Our Friends From the Inner Earth, Agartha

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 08/05/2012 - 09:03


Our Friends From Agartha the Inner Earth

We are your friends and brothers and sisters from what is termed Agartha, the inner planet of Gaia. Some call it hollow earth but this is not quite correct as we do have beautiful water bodies, forests, mountains and a variety of loving beings that we co-exist with. We are physical as you, yet we have evolved into beings of light and love of which we vibrate a higher frequency and we are very aware of the light within and without each individual. In our environment the animals, plants, food sources and the land that is below and above us all are aware of the light each possess and with that comes a feeling of oneness amongst all.


We will cite our similarities both realized and that which may not be realized by you on the surface. There will soon be a knowing, an intuitive knowing of these abilities within you as if you felt you had them all the time. We carry in us the power to manifest or create that which we choose instantaneously for only the good of all. Those on the surface possess this ability yet some choose to forget that this wonderful gift is within them. This is a part of the veil that you speak of and part of what has been placed upon you in agreement. This will very soon change as you spiritually rise back to your homes. You all are creating all the time some are aware or deliberate and some are not.


Those of us within this beautiful planet, let’s refer to her in name; Gaia, will be meeting with you sooner than most believe. We have been coordinating with our Galactic brothers and sisters and the formless ones both through telepathy and with our crafts. Yes we do have crafts that are much like the ones that can be seen in the sky and much like our galactic brothers and sisters. We hide them in the sky with much the same cloaking technology as them.


We feel you moving forward, we see you moving forward with perseverance and guidance. We see a little slip every now and then, however the more of you that are aware, conscious and steadfast the less these little slips occur. We would like to add a twist to a saying that you are fond of on the surface in that ‘you go forward 2 steps and occasionally but not often, go one step back’. In this process of growth in the beginning it is common to take one step back and see if it is okay to venture forward. There is no right or wrong in this only that which you feel is the direction that you wish to go. You will always have guidance nearby. In the case of your spiritual growth that is occurring within you we invite you to see this as a remembering that you are becoming something or somebody you have known before. Remembering who it is you are being.


Please look to the coverage in your press at the recent information that is beginning to show with more frequency in your political and financial areas of the surface world. Stories that would have been blocked before from being printed. We would like you to entertain the thought, to feel it within your being, that these are not by coincidence or serendipity (we enjoy that word) but by design. There are forces that are benevolent and loving that are acting to assist with this change to come around for the eventual benefit of all humans, for Gaia.


Within our community there are no politicians that make endless restrictive laws and there is no economy, no notion of a currency. There is no need for a currency as we know intuitively from before our birth that all is provided for, everyone is taken care of and there is an abundance of all that one could want. We instinctively know deep within ourselves that our system of life and of living is to be of service to our brothers and sisters, it is rooted in our core and anything other than that simply does not exist. We have no pollution, our transportation systems do not spew stuff (we enjoy the use of that word also) into our air nor our water bodies nor into our Gaia. It is clean and quiet electromagnetic energy and once here you will feel energized by our environment, at how pure the water is and clean the air is and how abundant all food sources are, much like it was on the surface at one point.


Upon leaving we would like to assist you in trusting, feeling and knowing the light that is within each one of you and the time will come soon that you may choose to assist another in seeing their light. It is said on the surface that ‘you gotta give to get’. Your light is infinite; there is no shortage, so if it is your choice send it out to yourselves, to creator, to our galactic family, the formless ones and if you wish we will always welcome a little of your bright shining love. Sometimes the difficult part is not knowing. We invite you to go into your heart and feel and then look around you and see the changes taking place and know soon we will meet. We welcome you smiles.

Patrick Sullivan

Doreen Smith

Sun, 08/05/2012 - 09:58

I'm smilin and my heart is full of LOVE for ALL...So much is happening in preparation for this most wonderful event...The birthing of Gaia and humanity to the higher realms of BEing...Nothing will stop the inevitable...I am so looking forward to this Divinely Decreed event and I WILL hold the energies to the highest levels at all times for the good of ALL...Thank you Sananda, All the Company of Heaven and each and every Being for the constant LOVE being showered on Gaia and all humanity...Sending much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! NOW! :) <3

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