~6~26~11~Trusting who you Are~ Message from Archangel Raguel~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 06/26/2011 - 13:08

 ~Trusting who you Are~

Message from Archangel Raguel

Hello Dearest children of the divine. I rarely come forth to deliver messages. I come to you normally in spirit. It has become apparent that it is necessary to come to you to speak of truth.

I am known as the Archangel of Justice and Fairness. I also am known as the Angel of Ice and Snow. This is how this one first identified me when I first came to her several months ago for the first time. Until then, she did not know of me. I am also one of the Archangels you look to when you are looking and wanting to know your own truth.

Truth as you know it, has always been something you were taught as young children. You were taught what is right and what is wrong, and in those lessons is truth as you knew it. But truth as always had more than one meaning Living in a 3rd dimensional world, you were surrounded by so much duality. Only then you did not know anything about duality, unless you were one of the astute ones. Dear ones, as you find out a 'truth', you learn later on, there is more to that truth and there always is. Never stop seeking the truth. And the truth to what you are looking for always is answered by your heart, never by your mind where you ego resides.

The truth of who you are, is what you know of yourself. You can make a list of these truths, in a journal and date when you begin such a list and see a few months later that the list will grow. Such things to add to your list that identifies who you are, is your parenting (if you are a parent), your learning (both spiritual and acedemic), your characteristics that you like of yourself, etc. When you make this list dear ones, make in the form of I AM. Example of this would be; I AM a great parent, I AM a good gardener, I AM worthy of being loved, I AM honest and truthful, etc. These are examples, I AM sure you have many that can be added.

The purpose of this list is for you to look back on it, during a moment of sadness or doubt in yourself and see how great you really are. Yes, there will people that will come your way to cause this doubt. That is their purpose even if they are not conscious about it. They are to push you to see how far you have come. There will always be areas that need improvement. There is no human that can not learn to ways or new way of thinking. The ones that do think this will someday come across a life situation that will challenge them and make them see there is more to learn.

My message today dear ones is not big but filled with love and respect to all you trying so hard to learn and to be guided in ways that maybe a few years ago never thought possible. It delights me incredibly to see so much of this going on. Everytime you take a step to learn something new that you were drawn to, regardless if its using crystals for the first time, reading about benefits of herbs, or just accepting others for who they are without judgement, there are other areas I could have mentioned, but I know you understand. When you do take the time to learn or begin learning new things, you are actually raising your own vibrations which in turn brings you closer to ascending. Ascension is not what I am here to discuss. I will leave that to Saint Germain and others. Dear ones, I am only making a point on what happens when you try to learn and go past your comfort zone.

I will depart dearest ones in a tone of love and admiration to everyone. Do not hesitate to call on me for guidance. I may not answer in words, unless you can hear me, but I will gently guide you to choices for you to make. I leave now in peace, and love to all the children of the divine that I have spoken to today.

Archangel Raguel

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