The End Gives Birth to The Wholeness of the New!!

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 06/21/2012 - 08:21

The End Gives Birth to The Wholeness of the New!!



What an amazing journey my personal days have been since the Full moon shining it’s Light on the Venus Transit thru the culmination of the Solstice.  It has changed my life and what I understand, forever.   I am still in the midst of understanding and integrating it all, in fullness and absolute importance, but what I do understand as I wake up and clear the deep sleep from my brains, breathtaking.


I remember shortly after I moved into this beautiful piece of Heaven on earth I call Home, my landlady told me that if a person comes here and is out of alignment with the energy here, the Guardians will push them out.   I have seen this happen, casually, over the last 6 months.


What happened yesterday, amazing and breath taking all at the same time!


Today I am just going to capsulize the unfolding, as I continue to process and understand, you know me, I will share how utterly important June has been to All of us!!


On the day of the Venus transit Rick and I went to one of my most favorite places in Albuquerque, the top of Negro Canyon in Pictograph Park.


I watched as the energy of both sun and venus started to do work to his heart.  About thirty minutes into that work, I had seen 4 bright, shiny golden guards set themselves up at the 4 corners of his body.  They looked like knights in golden armor.  I could never really understand what on earth they were doing, because they never moved, just stood there, steadfast.


It wasn’t until a vibrant soul on facebook talked about having a funeral with all that was dying with the new moon energy.  As soon as I went to reply to her, I seen a flash of his 4 pall bearers.  OMG, I would have never, in a lifetime, got those 4 guards… ha!!


 Guardians of the new Life as the vibrational assistance to help him die completely to all that got him to here so that he may awaken a new.


Of course, had I known that, it was have been influence on his path, instead of freedom of choice.  The universe was simply given me mile markers that I would understand…. later.


God, my heart squished with love when I suddenly hear Michael say “when we say we have your back, it is not only monetarily, but completely.”  I love this interaction with Life!!


The first time Rick and I had sex, or as we have come to call it, a union expansion (smile) Archangel Michael set himself up at a portal on the couch that was identified as Ricks.  Michael’s guise at first confused me.  He was in a softened blackish (shades of black with some light peeking thru) armor suit, his sword and shield held tightly to his chest.


It took me a few times of seeing him this way, but finally understood that we both came into this new and sudden relationship with some armor on.  At least it was soft!!


I also understood the stance, sword of (individual) truth held tightly to the body, with the shield of protection guarding it.

How often have we taken that stance in our unfolding.  I remember the million times along this crazy journey I was holding a truth that was no longer valid with my own conviction.  Especially if the catalyst that came to break it, enlarge it, came thru another person.  We humans are so wonderfully stubborn!  Or detrimentally so…. take your pick!


When I finally understood my heart issue, my trust of fullness in relationship and purged… Michael showed me, in his same, softened body armor of shades of black, a light shining so brightly thru his heart chakra.  I also came to understand that his choice of wearing a blackened suit of soft armor was also a visual gauge for me to watch this re-union with Rick become filled with Light.  The most we achieved together, were pinholes of Light.  But even that, was obviously enough!!  We got a new tree growing!!!


On the day of the new moon (the 19th) as I sat in the River releasing, I also released everything that was me and rick.  Had to, I will never bind anything or anyone to a place they are not ready to experience.


Out of the corner of my eye, there was Jorge standing on the edge of the river where I normally sit.  He was in his native skin with the mask of a white man on his face (showing me he came as this white man, which altho I couldn’t identify the features, I knew…) and he was in the motion of talking off that mask.


I really was hoping it didn’t mean what I knew it meant.  But it did.

On the 20th, I sat out at the foot of the Mesa for the 2nd time too mentally and emotionally exhausted to even think about kundalini energy.  The Guardians said no worries, they just wanted me there to talk.  Phew… that was a relief… so I thought.


I watched once again as Archangel appeared in his usual stance at the portal of Rick on the couch, this time tho, he took off his entire suit of softened black armor and laid it neatly over the arm of the couch.

For a moment, my heart stung in what he was showing me.  Then I scrambled to change the meaning.  Maybe Rick finally laid down all his defenses and was giving in… I was in replay with Michael, and still wanting to call it something else.


I was suddenly taken to the top of the negro canyon and watched as Ricks four pall bearers all fell down and seeped back into the earth.




I decided to interpret that differently too… altho my heart knows truth when I feel it, especially when it is coming from me… but the river of denial is so much comforting.

So the Guardians kicked in.  They all aligned at the edge of the Mesa cliff, they held Rick naked as if he was a log, and tossed him over the side of the cliff


I was shocked!!  That surely didn’t seem very loving to me!!  But truly, it was the most loving thing they can do… not for the human in process, but for the Heaven that can only sustain a full and open heart.


So, I wasn’t surprised when Rick told me he was leaving last night.  He was feeling very strongly that his time here was done.  God, I love that man!!!


We laughed as I heard spirit say that he was a sperm donor for the birth of this new creation.  It takes way to much conviction and sacrifice of earthly perceptions and entanglements to be the Father of this new energy, full-time.


There is so much more, but the processing and understanding is still firing!!  Until tomorrow… or later… which ever comes first…

Welcome to the First Day of the Rest of Your life!!  I pray you fully released all your old programming so you can come alive, unencumbered, within the New!

((((HUGZ))))) of eternal love and gratitude to ALL!!

Lisa Gawlas

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