~Freedom Project:French police raid home of former president Nicolas Sarkozy

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 07/03/2012 - 14:21

French police raid home of former president Nicolas Sarkozy

Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy (AFP Photo/Lionel Bonaventure)

Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy (AFP Photo/Lionel Bonaventure)


Police officers have carried out a number of raids in Paris – on the villa Nicolas Sarkozy shares with his wife Carla Bruni, on the law offices of the former president’s attorneys and on the apartment provided to him by the government.


Judge Jean-Michele Gentil and financial police searched the Sarkozys’ villa Montmorency, located in the French capital’s most luxurious district, the offices of Arnaud, Claude and Associates, in which Sarkozy is a shareholder, and an apartment given to the former president by the government.


The raids are reportedly linked to a campaign finance corruption scandal involving billionaire L’Oreal heiress Lilian Bettencourt.

Bettencourt, France’s richest woman, is alleged to have illegally contributed two payments of 400,000 euros each to Mr Sarkozy’s 2007 election campaign, despite the fact the legal limit on individual donations being 4,600 Euro.


Both were traced to Swiss accounts, and one was allegedly received by Sarkozy in person in Paris, in return for offering the cosmetics magnate  tax breaks once he came to power.


Numerous witnesses including a butler, nurse and chauffeur have described seeing Mr Sarkozy paying personal visits to the Bettencourt mansion in Neuilly-sur-Seine, the upmarket Paris suburb.


Sarkozy’s presidential immunity from prosecution expired on June 16th and his former budget minister Eric Woerth has already been charged with corruption.


This is just one of several cases Sarkozy may be investigated for, now that constitutional protection has been removed. He is also facing allegations that he profited from illegal arms sales to Pakistan, and that he accepted millions from former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi.


His lawyer Thierry Herzog said Sarkozy, who was defeated in his re-election bid in May by the Socialist Francois Hollande, is currently in Canada with his family.

SOURCE here.




Tue, 07/03/2012 - 15:50

First, this website has a lot of great useful information, which I highly appreciate.  It also has what I would view as a lot of imaginary fabrications of wishful thinking and false prophecies.  When I read these, I might comment on issues I have strong opinion on, but in a nice way. 


Will is unable to handle polite opposition to the views he wishes to promulgate on this website, and will ban your IP if you say anything that doesn't support the agenda of the group that manages this website.


In other words, he is insecure in the face of facts and logic, to the point he will ban your IP if you mention anything that might suggest, for example: 1) your prophecies which do not come true, make you a false prophet, 2) any mention of Christian ideas, such as God's plan of salvation through the blood of His son, Jesus the Christ, 3) any suggestion that hell actually exists -- he projects his own astral experiences to claim that peoples personal experiences in hell are an astral vision created from their own beliefs, but he deleted my IP (again) when I suggested posts of imaginary light beings might also be astral visions, no more real than dreams (Will's assertion about hell), 4) criticism which proposes that some of the hallucinatory ideas expressed on this website may not be real, and may be entirely imaginary, 5) pointing out that GFL prior prophecies failed to come true.




1. power down your router (connects to your ISP), or login to your router and reset your ISP allocated dynamic IP.

2. (MAY NOT be required): a) shutdown & restart your browser, b) restart your computer.

3. power up your router.  You could also login into your router to verify your dynamic IP has in fact changed.  If not, recycle the connection on your router until it does.

4. restart your browser.

5. enter this website to verify (read-only) access.

6. create a new email alias to login to galacticfreepress.com or soundofheart.org

7. create your new account, login, and post your comments (but try to be civil in the face of immaturity, insecurity, and idiocy).


Well there you have it.  Don't use this fix as an excuse to be serially caustic, but as with any bully, you need to be firm and clear.  This is a blog site, and Will needs to learn how to handle polite opposition in a mature manner.  Sorry Will, but perhaps this is time to grow up.


Thank you.



Yeah, it's easy on both sides, but I'll bet we both have (other) jobs to do.


OK, well I think we can work out our differences with mutual respect and a better understanding.  I can start the process by offering to use a different name.  What do you suggest?


:^)  Come now, who has the power in this situation to be the bully?  You thought you would nuke me and be done with me, but I'm not you're average blogger, and you didn't expect that, just like a bully doesn't expect his victim to hit back, but once they do, they revise their perspective somewhat.  Is it immature to fight back?  You decide.


Enough of name calling and back to issues...  growing up: I think we *all* need more maturity.


Play nice or leave: on my side that means change my user name to something unexceptional.  if you're not banning me, I have nothing to react to.  however, blogging is process of stating an opinion.  remember this whole thing started with a good blog post, but where the blogger blasted Christianity for no apparent reason, and entirely without foundation, substance, or evidence.  Then I objected to the blast against the generic form of "Christianity", and I got banned. 


It should be clear who is playing nice, and who's being obnoxious.  I don't turn the other cheek.  That concept was pulled out of context for cowards.  Real men fight back when attacked, and that's exactly why we are fighting for freedom in America this very day.


When bloggers make wild unsubstantiated slanderous claims against Christianity, they are initiating obnoxious harrassment against millions of people.  In this case it is "right" and appropriate to press their reset button.


There's nothing wrong with your perspective or opinion, but if you say you are promoting freedom, then censor with opposing opinions with a heavy hand, then you are hypocrits, and I'm taking this opportunity to bring that fact to your conscious awareness.


When you speak down to others, you set yourself as superior.  Where's the equality?


Give me your feedback.




What would you say if someone claimed to be victimized by a "bully", yet constantly came running back to that "bully" to further subject themselves to what they feel is "abuse"? That's what you're doing here.

I banned you because you're creating all sorts of drama instead of just letting things go, you've been trying to fight with the GFP reporters, you told people they're going to burn for eternity because they're going against "God's" word, and you're generally being an obnoxious pain in the ass. That's why I banned you, not because you mentioned one of the most beautiful being who ever walked this Planet, Jesus Christ. Also, Jesus certainly doesn't need you to defend Him.

When you come into someone else's space (or website), you don't get along with them, and then they ask you to leave, the decent and respectful thing to do is leave, and then get on with your life.

I agree with you Will! 


I think you misquoted him, but doesn't matter, you got the right idea.


But why do you cast yourself as a bully?


Peace, Love, and Light to All...


Unity Consciousness

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