Ben Fulford~ Why the West is now under Nazi rule and why the elite are in denial With Commentary

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 07/31/2012 - 08:49

 by benjamin fulford
July 31, 2012

A visit to Canada and long conversations with bankers, newspaper editors and others still living inside the “mainstream” story about world events has exposed a deliberate state of factual denial about what is really happening in the Western terrorist states. The editor of a major North American newspaper, for example, made it clear to this writer that he needed to believe the official story about 911 and everything else the Western terrorist governments were saying because the alternative would be to radically restructure a world view he created over a lifetime. The bankers and other “elite” also fervently pushed the truth about things like “global warming based on CO2″ but immediately stopped the discussion and changed the subject when evidence was presented showing it was a fraud. The head of a major medical research laboratory, for his part, made it clear that openly researching subjects like bio-weapons (HIV, SARS, “bird flu” etc.) being spread by the cabalists would mean and end to his research institute’s grants and unemployment for him and his colleagues.


What these highly intelligent and thoroughly indoctrinated Westerners all share in common is a financial interest (jobs, salaries and high social status), a family to support and a fear that openly discussing the fascist coup d’etat that took place in the West would lead to unemployment, poverty and ostracism. However,when certain key words and phrases are avoided (for example by discussing “oligarchs” instead of “cabalists”) it is clear their world view is beginning to fall apart despite their deep personal need to cling to the “official” Western story. They are like loyal lifetime card bearing communists speaking in wavering voices of their loyalty to communism just before the fall of the Soviet Union.


The coming autumn chaos will force people like this to finally confront reality.




 Commentary from GLR Blueskygal:


WOW this is a mind-boggling revelation.  This IS THE TRUE REASON WHY the illusion continues for most!  FEAR - FEAR of losing EGO status, EGO MONEY, EGO "stuff" it is so very sad and so very true.  "the editor made it clear to his writer that he needed to believe the official story about 911 ...because the alternative would be to radically restructure a WORLD VIEW he created OVER A LIFETIME. 
WOW! The web they have weaved is so sinister it captures all the beautiful innocent moths awaiting the injection of poison from the black widow that shall forever paralyze in both action and the mind.
They cannot think any other way because of the FEAR that their entire world built upon the illusion will shatter into a million little pieces of glass!
  Believe me when I say, going through the release of the illusion is the BIGGEST most INTENSE RELEASE YOU WILL EVER HAVE!  TO be FREE FINALLY of the chains - to be able to view the system for what it is from the OUTSIDE.  After a while you can actually amuse yourself with what is going on instead of staying paralyzed by fear or livling in denial.  For example: 
Toothpaste...something as simple as toothpaste!  We learned to use it from the time we could hold a toothbrush.  Mom would yell at you at least twice a day to "BRUSH YOUR TEETH"  The dentist would tell you "BRUSH YOUR TEETH"  You would receive FLOURIDE treatments that had different flavors, toothpaste KILLS YOUR TEETH!!!  Flouride, SLS, GLYCERIN - ALL BAD for your teeth, your pineal gland, your nervous system.  Honestly, after researching more and more on health issues - it is a miracle that many of us are still ALIVE after what we have been subjected to.  You ever take your child to the dentist and say "NO FLOURIDE TREATMENT today for little Johnny"  Their reaction is always amusing!  They say "you must have flouride treatment - it is illegal for you to NOT GET flouride treatment"  WOW what did you say?
  ILLEGAL?  RUKM?  Why?  Because all children must have it (in other words, because the government told us we MUST give all the slaves their poison - I learned it in medical school - it was in the textbook - the professors told me so."  YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE - never let anyone tell you you MUST do something that doesnt agree with your inner voice.  So crazy ALL these things are meant to SUPRESS your higher consciouness - keep you from seeing the light - feeling the oneness.  YOU can step away - you dont have to participate.  JUST SAY NO to the ILLUSION.  I mean think about it!!!  They concealed poison in toothpaste!  Sit back smile (and stop buying it :-) and say how clever of you.  It was a very clever trick they pulled - now forgive and forget it is that simple!
You know what happens when you lift the VEIL and see the illusion for what it is?  Your consciousness becomes VERY POWERFUL - you grow stronger and stronger almost like a huge bubble of white spirit power light envelops you and holds you in this protected powerful state.  Yes I admit 3rd density is awefully difficult once you are aware of your true nature.  Human is human and it is so easy to slip back into the illusion but dont get upset when it happens just laugh it off and look up and smile.  You signed up for this gig and it is the hardest one to do!   5D here we come!!

The only way to get out of this game is with inner knowing.  Allow your higher self (your intuition) to speak to you.  Meditate more, reintroduce yourself to nature, spend time doing things you loved as a child.  Take yourself back to that time before your mind was poisoned with the illusion and just BE.  Realize that this illusion exists and choose to not be a part.  Even if you must keep your job realize that your MIND, your inner knowing, does not have to be enslaved anymore!  You can turn your back on the mind-control, the illusion and spend more time meditating to open your higher consciousness to your true ONENESS.  You need not FEAR - FEAR is an illusion.  YOU CHOOSE TO BE :-)  Spend time seeking the truth and the TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE.

Michel (not verified)

Tue, 07/31/2012 - 09:21

Hi everyone,


Thank you to Benjamin Fulford for yet another interesting article. In Canada, media allegiance to the élite may be showing some signs of weakening. Below is a link to some news from the government owned CBC ( Canadian Broadcasting Corporation ), news that might not have seen the light of day only a short while ago. Please repost if judged pertinent. And may we remain strong, focused and positive. : )





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