~7~2~11~~The Eclipse Drama Continues~

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 07/02/2011 - 06:30


~The Eclipse Drama Continues~


~Was last week hard for you? Were at the point where you just couldn't take it any more. You're not alone, we all felt that way. This week closes out the June eclipse cycle, finally. It's not an invitation to be glad it's over and go back to our old habits, though. It's time to integrate the learning and follow a different path. Read on...

One more eclipse in this month's cycle and we will be out of the woods, for now. This has been a crazy energy month, with many ups and downs, delays, old issues we thought were dead and buried coming up for final review, or the Universe giving us not so gentle nudges about our life path, relationships, how we use our energy, intention, our self worth, or the many things that we may have put off for months or years that are now reminding us that there's no time like the present for dealing with them.

During dinner at a friend's house this weekend, the chair my friend was sitting on suddenly broke and crashed to the floor, with her on it. She was fine and we laughed but it was her reminder that the old furnishings in her house were no longer supporting her. After some discussion we did some furniture rearranging and shifted all of the energy in her living room. Oddly enough, every one of her old pieces of furniture fell apart as it was moved. It was time for 'the old energy' to go and she got the message.

When we ask to be shown our mastery, to be powerfully within our divinity, to have the life that we know we can have, to integrate our multi-dimensional selves, we are also accepting responsibility for this power and are indicating our willingness to go through an energy exchange. This exchange is a two part process, we let go of something to create the opening to receive its higher aspect. To shift into more fulfilling relationships all of our beliefs and emotions about our old ones must be released. To have financial security, we must release all limiting beliefs about abundance and self worth. The release is the first step, allowing the new energy is the second. One cannot happen without the other.

This past week was a hard lesson for many because it revealed the many ways we limit our own life path. We want to have masterful lives but we act and think like victims. We want to be powerful but we act and think like we have no control over our own destiny. We want joy and love and think that those things must come from someone else. As we approach the end of this eclipse cycle we will have a few more chances to invite this energy of change into our reality. What we choose reveals our true beliefs, how we act determines what we think is possible and what we are willing to release is the green light the Universe needs to know that we are committed to ourselves and our dreams so when we say 'I AM a master' we really mean it.

Copyright ©2011 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. This material is protected by US and international copyright now and may be distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author’s name and website, www.urielheals.com are included


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