~Compassion consciousness is gaining a great foothold upon all of humanity right now. ~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 06/27/2011 - 07:52



~Compassion consciousness is gaining a great foothold upon all of Humanity right now.~


I am Mother Mary. It is such a great honor to be here today to speak to all of humanity and to deliver this wonderful message to you.

Right now, here in the physical dimension, many changes are taking place. There is a great and wonderful energy flowing upon the earth today. This energy is truly the Divine Energy, the energy of Mother and Father God. This energy will aide all of humanity in reawakening to compassion consciousness. Right now those human beings who are trying to hold onto the old way of judgment consciousness are going through great struggles. The unconsciousness of their minds is struggling very, very hard to hold on to this judgment consciousness. Within the greater intelligence of their heart they know that this is an impossible struggle.

Compassion consciousness is gaining a great foothold upon all of humanity right now. As you have been told, compassion consciousness is the new way and the true way. Compassion consciousness is what will lead you into the Golden Age.

Today I am here to speak to you of the reawakening of the feminine. It is time now for all of humanity to reawaken to the feminine aspects within themselves. Mother and Father God are the feminine aspects and masculine aspects of God. You also have feminine and masculine aspects of your self. Many people will try to relate what I am saying to you as female or male. This is not the case. What I am speaking to you of today is the feminine aspect and the masculine aspect that is within each and every one of you. This feminine aspect within you is that which urges you to keep moving on, to keep experiencing, and to keep learning. The masculine aspect of you is that aspect which brings in to manifestation the thoughts, words, and feelings that you are having about your self at this very moment. If you would choose to do so, you could say that your Soul is the feminine aspect of you and your Spirit is the masculine of you. Your Soul is what continually urges you to experience and your Spirit is what brings this in to manifestation.

When I speak to you of reawakening to the feminine aspect of you, I am telling you to reawaken to the great urgings of your Soul. Your Soul has been sending you many signs, not only within you, within your physical body but also signs being reflected back to you that are outside of you. These signs are sometimes very, very subtle and at other times you simply can't ignore them. When you reawaken to the feminine aspect of your self you will see these signs very clearly and you will be shown the meaning of these signs. We have told you there is no such thing as coincidence and this is very true. All things that appear and happen for you during this lifetime happen for a purpose. I know that this is very difficult for many of you to understand this very simple fact. The reason why you have a problem understanding this fact is because you are listening to the unconsciousness of your mind.

 Every thing, every experience, that happens to you during this lifetime has a purpose and a meaning. It is through these experiences and the thoughts, words, and feelings that you have from these experiences that you continue to create new experiences. For many of you these new experiences are simply a continuation of your old experiences. This happens simply because you did not reach the growth process from your old experience. When you reawaken to the feminine aspect of your self, which will bring about compassion consciousness to you, it will be much easier for you to move in to this growth process.

The feminine aspect of you has always been within you. So many human beings have closed off this consciousness that is the feminine aspect of you. Again I am not speaking of a female or a male. I am speaking of an aspect that is within each and every one of you. This aspect is also an energy. So within you, you have both the feminine energies and the masculine energies. These when melded together will create great beauty for you. When these energies are melded together you will truly create your wishes and desires. The feminine energy is truly the energy of Mother God and the masculine energy is the energy of Father God. These are both great energies of love and by melding these two energies together within you, you will clearly see the great energy that you are. We have told you many times that being the love you are is the key to everything. All you have to do to create your true wishes and desires is to be the great love you are. Love is truly the strongest energy in the universe and it is truly the energy of creation. This is why we have told you so many times that love conquers all.

In the days and months ahead more and more human beings will be reawakening to the feminine aspect of themselves. This is why I tell you today, it is very important for you to reawaken the feminine aspect of yourselves. Bring this feminine aspect of yourself in to your consciousness. When you do this, you are opening the door to compassion consciousness. Compassion consciousness is the direction or the path that humanity is beginning to walk. It is through compassion consciousness that you will see great things beginning to happen. This will open the door to new technologies and it will open the door to great love. Each and every one of you who are in the physical dimension are connected. This connection is through your Sacred Heart. As more and more people reawaken to this feminine aspect of themselves, this connection will be made very clear to you. You are truly connected to all of Mother and Father God's creations. This connection is much stronger than you could ever possibly imagine. In the days and months ahead this will be made very clear to you. There is one requirement that must be fulfilled as you prepare to move humanity in to the Golden Age. This one requirement is very simple. The one requirement simply is that you have to believe this to be true. There are many teachers today on earth who are teaching this one simple message. This message is believe it and you will create it. You are all on earth in the physical dimension creating your own experiences. We tell you right now, you no longer have to experience through pain and suffering. Pain and suffering are old energies upon the earth and these energies no longer serve humanity. When you believe in compassion consciousness you will know that you can create great peace, joy, happiness, prosperity, abundance, and love for your self. As you do this we in Spirit ask you to please share this with others. Help others to be able to create the same that you have created for your self. Mother and Father God's will for humanity has always been for them to share with each other and to care for each other. This is what you call being in service. Being in service means to serve your self and to serve others. This is and always has been the will of Mother and Father God for humanity.

We in Spirit are continually celebrating the great achievements that we see happening in the physical dimension. Greater and greater light is shining forth from so much of humanity today. This light continues to grow and it continues to be brighter with each passing moment. This light is your divinity. Please know that you are all Divine Beings and that you are on earth in the physical dimension to grow in your divinity. This is and always has been your true purpose.

I ask you today to walk the path of compassion consciousness, to reawaken to the feminine aspect of your self, and to simply be the love that you are. I love all of humanity so very, very much. I love each and every one of you so very, very much. It is with the greatest of honor and the greatest of love that I deliver this message to you today. I am Mother Mary.

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