SaLuSa, October 1, 2012

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 10/01/2012 - 09:38
SaLuSa, October 1, 2012
Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ We have No idea why Mike made this statement "You do of course have to make friends with your ego, that will still try to maintain the "old you" least you forget how you used to be." You cannot make friends with an ego, cause an ego is just a program and is unconsciousness. So, that statement is very incorrect. The rest of this message is accurate. Love The Earth Allies

You enter another month, and look back and see how time has passed so quickly. During that period you have as Lightworkers done so much to lift the levels of consciousness, and a grand awakening is taking place. It is a great achievement against the background of the efforts of the Illuminati to distract you and create fear. You have not seen extensive arrests take place as expected, but nevertheless all the changes previously spoken about are proceeding. The delays have shown how much you have learnt, by keeping your focus upon the more important matters concerning your own evolution. It is not selfish to think about self, as no one else can prepare you for Ascension, although you can find plenty of advice.

The outer happenings are not essential to your progress, but present to you an opportunity to understand what the future holds for you. It is your entitlement that you have earnt by raising your vibrations, and reflects your greater upliftment into the Light. You cannot just decide you would like to ascend and be successful without first putting in the needed effort. It is unnecessary to absorb reams of information, although there is much available that will help your understanding. What is important is how you are inside and whether you have been able to look outwards and accept that you are All One. That will go a long way forward to helping you create a higher consciousness level.

Once you are on the path to becoming a Lightworker, you are well on your way to fulfillment. That does not mean you need become a teacher or administer to others, but that by your example become a shining Light. This way you can uplift others wherever you are with a kindly smile or word, and it has much more impact than you might imagine. You do of course have to make friends with your ego, that will still try to maintain the "old you" least you forget how you used to be. That is where your big changes occur as you are lifting out of the lower vibrations, and all that is part of it. It may even mean carefully choosing new friends, who are more compatible and understanding of the changes in you. Those souls of the lower vibrations are often very coarse and indulge in negative actions, and can be uncomfortable to be with. However, as you rise up you will also learn how to protect yourself against them.

Through the Law of Attraction you will naturally find yourselves gravitating towards souls of a similar vibration. These are friendships where you will help each other progress and that will most likely continue through Ascension and afterwards. Sometimes such attachments can be very strong and may indicate that you have been together many times before, and come from the same Star Family. Bear in mind that every soul has come to Earth from another civilization, and you are as much extraterrestrials as any others. Indeed, for that reason you feel very much at home with the idea of meeting us. You will be introduced to your true family in course of time, and they have followed your progress and will be overjoyed to meet you once again.

The Earth has been your testing place, and with its low vibration has had little chance to allow you to know your true self. Like any other soul you have at times become completely immersed in your life, without realizing you have been cut off from your true reality. That in fact was intended so that you fully experienced the lower dimension and all of its challenges. It would have been distracting and even depressing, to know about the life you left behind when you first incarnated upon Earth. Now it is different because you have moved back into the Light, and understand your true origin as a powerful soul with immense creative ability. When you have ascended you will be able to use those powers again, having become a trustworthy and knowledgeable soul.

So Dear Ones, press on with your upliftment and do not be deterred by what is happening outside of you. All is in reality proceeding to bring you completion of this cycle through Ascension, and you will benefit from all that has been promised. Do not waste your energy worrying about other matters, as all will come to a perfect end according to God's immaculate plan for you all. Rest assured that the cleansing of Earth is taking place even if you do not see or hear much evidence of it. There are joint actions occurring between us and our allies, and not only are we keeping the balance upon Earth but preventing damage from escalating. Soon progress will speed up immensely as new devices are making their way into the public domain, and will be even quicker once we arrive on your Earth.

As you can realize, we are still very much pushing for a result from the work our allies have put in to get the dark Ones out of the way. They can no longer put off the time for admitting that they have lost the battle, but arrogantly proceed with military actions that still cause death and destruction. We wonder how much longer your leaders need to understand that wars have never solved a problem. They simply enlarge it until as has often happened, a world war ignites with the loss of an immense number of lives. The answer to it is to send your Love and Light wherever the threat exists, and in particular to the leaders that are directly involved. It certainly does help and that it is where your total faith in the power of Light comes in.

Love is the most powerful energy of all and at your present level you have seen it in action for healing purposes, and in spite of the presence of the lower energies, it works. You need faith and understanding otherwise it will not carry the maximum power you can give. A mothers love is known to be healing and another example of what it can do. Each of you have a degree of healing ability within but often doubt it, so that it does not carry the full intent it might have done. Be positive and do your share to help uplift the Earth and all life upon it. Remember that you are to ascend with Mother Earth, and many other life forms are also ready to go forward. Not least of all are the animals, many of whom are your pets or have been domesticated to serve your needs.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and send Love and Blessings on behalf of all of your friends and family on board our ships.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light


loving Guest o… (not verified)

Mon, 10/01/2012 - 12:58

I can not understand how or why you posted your comment to this article?

I have no problem at all understanding the meaning of the statement "Make friends with your ego", it is by all means very possible and somehow what happens when you let go of old beliefs.

If you are jealous of someone/something, its because of your ego (telling you I want this for my self). When you learn to accept what is and that there is nothing to be jealous about, you just made "friends" with that part of your ego.


Maybe Bashar can explain it for you:…

I agree with you.  Mike's statement is, in my opinion, true and correct.  You most certainly can make friends with your ego (if it exists you can be friends), and yes, it is in your best interest to do so.  Shunning the ego will only empower it.  Love.  Making friends with someone/thing is Love.  Shunning is fear.  With all due respect to "Mother/Father God", you can expand your knowledge by allowing yourselves to learn from the wisdom of others, and not be so quick to arrogance.  Your views, just like everyone elses, are you opinions and your personal truths, not absolute, solid fact.  You are treading on a fine line that the cabal walks every single nano second. 


Mon, 10/01/2012 - 14:23

In reply to by onica

You might want to reflect on your statement:  "With all due respect to "Mother/Father God", you can expand your knowledge by allowing yourselves to learn from the wisdom of others, and not be so quick to arrogance.  Your views, just like everyone elses, are you opinions and your personal truths, not absolute, solid fact."

That certainly applies to you as well, doesn't it?

Guest (not verified)

Mon, 10/01/2012 - 13:32

The answer that resonates with me is simply "you don't have to lose your identity in the process of upliftment." You can lose the go, without losing who you are as an individual. All I've ever seen of highly evolved beings are these somber stiffs. Yes, they are eons beyond our intelligence, but I don't want to be a stiff when I get to that level. I want to still be me, of course, without the ego.

Salusa: Would you please tell us what is going on with Greg Giles?

what is ego? ego is an illusion and its unconsciousness. Its nothing AND IS NOT REAL. You cannot love something which is not real, you cannot even be friends with something that does not exist in reality. Speaking truth is not arrogant its being responsible and Being Love in Action. Becuase the ego is unconssciousness it cannot enter into full conscioisness. The problem right now on this Planet and the reason it apears to be going slow is because of the ego. We Love You! Always, and love always calls a spade a spade

loving Guest o… (not verified)

Mon, 10/01/2012 - 15:36

Wow, what an engagement. Thank you everyone!

I will not debate over which statement is more correct (another asset of the ego) than another when we are all different individuals, which must be kept in mind for teachings of the collective. I see good points and truths i every comment, I think we all have to "allow ourselves to learn from the wisdom of others".

I don't mean to be disrespectful to anyone.


If accepting everything about ourselves is how we come to Peace, then making friends with our ego is part of the bargain. It simply means accepting the ego as a key part of our earliest operating system.  As we evolve and engage the Heart the ego becomes less of a priority. It needs to be demoted back to its rightful place which is care and feeding of the human body, as long as we have one. From a psychological perspective what Salusa tells us is right: the ego is no longer a big deal once we make peace with it, accept it or call the process making friends - its just part of self-acceptance.

I don't see why the ego is needed to care for the body. If I need to eat, my brain picks up on that, and my Consciousness responds. I act out of the intention to preserve my physical vessel and to keep it functioning well. The ego is often what ruins the physical body and curses the flesh.

I see the ego as nothing more than the beliefs we have about ourselves, and as we strip those off, the True Self is revealed.

 I understood Mike's statement "to make friends with your ego" was to "make peace with your past". The time before we understood "ego" and all the times we may have allowed it to be a negative interference in whatever situation we may have been going through at the time.

Sometimes it is hard to look back into the past and see the "old you". Some memories of yourself could make you want to jump out of your skin! This is where I think it is really important to "make friends with ego" and understand that everything from your past was needed in order to get you to where you are today. It was all part of a process for your enlightenment. Without some of these things, we may not be here today. We need to have a peace about that and shouldn't feel shameful when we take a look back. Making friends with ego is understanding these things about ourselves and accepting them fully.


This is what I feel Mike's statement meant. I could be wrong, but these were my fist thoughts after reading. 




loving Guest o… (not verified)

Mon, 10/01/2012 - 18:10

Dear GFP!


I have for a while been following your site, and I truly love it, thank you for the work you do!!


I wish to address my concern on the matter of your posts regarding the "ego". I can tell that there are some confusion going on here. Please understand the definition of EGO :




   [ee-goh, eg-oh] Show IPA

 noun, plural e·gos.


 the “I” or self of any person; a person as thinking, feeling, and willing, and distinguishing itself from the selves of others and from objects of its thought.


 Psychoanalysis . the part of the psychic apparatus that experiences and reacts to the outside world and thus mediates between the primitive drives of the id and the demands of the social and physical environment.


 egotism; conceit; self-importance: Her ego becomes more unbearable each day.


 self-esteem or self-image; feelings: Your criticism wounded his ego.


 ( often initial capital letter ) Philosophy .


 the enduring and conscious element that knows experience.


 Scholasticism . the complete person comprising both body and soul.




As long as there is individuality either in 3d, 4d or 5d there will always be "ego". What you are referring to are "Egoism", definition:



   [ee-goh-iz-uhm, eg-oh-] Show IPA



 the habit of valuing everything only in reference to one's personal interest; selfishness ( opposed to altruism).


 egotism or conceit.


 Ethics . the view that morality ultimately rests on self-interest.




It can easily be referred to as “ego” but not when its said that is has to be dropped, not real, can not enter full consciousness or 5D.


As what has to happen with the ego is more an issue of changing it to understand that; “what is best for ALL also is best for ME”, when this is achieved there is no more egoism in the individual ego and you might call it “Altruism”(never heard of it before I started looking this up:/) definition:



   [al-troo-iz-uhm] Show IPA


1. the principle or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others ( opposed to egoism).

 2. Animal Behavior . behavior by an animal that may be to its disadvantage but that benefits others of its kind, as a warning cry that reveals the location of the caller to a predator.



What we all have to accept and learn is to choose service to all instead of service to self!


As for what is real, I believe only love/light is real. Physicality is an illusion of the soul, so if ego is an illusion I find it just as important as the illusion of physicality.


This is from my conscious understanding of what is.


I’m posting this as a comment and also sending you (GFP) this as an mail.

I will appreciate any kind of response.


All the best wishes,

Loving Guest of Norway


The ego we're referring to on this site is the false image of self, the illusionary self, the separate self. It's like an eggshell that you cast off when you're truly Born.

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