Urgent Message from Great Divine Director

Submitted by Yojman on Sun, 09/30/2012 - 07:46

Hi everyone this came to my desk. It is a recap of Her Notes at, "this most important meeting."  If you have any questions or comments you may go directly to the source. You will find these accredited messangers and this Great Dispensation to the Earth, and it's posted audio / videos here, 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdlDlV7CW3c&feature=youtu.be , or, www.akshaonline.com


... He spoke into a biblical prophecy of two men standing in a field; one is taken, and the other remains.  It is as if the first one simply vanishes or evaporates.  
According to the latest information presented to the Ascended Hosts through the All-Seeing Eye of God at 7pm Greenwich Time, today (September 28th), this prophecy has entered the Realm of Certainty.
All the Ascended and Angelic Hosts are on full alert, and are making decrees in their Temples 24 hours a day:
“Mother, Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”
They are praying for Mercy for humanity, for according to how things stand now, about 50% of the people and all mis-creations would disappear if the full strength of the 5th Dimensional Rays from our Physical Sun were to pour onto the Earth. (They are not speaking of sunshine).  This prayer call for extended Mercy is so that these individuals have another opportunity to face the Light and awaken. (And it wouldn't be good at all if our outer reality were SO altered!)
They, (the Elohim, Karmic Board etc.)  have determined that the safest amount of condensation (vibration) on these Great Rays--for now--is a mere 0.75% of the original strength.
Those under the dispensations of Beloved Mother Akasha, Beloved Emanuel/Yesuah, and Beloved Saint Germain, and all the offspring groups, are safe. We will be taught all that we can do to arm ourselves with as much Light as is possible before the eve of December 22, 2012.  
When we stand and face the Light of God that Never Fails and make our calls, we must include our children, family & loved ones. We must become a gateway that the Light of God and the Love of God that Never Fails which is alive and expansive in us. (We can be in great service to these ones in this way.)
He spoke into one of the topics that Beloved Akasha introduced during Her discourse in the TOLC of Sept 26/12 (She took that entire class to speak into urgent matters): there are (°)three Suns which must come into Divine Triangulation. It is critical that the Light we are carrying greets the great Rays that come so it recognizes the Light growing within and expands it, into all that is held in our consciousness—our family & loved ones—comes under its influence. (to help us prepare for late November and what should be obvious to you and I)
The Call She gave for us to give/say:

I AM the Divine Triangulation between my Golden Sun’s Presence, the Physical Sun, and the Great Central Sun(s) !
It is IMPERATIVE THAT WE STOP EATING MEAT.  A little tiny bit of the fish realm is okay, but we must put the Violet Flame into it because many of the oceans are so contaminated.  We must wean our bodies off meat; the body consciousness has habit and momentum of getting protein from meat, and so does not readily absorb (metabolize) the protein from plants yet.  **This is to avoid convulsions and vomiting on December 22 with the new Rays coming to the Earth.
Call in the Violet Flame to remove the desire for dead animals out of you. And welcome the Sacred Flames of purification into the body (to take out any remaining "captured/slaughtered animal consciousness" that has registered in the cells of our bodies).
When placing the garment into the rest at night, make this CALL:
I welcome the Angels of the Sacred Flames of Purification to FINISH and REMOVE the last of this animal consciousness from me—take it right out of me!
We must turn and face the Light often, as much as possible though out our day. This will help so no agitation within our systems when the New Rays come in, rather that they complement and expand the Light within.

To be in service now, to help humanity and the Earth, call in this tremendous activity because it is from the Great Central Sun... an unending source of this activity:
Beloved I AM Presence, Great Cosmic Beings and Angelic Host,
release oceans and mighty strokes of the Great Central Sun’s mightiest Violet Flame Miracles of Eternity ...
...into the people of Earth that silences and consumes everything destructive within them!
...and into the Planet to purify and stabilize Her as much as possible...into the atmosphere, the structure of the Earth, the Powers of Nature and the Forces of the the Elements, into all the kingdoms that live and grow upon the surface of the Planet!

We can remind ourselves:
“It’s not about me...it’s about the Planet and everything that is Sacred upon Her. And that every individual be given an opportunity to make a choice for respect/love for the Greater.”
“God, how can I expand the Light in this Life You have given me?”

During the first 28 days from Dec. 22/12, the 5th Dimensional Rays will be projected into those who are most constructive to life, to be a raising vibration of more light, more love. Then, it will pour into the opposite: the most foul, the most destructive in the world.

The Ascended Masters desire that there be minimal impact...
“Make of me such a mighty foci of Light!” (e.g. the image of Beloved Emanuel/Jesus from the St. Germain Foundation or whatever you have,) and build the Light so that it is radiating into the auric field.
These 5th Dimensional Rays will take those who are deliberate and conscious pawns of the dark side.
Hold no fear:  AND “How can I prepare for the great Light coming...?”______________________________________


(°) Some of us are aware of, The 5 Suns which are the 5 Fingers of Holy Spirit/Mother God focused to / on Earth: *The Great Central; * Central; * This System's; * Earth's Inner/Central; and **The Sun of Divine Humanity—your Solar Christ/Buddah Sun, collectively   






Sun, 09/30/2012 - 12:32

ha yojman Thank's for the info, Look I just cant get anough ot this stuff ,could you attach a picture of how the 5 suns are  located.thank you very much

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