Attempted Assassination of Top Wilcock Informant

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 07/02/2012 - 09:17

Attempted Assassination of Top Wilcock Informant

by Steve Beckow

As Stephen will probably be discussing, we’re not going to chronicle each action in the mass arrests. Stephen will be reporting Cobra’s use of what appears to be coded messages. There is much else that’s happening that is doubtless material to an understanding of the whole. But it just isn’t possible to cover it all.


The special contribution of sites like ours is to offer and analyze the galactic ans related contributions to the discussion. Matthew’s latest will be out any day. I personally am more oriented to hearing what the Company of Light says, rather than the extensive traffic of the Earth allies.


That having been said, David Wilcock issued an update describing how “one of our most influential and high-ranking insiders was attacked by a very sophisticated bio-weapon last week.” last week.   He describes the attack here:


“The weapon must be administered by direct injection into the bloodstream. Three co-factors that appear innocuous by themselves work together to create rapid death within a few days after its introduction into the body.


“It is built to be undetectable, and will not show up in conventional blood tests. Even those people working in very high levels on the inside had to work feverishly to identify what exactly this was.


“By culturing his blood, they were able to isolate the co-factors and provide antigens that destroyed two out of three of them.


“I am not clear yet on what the third element is, but by itself it is harmless and would not cause alarm in a blood test — just like the others. …


“This weapon is “highly sophisticated and brand new,” unlike anything they’ve ever seen before on the inside.


“Obviously, the development of any such technology is completely forbidden by international treaties. That does not change the fact that some people in the Cabal are developing these methods for special purposes anyway. …


“Now that it has been identified, this weapon will never be able to be used again. …


“At least two arrests are now imminent as a result of this process — and probably have already happened by now.

“Once the perpetrators are brought into custody, various means will insure they reveal who ordered the hit. That person or persons will then be brought to justice.


“None of this will ever make headlines. It’s just another chapter in an increasingly strenuous war on the inside.”


It takes a story like that to really drive home that some people are risking their lives to get word out and to bring down the cabal. We here express our gratitude toward the people who take these risks to close down the New World Order.


Just as we do, David regards the occurrence of such severe weather so close to the mass arrests as being curious. He states:




Another one of my insiders pointed out how curious it is that a “land hurricane” hit Washington, DC after Drake’s announcement of imminent arrests prior to July 4th.…

WASHINGTON (AP) — Millions across the mid-Atlantic region sweltered Saturday in the aftermath of violent storms that pummeled the eastern U.S. with high winds and downed trees, killing at least 13 people and leaving 3 million without power during a heat wave.


Power officials said the outages wouldn’t be repaired for several days to a week, likening the damage to a serious hurricane.

Emergencies were declared in Maryland, West Virginia, Ohio, the District of Columbia and Virginia, where Gov. Bob McDonnell said the state had its largest non-hurricane outage in history, as more storms threatened.


“This is a very dangerous situation,” the governor said.

See his blog for more:


For a very long time, I have followed the career of the person known as David WIlcock. He has gone from a psychic reader, to an incarnation of the late Edgar Cayce, to a writer, movie producer, author, and now seemingly, a investigative jouirnalist whistleblower dealing in occult and black operational material. He claims to have insider contacts that supply him with the latest and most up-to-date intel anywhere. His contempararies and those in the same role as he is presenting himself as are continually being silenced or comprimised, similar to the assassination attempt on the military insider that supplies him with top secret info, Ben Fulford, Kerry Cassidy, many that he has interviewed, and the list goes on and on, and yet, he remains unscathed to keep reporting highly secret plans of the cabal and stays practically unharmed and healthy enough to go on world tours without bodyguards or special protection. MY QUESTION IS, "since we all know how easy it would be to take out a public figure that is readily available to the fawning public through many different outlets, why has he remain unscathed and still has never reported to my knowledge, of any attempts on HIS~person to be silenced, even though, he is more visible and can do more damage to the dark cabal than anyone mentioned above? The article he has just submitted explaining the attack on the military insider sounds a lot like the "stardust operation" described by COBRA a few days ago, and if this is true, Mr. Wilcock has a lot of 'splainin' to do. I have suspected for many years that Wilcock is a dark shill, but was unconclusive as to whether it is knowingly or unwittingly. His desire to be in the spotlight would render him easily manipulated by any energy that layed the "right" strings and we all know the story of the Devil and Daniel Webster....  



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