Audit The Fed Discovered Mainstream Media Blackout, Money Laundering Scheme Confirmed 50 Trillion Dollars! Video’s

Submitted by Phil Rowen on Mon, 09/10/2012 - 04:28


Sunday, September 9, 2012 16:28 



LORD JAMES OF BLACKHEATH Uncovers Money Laundering Scheme By The Federal Reserve Bank In The United states!

IN one of the strangest stories in financial history, one involving the US government lying about hundreds of thousands of tons of imaginary gold, illegal wire transfers and loans totalling $15 trillion (50 Trillion Total).

The Video, From The House Of Lords, Is Amazing In Itself.

On February 16, 2012, Lord James of Blackheath, member of Britain’s House of Lords presented evidence of an illegal scheme begun, he has thus discovered, in 2009. His documents including originals signed by Alan Greenspan and Timothy Geithner, show the illegal “off the books” transfer by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York of $15 trillion to, initially, HSBC (Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation) London and then to the Bank of Scotland.

At surface, it appears we have stumbled upon the largest terrorist organization in the world and have found original documents tracing its funding to the Secretary of the Treasury and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, two of the top financial officers in the US. A cursory review of terrorism statues in the US indicate that all transactions we will learn about are, in fact, to be assumed “terrorist money laundering” and that the only thing preventing the immediate arrest of hundreds of top financial officials is their political connections alone.

As Blackheath outlines, the “deception and cover” for this transfer is the imaginary seizure of 750,000 tons of gold by agents of an unspoken entity (confirmed by the highest official sources as the Bush family and CIA), the listed “source” of the money

To read the rest of this article and watch the videos visit:

shelly (not verified)

Mon, 09/10/2012 - 08:10

I was attacked on gfp fb the other day for posting a video explaining much of this and the ties to our President! Youve been duped! You have bought into all the pretty words and smiles,you have not been objective in looking at all the info,instead you called me dark! For bringing you the truth? I again announce in public I am not dark!! I am honest beyond belief and dont play favorites,I watch all sides and once again am telling you all ALL! are corupt including Obama,wake up!! So much truth is coming forward and people are risking there lives to show what has been hiden for so long,Israels not our friend either,they are murderers who are in control,they are the cabal,Obama might not be with them but neither is he with us, he has his own agenda and that really pisses them off yes! but that doesnt mean hes good and cares about us either.Please look at all issues, dont limit yourselves to info thats being given to you,its all part of waking up!


He says very clear in one video,he did not get into politics to pass laws nor the health care bill it was to make trillions for himself!!! which is what hes been working on,look into the commission he demanded for passing it! Over 40 trillion dollars!!!!

What people need to realize is there are 38 levels of top secret above the president's head. So, who does that make the president? Someone who is tired of being pushed around! I think he was threatened in the worst way if he did not sign off on NDAA and if he backed down on the war on Whistleblowers. There is nothing the dark cabal fears more than you finding out the truth.

only the omniscient know anything

and not being oen 

i've heard that its ashtar that is at the 38 or 46 or etc levels above the whitehouse, and the ashtar commandin general. 

no one cna judge obama for anything and assume he is corrupt, time will tell, the rest is really truly speculation .  juxtaposition of opinions, debate ,  check the intuition and try to figure it out for yourself. 


we are on a website that claims to channel beings, i think we are all equally insane, and perhaps yet there is truth to be found here :)  
I like the idea of the ashtar comma

nd working with him, and i think it may just be true :)


oh and guess what, his NDAA status, his executive orders, his hit list, maybe the banksters are on it , maybe its the only way he could prepare us for mass arrests right and proper , hows that for compassion 

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