Submitted by Denize on Sat, 07/21/2012 - 18:29




As received By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

 On July 22, we enter the sign of Leo and the Sphinx Stargate, as we all stand at the entrance to a new understanding of Light, Life and Love. On that day rise early from your sleep and walk out to meet the Goddess Isis in the form of the Star SIRIUS as she rises before the Sun of the Sun. Within her loins of light live three Stars. Two are known and one comes forth in all of her glory. Last year 'Sirius C' announced her energy. She is the Seat of the healing Female Soul, living and future, the Sun of Hope. She comes forth energetically not seen by the sky eyes, but felt by the heart. Announcing to all within this solar system her presence and her presents.


Visualize the emanations and radiance of these 3 faces of Sirius coming forth into your THIRD EYE, into YOUR HEART, and into YOUR CROWN. As she gives you the gift of the cycles of Time. Connecting you and your higher trilogy chakras together with the crown, third eye and heart of all the sacred spaces through time known and unknown. Bringing you to a point beyond this intersection of time and space as a doorway is opened right before your very eyes. Announcing to you long lost parts of your being that arise from a galactic sleep into wakefulness. The tone of creation sounds in every cell of your body on earth and cycles through all 144 levels of your light, homeward to the monadic entrance of your beginning. The tones of the Father Universe sounds within the Sons of man completing a Cycle of Time.


Sirius C sends out two of beams of light. Merging the sacral (2nd chakra) chakra with the third eye announcing to all of life to see from within and create from that point. Do not seek externally for your creation but know it is held lovingly within the womb of all men and woman on earth. The Light from the Great Central Sun beyond the Sun, needs you to manifest, needs you to receive, needs you to hold the light.


Without the assistance of those of earth, the light just continues to travel onward without a host. Know then your importance in the schematics of the Living Photon. Light needs you as you need light; yours is but a symbiotic marriage, arranged yet sacred in origin.


Hold within your thoughts on the morn of July 22, as you look at the Star Sirius, A SACRED INTENTION. Let this Sacred Intention be broadcast to all of life as you step out of one cycle of time into another. Letting go of the baggage of the past that you packed so lovingly. Leaving it by the wayside.


Clear Ye the way within yourselves for what you have cried out to receive, The Light Of Peace, The Light Of Love!! When you finally come to that clearing within the sacred space of yourself; nothing to blame, nothing to bar your way, no excuses, What Will You Do With Your Light!!! The upcoming energetic doorways and sacred events ask you to answer that question.


On July 22 Sirius rises before the Sun announcing the ATLANTEAN and Ancient EGYPTIAN NEW YEAR. On August 8, (8:8) we have the 8:8 LIONS Gate. Activating another level of the dormant remembrance of ancient truths, on earth and in the stars. Bringing into remembrance on a cellular and stellar level the sacred Activation of the Hall of Records on every planet and star within this One Universe.  Time, as we perceive it will shift. TIME known and unknown conjuncts itself.



Get up early on the 22nd before the sun rises and greet the great Light from Sirius. Go outside, face east, and allow the pre-dawn energies to enter you. Ask to be released of all that no longer serves you and be filled in completion with that which serves your highest soul path and spiritual evolution. The night before I make a large Star of David on a piece of paper and in the center, I put my new year’s spiritual resolutions. All that I yearn to become giving thanks for all that I am already. I leave this out all night with a crystal on it, for the Sirius energy to embrace.


A good tone to use for this process would to be OMMMM/ or NURRRRR which activates the angel chakra between the 3rd eye and the crown chakra. place tongue on roof of mouth and tone this as long as possible it is a very high frequency tone. (Jonathan Goldmans sound info) All intent is amplified at that time so just flow with it,





Sun, 07/22/2012 - 15:56

In reply to by David Porter

My Son and I seen this GREAT LIGHT in the east, did not know what

it was until now, I watched it from 4am to 6:30 am WOW it was AWESOME. I live in SW Iowa in the hills.


I read about this special sunrise and start of the new Egyptian year just a day before so I was able to wake up first at night when it was dark everywhere. I asked the evening before for a bright sky without clouds and then  I couldn't count all the stars with beautifull bright Sirius in the center low in the east, there were so many, amazing!


Then I went to bed for another two hours sleep and then I woke up in time when the light was rising in the sky before sunset. I saw Sirius again standing high in the east. I saw also beautifull red, orange and pink small clouds in the bright sky background. Then I started my meditation and later on started to sing sacred songs as well.

I woke up very early in the morning and applied but got this message in my meditation around my meditation they gave me 2 lions to be with me all the time...This is also my own Feminine energies of coming into a balance and whenever I get attack of masculine energies, these two lions will be there to release in that situation but only if they aime at me & attack me...

they told me that Isis energy of feminine energy will rise with the healing taking place now...they told me they are activating the Isis energy on my whole chakras and with releasing whats not working...whats been holding back... I had to go through so much of battling these days that I needed to to be more strong and neutral within this two push & pull energies(feminine imbalanced that come to the surface)....Two lions are training me now to get ready for the 8.8.2012...which I have to start going over the process before the gates are wide open...Isis gave me a different speech style...which I have been working on but didnt know if I ever could communicate with my feminine energies like that...but strong triple sun energies was all my third eye area, or I felt so much brightness from the Sun that I forgot its yellow, this was just white very white energies...I simply dont know what happened so sorry If the words are not coming out perfectly...Mind can't process the Joy and the enchanment that I was in...I just started to seeing & reading people's mind...but I know I have two lions on my side to work on my solar plexus pain that I have been keeping just because I have been holding on 3D in my system..they showed me that..I come to the a place where I was hearing her voice and telling me that two Lions will be perfect for me to work with....I was just watching what was happening...didnt know how to respond...I felt the Isis voice(more than one voices together) she said: I will become your voice, I will be the shining Light on your head...I will be with your visions, I will be with your heart, you have two lions that will escort you anytime you feel attacked or mind sabotaging..Mind or illusions can't get to your energies from now on...when that happens, the lions will come out and send Light to their illusions...this is how you help their soul to calm their mind also and make a connection with their heart & transmute their attack that could trigger pain in your system, there is no way that anybody can come in to your energy field unless you let them and lions...I am still learning and processing I said this was a meeting of the Sirius energy of like a home calling me to be more ready...but I never felt this much Sun energies in my made me feel just activated and realized that I am not home my my whole home with me with so much support..and I had a conversation with an amazing feminine energy of Isis...I am still in shock I guess...but I wanted to share...I could happily suggest you to meditate with Sirius ...and Goddess Isis feminine energy...Love You All...D

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