~The Elders on the Rays in relation to the Earth changes~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 06/25/2011 - 06:44

~The Elders on the Rays in relation to the Earth changes~

THROUGH Love Reporter

~Anrita Melchizedek~

Welcome my sweet friends. This is Anrita Melchizedek of the Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network and I would like to gift you with a channeling by the Elders, Ancient Celestial Beings and High Council Members to the Order of Melchizedek, who are going to bring through information on the rays, in relation to the Earth changes. (For the Mp3 download on this channeling, please go to www.pleiadianlight.net/dl.htm)

Sweet Beings, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this moment and to see the acceleration of the changes occurring, individually and collectively.  Of course, Mother Earth is this mirror in not only the clearings that she is going through primarily working with the emotional body, but this reflection is creating many of the ascension symptoms that you are experiencing, individually and collectively.  Further to this, not only is Mother Earth clearing, in a controlled manner, places within her energy field within which darker energies may exist, but the energy of the rays is assisting in creating change on this Earth plane.  The rays themselves can be described as Divine unfoldings coming from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, each bringing the essence of the God Light, also known as Ein Soph.  These rays, twelve great rays, spiral forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God dimensionally through the stars and planets, until they enter this solar system, and from here, on planet Earth in particular, these rays are activated through Shamballa and the second Ray of Love-Wisdom before spiraling out on to this Earth plane, and the higher aspects to the rays amplifying the vortices and sacred sites on this Earth plane.  Now, you as a Soul, travel  through the energy of the rays on to this Earth plane, often finding where you choose to be born, related to the energy of one of the rays that you are integrating in that lifetime.  For each country falls under the influence of particular rays, with a predominant ray influence on that country.  As the Earth herself is shifting in her magnitude, so the vibrations of the rays are changing from country to country, for the collective consciousness of each country holds the energy vibration that is imbued with both the higher and lower aspects of the related ray.  What is happening with the energy of the rays in relation to the Earth, sweet ones, is that the higher aspects to the vibrational qualities of these rays and in particular the vibrations of the eighth to the twelfth rays are being activated and actualized on this Earth plane at this moment in time.  The ashrams for these higher rays were built in 1994, and since this time these higher rays -- rays eight to twelve - have been available for all of humanity.  They carry a higher quotient of Source Light and do not have the dualities inherent in the first seven rays.  Many of the star children have come through, through the energy of these higher rays, and thus do not experience the level of duality that many of the older Light Workers have experienced in this lifetime.

Until the year 2012 you are going to experience the energy of each of these rays.  At the moment, the energy of the tenth ray of Divinity is being experienced through the energy of Mother Earth.  This Ray, overlighted by the energy of the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis, and one of the twelve Directors of these Cosmic Rays, brings through a perfect balance of the first ray of Will and Power, the second Ray of Love-Wisdom, and the third ray of Divine Intelligence respectively.  In fact all rays are created with the essence of these first three rays, also known as the three-fold flame of Power, Love, and Wisdom.  The Earth itself falls under the energy of the third ray of Divine Intelligence.  The lower aspect to the energy of this ray is about clearing and transmuting "the lesser-than and better-than consciousness". And to a lesser degree, the influence of the first ray of Will and Power, which carries with it in its lower aspects many of the power and control issues and victim/persecutor consciousness that are being perpetuated on this Earth plane.  Through being able to lift yourself into the higher qualities of the third ray and the first ray respectively, taking yourself in to the mind of God, and coming into empowerment as well trusting and surrendering to the Divine, you lift yourself into the energy of the second ray of Love-Wisdom.  And the balance of these three rays is to be found within the tenth ray of Divinity.  This pearlescent flame connected to the throat chakra, allowing you the utterance of your spiritual reality.  As Mother Earth is experiencing her spiritual reality and lifting herself into the glorious state of Ascension, so this is occurring for all life too, and in this balance you find for yourself between these first three rays is to be experienced in the utterance of your truth in expressing your true nature as a Spiritual Being of Light.

As you focus on the Earth now, bring yourself initially on the Christ Consciousness Grid, the Unity Grid of Light, within and around the Earth plane.  For this grid of Light that holds the highest potentials of all life on this Earth plane further brings with it the energy that activates the rays.  See yourself on this grid of Light as this Light Worker in Service to all life.  As you connect to these legions upon legions of Light bring through the energy of this beautiful pearlescent Flame of Divinity; as it surrounds the Earth plane it creates this balance of the higher aspects to Will and Power, Love-Wisdom and Divine Intelligence respectively, as this pearlescent Flame of Divinity.  Have a look within yourself, sweet ones, if you still need to integrate the energy of this tenth ray of Divinity.  Are you able to stand in your truth and express yourself as this Master Being?  Are you still playing out issues of victim and persecutor consciousness?  Do you waiver, or do you trust and surrender to the Divine?  Do you hold within yourself a sense of " lesser-than and better-than consciousness"? Or do you recognize the Divine equality of all life and simply the level of Cosmic consciousness awareness that differs from individual to individual, or from band of consciousness to band of consciousness.

Now further to the energy of this tenth ray that has been amplified in the year 2010, there is a focus on the building of the ashrams for what we call the six Cosmic Rays.  Of these twelve rays that spiral forth from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, bringing through particular sonic vibrations, colors, qualities and geometries of light that are creating change individually and collectively.  As these rays travel from dimension to dimension, and within the system of energy that we work with from the ninth dimension to the third dimension, these rays are amplified with a focus of all twelve rays, and one or more of these rays too.  What this creates is a system of six Cosmic rays. We have been experiencing the energy of these six Cosmic rays as we shift into the deeper level of Christ Consciousness and for you, sweet beings, the understanding of these levels of Christ Consciousness takes you into what we call at this moment "Solar Christ Consciousness".  Solar Christ Consciousness takes you into the energy of the Solar System past the ring-passeth-not that exists around the Earth plane into a higher vibration of Light which will be experienced permanently from the year 2012-2013.  This Solar Christ Consciousness vibration creates a thirteenth ray, or the first Cosmic ray which is an amplification of all twelve rays and a higher light focus on the second ray of Love-Wisdom.  In other words, all life is going to experience the energy of Love-Wisdom as you shift into a higher level of Light.  Those souls that choose not to experience this vibrational energy of Love-Wisdom, or the thirteenth ray of Solar Service, will find themselves on a parallel Earth plane when they pass over, but this Earth and all life on her that chooses to ascend will experience this beautiful copper-gold flame of Solar Christ Consciousness.  The energy of this ray is one of manifestation and it is being imbued in all life on this Earth plane with impulses of Light through the ashrams that are being built within Shamballa housing these qualities.  These ashrams housing the six Cosmic rays will be complete by the years 2012-2013 and this will allow you to experience a Cosmic map into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

So we ask you now to surround the Earth plane in this beautiful copper-gold Flame of Light and to bring a focus to manifestation - manifestation primarily, at this stage, of creative thought .  It is possible, sweet ones, as you step into a deeper level of experiencing your own Light, increasing the vibration of the Body of Light you may experience the Ascended Master gift of the manifestation of inanimate objects.  However at this moment in time the manifestation of thought allows you bring through the frequency of the fifth dimension in thought and consciousness and to magnetize what you are needing into your environment at this now moment.  Hold on to this energy.  Know that you are a co-creator to the Company of Heaven.  Know that you are the creator of your own reality, and have a look at your reality, sweet ones.  Have a look at your choices and what you are choosing to experience in your everyday life.  As you surround this Earth plane in this Christ Consciousness or Unity Grid, in this beautiful copper-gold Flame of Light, surround yourself too, and magnetize and manifest what you are needing as this co-creator to the Company of Heaven in this now moment.

Now, there is the influence of one more Cosmic ray being experienced on this Earth plane at this moment in time.  As the acceleration of the Cosmic rays is coming through, you are catching glimpses of truly being these Master Beings, of understanding that you are Ambassadors of Light in Service to all life, but being able to maintain and hold this energy as this Light Bearer to this Earth plane through the waves of ascension symptoms and Earth changes.  And the energy of the ray that amplifies this is the fourteenth ray of Interstellar Service, or Interstellar Christ Consciousness.  This is a beautiful silver Flame of Light, bringing through the primary quality of illumination.  Illumination in essence is the understanding of self-mastery.  Illumination shines the light of Mother/Father God into all areas of darkness.  Part of the changes that are being experienced on this Earth plane are through the vibrational frequency of this Higher Source Light of illumination.  This Cosmic ray is working with the energy of Nature Intelligence and Mother Earth to shift areas of darkness, so all life may experience this Higher level of light, and of course, sweet ones, as the Light enters those areas of darker or denser energy, so they come up to initially be cleared, and this is what is occurring individually and collectively.  Hold the focus of this fourteenth ray of Interstellar Service.  Surround the Earth plane through the Christ Consciousness Grid, this Unity Grid of Light, in this beautiful silver Flame of Light.  And surround yourself too in this beautiful silver Flame of Illumination.  Wonderful.

The energy of the rays not only brings through these qualities, colors, and sonic vibrations of Light, Overlighted by particular Masters of the Light, but the energy of the rays is assisting you in stepping into self-mastery, and becoming these Ascended Masters of Light.  We have put together a program, sweet ones, that will allow you to experience an understanding, an amplification of the energy of these twelve earthly rays and six Cosmic rays.  These teachings are known as the Ascended Master Extra-Sensory Perception teachings and take place over a series of fourteen conferences.  Each one of these conferences will focus on a particular ascended master Skill, whether it be clairaudience, clairvoyance, intuition, pre-cognition, illumination, or manifestation, levitation, teleportation, immortality, we will provided you with the skills and tools to experience your own self-mastery, working with the archetypes and the colours and the overlighting of the appropriate Co-Creative Councils of Twelve, and we invite you to join us on this Cosmic Ascension journey as Co-Creators to the Company of Heaven, as these Ascended Masters. 

With this we bid you a most magical day.




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