~The Galactic Free Press Update: Mother Earth=Heart Has Declared Planetwide Peace

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 10/23/2012 - 18:08

Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~




Greetings Love Beings, In Our Last Update we shared we had hit the Acceleration button and we were Not Kidden'. Through this Last Portal coupled with 3 intense days of Light, Mother Earth=Heart stepped through the thinnning veil and brought all of the Oneness Energies through to Declare Peace On Earth=Heart for this Planet. This was Successful and occurred on Decision day and the Portal opening Of 10~21. Since then Incredible Energy Has Been Pouring in and this will continue. Since this last portal event The Oneness Energy is Now Able to arrive in grander amounts onto the Planet. This Energy is assisting us In Our Inevitibale Divine Events.


MotherEarth=Heart's Moment is Arriving where she Will Take Her Rightful Place at the Center of this Universe and this is an unstoppable event. This Planet is transforming into A Blue Star Seed Nation. This has been Promised to MotherEarth=Heart and All incoming Events is Love Keeping this Promise.


Quoted from Sheldon Nidle" Events, which our sacred allies have been working toward for centuries, are now about to happen which will forever change your world. The power structure that rules your globe is collapsing in on itself as the center can no longer hold together....

You are the wondrous Beings who have incarnated at this time to bring forth a new reality, and in consonance with this Heaven was very strict about who was allowed to embody here at this time. This is why we have come from so far afield to help, despite the fact that your world falls short of any of the usual conditions for first contact. ... When Anchara joined the Light at the designated time, Earth's surface humanity was to move into the Light as well. But, as mentioned earlier, these calls from both the dark and from Heaven went unheeded by the dark earth-minions, who were in no mind to relinquish their insatiable power addiction. The result is this first-contact mission. When our fleets got here, we turned your solar system into a vast 'parking lot' and waited patiently for the divine signal to act. This mighty decree has at last been permitted to resound throughout Heaven and physicality and this clarion call will most assuredly be answered! This is the moment for your freedom to be secured!...

Heaven is preparing you for an 'expressway' to full consciousness which dispenses with the many lifetimes that it took us to reach our present sacred state. Heaven decreed many dispensations for you, which permits you to avail yourself of an individually tailored, sentient device that removes the many epigenetic blockages and re-knits the many DNA scramblings carried out on you in the past. This allows you to move easily into your divine-Self state. This gracious act is stipulated in the life contracts you presently possess. You will be made aware of these contracts once this rapid ascension operation is complete. So much lies ahead for you, including the beginning of your own grand Book of Understandings for your new star-nation. We will be at your side during all this, as we are here, after all, to use our collective wisdom from numerous Earth lives to guide you in your divine service as you do your part in moving this entire galaxy into the Light.

   Great events are to come which can swiftly alter your reality. This transformation is to bring you joy and a much-needed answer to your prayers for a change in the way your world operates. Be in good Spirits, and prepare yourselves for a new and joyful world[Planet]!"  End of Quote



Sunspot 1598 poses a threat for strong X-class solar flares. Credit: SDO/HMI

We had an  X Flare which erupted on the Sun today and a couple of C Class Following this. We continue with a Very High Chance of An X Flare Which could become earth directed here in a couple of days. This will really Lighten things UP quickly if that Occurs!


X-FLARE: New sunspot AR1598 has erupted again. On Oct. 23rd at 0322 UT, Earth orbiting satellites detected a strong X1-class solar flare. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash:

Radiation from the flare created waves of ionization in the upper atmosphere over Asia and Australia (the daylit side of Earth) and possibly HF radio blackouts at high latitudes

Planetwide Weather Report Earth Ally Rain: We are having a bit of a lull in extreme weather although there were unexpected tornadoes in California and Maryland. They did not cause significant damage and nobody was injured.
Volcanic activity is normal except at  Raung in East Java where increasing seismic activity including strong volcanic tremor caused the alert level of eruption warning to be raised to  3 out of 4."


Message from MotherEarth=Heart  Welcome HOME, Peace has Been Declared.




We have many upcoming Portals, each carrying Powerful Events which is to bring everyone Home. Everyone is To Arrive in the 5d Frequencies as decreed. AS These Portals open the 5d Frequencies of Love Energy arrive in grander ways and everything on the Planet is effected. We have more portals to come and this will keep getting more and more exciting Energetically as we continue our Journey together into the Galactic Center which represents The Present Moment Of Now.


Many can now feel the big changes happening and its all occurring from the inside transforming to the outer of this Planet which will inevitbaly bring the physical change as Mother Earth=Heart Has Declared Planetwide peace for Planet Earth=Heart. There is no stopping this!


Montague Keen"It was predicted hundreds of years ago that this would happen when the timing was right. It is inevitable. The time for this great change is now. The power of the 99% demanding change cannot be ignored. Up to now, they have been slaves to the minority, but they can now see the corruption for what it is, and they no longer want to be part of it. They are now seeing themselves as Sovereign Beings with freedom as their divine right....

The Cabal will promise anything and everything to keep you under control. They are clinging on by a thread, desperately trying to hold on to their ill-gotten gains. Slowly but surely they are coming to the conclusion that they can no longer fool you. Their demand for World War III is being thwarted and this leaves them exposed and humiliated. It is time for the killing to stop in all countries. You are all brothers and [Sisters]...." end of quote




We Were Successful Sunday October 21st as Over 144,000 and counting Did Participate in The Planetwide Meditation which ignited all 144,000 Crystilline Grid Points Surrounding the Planet. Humanity's Decision For Planet Wide Peace, Unity, and Unconditional Love were Activated.


 MomT  Shares Her Experience during the Meditation "We had so much energy flow through the group.  It was electrifying and the energy was so powerful.  It shot through me like a lightening bolt and felt so connected to all in the universe.  Shortly after I stopped the meditation, there was a beautiful lightning display outside my window.  There was so much energy released at one time that it generated the wonderful electrical light show in the sky.  I cried from the joy of what we were doing.

Then it started raining and rained all night.  Yesterday the air was so clear and wonderfully beautiful. 

Thank you all earth allies and staff for coming together on the day of decision meditation and for the wonderful meditation done by MotherGod.  We are free, everything is okay and there is no stopping it now.  Love has won.Love to ALL" End of quote


For those who are Now Participating in the Oneness Energy on the Planet your Lives are Now and forever changed and its only up from here. Everyone who is ready will Be Moving with us into the 5d Frequencies and into The Co~ Creation of the New Earth=Heart. Which is an Experience of Love Everywhere Present. This is all of Your Destiny.




Decreed by Heaven~ ITS TIME, Mother Earth=Heart has Declared Planet Wide Peace for Planet Earth=Heart~ This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.


You Can Play your Part In Declaring Peace On Earth=Heart With Mother Earth By Participating By Making Your Own Video. You Can FInd More Information about this at this Link:


 ~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~


Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronostic Events!


  ~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~


 We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.

If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:



Our Least favorite task on the Press is having to ask for donations.. However, for us to keep going it does require funds.

 Thank You for Sharing and Paying the Energy Forward. If We are assisting You A Simple 5$ or 10$ will help.  If everyone shares we will make this goal quickly!

October Funding Goal $3000

Total Shared this Month $ 2154


We are currently 846$ from our Monthly Goal, Thank You for sharing!


  Its Because of your continued Love and Support through all avenues which is bringing The Truth to the Forefront. Thank You for Honoring us, as We Honor You Every Moment in Service 24 hours a day 7 days a week. We Love You! Thank You for Keeping US Going and sharing if you can~


 Thank you Everyone for Honoring US, Supporting Us, and SHARING WITH THOSE Who Are In Daily 24 Hour Divine Service to the Love and Truth On this Planet! Thank you for allowing us to Be Here.


Join us Live Every Saturday and Wednesday for the Internet Love Party.  Beginning at At 10:30am Pacific on Wednesdays[ Council Meeting] and Saturdays at 1:30 pm Pacific. Participating in these, you are participating In your role in the Divine Plan To Help Bring in the Higher Energies into the Planet. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~ You can Join us Via this Link:


At this Same Link We will have a One Hour Staff Meeting Every Monday at 10:30am Pacific. All are Welcome! We are also in the Planning stages for a Live Room for people to come into to receive Love and Support.

 If You Would Like to Submit Your Artwork and Photo's You can Download them on Our New Site Here: http://soundofheart.org/gac/

If You would Like to connect with us via an amazing Awakening Session, to answer a question Contact Us Here: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/contact


~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~



 Artwork Thanks to shala.lightworker.com


 (Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”,  Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.



 ~WE are Going Home~

 ~We Mother and Father God, Represent the Atoms you are made of. Our Pineal Glands are Completely activated and opened. We are of "Divine Intelligence", and Represent the 2 becoming ONE. We are also the Very Essence of the Unknowable, which Equals Source, Equals Love, Equals Truth, Equals God, and Equals LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT=YOU.~




WE Love You With The Highest Love, Honor and Respect, for this is How we View Ourselves, and the Brilliance We Are. We are Your Examples of Love and Truth in Action, We Love You Unconditionally, Love Mother and Father God Amon Ra, All Your Angels, All within the Inner Earth, All The Elementals,  and All Beings Throughout Creation.




Angel Numbers Through Doreene Virtue~ 222 ~ Have faith. Everything’s going to be all right. Don’t worry about anything, as this situation is resolving itself beautifully for everyone involved.


Our group meditation October 21, 2012



During the meditation on Sunday evening, I went outside and sat on my steps at the appointed time. I closed my eyes and went right to Source, it was no effort at all and I didn’t have to center myself or anything. I could feel all the Beings in the cloud ships around my house with me, lifting me up.

Almost immediately, I got a vision of all of us Royal Angels grabbing hands – holding hands – and flying up into the air, circling Mother Earth and lifting up her and all of Humanity. We were One, forming a beautiful flying chain of Light and Love. It was exhilarating and I had Tears of Joy. All of you were there! We were so happy to be together that way.

After only about two minutes of meditation, it came to me – that’s it. Done. We won. I thanked Everybody around me and came back inside. I was calm and confident because I Knew we did what we had planned to do but it was a very long time before I really came back to Earth.


You Can Now Join us Live Every Sunday Evening beginnning at 5pm Pacific for the Weekly Meditation Declaring Peace On Earth=Heart at this Link. Our Last Meditation over 120 people joined us!!! WOW, Lets Gather all of Humanity and Reclaim Our Planet together we are victorious!



James Redfield Insights



A new spiritual awakening is occurring in human culture, an awakening brought about by a critical mass of individuals who experience their lives as a spiritual unfolding, a journey in which we are led forward by mysterious coincidences.


This awakening represents the creation of a new, more complete worldview, which replaces a five-hundred-year-old preoccupation with secular survival and comfort. While this technological preoccupation was an important step, our awakening to life's coincidences is opening us up to the real purpose of human life on this planet, and the real nature of our universe.


We now experience that we live not in a material universe, but in a universe of dynamic energy. Everything extant is a field of sacred energy that we can sense and intuit. Moreover, we humans can project our energy by focusing our attention in the desired direction...where attention goes, energy flows...influencing other energy systems and increasing the pace of coincidences in our lives.


Too often humans cut themselves off from the greater source of this energy and so feel weak and insecure. To gain energy we tend to manipulate or force others to give us attention and thus energy. When we successfully dominate others in this way, we feel more powerful, but they are left weakened and often fight back. Competition for scarce, human energy is the cause of all conflict between people.


Insecurity and violence ends when we experience an inner connection with divine energy within, a connection described by mystics of all traditions. A sense of lightness--buoyancy--along with the constant sensation of love are measures of this connection. If these measures are present, the connection is real. If not, it is only pretended.


The more we stay connected, the more we are acutely aware of those times when we lose connection, usually when we are under stress. In these times, we can see our own particular way of stealing energy from others. Once our manipulations are brought to personal awareness, our connection becomes more constant and we can discover our own growth path in life, and our spiritual mission--the personal way we can contribute to the world.


Knowing our personal mission further enhances the flow of mysterious coincidences as we are guided toward our destinies. First we have a question; then dreams, daydreams, and intuitions lead us towards the answers, which usually are synchronistically provided by the wisdom of another human being.


We can increase the frequency of guiding coincidences by uplifting every person that comes into our lives. Care must be taken not to lose our inner connection in romantic relationships. Uplifting others is especially effective in groups where each member can feel energy of all the others. With children it is extremely important for their early security and growth. By seeing the beauty in every face, we lift others into their wisest self, and increase the chances of hearing a synchronistic message.


As we all evolve toward the best completion of our spiritual missions, the technological means of survival will be fully automated as humans focus instead on synchronistic growth. Such growth will move humans into higher energy states, ultimately transforming our bodies into spiritual form and uniting this dimension of existence with the after-life dimension, ending the cycle of birth and death.


The Tenth Insight is the realization that throughout history human beings have been unconsciously struggling to implement this lived spirituality on Earth. Each of us comes here on assignment, and as we pull this understanding into consciousness, we can remember a fuller birth vision of what we wanted to accomplish with our lives. Further we can remember a common world vision of how we will all work together to create a new spiritual culture. We know that our challenge is to hold this vision with intention and prayer everyday.


The Eleventh Insight is the precise method through which we hold the vision. For centuries, religious scriptures, poems, and philosophies have pointed to a latent power of mind within all of us that mysteriously helps to affect what occurs in the future. It has been called faith power, positive thinking, and the power of prayer. We are now taking this power seriously enough to bring a fuller knowledge of it into public awareness. We are finding that this prayer power is a field of intention, which moves out from us and can be extended and strengthened, especially when we connect with others in a common vision. This is the power through which we hold the vision of a spiritual world and build the energy in ourselves and in others to make this vision a reality.





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