2012 Prophecy ~ Urgent Call To Action! ~With a Special Message About the Prophecy Coming True

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 12/09/2012 - 09:33

A Special Message from The Earth Allies with an Excerpt from Ken Carey's Book "Return of the Bird Tribe"


Photo Of an Eagle Craft By Earth Ally Will Harader


WE are The Bird Tribe, and Humanity's Awakening is Truly inevitable. Father God= Great GrandFather is "Great Spirit", The Creator, and I, Mother God, am "White Buffalo Woman"=Great GrandMother, The Mother of Creation. We Are Here Present with you on Planet Earth=Heart~


Why are We Here?



Planet Earth=Heart is NOW Immersed in Pure Light and Love!! Enraptured in the Wings of White Buffalo Calf Woman and Connected Directly to The Sun=Father God.


An Excerpt of "The Return of The Bird Tribes" By Ken Carey

From The Chapter "White Buffalo Calf Woman"

~Seven Times, I have Circled this Fire in reverence, and in Silence. This Fire Symbolizes the Love that burns Forever, in the Heart of The Great Spirit. It is the Fire that warms the Heart of Every Buffalo, every Prairie dog, every sage hen, Every Eagle, and Every Human Being. You the People of the Sioux [Humanity] are like a Single Being. This Tepee of many skins is your body. This Fire that burns at the center is Your Love."


Here she Paused and Looked Deeply into the Eyes of those around her. "There is Creative as well as destructive way for this to occur. Passion that roars out of control is like a Wild Grass fire that destroys everything in its path. But tempered with Wisdom, that same passion can Fuel Whole Generations..."Creation does not take place where there is scattering and dissipation of Energies. Creation requires a Gathering together, and focusing of Your Power within a circle of commitment...In the warm Atmosphere of that Circle, the Power of Love Builds like a storm above the wet summer Prairie until suddenly the circle can hold no more and Explodes in the conception of the New"..."This Fire is More Powerful then anyone of you" she said, pointing to the dancing flames in the Fire, "and the seven sacred circles I have walked, represent the seven worlds that it has created. You all live here in these Seven Worlds, but you are only conscious of one, the physical, the external [Duality]. You have forgotten the inner worlds, the worlds of vision, the world from which I come from, and in which my kind Lives.


"My Tribe is The Fire Bird"she stated Quietly. "I am One of The Bird people, whose Tribe once covered this Island of the Turtle. Do you Remember the "Winged Ones From Heaven? The Fire Birds? The Thunder Birds? How Long has it been since you called us into Your Councils? She walked around the Fire, holding up a Burning Branch and Looking into their faces for an answer."You people have forgotten", White Buffalo Calf woman Continued.."That which is more precious then water. You have forgotten your Connection to the Great Spirit. "I have Come" she said Holding the Branch above her, "With a Fire From Heaven to kindle again your Memory of what has been, and To Strengthen you for the times to come."





Love Mother and Father God Amon Ra, PRESENT IN COMPLETE AND LOVE~ and The Earth Allies



Then Show US!!! Love cannot be a belief system BS!!! All Our Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies


Unconditional love flows through all things.. like a river..It is the energy that flows from the "Source of All Creation" through all of creation. You may call it God or Mother-Father God...it does NOT matter. It just is an incredible gift for all that will receive it....The Divine Energy of unconditional.love.

It is yours without reservation or judgments.  You may accept it or deny it.. It doesn't matter...it is yours when you're Heart is willing to open..

 Unconditionaly love..It cannot be proven., or held in your hand, or rationalized with the mind. It simply must be felt in the heart...for it is the heart that recognizes the Divine Source. This love see the pure essence of the soul...


There is nothing on earth that can contain it or analyze it....for it is beyond description...It's  that which comforts you in your darkest hour or celebrates with you in your finest...  It is that still small voice that inspires you and protects you...!

You are embraced by that love...unconditionally... and have been since before you were born... Its energy is not designed to create fear or disharmony. Neither is it  to be used to disrupt humanity through power or control...


Those who have embraced it have recognized its healing power and its grace...and those who have sought it not ...still are embraced by it.....for love is flowing continuously waiting for the heart to open.. it simply is a gift.


Guest (not verified)

Mon, 08/06/2012 - 19:54

In reply to by BelindaLove

Me too. Fathergod isn't incarnated at thias time only Mothergod and it is not the so called Mothergod of the GFP. I know who it is.

HEART filled with LOVE. Eyes - tears of joy.
Thank you for posting.


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