Judgement, Discernment and Permission

Submitted by amissvik on Wed, 08/29/2012 - 16:53

For two days I have been in the grips of judgement. At the time, it didn't present easily or loudly. In other words, it was hard for me to know that's what I was doing to myself and those around me.

I know that there is a lot of talk about how ego derails spiritual growth, and I suppose in its most basic form, what I've been experiencing is simply a temper tantrum of Ego. But I think there is something else at work.

The main question, or koan, is this: Can I be truly spiritual if there are situations or people in my awareness that I simply do not like? How do I rectify not liking something with loving all?


But then I think about someone I've known whom I love but don't like from time to time. Pick a person. My kid, my boss, on and on it goes. To say that others do not effect me is a lie. They do. How others act and speak and the choices they make, these effect me.

I really wish it didn't feel bad when I witness someone being willfully mean, but it does. It fills me with a peculiar sense of outrage, of pity and of resentment. I hate it.

It really just saddens and freaks me out when I have to work with someone who can't give eye contact, won't talk, ignores the people they are there to serve, and refuses to help others.

What about that behavior is attractive?

And what is there to like about those actions?

And how am I to reconcile my expectations, my behavior with anothers'?

This is the knot I have been trying to untie the last two days.

Can I love myself when I feel no love toward another?

Is it ok to have an opinion about someone else's behavior? Is it ok to not like anothers' behavior?

And I don't have the answer to that. I simply don't. It was big enough to even figure out what was making me feel so awful.

But this afternoon a thought hit me like a two by four. What if discernment is the same thing as judgement without a value judgement attached.

Forgiveness is the road home. Those angry and confused feelings I get are not there to torture me, but to lead me home. Wake me up. Help me to gain more understanding and compassion for myself and those around me. Forgiveness is the act of seeing Self in Other, and Other in Self, God in Self and Self in God. Life, living, seen from this vantage point is a much different experience as when lived from the lower perspective.

If I can see beyond the closed behavior and meanness, all I see is someone who is hurting. Hurting people create pain in others. Pain begets pain. Joy begets joy. And someone who is hurting needs the MOST tenderness, not the least. I know this to be true for myself, and I use this as a yardstick. So being kind is the best way to react to unkindnesses.

However, it is not easy to give love to the unloving. When I am my most unloving, I am firmly entrenched in the belief that I am unloveable.

But then, I think about some of the outrageous things I see people do to themselves and to others, and it's hard to just love. I want to smack some sense into people. Smack some tenderness into them. And it doesn't work that way.

So, if I am discerning my co-workers as closed, energetically shut down or defended, unfriendly or even a little hostile, these are still in the "observations" category, and it's very funny, but my body isn't reacting to what I am remembering, the last shift I worked with someone just like my description. These are objective observations, and I am not attached to them.

But I can move one step to the left or right, and I am in CRAZYLAND. I can begin to think this:

"This person is so closed and angry, he has no business working with the mentally ill."
"This guy could suck the joy out of Christmas Eve."
"If you don't want to be here, please, just don't show up. We'd all be better off."

This is just adding a value judgement to an observation.

And it's the value judgements that drive me insane.

Anytime my head starts a thought with, "I hate that because >>>" I am in judgement. I am in Ego. My Little Mind is talking.

And sometimes that's all I can hear.

And it gets old.

The only way to let myself off the hook is to let myself off the hook. What am I unwilling to give myself permission to think or feel?

That some people are bad. Lost. Unsaveable.

Is that TRUE?


No, it's not true.

The truth is, each and every one of us is a giant light being having a narrowed, physical experience in a 3 dimensional system of being. The mean person is playing a ROLE. They are making choices IN THE MOMENT that may be completely opposite tomorrow. No one is lost. The fear I have around them being lost, the anger I feel toward to unkind... well, it's a reflection of what I don;t want to accept within myself, that I am not 100% enlightened, and sometimes I can be just as mean as a snake... but that doesn't mean that I am a bad person. It means I made a decision. I acted. Maybe it was wrong. Maybe it was right. But there it is. Let's move on.

So this is my world.

I don;t know if others do their work this way. But I seem to be "given" a homework assignment, something to trouble and tease and bug me, and my world demonstrates the core principles being taught, actors assume their position, and the show begins.

At the end of the day, the only sin is a refusal to love one's Self. It is the only thing that creates pain, I think.

So I guess I will give myself permission to discern, self-correct when I slip into judgement, and allow myself to do this as best I can.



I've been writing koans for myself off and on for years. Here is one that it took me quite a while to puzzle through... but I will also tell you the answer I came up with.

"How can you love humanity without loving the wicked?"


I thought about that one for quite a long time. And then I got the answer.


It's a trick question! It should be read:

"How CAN you love humanity WITHOUT loving the wicked?"

So we've been on the same road for a long time. LOL



Sometimes.it is really impossible  to love the wicked.

Too many variables involved. The biggest one is

the highly reactive, energized , magnetic emotional body.

Try a koan on your ex-husband/wife  who is bent on depriving you

of everything. (luckily, not my experience)



I suggest have a talk with your Spirit. Tell  and surrender to

Spirit all  your concerns,


Then ask Spirit to erase all the negative emotions that are

eating you up literally.


Consider it done.


In the next moment, you will feel like a new person.


Yes, I have dropped all kinds of issues  and released many

karmas , just by asking.




Yes, it is often more than difficult to love the wicked, the ones who steal the bread out of children's mouths, and throw people out of their homes only to leave them empty and the people homeless. The ones who run the banks and the big corporations, the ones who care for nothing but "their" money, the ones who think they are better than the rest of us because they have more money and more things.

But think how hard it is for US to get rid of our egos. Then multiply that by a gazillion and there is some inkling of how hard it will be for these "entitled ones" to give up THEIR egos. As they must.

They've certainly caused a lot of trauma to mother earth and her children, the human ones, the animal species, the plant kingdom, even the mineral kingdom. They grind up pearls to make cosmetics. They keep their oh-so-precious diamonds, taken from slave labor in mines, in safes in their homes, hidden behind furniture or pictures because they are so afraid someone will steal these pretty little rocks from them. They are SO afraid of losing their privilege over the majority of humans, so afraid that they want to kill, and kill, and kill.

Because they are afraid and have egos the size of planets.

I'm someone who believes that these people need compassion and love whether they deserve it or not. It doesn't exactly mean that I "forgive" them, for it is not up to me who is forgiven. It doesn't mean that they should be allowed to continue. These folks need serious spiritual "therapy" and I believe that there are people right here on this site who could call them out and teach them to love when the right time comes. That will not undo the horror and terror they have caused, but it will be for them a very difficult achievement. And once they - or at least a significant number of them - learn to love and be loved, the aquisitive egos will die away.

I don't want things to get any worse! I watched about five minutes of the RNC today and it was horrifying to see all those people cheering and waving signs at the very people who seek to enslave them completely.

Intergalactics, please, I invite you to intervene at the right time before we all become in thrall to these people who do not know love and spirit. And help us get rid of our own crap so that we can ascend and help from above, as you do. Amen.



Dear Astreia,

the whole world is tightly focused on what dastardly  horror

and terror activities are going on..


You all want to change it for the better.


Boring.........that is Spirit's reply.

We in our eternal Beingness live in perpetual heavenly

blissful state.

Much like eating steak every single day.

after many years, it became boring.


So, to relieve this ennui we came into physical embodiments to do things we have not

done before......fun and games...to experience mayhem and chaos, to kill and die

to be victimized and suffer as victims..etc.,,,etc   such world as you described.

THAT was the divine plan.  


To the Divine's point of view, these murdering and pillaging and raping are fun and games. As opposed to our points of view that our lives here are deadly serious and 

dangerous.  After all, the Divine  knows this realm to be a virtual false  reality.  It helps to look at the earthly situations thru the eyes of the Divine.

If you keep bucking this plan from the Divine, you

are in for a disappointment. You would be looking at it

as a human,a pawn, an instrument.


So now, you all want to change it for the better.

Well, I have news for you.


You can't.  


Because the full power of the Universe is behind this chaos.Behind what is

going on in Amerika, on Israel, in Iran etc.,,,,,is under the control and direction

of the Divine.

I would just allow it be.


But......... you can certainly master it.


Here is the formula:


"He who masters  the (little) self, masters the Universe."


The key to controlling the Outside is in the Inside.


What is the Inside, the little self..?

The Physical, mental and emotional bodies.

A matter of raising their frequencies above the

chaotic frequencies of the outside world..


Not to worry about other people's egoes, or meanness or crassness.

I would leave them alone.


Once you get to control your lower bodies, they   (  the devil called Ego) will all disappear.

After all, they were your old reflections on the mirror of life. Once you change

your  energy  identity, and you are reflecting a new you., that which corresponds to your new you cannot help but appear.


You just mastered your Universe.............!


Hmmm.........I hope I made sense.





oh....about mastering the Ego. DON'T.

That is a big fight. I would hand the Ego to Spirit.

No fight, no mess.


This is a wonderful message and very helpful. But - aren't the wicked just playing their part, as Judas did when he turned Jesus over to the authorities? Jesus TOLD him to do that....and to do it quickly. IF the bible is an eensy bit accurate, that is... so why not love them because they are playing their part to the hilt? And if that love reaches them, will it not change them? Well, I don't know anymore.

I just don't know anymore. I remember that it said, "God makes his rain to fall on the just and the unjust" but maybe I misunderstood that, or maybe it was added by one of the god-only-knows-how-many translators and editors. Ahem.

I do recall a friend asking me "Why did God make people" and I answered without thinking "We're the live entertainment..."





Why not love them indeed, if they are just "playing their part".


Theoretically...?  Yes. Practically..? No.


You must remember that this earth reality is very short of commodity

called "Love", so, sometimes,no matter how much we desire  to do that

we can't do it. That is why it is so important to center in Spirit...

to avail ourselves to the frequency of Love.


Anyway, the wicked do not know they are playing their part.

They are asleep. Amnesiacs.They are programmed.   Most of the time,

it is not their will to be wicked. God/Spirit  programmed them to be wicked,

wiped out from their memory of other options ,  closed their hearts, mind-controlled them , then  arranged the situation so that it seems there is no other choice  but to be wicked...and there, you have in front of you a karmic situation.

You said it right , we are created for   live entertainment.


I believe that those we call the  bad guys---the   Archons,cabal, the thieves, the banksters, the murderers are getting their "marching orders" to do what they do... from Spirit. From the Spiritual Hierarchy,...the same ones we know as Archangels, Angels, Elohims ...

..............just as we do .


I think that we , you and I ...even as we speak  as the good guys,

we have incarnations at the present time as one of those bad guys.

How else can we contribute to the all-knowingness of ALL-THAT-IS..?

It calls for a well rounded experiences of the good, the bad and the ugly.


It stands to reason that we are not separate from the bad guys.

We are inseparable from the bad guys. They are our real  spiritual family.

and we are all here....playing our designated roles.


When we understand  this concept  fully without judgmnt, we can disengage from this

merry-go-round.  We will no longer focus on what  chaos and disasters going on in

the outside.   We will no longer hold Cabal , the illuminati, the Reptilians in contempt. 

"Game over..."







Wed, 08/29/2012 - 19:05

Thank you for sharing. 

I feel exactly the same!



kabniel (not verified)

Wed, 08/29/2012 - 19:33

Dear Amissvik,


Welcome to  Earth.

We all go thru these crazy  experiences.

No exception.


I solved my problem quiet easy.


First, I  have to know who I am.

Second, i have to be clear as to what my energy is.


Ok, First of, I am Spirit having physical experiences.

I have tools to navigate this playground called 3D.

These are :a physical body, an emotional body  and conscious-

unconscious body.


If I were Spirit , what would be my reaction to all these

very frustrating human dilemmas..?  I would go ask my

heart  and  I get it that I should be loving and kind and generous.

But I am unable to.




Because somebody else is  operating my tools  (my lower bodies).

We call it the EGO. It has a firm control of my hysical, mental

and emotional bodies.  It has run me ragged all my life, until now.


The energies of anger, dismay fear ,etc.,,,are reactions of my

lower bodies , a result of the programming of the EGO.


The Ego , by the way, is not who I am.   It is a separate, parasitic

self-aware entity that feeds on negative emotions.


The first thing I do, being very metaphysically inclined, is Get the Ego out of the way.

I ask Spirit to pick them up, and seal my lower bodies with crystal light.

Let go of the Ego. It is not your duty to re-train it nor to ascend it.

It is Spirit's.



Second thing to do:, I work on my mental-emotional bodies.

. In those trying situations, I remain a neutral observer

and when my lower bodies start reacting negatively, I order them to

stand down.   I  shut down any destructive thoughts before it becomes

huge and bumps up the highly magnetic emotional body.  The mind-emotion bodies

were trained to obey the Ego, and frankly, it has taken me a few years to

re-train them to respond to my liking.  Today, I do not entertain judgmnt,

condemnation ,resentment, etc.....They are the Ego's properties.

By the way, if anyone is interested in an amazing dissertation about the Ego,

Eckhart Tolle is the master. he has some books on this.


Third thing is ,well, continue connecting with my Spirit.   Things that I

am short of, ..such as Love , I ask this from my Spirit.   We are in the Love

Universe, and the creator is Love Elohim. She   looks pink-gold ray  and will fill

you with herself if you ask. Peace Elohim, looks like pearl ray , Grace Elohim looks iridescent silver and these beings will fill your every DNA , your mental-emotional bodies ...if only you ask.  They are already in you, you are their creation.


I learned to navigate the two ends of the Polarity pole. I accept everything that I

cannot change. Mean people,  (such as mechanics that keep on defrauding me...

So, I still have some work to do to  balance and dissipate these karmic interactions)

I let go. I ask Spirit to take care of them.  I surrender everything..anger, blame ,etc.. This is very important............ Surrender.


Lately, when my mind starts dragging ugly thoughts and stopping me to be in the NOW moment, I just tell it to take a hike....(no, I actually know how to make it tow the line.) LOL....


I don't know if  my point of view helps.    I tend to look at this  subject like a surgeon with a scalpel. Dry and precise.   I look at the big picture and tie it to the details. So far it works like a charm.


It looks like you are in the right path.


Peace and Love to you always.




Simone (not verified)

Wed, 08/29/2012 - 19:46

I thought it was just me! Lol! I have absolutely been struggling with this very same thing. Thank you for your insight I really appreciate it.

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