Submitted by Lia on Sun, 06/26/2011 - 06:47


Welcome beloveds, we come once more to help guide and support you through the ongoing changes across the planet earth. We guide you to step out of illusion and to process all through the heart. The human mind will move to take you further and further into illusion and we guide you strongly to move to your hearts.

Many of the symptoms that you are experiencing will be eased by moving into the vibration of your hearts. We appreciate how difficult our words are to many of you and how difficult it is for many of you to move out of the mind and into the heart. The human heart is key to moving through these new energies and vibrations. The new energies are heart centred dear ones and this is important for you all to remember. Please try to work from the heart at all times. You will know when you have moved out of your hearts when the frustration and physical symptoms return or begin to increase for you.

The “new” age is beginning dear ones and this is the time to let go of the “old”. The “old” for many of you is beginning to disassemble. Many of you will go into chaos and find that it is very difficult indeed for you to stay in the mind. This would cause so much frustration for you that staying in the heart will become the normal for you. We realise that you have been trained by illusion to live in your mind. We guide that illusion will try at all times to move you back to your mind and out of the heart.

To illustrate our words and our meaning please allow us to create a scenario for you. On paper as it were many of you are living lives that do not make sense from a logical point of view. Many of you live day to day, moment to moment and are beginning to realise that that is how life should be lived. Many of you are no longer focussing on the day after today or next week and are conscious and fully present in the moment. Encountering a human who is asleep will jolt you out of this way of living if you try to rationalise for the asleep human the way that you live. To the asleep human it makes no sense not to plan your day, it makes no sense at all not to make plans for next week or even next month. The asleep human will try to push you into explaining your day. This will push you back into mind mode and you may find yourself trying to explain how you live, how you go from moment to moment. Frustration may creep up on you as feel at a loss to explain that which to you would be obvious but to the human asleep makes no sense. Do you understand our scenario dear ones? Does it resonate with you?

To live moment to moment is to create at will, to come from the heart will produce creations of love. Love is BEing, love IS. It is very difficult to work from the mind when LOVE is the creation. For many of BEing in love is a feeling that you cannot explain. Asked to explain why you love something you may struggle to find words as it is a FEELING and many human words cannot accurately describe a FEELING. Moving into the heart produces feelings for humans that cannot be explained by the mind. You KNOW, you ARE. These are the creations.

Many of you will shortly move into a space of KNOWING. You will be at a loss at to why or how you KNOW, but you will KNOW. This is a tuning of the telepathy that we guided previously. Know dear ones that all is changing at ALL levels for ALL of you. Many of you are now beginning to awaken at a much deeper level than ever before and this will bring new feelings and ways of BEing to the fore. We guide you to ease into this new way of BEing and to get used to it. There is no rush, there just IS.

Many of you are struggling at this time because you are not BEing, many of you are now drowning in the frustration that arises from trying to live a life of FEELING using your mind. The two are not compatible dear ones and we guide you strongly to leave the mind and logic to one side. Processing your life through your heart will guide you to truth dear ones, when you KNOW and do not have to be logical your life will flow. The flow will stop or decrease when the mind jumps in and tries to make sense of something that just IS. Do you understand our words dear one? Do they resonate with you?

We guide you to be in your TRUTH at all times dear ones, the frustration will arise within you when you abdicate your truth in place of logic. Whilst you try to deny who you are you will grow frustration within your very BEing. When you are who you are and stand in your truth you will flow dear ones. The “new” age is all about flow dear ones, step into the flow and BE.

Logic will tell you that the “new” age does not make sense but this is not about making sense, it is about BEing dear ones, it is about living from truth and love. LOVE is not logical, as it is a FEELING it cannot be defined by logic. It is time to move from “logic” dear ones to BEing. Many of you are only now beginning to realise the power that you have within you. We guide you to work through the fear of this power, many of you will be questioning our use of the words “fear” and “power”. We deliberately use them together to provoke any seeds that may be in your BEing. If you felt anything rise at all when reading these words the seeds are present.

Power that springs from the heart is done through love, that is a completely different power that springs from fear. LOVE is the most powerful emotion in the universe and it is this that is beginning to take root in many of you. As you begin to experience the power of the universe you will naturally open to more and more, soon it will be easier and easier to step from the chains of fear and live life in LOVE. It will be for many of you impossible to live from the place of fear as physically you will find it very difficult to function. Know that anything that physically is very difficult to live with is showing you that you have fallen into illusion.

We guide you that the illusion is weakening across the planet dear ones, more light and love is being spread across the planet and the depth of love and light is increasing all the time. Know that the illusion is now pulling out all stops to try to bring you back down in vibration. We guide you to work with your physical and to use this as a guide to the height of vibration you are at. When you dip and fall then process through the heart. Do not be tempted back into illusion, the dips and falls are signposts to more LOVE AND LIGHT when used as the lessons that they are.

Work on your own vibration dear one, be wary of compromising this vibration. Know that many around you may fall away as this vibration heightens and changes. Know this is no reflection on your worth. You are creating the TRUTH dear ones, many of you do not live in truth and this may be a huge change for you. Know that those that leave are not part of your truth. Know that if you lose friendships they were not of truth, as these disintegrate they will be replaced with new ones that do exist in truth. The more chaos that you experience dear ones the further away from your truth you were. Know that this again is no reflection on your worth. This is about moving forward in love, light and truth. Allow it to flow and allow it to go. To chastise yourself for not being more in truth will guide towards illusion once more. The lesson once shown is learned dear ones, accept, embrace and let go. That is your way forward.

We acknowledge that not all will accept our words of guidance at this time and we guide you to process through your hearts. If you cannot accept our words of guidance at this time then please feel free to return to it at a later date. There is no rush dear ones, you work on your own schedule, please do not judge your progress by others reactions. Do not compare yourself to others as this again is not what this journey is about. This will grow the very frustration that you are attempting to escape from.

Everything in your life was created for you BY you. It is a reflection of you. Know this can change dear ones, there is NOTHING that cannot be changed by moving through this process. You can create what you dream dear ones. Have trust and faith in your abilities. Be guided by your hearts at all times dear ones, that is where your truth lies. Do not look outside yourself for something to help you, for all you need is inside. The inside is where the magic happens. We guide and support you to help show you how to move forward. Each one of you will take from our words what you need. We also do not want you to become dependant on the words and guidance that we give through our channel. We guide you to become masters of your own destiny, captains or your own ship. We GUIDE, we do not dictate dear ones, please process all through your hearts, if you feel that you cannot accept our words as your truth then please honour this.

This process is about YOU, your FEELINGS and your REALITY. It is not about us giving you words to lead you, we do not lead, we guide. This is important to realise dear ones, we give words of wisdom to empower you, if you were to follow without processing you would be being led. Do not allow yourself to be led dear ones, this process is about regaining the power that was lost to you. Allow it to return, step into that power and take the reigns dear ones.

We step back now to allow you to absorb our words and guidance. We are the high council of orion and we guide and support you at this time. We are ONE dear ones. Use these energies to free yourselves from the mind and move into your hearts. We send you much love and blessings. We are your brothers and sisters from the stars. Love is where all answers lie dear ones, look within your hearts.

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