conflict stories and a chance to fugure things out from you perspective


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VIsionkeeper: Creating home



Creating home

Photo: www.favim.com

In times as insane as what we are living in right now, it is so important to learn how to live a peaceful life, to create a home life that feels safe and loving and represents who you authentically are. We all need one sane place we can go to that allows us to be ourselves, to go within and expand our lives into what we choose them to be. We don’t need big expensive homes, we don’t need to own our homes, home can be wherever we are if we take time to create it. Home should be pleasing to your eye, welcome you when you walk through the front door, make you feel safe and happy and heal you when all else fails.


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Typhoon Guchol Strikes Japan.


Typhoon Guchol and Storm Approaching The Gulf Of Mexico


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Wes Annac – Love, Respect And Oneness : Out True Religions



Wes Annac – Love, Respect And Oneness : Out True Religions – 19 June 2012

Posted on June 19, 2012 by  




Written by GLR Wes Annac

I’ve been noticing a common theme in my own Life and in the expressions of many on the internet, and this theme is that of all that has been based in an illusory, physical experience, being disintegrated before our very eyes. For me personally, this has been quite a difficult process as I personally work through the final lessons I have given myself in this Life and am coming face-to-face with those last few aspects of myself ready to be transmuted and Loved.


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URIEL. Surviving The Calm Before The Storm. By, AuroRa Le



URIEL. Surviving The Calm Before The Storm. By, AuroRa Le. June 18, 2012.



● The tiniest light can illuminate a room and it takes but a scant few torchbearers to blaze the the way for an entire civilization.  You are powerful as one, but together you are unstoppable.  These are the days of the calm before the storm, Dear Friends.  Solstice Day shall pass, and what follows is an influx of energy so wild, so untameable, so magnificent that the vying forces will have no other choice but to lay down their arms in peaceful surrender.  There is no weapon mightier than love.  As sure as the sun shall rise and the rain shall fall, I tell you this is so.


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Historic Transit Across Sun


On Feb. 25, 2007, STEREO-B spacecraft observes a lunar transit as part of scientist efforts to calibrate the cameras on board.



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Laura Tyco – SaLuSa to Me -18 June 2012 – Mother Earth Metamorphosis



Laura Tyco – SaLuSa to Me -18 June 2012 – Mother Earth Metamorphosis



Brothers and sisters of light, can you feel the energy beaming of so much higher frequency at this time in your life? You are now living in the times many had volunteered for and wish to experience. Not everybody who volunteered was accepted. Only those few who were highly trusted for this mission were sent on Mother Earth in order to help raise the planet’s vibrations to the highest of frequencies. We are so proud of the work you are doing and so proud of seeing you give unconditional love for this planet and for the human kind.


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Energy Update: Integrating The Venus Transit


Sunset - LuasDeAlmeida - site

Saturday, 16 June, 2012  (posted 19 June, 2012) 


We're in a phase of integration right now, as the energies from the Venus Transit open us to new experience of wholeness and love.


As the Venus Transit took place, the sun's electromagnetic transmissions of life-giving energy where expanded with the qualities brought by Venus--qualities we often associate with the divine feminine, as well as beauty and harmony.



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Tempo Increases as Major Events Approach 2012 JUNE 19



Tempo Increases as Major Events Approach

2012 JUNE 19


Posted by GLR Steve Beckow


We see many prominent lightworkers, whistleblowers and insiders now acknowledging the presence, role and responsibilities of the Company of Heaven – David Wilcock, Drake, Cobra, Bill Brockbrader and others.

At the same time that this awareness of the galactics and ascended masters increases, we Starseeds – lightworkers and lightholders – approach the time when we’ll be given the call to serve.

As this time approaches, the tenor of the remarks of the Company of Heaven take on a different tone. No longer are they gently wooing us. Now they’re more like spirited camp counsellors who go through the cabins waking up the sleeping.


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Greg Giles – Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light (18th June)



Greg Giles – Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light (18th June) – 19 June 2012

The ark of Noah, built of birch and wood, for all the animals to be relocated to safety. This story of Noah and his ark, the animals and the great flood that consumed much of your Earth is a true account, for the most part, of the past history of your planet. What we would like to make clear to you today is that there will be a period in your near future where again your planet will receive rising water levels which again will result in the flooding of some of the populated areas of your world.


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Assistance ~You are being helped



Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Assistance ~You are being helped


You are being helped and we are always with you. There is so much more that is occurring around you than you can see and we are always wanting to be in service and help you on your journey. When you made the choice to come to earth, we agreed to always be there by your side. You are so honoured and loved for wearing your blindfolds and re-remembering our love. We know you, we know your heart as it is part of ours and we yours and that is where we dwell.


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The manuscript of survival – part 153



The manuscript of survival – part 153



 •June 19, 2012 •


As we touched briefly upon yesterday, you have now passed through into a whole new level of energetic alignments, and this will help you to find your way through the muddiness that surrounds you on all sides at the moment. As you can clearly see from the news that is being thrown into your faces on a regular basis, the old establishment is being dismantled piece by piece. And even if they try to the best of their abilities to pretend otherwise, all those at the top know fully well that their time is indeed running out. You see them hurrying to and fro, holding meeting after meeting, trying to put another plug in the holes that keep appearing in their boat, but they will not be able to keep it afloat much longer. 


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We are living in a world that so many of us feel like they are here on Earth by accident…many of us are afraid to even question life…why are we here? Going through all these experiences and feeling left alone…and asking religion to answer all the desperate feelings why we are so far away from home and why the Earth is very difficult to be on….so we ask “why” …then we can’t figure out the differences, why one religion is saying one thing and the other is saying one thing…why we are separating ourselves from others to feel superior or accepted…why is it so hard? To let the loving ones hurt us so much? Why are keep doing the same mistakes over and over again? Either with the same people or different ones…are we paying a karma? Or we are fooling ourselves and wondering why we are so charged with some people….why they are our enemies? Why people come to our lives and gone even though we know we loved them but where is the love when there is so much hurting?…

Soul contracts are our divine plan…for our soul evolution and aggrements that we have with other beings and with Divine order…


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Alien Writing On Surface Of Mars Discovered And Are ZODIAC SIGNS!!! 2012. UFO Sighting News


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Heavenletter #4225 Born to Love


Heavenletter #4225 Born to Love, June 19, 2012 

God said: 


You can afford to love. You cannot afford not to love. You have to give love. It is a necessity. Otherwise, your heart will be stuck with hot tar and cut off from itself. Your heart is meant to love, so let it love. Encourage love. Give your heart ample room to love. Your heart is not meant to be held back, crushed, discounted, denied, delayed, endangered, fretted, fractured, guarded, hampered, hidden, impaled, jammed, kept, lied to, monitored, mishandled, negated, overridden, put aside, quarantined, restrained, stepped on, tied, undervalued, victimized, wrestled, or zipped closed.


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Freedom Project: If one hits a mirror he injures himself!


Freedom Project: If one hits a mirror he injures himself!



In most of martial arts the way to defeat the "enemy" is by using his own energy, transuting it, and let him, in some way, hurt himself.

That's what the Light is doing now on the Planet. All plans that were done to enslave humanity even more are now been taken and transmuted so to be used to make the elites power crumble. 

Love's transmuting lie into Truth.

Whatever they thought they could do they forgot the most important part of it: Humantiy's Love!

And the Love Humanity's still able to feel and thrive for is the Real truth that is... 


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Summer Solstice and World Liberation Meditation


Meditation details at http://2012portal.blogspot.ca/
and as follows (please use the link below for the exact time of the solstice) :

After the great success of World Liberation Day and even greater success of Reboot of the Grid and Return of the Goddess, our efforts for planetary liberation continue. We will continue meeting in groups large and small, as individuals and couples, every Sunday until our planet is liberated. The dark Cabal needed 25,000 years to create the Matrix and enslave humanity. We will need much shorter time to uncreate this Matrix and help setting humanity free. The main thing required is our dedication and focused intent to insist meditating every Sunday until humanity is set free. By meditating regularly, we are creating a planetary network of Light on the non-physical planes that will help transmuting all the darkness. We need to have 144,000 people doing this visualization with focus to achieve the desired effect. If the critical mass of people on this planet makes an unconditional decision for the Light, the Light will come. Most likely the group of dedicated meditators for World Liberation Movement will grow week after week until the critical mass is reached and the breakthrough occurs.

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so what we are doing really does have an influence:



1.  Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes.

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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~17~12 Preparing for the Solstice Energy


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