What Will Ascension be Like? ~ Part 1/2

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 10/08/2012 - 09:20

2012 October 8

by Steve Beckow

Many people wonder what Ascension will be like. To address that desire to know, I’ve taken salient quotes from Archangel Michael’s readings or Hour with an Angel interviews, and put them together in one place for easy reference.

Part 1 is on the experience of Ascension and Part 2 is on the dimension we’ll go to, Earth’s progress, disappearance or no disappearance, and the certainty of the event. Please be aware that not all sources agree on all these matters. Archangel Michael’s is the version I prefer.

Will Ascension be Gradual or Sudden?

Steve Beckow: Is [Ascension] going to be a shift that happens in a moment, or is it going to be a gradual shift?

Archangel Michael: There is a moment when the door opens. So it has been and is a gradual awakening. You have seen the changes mentally, physically, emotionally; interconnectedness; the shift in the collective. But there is that moment when it clicks. So it is a moment. Actually, it is a period of about 20 to 24, 26 hours.

S: What are you describing, Lord? Is it an opening of a portal or a change in vibration, or…? Is it possible to put into words?

AAM: It is a change in the entire collective vibration within which Earth, Gaia and everything upon it comes together … in a different vibration. So it is not like going through a portal. … You have gone through many portals, and that has been part of what you think of as these mini-shifts that you have been undergoing. …

And some people have gone through them very eagerly. Certainly the planet has gone through them. Many of the elemental kingdoms have done their work as well. But there is what we think of as a moment, which for you feels more like a day or so. There is a moment when it is harmonized all together. …

S: Are there three days of darkness? …

AAM: … Think of it as blinking. Have you ever blinked and the room seems brighter all of a sudden? This happens all the time in your meditation. …

So it is more like a blink. You may have the experience of physicality — for that is part of the joy of being on this Earth — if you want to. It is a shift in potential of how you operate and how everything…. So it is as if all at once there is a cleanup crew. And what is swept away, what is swept away, my beloved one, is the remnants of the fear, of the hatred, of the darkness. (1)

What Will the Actual experience of Ascension be Like?

In that moment, what we are calling a moment, there is a choice. And it can happen instantaneously, because so many of you have laid the foundation — do you want to be in the heart of One of love? Do you wish to be in the higher frequency? In the very last second, all they need to say is yes, and allow themselves to be flooded by what you can think of as a tidal wave of energy that will sweep the planet. That is why we say all are invited. (2)

The sense will be that you are flying upward. It is a physical sensation of movement. And a remembering, or a sensation of remembering, that you have wings, or the ability to fly. So that is the feeling of ascending up the sacred spiral.

There will also be in that period, which can be moments or a few hours, [a sensation] of feeling disassociated, that even if you were to open your eyes, even if you were to look at a floor, you would see that it is simply made of particles, subatomic particles, quantum particles, that it is not solid. So you have begun immediately to have the real sensation or vision of how things can be seen, and how they are seen, maybe, from this side.

So there is a sense of unreality. Now, if you wish to make things solid, you will just simply say that you want that, and it will appear. But the knowing that that is simply a construct that you are creating already is there in full consciousness. When you decide to open your eyes, how you see the colors, the textures, the richness, the air will be very different. What you think of as your senses will be heightened, oh, at least a thousand-fold.

So, there is a little adjustment. And we are with you, and we obviously take care of that, because this is completely a joyous situation to be in. Think of it as being spiritually orgasmic. It is the union of all.

Then, you will settle into this knowing, and of course that choice of physicality. But also know that if you choose to keep physicality, immediately what you have noted as, what we would call human aches and pains are gone. But the biggest shift is you no longer live or exist — you can visit, you can exhibit, but you do not live — within the third dimension, where you are in that movement of what you think of as going up the sacred spiral.

That is the best analogy I can give you. … And it will be the place of love. It will be all of a sudden that the decisions, the actions, the existence, the form is love, and is from love, and is of love. So that sense of either/or, of what you traditionally have thought of as yes or no, of duality, of polarity, is gone. It is the alignment. The entire journey in this third-dimensional existence is reaching this place of alignment, of placing yourself beyond the either/or. And when you are doing that in this ascension process, it is like a Roman candle: off you go. (3)

Think of it in terms of when a baby, a human baby, is birthed, sometimes it is a very easy delivery, sometimes it is 30 hours of labor. Sometimes the mother decides to birth in the fields, sometimes she births in the ocean. Sometimes she goes to a beautiful room. Other times she goes to an operating room and has a C-section. But the birthing still occurs. So this is what happens. …

It is a feeling of complete and utter surrender and bliss. It is a sensation — physical, mental, emotional, spiritual — of union. So there is a moment where you feel, oh, I have died. Because that is the sense of such release and reconnection. But of course you are not dying. (4)

(Continued in Part 2.)


(1) “Archangel Michael on Ascension,” Sept. 13, 2011, at http://the2012scenario.com/the-2012-scenario/what-role-are-the-angels-playing/archangel-michael-on-ascension/

(2) “Archangel Michael on NESARA, Opposing the Cabal, and Ascension – Part 2/3,” Oct. 3, 2011, at http://the2012scenario.com/2011/10/archangel-michael-on-nesara-opposing-the-cabal-and-ascension-part-23/

(3) Loc. cit.

(4) “Archangel Michael on Ascension,” ibid.



When clicking on part two, it comes up with a page that says the content can't be found.

Now, I am so glad you posted this timely message. We all talk about the ascension, but mostly for those of us not yet psychic, it is a nebulous term at best. I sense that it is something beautiful to be experienced, but had no clue as to what it entails. The "Operation Terra" site explained it as "God blinks, and everything physical is undone", stops existing, so to speak. What they didn't explain, was the ecstacy that went along with it; the coming home part, and the part were fear and all of the other negatively vibrating emotional props would be swept away. That was comforting! Frankly, I'm so looking forward to it, I can't wait!

Guest (not verified)

Mon, 10/08/2012 - 19:00

Please fix the link for part two!! This is very interesting and is resonating so much more than anything else I've read regarding the subject matter.

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