There Shall be No More Death ~ Part 2/3

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 09/13/2012 - 09:29
 by Steve Beckow

Let’s continue our discussion of the new health conditions that will occur near and after Ascension. In this article we look at new healing technologies and the fate of diseases and pests. In the article after this, which will conclude this series, we’ll look at our new bodies in depth.

Self-Healing and New Healing Techniques

On the subject of self-healing, SaLuSa said recently:

“You have untold powers that will come to you as you approach the end time, and you will take these with you and advance them to even higher levels. Healing for example would become instantaneous by the power of thought.” (1)

In July of this year, he offered a substantial discussion of the way to approach self-healing.

“A quantum leap in your consciousness … is what is happening now, and the more your individual levels increase, the more your powers of creation will also rise. Belief in your power will help when you set about self-healing, but you need to be 100% positive in your ability to do it.


“The Law of Attraction comes into play, and you will achieve more success if you take the positive approach that ‘you are healed.’ Normally you take the view that you should first ask to be healed, rather than inform your body ‘it is healed.’ Those of you who regularly state that ‘you are healthy, and in harmony and balance’ are maintaining a fully positive approach, and as a result that is what you attract to yourself.” (2)

The converse is also true. When we say we’re ill, we attract illness to us, he says.

“Looking at the reverse side is it not true that some people are always telling themselves that they are ill, and consequently never seem to get better. That is not to say that they are not ill, but they are unwittingly prolonging their problems by dwelling on their illnesses, rather than the cure.

“However, before the end of this cycle many opportunities will be granted for all manner of illnesses and afflictions to be healed. It will come in various types of healing, but all aligned with New Age technologies that have absolutely no side effects.” (3)

Just so we don’t think that SaLuSa is the only one discussing the matter,  here’s Saul as well:

“As humanity moves into full consciousness, and the awareness of the oneness of all sentient beings becomes accepted, the healing abilities of more and more of you will develop and become available to all who need them. Healing is love, truly and unconditionally expressed. When those who are sick find unconditional acceptance, healing occurs.” (4)

Ela of Arcturus explains that sound and color are the basis of the new healing approaches.

“Sound and color are the foundation of a new approach to health, and any form of treatment that damages your bodies will become outdated. Drugs have served their purpose, but will disappear and become defunct in the face of a more positive approach to your illnesses.

“There is no reason why cures for all ailments cannot be found and that also includes human disabilities, as there are healing methods yet undiscovered by you that we shall introduce to you. What you may see as miraculous is the application of Universal Laws, and the use of energy through the power of thought. Centers will be set up for these purposes, and we know there are already many of you that can easily apply yourselves to new concepts.” (5)

No diseases or pests

After Ascension, but also as we enter Fourth Dimensionality more and more, diseases and pests will disappear, as Matthew tells us.

“Contrary to current count and certainly population projections, your numbers are decreasing and the birth rate will continue to drop but not precipitously. The balance of Nature no longer will require pestilence, so no disease-causing or transmitting factors will be present, and the common use of toxic chemicals and prescription drugs will cease. Medical treatments will drastically change until there no longer is any need for therapies because bodies, which will have a greatly longer lifetime, will become free of all forms of dis-ease.” (6)

In 2006, Matthew told us that degenerative diseases will disappear as we come into our crystalline bodies.

“While … elderly folks are of heart-wrenching concern for their families at this moment, within a few years this will not be an issue. As I mentioned earlier, as Earth continues her ascension into higher vibrations, people receptive to the light continuously being beamed at them will physically travel with her into the lighter density. The absorption of light not only brings spiritual clarity, it also changes body cells into a crystalline structure that will not degenerate as do third dimensional body cells. Diseases now affecting the brain, along with all other diseases rampant in third dimensional Earth, will not exist once the planet is free from the lower frequencies.” (7)

We can expect to see an end to AIDS and other manmade pandemics, Matthew tells us.

“AIDS and all other diseases of mind and body will cease when Earth has fully reached fourth density. The higher frequencies there do not permit the stress on bodies or minds that make them vulnerable to the kinds of dis-ease that currently afflict masses on Earth.

“In the higher frequencies where spiritual clarity reigns, there will be no new laboratory-made diseases-which AIDS, SARS and many other contagious diseases now afflicting Earth are-or toxic pollution of air, water and soil, which also is man-designed for the purpose of causing sickness and death. And the effects of radioactivity, which even now are being alleviated by the technology of your extraterrestrial friends, no longer will affect Earth and her life forms.” (8)

Thus we can expect in the days and weeks ahead that our healing abilities will increase and new healing technologies will be introduced.  Since nothing negative or destructive can exist in the higher vibrations, diseases and pests are not destined to follow us as and when we ascend.

(To be concluded.)


(1) SaLuSa, April 19, 2010, at

(2) SaLuSa, July 29, 2011.

(3) SaLuSa, July 29, 2011.

(4) Saul, July 7, 2009, at

(5) Ela of Arcturus, Nov. 28, 2008, at

(6) Matthew Ward, “Essay on 2012,” Dec. 31, 2007, at

(7) Matthew’s Message, Oct. 13, 2006, at

(8) Matthew’s Message, Dec. 31, 2003, at


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