Historic Criminal Conspiracy case against the Vatican and Crown of England to be launched in the Fed

Submitted by Madame Butterfly on Tue, 07/03/2012 - 19:30


Exclusive Media Leak: Historic criminal conspiracy case against the Vatican and Crown of England to be launched in the Federal Court of Canada - Class action suit is the first of its kind, aimed at churches, government and big pharmaceutical companies.

Stunning news from Canada reveals an astounding lawsuit to be launched which will reach to the very top of World powers and hold them accountable for crimes against humanity.

"A joint media release by The Association of Citizen Prosecutors (ACP) and The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS was released on July 1. 2012. It announces the first class action lawsuit in Canadian history to name as co-defendants the Vatican, the Crown of England, Canada and its churches, and big pharmaceutical companies, all of which are accused of crimes against humanity and criminal conspiracy.

The lawsuit is brought by Jason Bowman of the ACP and Rev. Kevin Annett of the ITCCS, on behalf of a group of many others.

“Victims of church, state and big pharma are finally uniting to put an end to their terror” said Kevin Annett today.

“Among other plaintiffs in our class action will be survivors of Canada’s genocide against native people, who have never had their day in court. The whitewash is over. More than 50,000 murdered children will finally be confronting Canada and the Catholic, Anglican and United Church, and placing them all on trial”.


'In an unprecedented case, groups of Canadian citizens have united to bring an ex-parte case before federal court to the international tribunal of crimes of church and state and the association of citizen prosecutors intend to seek direction with respect as to how best to proceed to bring criminal indictments aginst fraternal organizatons alledging their crimes against humanity and the citizens of Canada."

See video (above):


Jason J. Bowman of the Association of Citizen Prosecutors, the group who is bringing the motion forward after months of research and discussion with victims, outlines in his affidavit how these fraternities were formed and their crimes against the indigenous people of Canada.

With the formation of The Indian Act, the systematic genocide and criminal mistreatment of Indian people by the government of Canada became legal under the Dominion of Canada. In his research Mr. Bowman discovered shocking secret connections between the Vatican, the United Church, the British Monarchy, the Freemasons, the RCMP, big pharmaceutical companies and the government of Canada, all of whom are named in the ex-parte motion.

Evidence points to the fact that native children were deliberately exposed to tuberculosis, native women who did not go to church were maliciously sterilized, and thousands of children who were sent to the horrific residential schools were sexually abused, raped, tortured, beaten, used as guinea pigs for testing of pharmaceutical drugs, and even murdered in bizarre rituals.


Some of the more heinous acts comitted against these innocent native children can be learned in the below radio program Free Think Radio.com, as it aired on CFRA; (warning-extremely upsetting and horrific content)


The Reverend Kevin D. Annett of the ITCCS, The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State at www.itccs.org . speaks of the lawsuit:

"The biggest criminal conspiracy in history is being confronted this week in a federal court house in Toronto.

On Wednesday July 4, our friend and ally, Jason Bowman of The Association of Citizen Prosecutors (ACP), will be filing the first class action lawsuit in history against the Vatican, the Crown of England, the government and churches of Canada, and pharmaceutical corporations for crimes against humanity and criminal conspiracy.

Anyone who has suffered at the hands of these groups can come forward and join our action.

For instance, for a century doctors and clergy of both the Roman Catholic and United Church of Canada sterilized and experimented on countless aboriginal people – many of them children who died as a result – under agreements with the Crown of England and prominent pharmaceutical companies with ties to the military.

In 1995, when as a west coast United Church clergyman I began to uncover the grisly evidence of such practices as testing drugs for these companies on children at United Church facilities like the R.W. Large Hospital in Bella Bella, B.C., I was targeted for personal and professional destruction by that Church and its friends in government.

Across Canada, there are many such cases of criminal conspiracy to silence the truth and truth tellers. Now, for the first time, there’s a chance for these crimes to be brought to light and those responsible made to publicly account.

That opportunity commences Monday, July 9, when Jason Bowman will argue our application before a Federal Court judge."


Full story w. pics and video:  http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/12515851-historic-criminal-conspiracy-case-against-the-vatican-and-crown-of-england-to-be-launched-in-the-fe


Guest (not verified)

Tue, 07/17/2012 - 20:55

Just as stunning is this public release by Kevin Annett blaming Jason Bowman and withdrawing from the lawsuit.


Towards a Genuine Legal Attack on Genocidal and Criminal Institutions: A Statement regarding the Bowman-ITCCS Lawsuit against Church and State

Issued by the Council of Elders of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS International Office)
Brussels, Belgium

9 pm GMT , Tuesday, July 17, 2012 (youtube posting to follow)

The Council of Elders of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) has unanimously decided to withdraw from the alleged lawsuit in the Federal Court of Canada (FCC) brought by Jason Bowman on behalf of our Tribunal and our representative, Rev. Kevin Annett – Eagle Strong Voice.

This withdrawal includes Rev. Annett, and is effective immediately, as of 9 pm GMT or 4 pm Eastern Standard Time.

We have terminated our involvement in this alleged lawsuit after learning from FCC officials in Toronto, Canada that no such case has in fact been filed with them by Mr. Bowman.

This decision of our ITCCS Council arises from our resolve to bring about a genuine, competent and effective legal assault on the Crown and the Vatican, and other institutions, for Crimes against Humanity.

Our nine-nation Tribunal represents the hopes and efforts of thousands of victims of crimes by Church and State to bring these institutions to trial and ultimate dis-establishment for their ongoing Crimes against Humanity. Our first obligation is to these victims, and we will let nothing and no-one impede their goal of genuine recovery and justice.

Our Tribunal has decided to withdraw from the Jason Bowman action for three reasons:

1. The failure of Mr. Bowman to file the case in the Federal Court of Canada (FCC) or to exercise proper care and professional diligence, after his public announcement of the case at a press conference held by Mr. Bowman in Toronto on July 4, 2012;

2. Mr. Bowman’s failure to respond to our concerns or to communicate his reasons for not filing the case, or to explain his strategy or actions either to our Tribunal or to his co-plaintiff, Rev. Kevin Annett, and

3. The fact that to proceed with a case in the Federal Court of Canada is to operate within a court that is not of competent jurisdiction to address the matter of crimes against humanity by the Crown itself.

That is, to pursue an action in the FCC would be to recognize the jurisdiction and legitimacy of the very institution we are confronting and naming as an agent of Crimes against Humanity, and would thereby negate and sabotage our own case, specifically by violating Article 25 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which is a foundation of our case.

Our Tribunal wishes first of all to reassure all victims of crimes by Church and State that, rather than representing a step backwards, our disaffiliation from the Bowman action is a step towards a genuine and professionally competent attack on the church, state and corporate agents of genocide and other crimes.

That is, the ITCCS and Rev. Kevin Annett intend to proceed now with many other plaintiffs to take the same evidence and case against the Crown, the Vatican, the government and churches of Canada, and pharmaceutical companies to jurisdictionally competent courts of law not under the authority of the Crown of England or so-called “canon law”. These courts will include those based in other nations as well as de jure Common Law courts within Canada.

We are already working with legal teams in several nations to commence proceedings in such courts.

To clarify, our original aim in supporting the Bowman action in the Federal Court of Canada (FCC) was compelled by the requirement under International Law to “exhaust all domestic legal remedies” before bringing a case into a non-domestic court of law such as the International Criminal Court. We saw Bowman’s efforts as a way to do so.

However, this aim has been irretrievably compromised by Mr. Bowman’s behavior and the fact that proceeding in the FCC will violate Article 25 of the Rome Statute, which compels all citizens to refrain from supporting or colluding with agencies of regimes guilty of Crimes against Humanity – such as, in this case, the government and churches of Canada and the Vatican.

Let us also clarify that, ever since May of 2012, when Mr. Bowman first approached our Canadian representative, Rev. Kevin Annett, and offered to launch a lawsuit with Rev. Annett as a co-plaintiff, the entire process of proceeding with this lawsuit has been completely in Jason Bowman’s hands.

Our Tribunal and Kevin Annett have been forced to rely entirely on Bowman, his word and his judgement, in this matter. We proceeded to do so in good faith, despite having had no previous contact with or knowledge of Bowman or his organization, the Association of Citizen Prosecutors, which after inquiry appears to have no identifiable history.

Neither Kevin Annett nor any member of the ITCCS has been in a position to affect Mr. Bowman’s actions or the process of filing this case in the Federal Court, and we have consistently been kept in the dark by Mr. Bowman about his daily actions and ultimate legal strategy. Such a defective modus operandi by Bowman is self-destructive and bodes poorly for the success of any joint legal action with him against our wealthy corporate oppositon.

Clearly, Mr. Bowman’s negligence and unexplained delay in filing the case has provided great aid and ammunition to our powerful opponents. They, and various misinformation agencies and internet operatives, have used and are using Bowman’s delay in filing the case to attack and destroy our credibility, and undermine the legitimacy of our years-long campaign against genocide and crimes committed by Church and State. We cannot allow this destructiveness to carry on.

In closing, we wish to make it clear that:

1. By this statement and our withdrawal from the alleged Bowman lawsuit, we are not implying anything about the motives or personal character of Jason Bowman; and

2. At no point did our Tribunal or Rev. Kevin Annett aid or conspire with Jason Bowman or any other party to mislead or defraud the public or the court in this matter, but at all times we acted only in good faith, and with trust in Mr. Bowman and his declared efforts.

We regret that our trust and faith was, in this case, misplaced.

Despite these events, we remain even more committed to pursuing the legal prosecution and eventual dis-establishment of the Crown, the Vatican, and the other named defendants as conspirators in Crimes against Humanity, in de jure common law courts and other public arenas. We will not be deterred in this effort by any momentary delay or unprofessional disruption.

We call upon concerned citizens everywhere, and all survivors of church, state and corporate terror, to rally behind our efforts and to contact our office or Rev. Kevin Annett at hiddenfromhistory1@gmail.com to join our legal campaign.

Issued respectfully as a Public and Media Statement
by the Council of Elders, ITCCS International Office, Brussels
17 July, 2012


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