~Revealing the Light~ Partial Enlightenment?

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 07/12/2012 - 09:18

Partial Enlightenment?



by John McIntosh

There is no such thing as ‘partial Enlightenment’ … you are either completely Free or you are becoming ‘Aware’ of your ‘lack’ of Freedom.
Ascension, Enlightenment, Freedom, Liberation, Awakening … all mean the same thing. They have also been referred to as Christ Consciousness or Cosmic Consciousness and many other terms.
Everyone has had Moments of Now-ness … the timeless consciousness where time and space disappear into your Passion. You come ‘out of it’ and realize that time has passed – often hours – without you realizing it.
In these Moments you ‘were’ FREE. The history of the past with all its judgments based on the world of opposites that define a separated consciousness … dissolved temporarily. As a result, there ‘was’ no future since the future is made out of the past and our attention on the past.
Everyone therefore, has been in the ‘consciousness of Liberation’ that is our True Home. This is the reality of the window that humanity is Now experiencing … the so called Ascension from the 3D consciousness of the separated ego-mind – the imbalanced Divine Masculine dominated world, into the 5th dimension of the Heart-feeling nature of the Divine Feminine, balanced with the Divine Masculine.
As this window opens wider and wider … as it is now doing rapidly … many people who have realized, to some degree, what is happening speak about ‘levels’ of enlightenment. Yet none exist!
What they are experiencing is a growing awareness of the darkness they are and have been living in. This growing awareness fosters, at first, resistance to those experiences and as a result judgment increases. This judgment is subtle and is often referred to as `discernment` but it `is` judgment nonetheless and as all things that attention is given to EXPANDS in your experience, those `judged`experiences begin to show up everywhere.
A multitude of so called spiritual modalities can be used to ‘divert’ the attention away from these ‘dark’ spots and, for a while the difference ‘feels’ like a spiritual experience of Peace … but this is self deception (usually). It’s like the metaphor of beating your head against a wall … it `seems` to feel good when you stop. The Truth is that it is simply a comparatively reduced state of darkness.
To EXPAND consciousness to the point of complete Freedom or Enlightenment requires complete, total surrender to IT. It means that Peace (another name for Enlightenment) must become the #1 priority in your life - NO MATTER WHAT! It means that the separated mind must be transformed - no exceptions!
The window of opportunity that Now exists for total Liberation or Ascension does not mean that some Divine energy is going to drop on the consciousness of humanity on some prophesized date and everyone will wake up. It means the Awareness that you ARE Divine, that you ARE God – sleeping and Now awakening, is growing. This increases the frustration of living in darkness, in the state of separation and allows you to Truly ‘see’ that total Freedom ‘is’ possible - Now.
The so called inner work still `must` be done. What is this work?
All attachments, expectations and identities that define the separated mind must be transformed back into Love (another word for Enlightenment). This is done by embracing ALL experience – especially darkness. You are not releasing or dissolving or cleansing or healing (although these terms have value) … you are transforming … that is, the I AM Presence you Are in Truth is transforming these experiences back into Light.
It is `transforming` because ALL is ONE. There is Not `One` plus something else called darkness. All is God in an infinite number of disguises, many of them very, very dark … but still God, since God (US-sleeping) wanted to experience everything within It Self while sleeping ‘to’ It`s Self Awareness.
Put simply – you must do the ‘inner work’ of embracing every experience in order for the God your ARE (your I AM Presence) to transform your separated consciousness back into Oneness Awareness.
In this way the momentary NOW MOMENTS that come and go when you are lost in your Passion become your normal ‘all the time’ (clock time) experiences and you are Awakened or Enlightened.
In this window of opportunity that Now exists for ‘all’ of humanity you get to keep your body while dying to the illusion of separation … the ego-mind.
This is what Jesus meant when he said:
“…to live IN the world but not OF the world…”
You experience Peace despite all appearances to the contrary while there are still many sleepers on the planet acting out discord – the offspring of the separated mind.
And, in this state of BEING-NESS, you radiate Peace and accomplish more in each Moment to EXPAND Truth, EXPAND Peace, EXPAND Enlightenment than a lifetime of `Doing` done by the minds of separated consciousness.
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Todoesun (not verified)

Thu, 07/12/2012 - 15:48

Thank you so much. Before I continue, I must admit that I have, at times, railed over the number of people who will gladly charge you money  to raiser your consciousness to that "next" level. Hopefully, I learned from that reaction and my wish of good will towards these people is real. I mention this, because your article so beautifully puts focus on OUR inner work. No one is going to teach you unconditional love (enlightment); you can only find it within yourself. For me, moments of unconditional love came only afterI saw myself in others and was able to forgave myself for that same behavior. I am not very knowledgeable on these things and much of it is is a mystery to me, but I noticed when I forgive myself, this automatically extended to others. As I really kept with this, the so-called trangressions no longer seemed the point, since what I was really seeing was that none of us are any different, at least not in imperfections and all of us deserve forgiveness. This learning goes on very day and is not without it's challenges. But, as you imply, it is possible and not complicated. It is our work and requires just a little awareness of ourselves. This reminder from you is much appreciated and I am grateful for you taking the time to write this.

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