Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/1/12 ‘The Golden Spike’

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 07/01/2012 - 13:51

The driving of the Golden Spike, Promontory Summit, Utah Territory 1869


Initia must take place for these arrests that so many are hoping upon as the end of their old way of life that no longer serves their higher good and the beginning of their new way of life that will allow them to experience more of what this universe and their Creator offers them as his children who deserve all the gifts that he has created and that he has shared with his other children from other worlds. You are not the only children of our Creator. Our Creator has many children living throughout the far stretches of his magnificent home and all of these children, with no exceptions, enjoy his love, his protection, his gifts, his guidance and the wonderful experience of growing up learning and playing in this joyous wonderland of love, adventure and excitement, joy and bliss, challenges and friendship.
Your Creator does not wish for you to go one more day without the gifts that he has so carefully selected for you and has personally gift wrapped for you and has given us to load our spacecraft with and deliver them to you like your Santa Claus loading his sleigh with Christmas presents for all the children of this world. You are all the children of your world, no matter how long ago it was that you were born into the physical. We are all, in the eyes of our Creator, his children, even though some of us are millions of years old. This is a fact. Some of us of the Galactic Federation of Light that some of you will meet very shortly are over one million, and some of us are even over two million years old, although of course, we do not necessarily age the way you may feel we must age, as most of you on your planet at this time understand aging as a must and have come to understand aging as a rapid depreciation of your health, your vitality, your gusto, your tirelessness, your sharpness and focus and your aesthetic beauty.
This certainly does not have to be the case, and you will see this firsthand when you meet us and learn that many of us are hundreds of thousands, even millions of years old, yet possess all of the attributes and the beauty as someone you would feel, according to your ages and standards, to appear approximately twenty to twenty five years old. This is a gift that is not entirely out of your reach as well. Not all of you will be receiving this gift; this must be made clear, as not all of you will be graduating to higher dimensional worlds where such a gift is possible. We would like to add however, that at least on some level your health and vitality and a more youthful appearance can and will certainly be made available to all of you, no matter where it is your destination lies at the culmination of this upcoming great dimensional shift that you know of as ascension.
It is upon this ascension that there are those of you who will be free to journey to new lands and new realms beyond the borders of this 3rd dimensional planet you call Earth. Where it is you will be going is really a matter that has been left up to you, although we will say that for some of you your roadmap was already planned for you by you yourself before your current incarnation, and we will also say that many of you have been creating your roadmap throughout this incarnation and many of you are at this very moment in the process of drawing up this map and your destination has not yet been decided by you.  We of the Galactic Federation of Light do not in any way pick and choose who it is that ascends and where it is they ascend to. We wish to make this perfectly clear at this time. What we, the higher dimensional members of your own families do is assist you on your journey, but it is your journey and not our journey, that is the bottom line.
We have our own journeys as well, and we are also being assisted by higher dimensional beings along the paths that we have chosen. No matter which dimension you call home there is always a helping hand in the form of a guide or even more than one guide to assist you, to lead you, to offer you guidance when you make it known you wish for this guidance. We at this time are here in offers of guidance to you, our brothers and sisters, while at the same time receive guidance from those in dimensions higher than ours. This will be your experience after many of you experience ascension, as it will be your task one day to offer guidance to those of a dimension below you, and you very well may choose to continue to receive guidance from those who will be of dimensions above you.
We would like you to envision this as helping hands that traverse the dimensions to reach each other and lift each other up and help each other to learn and to grow in so many different ways. We feel once many of you can visualize what our mission here is all about and how the beings of one dimension help beings of other dimensions, we feel many more of you will more clearly understand our motives, our purpose for being here and how, although we may differ from you in some ways, we are all the same family. In the days ahead that we assure you are approaching and approaching quickly, we will be able to extend our hand in friendship and guidance directly to you without the necessity of reaching down, if it were, into a lower dimension, as there will be a joining of our two dimensions not unlike your two great railroads that met at Promontory Summit, joining your people from one coast to another in your United States.
This joining of dimensions and a joining of beings will be historic as well, as this kind of experience has never before occurred in this entire universe. What we are engaged in here and are attempting to accomplish is something that not only has never been accomplished before, but something that many beings of great wisdom and experience believed could never be successfully accomplished. We wish you to understand the magnitude of this challenge and see that it will take everything that you have and everything that we have working together to see us succeed. We have had great obstacles present themselves to us and to you as well throughout this mission already and we, together with you, have successfully removed each and every one of them before us, and it is our intention not to allow any obstacle no matter how formidable to stall us and we say to you we will never allow any obstacle to stop us, as we must continue forward to lay these tracks one section at a time until we reach that day when a Golden Spike of love, determination and universal cooperation is driven deep into the last rail that connects our two magnificent dimensions.
Help us in our task to continue laying these tracks. Do not allow anything to slow you and do not ever consider allowing any obstacle, challenges or difficulty to stop you and nothing will ever succeed to keep you from laying the tracks on your side of our great universal endeavor to join our two worlds in unity, love and service to our Creator and to our magnificent and shared universe that we call home and will call home for millions of years to come.
We are your coworkers building this great railroad. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.
As channeled through Greg Giles English - Spanish - Brazil - Bulgarian - Croatian - Dutch -German - Greek - Hebrew - Polish - Japanese Portugal - Romanian - Russian - Slovenian -Swedish - Traditional Chinese - Hungarian French

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