Submitted by Lia on Sat, 06/11/2011 - 07:16


Many old cycles are coming to an end. Ancient templates are moving out of their old positions. These ancient templates are spinning around, like wheels within wheels simultaneously going in several different directions, until they settle into their new positions. While the ancient templates are shifting between their old and new positions, we may have strong feelings of being unpinned. The veils between the worlds become extremely thin.
The shifting templates have been preparing us well for the month of June. This month is similar to going through locks in a canal. When we enter a lock, the water fills up to a new level. As soon as this happens, the door on the far side of the lock opens and we proceed onwards onto a new level. In June, we will be going through a series of locks which will take us into our new positions in our New True Lives.

Our journey through the locks is reflected in June's astrology. On June 1st there was a Solar Eclipse which for many was a huge Turning Point. At the midpoint of June, on the 15th, is a Lunar Eclipse and there will be another Solar Eclipse on July 1st. This is when we emerge on a totally new level. The shifting templates will begin to click into their new positions enabling us to shift our lives onto a totally new road.
If we stay True, this is the time when we can begin to jump into our New True Lives. It's also when our New Purposes shall start to be revealed. This series of rare Eclipses gives us a powerful push forward into our New Directions. In June, some of us will dramatically shift tracks. Even if we don't, we will experience major internal changes.This is why it's still vitally important to get into our right positions for our New True Lives by the second half of the year.
The person whom we are right now as we enter June will be quite different from the person whom we will be when we exit June. We will be much closer to fully inhabiting our New Landscape, for we ourselves, will be new.
With so much emphasis on birthing the New, it's easy to forget that we also need to close the doors of the old, to consciously bring old cycles to an end before we can fully open the door of the New.
On a personal level, we also have many old doors to close. When we finally, irrevocably, close these old doors, they are removed from our personal matrix. Then, we will be ready for our New True Lives. That's when we will experience a burst of the fresh energy of personal freedom that will propel us forward into the New and True.
June's powerful push forward is much needed, for some of us have been forgetting that this is the Time of Completion. We have become numb from the numerous catastrophes happening on the planet and have pushed aside our inner knowingness as a True One. It's understandable why we do this, because everything that is happening is more than we can take and more than we can integrate. Because of this, we sometimes allow ourselves to become smaller than we really are. When we become numb, we try to reassure ourselves that we are in normal times. But we are not. We have all chosen to be here during this momentous shift from duality to Oneness. We are the ones who are needed to bring old cycles to a close and birth new ones. This is one of the ways that we as Silent Watchers step in....

I first visited Stonehenge when I was fifteen. At that time, it was located in the tranquil English countryside. It wasn't inundated by tourists and we were able to walk freely among the stones. Several years later, when I lived in Wales and England, I spent two Summer Solstices there, sleeping amongst the stones.
Since then, there have been strong efforts to block the energies of Stonehenge. Now there are three busy highways around it that form a triangle to cut it off. Not only is Stonehenge roped off so you cannot interact with the stones, but now everyone is given free headsets in a multitude of languages to listen to while they walk around the stones. To make it even worse, the thousands of daily visitors are forced to circle it in a counter-clockwise manner.
The last time I was there, I noticed that almost everyone was walking around it as if in a trance, barely looking at the stones. They were simply listening to the guided tour on their headsets as they walked. I climbed over a gate so I could walk around it clockwise. I talked to the stones in Star Language and gave them immense love.
What was truly remarkable is that Stonehenge is still alive! In spite of all the efforts to block its energies, it cannot be blocked. This is because the energies of Stonehenge are far vaster than the earthly, physical site. It is not affected by the attempts to physically cut off its energy. It is anchored in the Ultra Greater Reality and nothing can harm it.
Stonehenge is a brilliant example for us of how we can be. No matter what happens in the outside world, Stonehenge is vaster than it. It is a true Sacred Pagoda. And this is exactly how we must be. True Sacred Pagodas. Silent Watchers incarnate. True Ones living True Lives in the midst of a world filled with turmoil and uncertainty.


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