Submitted by Lia on Thu, 06/23/2011 - 07:10

~LOVE REPORTER Anrita Melchizedek~

~Authentic Spirituality in Action ~

~by The Elders~

Welcome sweet Ones, we welcome you as Light workers, star seeded Ones, teachers, healers and wayshowers ~ We welcome you as One with All That Is and honor you as these Keepers of Light and Ambassadors of Light.

To start with, let us take a moment to center, breathing deep into the body, expanding the lower abdomen as you breath in, and contracting the lower abdomen as you breathe out, just finding that place within yourself of harmony and peace and Love.  And now call in the overlighting of your I Am Presence, your Master Guides and Guardian  Angel and all other Beings of Light that you personally acknowledge and wish to join you now.

And now, let us collectively move into the twelfth ray of One Unity Consciousness ~ for it is this ray that links all Light workers to the Unity grid of Light. You are now taken in Soul consciousness into this Ascension seat and Ashram within the twelfth ray. As you enter into this Ascension seat, you are now surrounded in this beautiful golden flame of One Unity Consciousness. Good.  And now, you find yourself on the Unity Grid of Light, connecting to the Planetary Light workers working along this grid, as well as all the Beings of Light from On High assisting in this Ascension Process.  Now truly feel this interconnectiveness to one other, to the Company of Heaven, to Mother Earth and now to all Life on this earth plane. Wonderful. And now, just experience the key codes of Light available through the Unity grid of Light, taking you into a deeper level of Self Mastery and activating the dormant DNA now to the maximum Cosmic Law will allow.

Sweet Ones, what is important in this Now moment is to truly recognize that you are this Ambassador of Light, and that you have chosen to be of Service to the Divine and to all Life on this earth plane. You come here with an individual and collective puzzle piece and it is the time now to truly step into these footprints of Light, honoring and acknowledging the importance of the role that you personally have in this ascension process.

It is also a time to truly clear old patterning’s, false beliefs and judgments and find your power base through your connection to the Divine, to your Star family and to your Soul family through the guidance of your I Am Presence.

It is then when you truly start to experience authentic Spirituality in Action.

So what does it mean to be or experience authentic Spirituality in Action.  In essence, in viewing life through your Master eyes, you let go of old cords and ties connecting you to a limited three dimensional reality, you let go of people that truly do not see in for the precious Being that you are and you let go of limiting patterns such a perceived lack of abundance.  The key sweet Ones is to take yourself into this place where you truly take on this mantle of leadership, where you truly experience yourself consistently as this empowered and loving Master Being.

For many Light workers and starseeded Ones have chosen challenging earthly realities in order to create the blueprints of Light for others to find their way into the Cosmic Heart of Mother Father God.  Further to this, you have chosen to incarnate into a planet of duality, which is of course widening in both the dark and light aspects of consciousness and Mother Earth and her inhabitants shift into the next dimensional octave of Light, known as the Ascension process. Added to this, is the recalibration of your own energetic wiring, taking you more into your multidimensional reality as this co-creator and Master Being and yet often experienced in a reality where oscillations of the emotional body occur and the consciousness is affected by not only the Light frequencies but by the shadow aspects to the planet too ~ for you are all One.

The best way to experience authentic Spirituality in action sweet Ones, is simply to live it ~ you have experienced millions of Now moments and in this Now, simply embrace and love yourself without judgment, without guilt or shame, without fear or blame.  Dance the joy of living in Love. Embrace yourself in your garments of Light, hold the knowledge of the many gifts that you have and that are becoming more activated as collectively you move more into the higher dimensional frequencies of Light, and above all, just breath and dance and feel the embrace and support of Mother Earth and the Company of Heaven. This will allow you to take your service work to another level, and not take life so seriously. This will assist you to bring into your reality those holding a similar vision and focus.

We also let you know that you will network more with each other, as Soul family and friends come together and together you will create the change you want to be ~ find your voice sweet one, let it be loud and booming in dynamic right action, in the recognition of yourself as this Master Being of Love and Light.



Copyright Anrita Melchizedek. Web Address www.pleiadianlight.net
Email info@pleiadianlight.net


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