Focus on your growth and resist all attempts to distract you. ~ Michael Through Ron Head

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 08/10/2012 - 08:56

It is important that we speak to you again this day.  You have received a great deal of new information.  You have also received a great deal of re-worked and expanded misinformation.  All efforts to place more fear and doubt into your minds are being employed at this time.


Many lightworkers are still confused enough to read and circulate these things.  “What if we are wrong?  What if this is correct?” you think.  After all these lifetimes of indoctrination and bad experiences, we certainly understand.  It is very, very easy to let yourselves be influenced in this way.  Dear friends, we ask that you refrain from spreading these things when you see them.  It would be best if you ignored them altogether.


There will indeed be occasional happenings which you would wish to avoid.  There always have been.  But it serves no useful purpose for you to circulate stories predicting massive catastrophes.  We could make a very long list of things which you are being told will cause widespread destruction at this time.  We might also point out that you have been told repeatedly that everything is on track and your new world will be manifest in a matter of months.  We think it is time for you to choose which scenario you wish to believe.


We know you follow various communications from angels, archangels, masters, and star peoples.  We know you have developed a sense of discernment as to what is true and what is not.  Yet you allow yourselves to be knocked off-center by these things.  Some of these are well intentioned forecasts by people who see circumstances that exist but have no inkling of the flow of events that the Divine has set in motion.  Others are simply the re-hashing of old predictions by those who wish to keep you off balance as much as possible.


This will diminish as we get closer to your final awakening, but they will continue to hang on until they have no further recourse.  Many of them actually believe they are in the right.  Many simply refuse to let go.  But, as it becomes more and more obvious that it is over, many are ‘seeing the light’ for the first time.


There will be quite a few surges of good news in the next weeks.  Watch for them and look for the possibilities of good even in stories that are reported as negative.  Your media is not fully free to report the truth yet, even when they see it.  But you have noticed several instances of their testing the scope of their freedom even now.  You will see more quite soon.


To shorten our message for today, maintain your connection and focus on your growth and resist all attempts to distract you.  We are with you.  Indeed we are there in your hearts.  You are dearly loved and protected.  Be at peace in your hearts and we will speak again soon.  Good day.


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Guest (not verified)

Fri, 08/10/2012 - 09:50


   So, I guess that if even Michael says something is going to happen IMMINENTLY, then we shouldn't listen, but if he says "a few months" then we would seem to be using more discernment JUST because we believed in a further off, more obscure prediction?

    Yeah, sure,,, it's so much easier to tell people "a few months" is more a believable prediction, so THAT way, when a few months has passed, he can say, "oh, but we meant a few more than that... "... just as so, so many have already done. 

    I am sick of these messages that make is seem that we shouldn't take specific dates like August 4th, or a few days off from then - seriously. It seems like we are being told that we aren't using "discernment" unless we latch more onto more obscure, further off dates that are more easily "delayed". So, which is it? When Sheldan Nidle told us in october of 2009 that the world's financial system will collapse in beginning of 2010, were we not "using" discernment if we believed it -- just because THAT prediction was just too damned specific?

Tedmund (not verified)

Fri, 08/10/2012 - 11:24

I Admit I had been frustrated like you other folks commenting. What I realized is #1 focus should be on my own ascension path. Once I remember this, dates and events are not as important.
I wish peace in hearts of all who venture to question, knowing answers reside in our hearts.
Love and light to you all!

David Porter

Fri, 08/10/2012 - 18:21

One thing we all know for sure, whether we are dead of alive on earth or on a ship, another planet, Hevean or where it may be that we find ourselves at the time. When December, 22nd arrives and we awaken providing we slept that night, we will be HERE NOW just where ever that is just like we always have been and always will be. "Where ever you go there you are." It's a book and an easy read. 


The most important of questions to this is, and here come's the old song, "I just went down to see what condition my condition was in," excuse me, I dimesionalized for a moment. Now where was I? Oh yea, When you rise on that imfamous day, what condition will you be in? 


It is trully later than you think and due to this fact, we should be up and doing that which it is that we wish to come upon us and to us and know that it is all done by us. With one exception, what we don't intend and direct on purpose, the purpose that we do wish for, will take place on "default" (automatically). So as a creator of your own reality why not STOP allowing everyone else to create it for you. 


"Be still and know who you really are" and make it practice daily somehow, just turn off the electronics and sit. 


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