SaLuSa ~ 10/10/2012 It is relatively plain sailing now

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 10/10/2012 - 08:24

It is relatively plain sailing now, although you will have difficult periods to cope with. However, they will be short lived and having anticipated them we will ensure that they cause the minimum of inconvenience to you. Our allies are aware of how near they are to accomplishing their objectives, and as always we are behind them. You might reflect on the fact that the physical changes on Earth have been nowhere near as catastrophic as was prophesied. Some may point at the Fukushima incident, but that was not natural but a false flag attack. In fact although there have been numerous earthquakes which is quite normal, none have had what you would call really serious consequences. We have all along closely monitored such occurrences, and have minimized the after effects.

We are still very much involved with Disclosure, and already this year you have seen much more proof of our presence than previously. It is opening the way for full Disclosure, and it will come about before the end of the year. That will mark a massive change in your collective consciousness, and take you into the New Age. As you know, we have much to share with you that will move you ahead in leaps and bounds. It will be an exciting time for us all, and the illusions that you have been living under will be swept away. From various contacts with your people over the last 60 years or so, we have gradually got you to become more aware of us. Now our presence is widely known, and there can be few people that have not heard about our craft visiting your Earth.

When it is seen that we come in peace and to help you, the last obstacle to accepting us will have been removed. The frightening images of us deliberately conveyed to you to leave you in fear, will no longer carry any power. We already know which world Leaders can be trusted, and Barack Obama will lead the way. It seems we cannot say it enough times to convince some people, but he is a highly spiritual soul simply waiting his opportunity to begin his real mission. He will re-unite the world in peace, and set the scene for our coming. The doubters will not have long to see that what we say is true. Once we can address you and explain our tasks to get on track for the benefits of Ascension, your dreams will come true. Duality will become history and a wonderful new life will be yours where peace and harmony reign.

So you are now in the time of great expectations, and these will be fulfilled as you have been promised. Your present governments still stick to the usual policies that deny what you know to be true, and the media still follow suit. However, that will all change before very long, and the truth will come out. Many have sold their souls to hold onto their jobs and simply do as they are told. You should really be able to enjoy free expression, and not be subject to unfair laws that are used to keep you quiet. In the near future there will be a reappraisal of your laws and those that are unjust and outside of your rights will be removed.

As you can imagine there is so much to be done, but we are fully prepared for it all. We already know where the action needs to be taken, and there will be no delay in getting things moving. You of course will be very much involved in our joint activities, and be assured that we know who we can call upon for help. By that time the dark Ones will have been removed, and the work can go ahead unhindered. Different languages present no difficulty to us as we read you telepathically, and that is our normal form of contact with our people. In time you will also became efficient at telepathy, and the spoken language will disappear. Past evidence will show that we have known your questions as they formed in your mind, and answered them before they were spoken.

Your future is to be like us, and you will become Galactic Beings with all of the attributes that we now display. For example we do not experience tiredness as you do, because we are in the higher vibrations. However, we can take measures to rejuvenate ourselves if so desired. We also have drinks that are a source of energy, although we do take it from the energy source around us. In fact, in a lighter body you will have no need for the intake of heavy foods, and eat quite lightly as much for relaxation as anything else. We have what you might consider to be fruit drinks that are very nourishing, but no alcohol. We see it as a poison and you will not find it in our level of existence. In fact you will have no requirement for heavy foods at all, and we certainly do not eat animals.

As in the higher dimensions you will enjoy total health, you will understand that you will not need drugs or medicines, or even surgery as our methods are so more far advanced than yours. We use color and sound to heal which is much more effective and without the side affects your treatments often involve. Wait until your Cities of Light appear on Earth, and you shall experience for yourself exactly what we have described, and even more. We are so excited for you and what you shall enjoy as we make our technologies available to you. Life will be vastly different from what you have now, and it awaits you now.

We would naturally have liked to have been much further forward than we are now, and would use one of your expressions that “the best things in life are worth waiting for”. On Earth you experience so much stress due to the obligations placed upon you, and the pace at which life progresses. All that will disappear and just does not exist in vibrations that bring constant peace and harmony. There are no “jobs” such as you describe your occupations, but more of doing what you enjoy to contribute to the benefit of everyone else. You will find that you have even more freedom to decide what to do with your lives, and because of your higher levels of consciousness will choose responsibly.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and speak for all of our members of the Galactic Federation of Light, when I wish you all a happy transition and a wonderful experience through the process of Ascension. The whole Universe will be watching and sending you immense love to help you on your journey. In time you will meet your friends and families from afar for a great re-union.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey. Website: Tree of the Golden Light




Guest (not verified)

Wed, 10/10/2012 - 09:52

Forgive my lack of understanding but I cant believe Obama would be of light and be promoting war and murder of innocent people. Can you enlighten me?

..greetings friend..


perhaps if you were to think in terms of a trojan horse,,or ace up the sleeve scenario,,it may be easier to get your head around it...

light and love :))

O (not verified)

Wed, 10/10/2012 - 15:05

Despite the continual claims of channeled messages that Mr. Obama is of the light, Lightworkers cannot be blamed for their lack of faith or doubt in Mr. Obama simply because his continual actions that portray that he is NOT working for the light.

Besides, it's always the same "entities" that make the claim:




Also, channeled messages can be manipulated n have been, such as Greg Giles.

Just recently, Greg has ceased channeling because he was being manipulated and could no longer discern if he was channeling a "positive"' entity or not, despite his sincere efforts to bring the truth.

I could be wrong, but it's possible that these channeled messages could be mixed with thoughts from the channelers subconscious.


Regarding Mr. Obama's questionable actions--Just one of numerous examples is Mr. Obama blocking the release of advanced technology by Mr. Keshe & The Keshe Foundation. This site heavily promotes the Keshe Foundation, yet also promotes the same man who passed an executive order to block it!

So, one has a choice: channeled messages vs actions.

I'll choose the latter.


I'm open to being wrong, n if I am, I'll eat my words.
But for now, like many others, I'll take Ron Paul over Mr. Obama any day!

Other than that, thank you for the positive message.

O (not verified)

Wed, 10/10/2012 - 16:00

In reply to by beti_63

There was much talk about the "flying saucer" created by Iran that Keshe says he helped work on, and that was supposed to be a big part of the advanced technology Iran has. Well, Iran released the "flying saucer" publicly and it turns out it's nothing more than a quadcopter, which was invented in the 1920s and has been public knowledge since then. Here's the news release. These things are sold as children's toys in the US. Brings into question how advanced Iran's technology really is.

As far as that executive order goes, I'm not sure it blocks Keshe or his technology at all. It's all about information technology having to do with communications, and nothing about the technology Keshe is speaking of. Even if it does block Keshe, why doesn't Keshe just release it to the rest of the world? Obama isn't king of the world. There's a whole lot of unanswered questions here, and unfortunately, the simple answer that explains it all is that Keshe never had the advanced technology to begin with. I'm not really sure what to believe about all this, but I'm starting to be rather skeptical of Keshe.

O (not verified)

Wed, 10/10/2012 - 18:53

In reply to by KarenLove

Perhaps you could be right.

Like I said, I'm open to being wrong, n if I am, I'll eat my words.


But at the moment n until events manifest, I stand with the others n other Ascension-related sites who pick Ron Paul to be the president of the Republic of the uSA. A sound n clean track record of acting in accordance with the uSA Constitution for over 25 years n with actions such as being bold enough to expose, audit, n/or end the US Federal Reserve n the corrupt banksters--that to me conveys n constitues a more suitable candidate than Obama. There's many more reasons as well:

The cabal fear Ron Paul because they know what he'll do, hence the mass media censorship, corruption, n suppression to prevent people from being aware of Ron Paul n his policies.
Even Gregg of indirectly calls Obama "evil" n would rather choose Ron Paul:


Anyways, we're all in this together n in due time we shall see how things will unfold.

Take care.


Fri, 10/12/2012 - 09:53

We are going to blow it if we as the people dont make the right choice for president.I know any body reading this needs to really think with  logical hart felt reasoning.We need to ellect Jill Reed for our new president.we can't possibly think that with out "THE PRIME LAW",AS A NEW AMENDMENT. that goverment and grups of people will stop taking advantage of people,You see that's why we are in this mess in the first place.It's so simple that it's hard to get it.Politic is a hoax .please go to and see Jill's platform I am sure you will LOVE it,We need THE PRIME LAW.It is for freedom,it is freedom,our goverment will transform into a protection only.JILL REED is the only person that is going to do this for us.Check it out for you self,we dont need someone that know politics ,we need someone that know's how to bring us peace and happyness.I've done my studies and i know with out a dought that we can trust JILL WITH THIS TASK,"to make the amendment"I cant beleave that obama is going the free the USA becouse no one can do it with out THE PRIME LAW,he has not said one word of anythink that would emply that he is doing any thing like it. vote .   REED/CAREY    and be done with the hoax.

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