~ This is Your Last chance~ Reader Makes demands Upon the Galactic Federation of Light

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 06/29/2012 - 10:04
We have Posted this as an Example, with Our Commentary  Below

Okay "Drake", Galactic Federation of Light, et al....


This is your last chance to follow through before you loose what little credibility you have left.   You've made such promises and claims before and nothing happened.


Also, These mass arrests of thousands better be high ranking heads of state and leaders in banking, military, and governments.    If all you're going to do is arrest low-level individuals with no real power who have been designated as "scapegoats" to be paraded as "evidence" of your actions, then might as well not bother with your charade - it won't work and many will see right through it...


Furthermore,  If the Military that you'll be using  to carry this out refuses to relinquish power afterwards, you better be willing to step in and remove them.   We don't then want to hear the crap that you can't intervene because of some rule.  You're clearly intervening now by your own words, so enough with your drama (which is getting old) and let's see some real action.  Otherwise, you're just as bad, if not worse, than the Cabal you claim to be against.


Many of us will be watching.  Enough with the endless fluffy messages of hope and promises.  It's time for you to either DO IT OR GET OUT....



Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ We chose to Publish this as an example as many may be feeling or experiencing at this time. We ask you if the cabal has any credibility? Or Does the Light? The Light Serves the People for the Greater Good of All.  For us this is a simple demand from an ego, who has no clear understanding of the process's we are IN. These events have Spanned a 19 Billion Year Process which is now coming to a final conclusion to forever end the illusions Humanity has been in of fear, pain and suffering. This is a Coordinated event and those powers who were are very stubborn. We have been dealing with them now for 5 years. So, We would Know by experience. It matters not how many chances you give us as we continue On every Moment in Service to The Light, Love and Truth on this Planet. Yes,  our Teams Abourd the craft have been given directives to now intervene in this Process. How Are You Helping? you are definalty not helping by trying to discredit those who work daily for The Freedoms of ALL. All we see You are doing is trying to threaten those who are In Service to you and this Planet everyday. We are close, and We Are Here to Give, Up to the Moment News AS this all Unfolds. Its a Process which will not occur in just a few minutes of your illusionary time. This is Your Last Chance Serve Love or the illusion. Whatever Your choice will be Your Experience We Choose Love~ All Our Love The Earth Allies



Guest/mary mcknight (not verified)

Fri, 06/29/2012 - 10:12

Very WELLLL SAID!!! Thank you so so much EARTH ALLIES, DRAKE, COBRA and all others of the LIGHT FAMILY that is such a great job of keeping humanity informed. LOVE TO YOU ALL!!! :-) Have a BLESSED DAY!


Its good to post that. Seems like the GFP takes no responsibility for the messages they put out. Seems like now they have only one writer GLN Andrea?. Nevertheless, its called the "cry wolf syndrome" (the GFP keeps crying wolf). Its only natural to have people get frustrated with some of the messages. A friend of mines went around telling everybody that "in the days ahead" things would be this or that. Needless to say, none of those things happened and my friend became outkasted from his friends and family. NO care from the GFP they just keep putting out "blank" (u fill it in).

So, when all the "shss" hits the fan then what would be the purpose of the GFP? seems like there would be no further need for them.

I have been there for periods of "time" my self, I don't dwell there longet than it takes me the time to snap out of it.


I have seen many craft some of which were sometihing that WE CAN'T DO YET, NO, NOT, maybe in a few more centuries without help anyway. So do I believe in the ETs? Yes. Do I believe in all these alledged chanellers and ings? No. Do I believe in some of them? Most. Do we have a chance in hell of rising above the owners of outer Earth without more powerful assistance than the one's in control? NO!!! Not for another cycle of visits, about another 13 to 26 or 35 thousand years. 


You won't have to continue to be patient if you through in the towel. "Surrender" all to God, fully and completely, and let Her wisdom guide you and align you with your truth and Highest purpose. LET GO of it, you have no way in which to control it, let it take it's course and be God the observer that is re-creating it. 



All I can say is that if a person can't even ask a question or get a little angry due to frustration without being called a poser or not of the light or not taking responsibility, then we have gotten nowhere.  Don't be afraid of a question.  Don't rush to judgement of the questioner.  Really, listen to this and look within.  You too have to learn not to fear.  You are not coming from love in this thread, any of you.  Not one of you!

Have no fear, however.  Very shortly, the tide is going to rush in and you will ALL be called to act from within your highest selves.  This little scenario here is just a reminder to watch your own light and to keep it shining without pointing the finger at others.  Each and every one of you has done so, whether you think you believe in the GFL or not.



Yes, it is up to you as individuals.

Yes, you are working together.


And, yes, people are going to ask questions--even moreso very, very soon.


Is this how you are going to treat someone who asks?  Are you going to take a holier than thou stance, or are you simply and plainly going to answer the question with love?


Think about it.  You have ALL worked hard, just to get to this page itself.  You know the roads you have taken.  So think what is going to happen when the world starts changing, and those who have not a clue as to any of this are going to ask questions and will have fear and real (to them) concerns.  Take a moment to prepare how you are going to treat your fellow man, when the LOVE hits the fan! 


Love and Peace to All!  A Glorious Day Has Arisen!!

When a person gets angry and frustrated, they're not being of the Light. They're feeding into all of the negative emotions that hold back Humanity's evolution.


I've seen many comments here saying essentially "there's nothing wrong with asking questions". I assume they're talking about Joshua's comment that started all this drama, which is a little odd because if you read it, you'll see there are no questions being asked, just demands being made.


Of course there's nothing wrong with asking questions.

Joshua was frustrated, and call them demands or indirect question as to whether or not something was going to happen, instead of meeting his concerns with love, he was met with insults for being frustrated.  There's no getting around it.  Nitpick and justify all you want, I hear no kindness emanating here from those who profess to know about light.  Would you treat a child that way?  Or would you say something kind?



If this is how the GFL react to perfectly legitimate criticism, then I think we're better off with a cabal.  If you were genuinely enlightened, you'd welcome criticism as an instance of freedom of thought. You need to start proving yourselves and cut the endless saccharine platitudes.


Why would an enlightened being welcome criticism and frustration? An enlightened being welcomes Love, not emotions that stem from fear. If you want someone that coddles your ego, you are better off with the cabal. They'll feed your ego and starve your Soul.

The GFL has already proven itself to those who have found Themselves.

Guest (not verified)

Mon, 07/02/2012 - 00:55

In reply to by David Porter

This is how cults work. Any criticism is blamed on ego - rather on the failure of cult leaders to come up with the goods. Criticism and alternative opinions are healthy, otherwise you're just another brainwashed drone.

Actually, cults boost egos, it's a very common method of control in our society. Also, criticizing others is not healthy, it's mostly a defense mecahnism of the ego, Freud talked about this.

Sending healing to judgement, ego and seperation in the last post.

We stand as an example to others to lead the way during these times. Set the example, move beyond the lower vibrations and stay in the light. Bless your heart.

...for people to be frustrated at the messages from Drake, the GFP, or anyone else? Perhaps these are simply messages stating the currrent state of things and what might be possible. In other words, a reporting of the facts. A fact does not create an expectation in the moment they are true (they can change). We create the expectation and ignore the possible change. No one, including Drake or the GFP control events, yet we demand that they do. Is this really fair? Can we not be grateful for all they do and when we hear the state of things and what is becoming possible, is it possible for us to wish for that, while understanding that this process is fluid and constantly changing? Can we not believe that great things are coming? Do we not understand that our belief and intention for these things create them?


Please do not ask so much of others. If you find you allow negative feelings to flow from their messages, why would you listen to them. You are free to not listen. Please understand that in spiritual matters, patience is necessary. This requires work. But, work on ourselves is exactly that: work on ourselves. No one can do this for you. Instead of complaining, is it possible to send love and energy to all who are helping us? If not, you must follow your heart and whatever flows from you is best not judged by anyone. I only wish that you may free yourself from all that negative energy. May you find consolation in the fact that all things come in their allotted time, and not a second before.


Many events have been unfolding. We report directly from the Present Moment of Now. We have nothing to Prove to anyone besides always speaking the Truth. We have said all Along when Our craft decloak there would be no need for the GFP,.. AS We Will transform into Your Transitionary Government and many things to follow with this event. Even if you see nothing happening with Your Physical Eyes, Much Movement is Occurring behind the scenes. We ask You, why dont you stop blaming the messengers and begin taking responsibilty for Yourself and Your Part in all of this. All Our Love The Earth Allies

The above notice is a mirror image of the "threat" posted on Greg Giles' blog this morning. That individual was telling Greg to go kill himself because he is just awful scum for what he reports on.  This is fear in high gear!


This guy here is stuck in his macho costume which is falling apart every time he raises his voice. He's not connected to heart yet and he's scared to death. He's making our man Drake a culprit when Drake reports the News, He doesn't make it. It's like blaming your newspaper for all the events within the stories it prints.


My friends, we are seeing the tip of fear rearing its head amongst those who call themselves Lightworkers. This is where we see separation between the posers and the real troops (separating the men from the boys so to speak).


This is where our belief in ourSelf gets tested big time.  All the work we've done to get here comes up for play. It's game time. Are we in, or out?

I am in and I am responsible for myself.


That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!!


Dr Moe

You sound pretty macho yourself there.  What's wrong with a question?  You know the galactics must be laughing at all of us for even having this thread. 


Sonny (not verified)

Fri, 06/29/2012 - 12:04

Lightworkers, hold your energy!! All the doubts and mistrust flying around is just the manifestation of deep issues coming to the forefront as magnified by the energies that have been washing over the planet..........this is the separation of the wheat from the chaff......I have made my stand, and it is for the LIGHT.......:)

very well then..I hope that the GFP takes all this in turns it into something benificial for their organization. Not all feedback is "sugar coated". The GFP needs to realize that people are taking stands for there information yet the GFP writers dont like it when the same people let them hear about the things that have caused frustration and quite frankly, anger (kinda a stronger word than I wanted to use). People are putting there reputations on the line for the GFP.  I just dont think they quite realize that or understand it.

We are.  What are you even talking about?  Drake isn't taking a stand for just himself, nor are the galactics, nor are we.  You think you're being profound but you're just spouting psychobabble.  WHAT IS WRONG WITH ASKING A QUESTION ABOUT A TIMEFRAME?  Yikes!  Why are you here then anyway?  Why aren't you just taking a stand for YOU?  See how convoluted this stuff gets.  All someone did is wonder if the green light stuff was actually going to happen, and people have twisted it into stupid stuff.  Honestly, it's laughable and silly.  A guy asks a question, and you're an authority on the light and where his heart and soul are.  I know I'm paraphrasing, but that IS what's happening. 

Guest (not verified)

Fri, 06/29/2012 - 12:07

I read the post and it's not a threat in my opinion.  I highly doubt Joshua has the power to kick you out or harm you, so your response seems a bit over-the-top.   In fact, it's counterproductive as you're in essence proving his point.  Your response seems Ego driven and not from the Light as it comes across as an attempt to discredit anyone who dares question your actions and/or motives.  You have legitimized his concerns.


Although you and others may not agree with what he's saying, he actually brings up legitimate concerns/points, which a lot of people are also thinking about. He clearly wants action to be taken and is frustrated that nothing ever appears to happen.   The GFL needs to take some responsibility.   You don't seem to want people to point out your mistakes, shortcoming, or contradictions.   And when they do, you're quick to label those individuals as being against the LIGHT???


I support your goals/plans, but I will never be a groupie.  I want you to succeed and get rid of the Cabal.  With that being said, I may not agree with Joshua, but I understand where he comes from, and anyone who can still think for himself, has to admit he brings up valid points that we must all consider and I would like the GFL to address.  For example, what will you do if the military doesn't want to relinquish power?   That's a point I never thought about until I read the post in question.   I would love to see a response addressing those concerns.  Instead, I was disappointed with the Ego driven response you chose.


I hope you are indeed able to take constructive critiques, which is what this is.  Or will I be labeled as working against the Light as well?





I re-read the GFP's response and I don't know how I got the impression during my initial read that you were accusing Joshua of working against the Light.  Perhaps the part where you say that you that you have to choose to serve Love or the Illusion.  Overall though, my critique remains valid.  



So, lets poit out the pattern:


Humanity gave it's powers to an elite, it destroied itself and Mother Earth=Heart, animals, food, water, ari, anything, just blindly believing all was fine. If they were ill they went to doctors (who increased the illness), if hungry bought rotten food (and got even more ill), spent the whole day working for their own enslavers only to ask them more money with loans and get more enslaved. Thus, if told watch out, it's not reality, they would blame the messanger instead of looking at the message. 


Now truth is coming out, milions of beings have worked behind the scenes for years, in Service to All Humanity, and they are still blamed -do more, not done well enought, where the heck are you now- all this while most deeply sleep or treat them as crazy. Some have left this life for this. Some have been injured. All to Show, with their Light, with their committement, that Truth is something different. That illusion can and must be dissolved in order to reach Peace, Love, Freedom. And that the only way to get there is throught the Heart. And that each and everyone is responsible for it's own Heart. And they never went on the scenes, usually alone, hidden, asking nothing in return but Humanity's JOY. 


And now, even now, there's a Green Light, saying "Hey, Humanity, we got there! After so long, after so many years, dedication, lifes, tears of Joy and frustration we're Here, Now. Take our hands and let's do it!" Even Now you keep waiting for someone else. Go and make the job for me. Thank you, in the meantime I watch tv. Tell me when it's over and please do not interrupt my favourite program. 


Am I passionate? YES. I AM. And I tell you why I AM. Cause you miss the point. You miss the only point that is of REAL interest here. And that's YOU. As long as you miss that's You, you'll also miss all the rest. You'll miss Peace, you'll miss Love, you'll miss aboundance and you'll also miss Freedom. Why? Because it has to start from YOU! 


You can watch thousends of Beings walk a Joyful road, but unless you get up and walk it yourself you'll never find out how it feels like. This is not a game, this is not a fairytale, this is about You. 


You want the GFL to come and save you... and what will you gain from it? What will you learn about how Wonderful You Are by sitting there and blaiming? Is it my ego? No my Dear, it's your ego I want to kick out of the universe to go back and dissolve so that you finally become FREE to discover the Wonder that you yourself behold IN YOU. That is what I'd like to do. But I can go only till here. The rest is up to You. For that's the onyl point. It's You who has to Choose. Love... of fear. There's NOTHING else you have to do. We're here to hold the Light for you too, as long as you'll be able to See it on your own and find out how amazingly easy it is to Choose You. We do it cause We Love You and We do Know Who You Are. But again, you'll never see it as long as you don't let go your fear, and the thought you're not worth enough to Be as Bright as You Are. Your Light is the Truth. Do yourself the biggest favour you've ever made: go and find it. You can do it from your couch! And Freedom shal Be. True Freedom. Once it's You that become Free. And this my beloved, can be done NOW.


All Our Love



You sound like a person who has never had a single struggle in life!..Like a person who has never endured any adversity. YOu keep using this TV comment as if the listeners/readers are "couch potatoes"..Just so you know..most of the people who even come across this site are obviously being led and must be at some point of soul evolution capable or receiving such messages. Don't forget, many people struggle day in and day out just for the basic necessities. People have suffered tremendously and have given all their blood sweat and tears to "hold on and see what the ends gone be." The only job people want you to do is tell the truth. We can take it from there. Iron sharpens iron and you should be overjoyed to have these challenging responses.



I agree that we as individuals have to take responsibility and take actions to make the world a better place for ourselves, families, communities, and the world.


Most people who listen to the GFL or any other groups are usually Lightworkers who are doing the hard work of looking within, trying to live from the  heart, choosing Love over fear, etc....


The frustration comes in that while we do our work, it doesn't appear that the GFL is doing what it promises to do.  And that's why you're seeing more and more of the Posts like Joshuas.    Those people are not Bad, or evil, or choosing to serve the Illusion....so the response from the GFP didn't serve or help the cause to be honest.  


Again, I hope you didn't take my response personally, but I felt a need to give a critique because I felt the response from the GFP wasn't justified.    Do I expect you to be perfect?  No.   Do I expect you to answer every single posts like Joshua's?  No.  But if you are going to, then going about it the way you did was a failure in my opinion.


I've read other responses and I see that I'm not the only one.   Again, we may not agree with Joshua, but his reaction is understandable.  


I personally feel a response addressing his concerns would have been more appropriate and it would have helped those who doubt the GFL's sincerity.    Again, I'm not perfect and I'm sure it's easier for me to say this since I'm not the one dealing with all the comments, but perhaps it's something to consider for next time or perhaps the GFP should do another post where Joshua's issues are addressed.  I, myself, would love to read your response to his concerns.


In love and light,


I guess you and the GFP are the authority on how a person meant something???   Then based on your response and that of the GFP, you're all serving the illusion and not the light (since I sensed anger, so because I 'think' you were angry, therefore you're serving the illusion).  It goes both ways you know.  But then again, accusing someone of serving the illusion is a very effective way to dismiss them and not address the issues they bring up.  Keeping to your script...good drone.


I didn't see the original post as angry.  Is the guy frustrated?  Yes, but he's asking valid questions, which others have already mentioned as well.  I perceived more Anger with a specific agenda from from the GFP's response, but I'm sure you'll disagree, and that's fine.


The more I read responses like yours, the more comedic this whole thing becomes.  Perhaps Joshua was right with his claims that the GFL is loosing credibility.  Could it be that his post hit a nerve too close to home and he had to be made an example of?   Given the response, it sounds like it.


Anyhow, I have no desire to continue arguing the issue over and over again.  I see the point has been made by others as well, so I'll let it be.


Take care and good luck in your journey,



Fri, 06/29/2012 - 20:39

In reply to by Rain

You only see what you want to see, you've made that clear now. You say Joshua is "asking valid questions", yet he asks no questions whatsoever. There are no questions in what he wrote, only demands. If you can't even see what was written, how can you say there's no anger there?

questions/issues/concerns.   I guess you'll crucify me now for using the wrong word.  English is not my first language. 


If you don't see that he has some legitimate concerns, then you're the one who sees what you want to see.  You've already shown that in another comment where you stated you didn't see anything other than love in the statements attacking Joshua's statements.




Fri, 06/29/2012 - 21:46

In reply to by Rain

A question is not an issue or a concern, a question asks for something. You speak perfectly good English, so I suspect you understand the difference. I think in Joshua you saw your own issues as much as what he actually wrote.

He demanded action in every single paragraph he wrote. How should we respond to that, other than telling him to let go of his issues and concerns and Be that action? If he understands that, he'll be all the more Free because of it, and yet you say we're attacking him? He's Loved very much.



I didn't agree with everything Joshua said, so to say that I see myself in his issues, is absurd.  I do think he brings up legitimate issues, which should be addressed as I do believe it will help others who also share his concerns (and perhaps will allow them to let them go as you claim)....My issue was in how people like him are often treated and dismissed with the tactics I mentioned before.  For a group of people who claim to operate in love, that is not very loving.   And speaking up and saying so, doesn't make someone ego driven.  Sometimes things need to be given attention so that they can be addressed and then let go. 


It could be argued by your logic that the anger and fear you see in Joshua's comment is actually YOUR anger and fear being reflected back at you.  I don't see Anger and fear in Joshua's comment, yet if I understand you correctly, you do.   So who has the issues here?  It would appear to be you and the others who see Anger, fear, and ego.


As you can see, an argument like this can go on and on with each side throwing New Age lingo back and forth to prove their point of view...


I do understand Joshua's concern and someone would have to be blind to see that he's not unique on this website or others.  I've seen many similar comments on other posts and it seems to be growing.  If the GFL/GFP really wants to help, then their approach should be different in my opinion.  Ignoring or brushing things under the carpet will only make things worse and be counterproductive to the ultimate goal.


I see that you're heart is in the right place, but Joshuas of the world are seeking answers or perhaps guidance, so why not help them, so that they can become an asset to the Light.   By antagonizing and rediculing them, it only serves to reinforce their point or concerns that the GFL or GFP is fake and out to mislead.


Am I perfect?  No...  Are you?  Definitely not.   We are have our Journeys.   Do I think I'm better than you?  No.  However, I don't like it when other Lightworkers think they are so "enlightened" that they are above helping others.    There is a segment of our community that has become very snobbing and elitest in their interactions with others who perhaps aren't as "advanced" as they think they are.


Anyhow,  like I said before, I don't wish to continue this discussion, which clearly isn't going anywhere.  Nobody is convincing anyone of anything here.   We can agree to disagree and respect our beliefs and paths even if we disagree with some of it.


Blessings Will..



Well if it's totally up to us as individuals, then why the announcement of the Green Light?  Drake said green light for a reason.  So why are you sitting there and berating people by saying, in essence, "it's up to YOU".  WHY DID DRAKE SAY ANYTHING if it us up to US?  You're being illogical, and also coming from ego.  I hope it's true and we can all work together, but to berate people for asking about timeframes when the timeframe was OFFERED IN THE FIRST PLACE is rude, no matter how many "light and love and blah blah" stuff you put at the end.  It doesn't mean we want anyone else to do the work, but hey, we didn't say GREEN LIGHT.  Of course we would all be appreciate and work together, but as far as I know, each one of us was given a mind and the power of discernment and questioning, and if we choose to use it, that's our gift put to use.  Do you really think people would keep questioning once there is proof?  Of course not.  Don't belittle people for using their heads and merely asking a question.  Get a grip on your ego.  LIGHT AND LOVE!!!!

what is up to you is to Rais Your VIbrations, and you do this by Being the Love you Are.

To remember You Are the co-creator of your reality. Not to go and take a gun and arrest. But you have the responsability of what you put into the Global Consiousness and into yourself. 


We have council meetings/Love party twice a week, online, streaming, we put our faces and Hearts in fron of everyOne and asnwer All questions. This is posted on the Press every time. We also have contact forms and emails many use, and awakening sessions. How can anyone still say we hide in silence? Participate and you'll know. 

Thus, the way to ask question is to ask them. Blaming is not asking, it's egos running and hiding. Love asks and listens to the answer. When we get questions we answer, when we got egos... well, they're not real so it becomes impossible to validate them. 



I love your analysis.  Very well said.  Too bad the issues you raised were completely ignored and instead you got a completely fluff response. 



Guest (not verified)

Fri, 06/29/2012 - 12:26

I don't expect any of you to comprehend what the commenter was saying in the beginning. It's more than obvious to me that anyone who says the gfl needs to come through on at least one of the major stories they keep spinning is being realistic. I'm tired of the lies and so are many of the people I know. There are only so many "soon", "in the days ahead" and any other way of saying future words I can take on failed predictions. I believe the planet can change for the better, that's obvious. But I will not be so stupid as to say the gfl has done anything they have said they will. There's always an excuse. Period. Saying someone is not awakened doesn't help, saying someone is fearmongering doesn't do it either. We all have our own views on things but that's natural. A liar is a liar, it doesnt matter if they live in a ship....a boat....a island...or anything else in creation. Do what you say or stop saying so. I've seen so many people lose their families, loved ones, and livelihoods for telling the world a super force of galactics are coming. You know where those people are? In the same places they got dumped. None of their lives are any better. So how about you save the cow pies and get real? At least have the credibility to fess up to telling tall tales, or something. Your really getting old with this flowery talk and no results stuff.

Akasha (not verified)

Fri, 06/29/2012 - 18:46

In reply to by rubastel

The Irony is that if you read some of the replies to this post, it looks like people expect everyone to take personal responsibility for manifesting a better personal and global reality (which is fine and I agree with).  However, personal responsibility doesn't seem to apply to the GFL or GFP?   How and why are they the exception?   The GFL/GFP apologetics sound like mindless cult drones using the same attacks over and over again (almost like a script).


If they mess up or things don't quite go their way, why not honesty admit something went wrong and that's why things are delayed.  I'm sure people will understand.   After reading some of these posts, I can see how the GFP and GFP have created or brought a lot of this upon themselves; Perhaps unknowingly or could it be a mirror reflecting back some issues within the movement.


Instead of issuing a message explaining why the world has seen very little or no real visible signs of change (at least on the outside), you get silence, no explanation, and you're expected not to ask questions.  If you have the audacity to ask questions, you're automatically accused of living in fear and the Ego.  You're also chastized for not being spiritually advanced enough like a proper lightworker should be.   It's times like these, that I see why the word 'lightworker' has become a joke even among many Metaphysical circles.


I will continue to work for a better world my way without fear or Shame.  If the GFL ever does anything meaningful, then it will be cause for celebration for all mankind.  However, people should not wait and count on them to do anything as a substite for personal action and spiritual development because chances are you'll be disappointed.




Which world are you looking at where you see "very little or no real visible signs of change"?


It's odd that your conclusion is almost exactly what we've been saying, yet when we say it, we "sound like mindless cult drones using the same attacks over and over again".

Akasha (not verified)

Fri, 06/29/2012 - 20:09

In reply to by Guest (not verified)

Read what I said.  I started out by saying I agree with your basic message, which is what my last statement verifies.   However, it's how you attack those who disagree that does indeed make you "sound like mindless cult drones using the same attacks over and over again."


I suppose cherry picking and twisting a comment to suit your needs/agenda is also your forte.  You proved my point down to the T.


Fri, 06/29/2012 - 20:12

In reply to by Guest (not verified)

So where's the attack then, if your message is the same as ours? A good example of an attack would be accusing others of acting like "mindless cult drones".

Again, read what I wrote and then read all the comments.  If you still don't see it, then I can't help you.   The problem may be that you clearly agree with the attacks, so to your mind they aren't attacks, but perfectly normal, which makes it even worse.

 Since it doesn't look like you're getting the point, I've quoted the part of my comment that describes the classic attack tactic.  If you're honest with yourself, you'll see it repeated over and over again as a way to discredit any comments people don't like.


"If you have the audacity to ask questions, you're automatically accused of living in fear and the Ego. You're also chastized for not being spiritually advanced enough like a proper lightworker should be."




If you're honest with yourself, you'll see it repeated over and over again as a way to discredit any comments people don't like.


You mean like calling people drones?


If you see bringing attention to the ego or fear as an "attack", that's ego itself. What else sees one's beliefs about themselves as something they need to defend? You are who you are, and nobody can change that beside You.


I think you're seeing the comments here in extremes, polarizing the commentors into different "sides". That's ego as well. We're on your side, and we don't mind you venting here, though I'd much prefer to share Love with you than having a silly argument.


You engaged in conflict here, and I think you really need to look at what you're defending.

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