Incredible Progress for the Light in the O.R. 10/1/12

Submitted by Reiki Doc on Tue, 10/02/2012 - 05:04

I set before you a series of baby steps for Awakening that indicate enormous momentum of change for Medicine are taking place:

Miracle 1: The Awakened Scrub Tech
My favorite female surgical technician has been someone I was not sure was 'okay' to let know about the work in this blog. Although stated herself, 'I am really into UFO's', I held back. Others in the O.R. were learning about me, and keeping it to themselves. I just sensed that it would be 'too much' and 'too early' at the time to let this one 'in' on 'what is going on right under her nose' with this work. Well, yesterday she sent a message, with a link to what was yesterdays' blog. The time was right. I responded with full links to Disclosure As We Know It Today. She was okay with it.
When she walked into my O.R. briefly  to do something for work, I felt her aura--it is waking up, coming online, and confident in the Light.  This one will do big things,  I thought, and big things are good.

Miracle 2: The Request Case 'Reunion', part 1
In Pre-Op Holding I was treated to a wonderful 'reunion' of sorts: the aunt of one of my neurosurgical patients was herself to undergo neurological surgery, and had requested my services for the case.
This is huge for my career stability, to be requested and in demand for my care. Her niece had undergone staged procedures on both sides, with my side being the right. I was not available to her for the left side, and she had been disapppointed. She pointed me to both scars, and the 'Reiki' side was noticeably better healed than the 'un-Reiki' side. She was like a walking commercial for Intraoperative Reiki! Everything went well with the case, and I delivered the patient safely to PACU.
**Reiki was remarkable in that not very much of it 'went in'.

Miracle 3: The Redhead 'Neighbor'
I didn't say anything, but my next patient is probably going to see me at a grocery store or restaurant near my house. We live in the same community, which is somewhat off the beaten path. We spoke French, and I was delighted to make her acquaintance. She was the youngest, healthiest patient of the day.  P = patient, C = myself
P: Are you Doctor Love? Are you my anesthesiologist?
C: Yes, I am Dr. __________, and I will be taking care of you.

P: (is a yoga person) You have Such GOOD ENERGY! I feel so 'safe' right now!
C: I work very hard on my Energy. Thank you for mentioning it.

Again, uneventful case. Surgeon held patient's hand as she went to sleep. As she went unconscious, she was giving thanks to everyone for their care, giving thanks in advance. She emerged nicely, with two 'thumbs up' on how she felt on the gurney ride down the long hall in the Operating Room to PACU.

I also ran into Scrub Tech F, the swing shift one who is interested in my mediumship. 'I saw a new one! At Heritage Hill! I can't wait to tell you all about it!' I said, across the long O.R. hallway, in front of everybody.
He replied, 'I have been watching 'someplace on the east coat' Medium on T.V., and it's been really good!
(someone else goes--to him--what are you two talking about? and I hear him say, 'she sees ghosts' under his breath, and I hear a gasp of surprise from that person as I keep pushing the gurney)

**this Reiki was with Archangel Michael, and an entirely new style to me. It was quick, Angel-guided, powerful, and effective. With Spirit you are always learning something new I thought to myself with a smile.



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