How Do We Know We Can Trust the Galactics? ~ Part 1
A reader has asked how we know that we can trust the galactics. How do we comfortably determine for ourselves that they are worthy of our trust?
Please know that this is in many ways an unanswerable question. No matter what I say here, whether one trusts another is not something that can be forced, pre-determined, made to happen, etc.
Whether one trusts, similar to whether one loves, is an individual matter and conforms to no such rules, as, say, that which determines under what conditions hydrogen will combine with oxygen to form water.
So the answer to this question could go on for pages and pages and still would not influence anyone necessarily to trust.
And, in fact, some people who are deeply skeptical might enjoy asking others to induce them to trust and then hold out. Their response may be something like: “See? You thought you could make me trust. But I’m still skeptical.”
So neither I nor anyone else can make you trust. And that needs to be understood from the outset.
But I can give some suggestions about why many people have said they trust the galactics currently around the planet, as opposed to those who were here decades ago and abducted and did bad things to people.
How We Feel in Their Presence
How many stories have we read where someone comes into the presence of a saint like Mata Amritanandamayi or Papa Ramdas and are overwhelmed by the love they feel? I remember interviewing the Divine Mother for An Hour with an Angel and being overwhelmed by the bliss I felt fully an hour and a half prior to the interview. Both Linda (the channel) and I had to lie down afterwards because we were both overcome by bliss.
Bliss is a quality of the divine. It cannot be manufactured. It cannot be induced in someone, perhaps apart from some exotic chemicals that I’m not familiar with. But we do tend to surrender to the experience of it because it shows up like everything we’ve always wanted. I once spent three days in bliss after a vision and nothing more could have been added to the experience to make it better. It was complete in itself and I was the happiest man alive.
The point of my saying this is that the galactics around the Earth are ascended beings, many like Ashtar and Sanat Kumara from beyond the twelve dimensions associated with human life. If we were in their presence we’d feel love and bliss and this is what would in a sense identify them as benign beings and trustworthy. One cannot live in a state of bliss and transgress. If one did, one would lose the bliss. If one could, Ascension would not be the goal we seek. We’d be seeking something else. Ascension would not offer us what we want, which is a more evolved, spiritually-beneficent life filled with bliss.
So the first answer to the question of how do we know we can trust the galactics is that our response in their presence should tell us. Being in the presence of an ascended galactic will bring us the experience of bliss and that cannot be falsely manufactured. Trust the love and the bliss you feel. It’s their calling card.
That’s why SaLuSa says: “If you could glimpse such levels [as will be available on Ascension] you would see out the remainder of your time in a joyous state, without fearing the future that is opening up to you. Far from it, you would be euphoric and know beyond doubt that it has been divinely decreed, and that no mortal can prevent your fulfilment.” (1)
Or: “[Our ships] are alive with the higher vibrations of love, and visitors seldom want to leave the harmony, joy and happiness that they feel all around. Unlike Earth there is no negativity or lower vibrations, as we have moved far beyond them.” (2)
Or Hatonn speaking of all souls, galactic and terrestrial, at Matthew Ward’s level of evolution: “All souls at Matthew’s station are highly-spiritually evolved, and as their spokesperson, he relays their unified feelings about souls on Earth. They love all equally and send healing light to all. They are able to honor all people as parts of God and separate that from their ungodly thoughts and actions.” (3)
Let me leave off now and return to the next part of the subject tomorrow.
(1) SaLuSa, Oct. 7, 2009, at
(2) SaLuSa, 17 October 2008.
(3) Hatonn in Matthew’s Message, Oct. 10, 2010.
I can see how frustration
We tend to make this HUGE assumption that ETs are so enlightened they are above self-interest of course and would offer to help with no price to be paid and nothing expected in return. IMHO ETs are not holy, and just because they fly about in saucers doesn't make them wiser, more loving or more spiritually advanced. Taking people for abduction experiments and psychologically damaging people doesn't strike me as very "family" - much of the UFO/ET research clearly indicate, ethical contact is not occurring. Nor does persuading our military to start arresting people they label as "dark" without our consent or authorisation strikes me as more of a coup d'etat.
Dearly Beloved Guest on this
Dearly Beloved Guest on this planet of Divine LOVE,...Sending you much Peace, Joy, Light, and Love...Our heart KNOWS and FEELS within our connection to Divine Source, each other, ET's and ALL, the bliss of LOVE and TRUTH...It rings through our heart with the sounds of trumpet blasts, ah ha moments and the like... Source...MotherFatherGod..Creators of Heaven and Earth and ALL have sent our Beloved Galactic Family to re-connect us to Who we are and why we're here...
Our Galactic family, who have come from many galaxies and universes away, are here by Divine Decree and OUR INVITATION. They are here because WE asked them to come..They are here in UNCONDITIONAL LOVE with no hidden agenda or secret desire to be famous, rich, steal resources or any such thing. They are here in love for humanity and by Divine Decree. We have known about their comming for eons...through visitation from angels, writings of prophets, and direct communication with Source, God...We are ALL here, including our Galactic Family for our suffering Mother Earth, sustainer of All life on earth, who has been in dire stress at the hands of men for eons We are ALL here for the awakening of MANKIND and ALL CREATION. We know in our hearts the real reason for our BEing now on this planet at this time..We are here to know Divine LOVE for ALL..We're not here to foster doubts and throw out scare tactics to make people afraid of the Divine..Love has no fear...
Mother Earth, Gaiai, along with thousands of millions of souls, longing to be released from the dark forces upon this planet, have prayed and called to God and the Angels to be free from oppression and hatred for God and humanity at the hands of hard hearted man/woman"kind"(?)
The prayers and supplications have not fallen on deaf ears..God, all the Company of Heaven, our personal angels and Divine team, including relatives and friends who have died, have heard these prayers and deep longing from EVERY soul, including yours to be freed from the darkness within and ourselves and around this world...You may not know it yet, but, your higher self, your Divine Self has called on God to "Remove and Save" us from the dark...We have been answered with the call of UNIVERSAL LOVE from God and our Galactic Family, who, using open conduits such as channelers, have awakened ALL to the truth of Divine LOVE..God has not stopped communicating.
Jesus, Sananda-Yahshua, Arch Angels, Commanders of Starships, every communication by anyone, including Extra Terrestial, (our Galactic Family) have helped us open our heart to LOVE and Divine Truth. Every prophet, men and women of wisdom through the ages, have tried to enlighten humanity to the truth...Some were even murdered and hung..Man was (and some still are) afraid of the truth..
I must ask, were you ever afraid of the dark when you were a little child? Or have gotten yourself in a dangerous situation and somehow you were "rescued"? Those were your angels who rescued and comforted you...You know, the ones who fly in the heavens...They're on ships overhead, being filmed daily of their presence. Please have no fear..Light and LOVE ARE here, in you, in each other, and with our DIVINE Galactic Family....
Yes, there were some ET's, (the little greys) who came from a dying race, who abducted and harmed many in their quest to "stay alive"..They are no longer permitted to be anywhere near earth or mankind. Only Love will Survive...Our Divine Galactic Family is here in LOVE...Can you feel it?? May your heart be open to Love... LOVE WINS!!! NOW! <3 <3
You can't say they are
You can't say they are univited. I have invited them into my have many others. And true, we do not know exactly for sure why they are here or what they are other than what we interpret, but there are many things people do not understand and yet they believe in them. Try proving the existence of god...or that a human body has a soul, or that good and evil are seperate energies....I know you must be strong in your feelings about this subject, but if you are so strong in your opinion, why on earth did you even bother to read this posting. Either a small part of you wants to have faith in something good, or you enjoy going around and trying to get everybody else to see things from your point of view...either are entitiled to your opinion..but remember that it is only an opinion. You can not prove to me that all life outside of earth is self serving just like I can not prove to you that most life outside of earth is in the service of others....I agree that the solutions are here on Earth, but I think that humans would never unite until they see that there is life outside of this planet...The reason I choose to believe what I do is just that..a choice...If they are evil and self serving than eventually they will show up and take what they want...if they are good and helpfull than eventually they will show up and help...if they do not exist they will never show up and if they do exist they still might never show all that matters for me is what I believe. I made my choice because it gives me hope in humanity as well as the universe. If I am wrong, so be it. would rather be wrong and have lived my life with hope and the thought of a good future than to believe otherwise. It works for me...Right or wrong is irrelevant when it comes to how I feel everyday when I have to get out of bed and go on with my life. If your choice works for you and helps motivate you..good..but do not assume everybody has to see it your way just as I do not assume everybody..or even anybody, will see things my way. Why have so many individuals on Earth if we are all going to believe the same thing.
Sentient Beings
To refer to those we don't understand as "E T" is a misnomer. These other realms have been there all along and the Earth experience is actually a step forward in the Evolution of the Universe. (?) A step forward how? Love is something that is best expressed. When received by an Emotional Body it is more fun. Warmth must be felt. Joy is best felt. Happiness and laughter is best at a physical level. But the "experiment" was treacherous! Along with Love comes forms of Fear. So just overcome Fear? Hmmm. So the trick to focus upon is to take the memories of how to "feel" into the next zone. Spread the word around about "how it was." These being that have always interacted with us in some form--Angels--guides--watchers, are not some inexperienced snot nose star ramblers in hot rod space ships. They were created at the same time You were...from the very Beginning...from the point that the One "I Am" wanted to divide (divine) and have some company. There is no "higher" and "lower."
What if we are the Light
What if we are the Light Beings who are coming back to save ourselves? Those of us who ascended and traveled with the speed of Light could very well turn and come back around so fast that they/we could catch us/ourselves with this battle we are facing of overcoming the dark and could actually speed things up so that we move through these dark times much faster than before? They/We are not interferring for many have made the call and since we are ONE that means that everyone has made the call.