No News of Consequence from Drake on Wednesday

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 10/18/2012 - 09:12


Commentary from The GFP~ AS Always With Drake Use Your Discernment. His information about Cobra from our Experience with Cobra is false. We Feel Cobra is With us In the Light. Love The Earth Allies


Although Drake wasn’t able to share any dramatic news on the mid-week update call, there are a couple of things I wanted to share after listening to the hour I missed on Sunday, and some tid-bits from yesterday.

The wild rumours about martial law, and the hyped-up and recirculated articles about the 450,000,000 rounds of hollow point bullets ordered by DHS can, and should, I think, be put into  their proper perspective.

Drake admitted that yes, what the cabal had planned for us IF THEY COULD DO WHATEVER THEY WANTED was something we don’t even want to have nightmares about, but we don’t need to worry about it. It just isn’t going to happen.

On Sunday he elaborated on the grand plan, so let’s get into it and put it to rest, in peace, once and for all.

There are rumours about gangs being used to wipe out large numbers of civilians and law enforcement officers. The actual plan was that there would be hired anarchists in all the big cities and their job was to create events that would get people out into the streets.

They would incite violence and once they got the crowds going and the police arrived on the scene, they would then isolate the police from the crowds, killing them.

They would then go after the civilians, with real guns and ammunition—no rubber bullets, eliminating as many as possible; permanently, followed by visiting residences and pulling people out of hiding, confiscating their guns and hauling them off for “re-education”, extermination, concentration camps, etc.

The plan was to draw out the militias and permanently eliminate the resistance.

Drake says this scenario will NOT unfold and the perpetrators of this plan are now on the menu.

On Wednesday (yesterday) Drake said we are extremely close to pulling the stool out from under the cabal and it’s going to be very messy.

When questioned about the requisition for hollow point bullets, Drake replied that maybe they wanted them for target practice. Bullets aren’t a bad thing.

I did a quick search on hollow point bullets, and although they are designed to do maximum damage to flesh and organs and have significant stopping power, the benefit is that they usually remain in the initial body of impact, rather than traveling through and doing collateral damage to other people and property.

I think it’s also important to note that there was a requisition for the bullets, not delivery, (can the cabal even pay for them at this juncture?) and they were to be delivered over the next five years.

It’s not an issue, so let’s just calm down and stop focusing on that. The interesting part about the requisition is that it came not from the military, but DHS, which would be the TSA, and other groups who don’t even carry guns, but no doubt the plan was to change that, judging by the ridiculous antics of the TSA agents in some of the airports today.

There is also chatter on the WWW about “Cobra”, particularly since Drake outted him.  Drake reiterated that much of the information Cobra shares is “blatantly false, totally misleading horse-hockey” and he knows where he works; that if Cobra didn’t work for the cabal he wouldn’t have anything to say. He is a “professional shill”.

Drake suggests that if you are unable to organize a group to assist in cleaning up locally, contact a group that already exists, like the militia, and contribute that way.

Watch Drake’s Global Voice Facebook page for updates between now and Sunday, including notification of an emergency broadcast, if required.


Guest (not verified)

Thu, 10/18/2012 - 09:36


Drake just posted this to Facebook


Awright, HEADS UP!!!
I have been trying to let everyone know...everthing BE very CLOSE...Yes?
Well, guess what?
Da End Game IS at our doorstep...
We ALL need to complete our readiness/preparations...NOW.

>All the things I have been expressing on the shows and our website are just about to START... Get that right, Start...
Anyone who needs to be talked to, do it now...
There will be several 'notices' coming from several places in order let everyone know what is going on and what to do.
We may NOT get to our Sunday show...IT is that close...think first of next week at the latest.
>I have received intel from five of my contacts that stipulates that the 'action' is very close to taking place.
>WHEN notification is to be made, I will be posting it on this page and our website.
Exciting as this is...each of our actions must show restraint, take it slow and easy. Do not lose your control or take extraordinary actions just yet.
Make sure you are in contact with the militia in your area, they will receive the 'final' instructions at the right time, and you will need to know that information.
Everyone should be careful and safe as this unfolds.

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