Submitted by glr_Andrea on Mon, 07/02/2012 - 10:52


Monday, July 2, 2012





Are you just a humanoid robots, or you are one who knows where truly light is?... Which light you are expecting to be posted?... Green or Violet?... or maybe some gray, un-interesting and undefined one?... 

Can you see the picture, a bit wider than your small living room?... Can you see the work done on you, continuous and totally from Love?... Can you grasp that all these events, information’s, conspiracies, lies, deceptions, truths, are only here to wake you UP in to YOU, dear Light Duds?…

Are you Light Duds or not?... or maybe You are the doubting ones, the accusational ones, not trusting one, the blaming ones, or simply confused ones?... Who made you confused, doubtful, or even angry?... Me, UFO’s, CIA’s, GFoL’s, God’s, Drake’s, Wilcock’s, Bill’s, Cobra’s, Obama’s?...

My dear Light-Dud’s [or in short I will call YOU: LD’s…], none of above… none… but only YOU made self confused, ill, hurt, angry, doubtful, fearful… so, bite a bullet, and accept it… There is no one else to blame, but YOUR self, your sorry little LD’s butt…

There is no one else to point fingers, but on YOUR self, dear flip-flopers… Give it a try… read your thought for last couple of months, and see how many times you praised Wicock that Benjamin, than Obama… and moment later you start spiting on them, as some other well established LD said it differently?...
Do you see pattern in your unstable behavior, as soon you find confronting information, how fast you jump the ship, looking for stupid excuses against ones your cherished and worship hours ago?... 

I am not writing this piece to insult you for whole two pages continually, but to show you difference in your stand… To show you how easy you drop your light, and come back in your old YOU: doubtful, afraid, questioning in self, not allowing self to envision better world, not allowing self to be leader you are, not daring to fully stand in the light of your own Heart…
Yes, dear Light Duds, Your Green Light that you are expecting is within YOU… when you turn it on, keep it ON… don’t allow any Drake, Wilcock, Obama, or even Bernanke to turn it off…
You are the one choosing when Green Light [in my case is Violet Light…] will be turned on in yourself… and all you have to do is to keep it on… so others can see it when electricity goes off, or storm roles in your country, or arrests start happening… 

You are the one’s choosing what color this inner light will be, and how strong will be… No Positive Military can turn this light on, or there is no cabal dud alive who can turn this light off…
Be steadfast, be smile, be non reactionary, KNOW… Know deep in your heart, that You are the Creator dud of your own reality… I truly mean this: do not envision some perfect New world [I did not say order here…] for couple of meditations or conversations, and then based on some very ‘credible’ source [like Drake, Wicock, Icke, or Obama maybe…] you halt your creation… You dead stop it, because you are now in doubt?...
Who to believe?... Who to trust?... Why Obama signed this executive order, or why Icke do not like Drake any more, or why Drake disassociated himself from Bill, or why Assange now ‘hiding’ in Equadorian Embassy, or why Wilcock allow himself to turn OFF Green Light that Drake turned on?... Why? ohh, Why?…
Why YOU allow that these events turning on, and turning off your inner Green Light like a jojoo?... Can you simply look within and accept this state of inner awareness?... Look from within OUT, not from outside IN…

When you start continuously being non reactive on information’s, events, stimuli’s from outside world, than and only than YOU can keep your Inner Light any color you Like…
Only then it will be absolutely of non importance when the arrests will start happening [like they did not happened already… and I am not joking here…], you will see that this grand Ascension that others talking for centuries is actually just happened to YOU… 

And it is so subtle, so smooth, so loving… and it does not disintegrate your body, it does not hurt at all, it actually tingles and tickles… Ascension is this inner Light you are waiting to see somewhere outside of yourself… And to tell you the truth: all this time, you were looking at the wrong place, dear Light Duds…
You were looking all these lives for some outside indication, lesson, teacher, master to shows up to give you procedure, rules, book, bible, meditation so you can be ready for 2012 ascension year…. Your Personal Ascension has no teachers, but one: YOU….
You were looking everywhere and anywhere but within YOUR OWN SELF…
YOUR OWN SELF  is the ascension place worth looking for…
YOUR OWN SELF is the portal that God created for you to discover…
YOUR OWN SELF is the new age in making…
YOUR OWN SELF is the experiencer of GOD WITHIN YOU…
YOUR OWN SELF choosing to turn this Green Light on, and YOUR OWN SELF choose to keep this LIGHT on for others to see… to experience Ascended Master in YOU… when they read your posts, when they see your picture on line, when they watch you on TV…
They know YOU are not the Humanoid robot, who looks for impulses from outside, who looks for directions what to do from someone else… but they know that You found YOUR OWN SELF, and that YOU are here to be an example of true and undistinguishable light within…

That is ALL… so simple… yet do not try to complicate it with questions about directions, rules or meditation procedures… You are Ascended already, so please act like ONE… 

Act as You know what means being Enlighten Master… Act as you know that YOU ARE Ascended Master, who is here to be simple example with his actions, her words, his smile, her laughter…
And if you wondering who AM I to tell you this?... than I bow to you, dear Ascended Master of Light… as This little scribble was here only to point finger to YOU… that YOU are the one who will Ascend self in to Example for others, simply by enjoying every single experience as God given playground…
With all my laughter and very strong Violet Light in my Heart for You to see…
I AM THAT I AM, AM [Ascended Master] Predrag Saint Germain… and some more…


Guest (not verified)

Mon, 07/02/2012 - 13:12

Well Predrag, because I refuse to even see you as being close to St. Germain or even channelling him...it is because of channelers like you who have screwed with people's minds....get their hopes up, leading them to believe what you want, and then saying you dumb asses...it is your own fault for not seing the light within you!


You all contribute to the problem, so get off your eff-in high horse and be real....be you....you are no more St. Germain's channel than the man on the moon.....

I'm not going to comment on Predrag, I have my own feelings about his stuff, but it is a person's own fault for not see the Light within themselves. If you blame it on anyone or anything else, you're giving your power away.

People should read channelings with the understanding that the messages are just as much from the channeler as the channeled being. Don't look to them for hope and don't put your faith in them, simply use them as a tool for furthering your own Awakening.

Guest (not verified)

Mon, 07/02/2012 - 13:44

While I agree with some points in this rant.....I feel the judgement, and am offended at referring to others as Light-Duds.  Who ever you believe yourself to be, you are not as much a worker of the light as you may believe. Chastising others for where they are in their journey is not what we are to be about.  Time to look in-not out!

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