~CHILDREN OF THE SUN~Initiation of the Great Renunciation

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 06/24/2011 - 05:56


~Initiation of the Great Renunciation~


Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation  


Specialized Planetary Service Continues...

June 1 - July 15, 2011  


maltese 50 


In cooperation with:


The Realms of Illumined Truth


The Arcturian Starship Fleet


The Evolutionary Forces of Nature 



We continue into highest sacred service during this potent eclipse-solstice season which pulses intensified radiation of cosmic and solar rays to dramatically transform human consciousness, societal systems and infrastructure.   


Please Join Us      

 MP3 Guided Audio Journey 

for Grid Transmissions on New Moon Solar Eclipse: July 1  


 Final Solar Eclipse Coming Up!


New Moon Friday, July 1 




 In the Heavens, the great star Sirius conjuncts the Cardinal Grand Cross


  • The volatility during this Grand Cross cycle instigates the unveiling of new leadership initiatives while continuing to dissolve false societal systems. This includes manipulative corporate structures and their games of monopoly. 
  • The light streams of the New Moon Eclipse initiate more tangible preparation of our body to house multidimensional consciousness from the foundation of "physical body" integration. 
  • This alignment catalyzes a great wave of assistance from Sirius, considered home to many of Humanity's greatest teachers. The Sirius system is directly "upstream" from our solar system and within the galactic arm of our Milky Way Galaxy. Sirian light codes envelop our planet to help us advance into the new race genetics.  



~ Initiation of the Great Renunciation

Ascending with the Earth!



It feels as if the Earth is spiraling through a wormhole of blinding light as she makes explosive passage into a new polarity setting... and, it's all happening within us! With these highly potent, jaw dropping June energies, we are learning a lot about our own vibration as it meets this very determined transforming light.

We are easily thrown off our axis and our center point is no where to be found. Thoughts flip flop and emotions can be quite erratic. Everything concealed is surfacing, especially from a physical perception. As we wobble in our density, some of us are feeling mentally spun and we find ourselves out of body; not knowing quite how to get back in. We have to continually ground by sleeping or constantly touching the Earth. Clutter, idle chatter, machines and "too much stuff" feels like the dinosaur age.

This is unequivocally one of, if not the biggest frequency upgrades that we have taken as a collective. It is astounding how many people are unplugging, selling everything and packing the rest, yet without the slightest idea where to move.

Simply speaking, the Earth is constantly shifting upon her axis and recalibrating daily to her new energy vortices. She is aligning her tilt to receive the fullness of the cosmic rays that enable absorption into the vacuum of magnetic pull. We are no different. Our electrical system is constantly upgrading to be in sync with the Earth as she progressively makes the axiatonal* shift into the new spin points of "New Earth". To birth our new form, we are shaking off the density; not only that which is housed within our consciousness, but also physically.

The more density that the Earth has to spin off, the more severe the planetary wobble and earth changes. Likewise, the greater the density that we carry, the greater is our own disorientation during these accelerating times. It's all about stability now and we do know the solution.... GET LIGHTER! 



Renouncing Materialism

We now enter, as a collective, into the Initiation of the Great Renunciation. We are loosening and releasing everything that binds us to the material world so that that our greatest focus of energy is stabilized with organic nature.  We are placing great emphasis on the purity of daily living and walking the path of simplicity to prepare the way for the greater light (Christ Consciousness) to emerge.


This renunciation is not an act of nobility. This is a critical step we all must take to shed the density and to help stabilize our body of matter with the Earth.  As Crystalline Grid programmers, we are also setting into momentum the absolute necessity for integrous, simplistic and sustainable living. We are planting the seeds that less is more... and we are walking our talk!


Stabilization is found within the crystalline frequency and from impeccable group formation. We are now making transition to solely communicate with the intelligence of the Crystalline Grid matrix. There is little to communicate within the material world and its porous foundation of false perception.

We are renouncing materialism. We are cleansing. We are in a grand sweep of all that collects the dust. We are purging not only the closets but the filing system, the garage, the cupboards and the body vehicle. We are giving away everything that is meaningless to this mission of ascension.



* The axiatonal system is a vast network of grid pathways linking us to our Higher Self and Source.



"2011 is the eleventh year of the New Millennium. Eleven is the master number that reflects the transformation of the physical into the Divine. It is the perfect frequency of vibration for the final  preparations that are necessary in order to strengthen the body of Mother Earth and the bodies of Humanity, so that we can withstand the influx of Light that will occur in 2012."


Patricia Diane Cota-Robles 



Clean and Strengthen the Body



Begin now to prepare your body to receive nourishment from Source as we withdraw from the crumbling matrix of materialism. During this New Moon, we highly recommend starting internal cleansing and major housekeeping on all levels; lightening up on what we are consuming materially and especially what we are putting into our bodies.


As multi-dimensional beings, supported through the Crystalline Grid, we have limitless access to a source of internal nourishment that is always available to us by just intending and focusing on the matrix grid of life. This crystalline pranic stream provides the life force fuel for our existence and acts as a type of glue to bind our creations and help with our manifestations. As we nourish ourselves upon this grid, we bring more and more Grace into our lives!


If we neglect our personal cleansing and purification of density, we continue to be challenged by the outer world as dense matter struggles to process light frequencies of increasing vibration. Our brain wave patterns stagnate in the Beta energy pulse and our lives go through the normal ups and downs of existence until eventually it will be too intense to deal with and the physical system will break down. We MUST start much greater purification now!


Cleansing and Purification Support Group

on the Children of the Sun Team Mission Site


This is a support group for cleansing and purifying the physical vessel as we prepare to ascend into a light body of minimal density. Includes support for our transition to Pranic Living and receiving nourishment from Source. link to group




Planetary Assignment


July 1: New Moon Solar Eclipse

and the Planetary Grid Transmissions


In Cooperation with the Earth Element and the Evolutionary Forces of Nature


Supported by the Sirian light code infusions, the entire nervous system of Earth is catalyzing an explosive, passionate call for human beings to de-plug from materialistic ways.


The fragile and now imploding foundation of our current human existence has been based on an unconscious drive towards a financially based and identity based dream matrix. In our upcoming planetary transmissions, we are renouncing our attachments to identity based materialism. We are then wielding Sacred Fire to all world "corporations of control". This concerns those entities that intentionally fuel human entrapment by stimulating the outer desires through a plethora of marketing and product manipulations, and, in some cases, to horrific and very harmful extremes. 


Our senses have been corded to this game through the entire spectrum of consumerism such as food production, medical and pharmaceutical industries, laboratories, mass media, petroleum, computer and technology, to name a few. Many of us are still hooked to and still buying from these corporations which only perpetuates the human wheel of samskara and suffering.

It is these mega-corporations along with their power driven greed that are in collaboration with our governments, military and financial systems. Part of the grand scheme, of course, is to keep humans dulled, sick, dependent and controlled. It is this imprisonment in the game of extremes on which we are shining the light to bring the liberation.


Quitting the Game of Monopoly     



Building the Cosmic Pressure

and Wielding Sacred Fire to  

Corporations and the Elitist Factions of Influence       


This new moon, we join together once again to serve as a physical invocation instrument and divining rod for the descent of Sacred Fire. We first travel into the Ascension Seat at the Earth Core to undergo a recalibration of our physical body energy system to be in alignment with Earth's ascending pulse.


We will then serve as a human invocation instrument for the descent of Sacred Fire into the energy behind the crimes against humanity and the Earth, especially as this concerns corporations and commerce and greed driven, selfish motives.

We are requesting Divine Intervention for support towards immediate reformation to establish systems of command that support shared value, equality and Humanity's highest Divine Potential. We have all played the corporate game, either as manipulator or the ones being manipulated. We are simply changing the timeline and decoding the new race genetics and New Earth codes of creation.


With Love and neutralizing Harmony at the core of our Group Avatar, we are then projecting our consciousness into the energy of corporations and consumer manipulations. We are radiating the light of illumination and Divine Direction to all persons leading and influencing mega businesses and giant corporations. We are calling for the Truth to be revealed with unlimited support given to all people who can assist in delivering this Truth and that which is preventing the Flame of Freedom from expressing on Earth and in the hearts of all Humanity. 

3 fold flame


Most importantly, we call for the activation of the threefold flames in the hearts of those in corporate seats of influence.





 Friday, July 1 
New Moon Solar Eclipse

and the Planetary Grid Transmissions

In Cooperation with the Earth Element
and the Evolutionary Forces of Nature       


 MP3 Audio Support 


 Preparation Information 



This group activity takes place within the New Earth Crystalline Matrix during the Planetary Grid Transmissions.   

morpho fields   



We travel into the Ascension Seat at the Earth Core.


On the New Moon, this "Ascension Seat" serves us as a "Recalibration Chamber" to integrate the potent incoming light now upon us. Our intention is to bring our own electrical system into frequency balance with the ascending nervous system of the Earth.  

The Arcturian Healing Masters and celestial medical teams are assisting us with their highly advanced healing technology.  Each of us will be assisted with exactly what we need at this time.

 We will then serve as a human invocation instrument for the descent of Sacred Fire into the energy behind the crimes against humanity and the Earth, especially as this concerns corporations and commerce and greed driven, selfish motives.

Please choose an object of this mass transmission from your country or region, upon unjust conditions, specific corporations and their seats of influence!  


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