Submitted by Lia on Fri, 07/01/2011 - 06:55



By Love Reporter Rebekah Shaman

“First you need only look: Notice and honor the radiance of Everything about you... Play in this universe. Tend All these shining things around you: The smallest plant, the creatures and objects in your care. Be gentle and nurture. Listen...” ~ Anne Hillman

“We've got this gift of love, but love is like a precious plant. You can't just accept it and leave it in the cupboard or just think it's going to get on by itself. You've got to keep watering it. You've got to really look after it and nurture it.”
 ~ John Lennon

“Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success. Always be on the lookout for ways to turn a problem into an opportunity for success. Always be on the lookout for ways to nurture your dream.” 
~ Lao Tzu

“This planet has -- or rather had -- a problem, which was this: most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small green pieces of paper, which is odd because on the whole it wasn't the small green pieces of paper that were unhappy.” 
~ Douglas Adams
Contents of this Lunascope

+ Ritual for CANCER NEW MOON


After the intense total Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius and the Summer Solstice that helped us to find the courage to accept ourselves for who we are, both the positive and negative, and communicate our truth, whatever that may be, we are now reaching the emotional new Moon in Cancer that brings the focus back to nurturing ourselves, and the Planet.

For many the last Full Moon brought to the surface fears that are holding us back from being in our true power.  Situations arose where we were forced to be honest with our feelings even it meant hurting others, and not allowing the reactions of others to stop us being in our full integrity.

Now the New Moon in the Cardinal Water-sign of Cancer tells us:
“It is time to nurture yourselves.  When we love ourselves we have the capability to love others.  Enjoy your family, friends, home and surroundings.  Be grateful for all the little things we have in our lives.  Happiness comes from recognising that we are blessed, whatever is happening and like water, we can overcome all obstacles however challenging they may be.  Life is a duality and Cancer Moon reminds us to recognise the positive in our lives rather than be continually focused on the negative aspects.”

This Moon in Cancer reminds us that we must fertilise ourselves, and the planet, just as we fertilise our plants and vegetables in order for them to grow strong and healthy.  It emphasizes the mother nurturing energy and our responsibility to ourselves, our family and friends and especially to the Planet.  It shows us how strong our roots are and what we have achieved in our lives so far in order to find the strength to continue on our paths.

This New Moon also comes with a partial solar eclipse, the third one for this Summer Season and will heighten the energy on the planet.  It will illuminate the areas where we must look after ourselves and bring situations to a head that are no longer serving us and creating stress and unhappiness. 

It will also strengthen our intuition and the messages from our heart will come strong and clear guiding us to make the decisions that will bring us more contentedness. Use the courage gained from the last Full Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius to make the choices that will serve YOU for the future.  As we awaken to ourselves we can no longer stay in a safe place.  It is time to be more like water and flow with your inner passions and desires trusting that you will be safe and secure. 

Be aware that over this Moon you may feel your emotions more deeply and intensely, especially due to the partial eclipse.  If you are feeling taken for granted, or unrecognised, working in a job that does not serve you or the Planet, or feeling vulnerable in your living conditions these feelings will be felt more strongly.  If you find yourself overwhelmed with negative feelings about your surroundings, set your intention for what you want to experience rather than descend into the emotional storm.

The Cancer Moon brings it all up to the surface so that we can change it.  Don’t be a victim of circumstance but take responsibility for everything that is happening in your life, knowing you are the creator of your reality.  

The concepts of safety and security are just illusions.  Life is a magical, ever-flowing, ever-changing experience and nothing stays the same.  Now more than ever in our history creation is speeding up and the river of Life is flowing fast. The more we set a clear intention, let go of controlling the outcome, and trust that everything is happening perfectly, the easier it will be to navigate the emotional rapids.

I will end this Lunascope with the wise words of Theodore Forstmann:

“The opposite of security is insecurity, and the only way to overcome insecurity is to take risks.”

 Love and Blessings
 Rebekah Shaman xxx

This is a helpful ritual for those of you who are feeling a victim of circumstance and are ready to change your life:

Find a time when all your chores are completed and you have some space for you.  Create a sacred space by lighting some incense and candles, and put on some ambient music.  Sit comfortably either on the floor or a chair and breath deeply.  As you draw in the in breath imagine you are drawing up the anger, rage, resentment, and regret up into your lungs and as you exhale imagine it leaving your body. Do this three times.

Become aware of your body, your toes, calves, knees, thighs, hips, bottom, back, stomach, chest, neck, shoulders, upper arms, elbows, lower arms, hands fingers, throat, face and scalp. Allow all the stress to ebb out of your body by focusing on the body sensations, and becoming the observer of your thoughts until you feel relaxed and at peace.  

Use the Cancer energy to dig deep and allow all the doubts and negative thoughts about who you are to come to the surface.  Don’t become a victim of them but recognise that they are stopping you from manifesting what you truly want.  Ask the Moon to help you nurture and love yourself so you can step back into your power and achieve all you desire.

Breathe deeply and slowly concentrating on your heart chakra. Once you are feeling in tune with the heart energy set out clearly and strongly what you want in your life.  Don’t worry about how you will achieve it.  The details are not important.  This is an exercise to intentionalise your dreams.

Set a clear intention that you can and will manifest it all and allow it into your life by trusting the flow of life wherever it takes you.  The key is to have complete trust in yourself that you can achieve exactly what you desire.  Nothing is impossible however challenging it may seem.  To really make the changes we must step into the unknown landscape of the heart and trust that Life is nurturing and protecting us at all times.

In order to reinforce the changes you desire create a vision board.  Using pictures from magazines, books, newspapers, etc, cut out images that relate to your intentions.  Stick them onto a board and then place it where you can see it every day.  As you stick them imagine them in your life, as though you have already manifested them.  The clearer you believe and trust it, the easier and quicker it can be manifested.

However, be patient as things take time to manifest in a 3D reality and you may find that some things come quicker than others.  The key is not to lose faith in the intention.  A dream only dies if it’s no longer believed in.  Trust that all intentions are fulfilled and you will see the magic manifest in your life.
Some Info About Me….
This Lunascope is inspired to help us to become realigned with the Rhythm of the Planet, through flowing with the natural cycles of the year and the eight Ancient Festivals of celebration that mark and define our annual cycle.  The more we live within the natural flow, the more magic and harmony we will experience in our lives.

We have been bamboozled by a corrupt calendar and even more corrupt concept of time. Through concepts like ‘time is money,’ we have gradually forgotten our symbiotic relationship with the Earth and natural environments. Indigenous communities, since time began had a higher vision for humanity and the Earth.

In 1998, while working in a hotel in Machu Picchu, Peru, things fell apart and I was called by a Shaman in a vision that he had the answers to why I was on this planet?  So I flew to the Amazon and found the Shaman nestled in a tiny village deep in the Amazon Jungle.  While living with him and his family and taking the Sacred Ayahuasca Medicine I experienced first-hand that we are a part of, not apart from, Mother Earth and all life forms and Nature is a symbiotic partner for our survival.  By destroying our natural world, we are destroying ourselves, and quickly.

Check out my website www.rebekahshaman.com


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